get to know the real city Brno is great in its own way: a lot of students, cosy cafes, decent prices, amazing functionalist buildings and also perfect public transport. Yep, we're really happy with our public transport. Also, Brno is not eaten up by tourists, so you can experience an authentic Czech city. Have you ever walked on the Charles Bridge in Prague on a summer day? Well, that's not Brno. If you want to pa} us a compliment, come up with other advantages of Brno. We tend to be a bit modest ourselves. don't say czechoslovakia Come on guys, it has been more than 20 years since Czechoslovakia has split into two separate and independent states. So, please, don't call us Czechoslovakia, we won't appreciate it. And if you happen to know that the agreement of separation was signed in 1993 in Vila Tugendhat in Brno (p> . you will look smart and make us happy. learn the czech "ř" Ask somebody to teach you the correct pronunciation of the word "Žabovřesky" [zhabovrzheskih] or another one: "Řečkovice" [rzhechkovitseh], which both standsfor quarters in Brno. Or you can try our ton g ue twister starting with "tři sta třicet tři..." [trzhihsta- trzhitset trzhih], which means "333". speak czenglish Be prepared that most Czech people can't speak English very well, particularly the older generation. And if we do speak English, it will actually be Czenglish - a mixture of English and a Czech pronunciation. Moreover we create our sentences in the same order as in Czech. The key is to speak English slowly, pronounce roughly and to use a lot of hand signs and silly faces. Good luck. don't take a taxi unless you are a millionaire Use public transport instead! Particularly night public transport is legendary in Brno. There is a unique system of night buses (called "rozjezd"), leaving at 23:00, 00:00, 01:00, 02:00, 03:00, 04:00 and 05:00 into every direction of the city from the main train station. You will talk to random people and get yourself into situations you've seen only in movies. drink beer like czechs We are very friendly and it is a matter of culture to toast with beer on every occasion. It is not just saying "na zdraví" [naz-drah-vi] and hitting glasses with everyone at the table, we also knock the pint glass on the table and after that we finally drink. Note: a pint of beer is the normal size. Half pints (0,3 I) aren't suitable, even for girls. Drink beer like we do in these pubs f^. order a lunch menu Lunch is our favourite and the largest meal of the day. The "menicka" - the lunch menu during the lunch time - lasts from 11:00 to 14:00. Most restaurants offer a menu with soup and a choice between at least three main courses for a very favourable price (around 85 C2K). Check out the promotions of many restaurants on this website like we do (also in English): try local beer Our local beer is light and called "Starobrno". The best is the one with 11 degrees (= 4,7 % alcohol). It is a love it or hate it kind of thing. So try one and form your own opinion. be proud of our vine South Moravia is a wine region, so don't stick to drinking only beer in Brno. On a warm night, it's completely common to see lovers and students disappearing into the darkness of Spilberk or Luzanky park 51 carrying one important thing - a plastic bottle of Moravian wine. Then stars seem shinier, to say it in Czenglish. Brno's wine bars offer glasses to stay or take away (see £ ). simply love cafes We are able to spend many hours there. We love the spirit of conversation and observing others at the neighbouring table. But don't get us wrong: a cafe is not just for coffee as in other countries. Because we love the atmosphere so much we put the name "cafe" to almost every kind of restaurant, pub, bar, or any place which owns a coffee machine. So you might as well have beer, wine or spirit. believe in blue and white Fans of Hockey Club Kometa Brno are an unusual kind. An ordinary Czech fan cheers only when his team wins, but fans of Kometa cheer no matter what is happening on the ice hockey ring and they still dream about the 11 league titles they won a long, long time ago. Although the official colours of the city are red and white you may very well meet a blue and white storm in the streets from time to time. experience the contrast Over 80.000 people disappear from Brno every Christmas. Yeah, it is a big deal, in our relatively small city. And where the hell are they going? Home. Brno seems really empty and sad without its usual mass of lively students. Even summer seems less sunny than the spring when it's still full of students. However, Brno is totally alive just before Christmas. Traditional winter hot drinks at the Christmas market are not to be missed. meet the city monster IS It's a crocodile but we call it THE ^ \. DRAGON. It's a long story. Ask locals. supermarket beer vine view wi-fi non-smoking beer garden tourist classic 1 3 IN 1 ¥ There are three different pubs and also one teahouse in the Sklenená louka. Non-smokers may enjoy the upstairs interior of Mistogalerie. In this house, a simple rule is applied: the higher the pub, the sooner it closes in the evening. So you can easily end up hanging out in all three of them in the same evening. The one located in the cellar is legendary, best not to visit while sober. What happens here, stays here. (Kounicova 23) 2 BEER AND VEGETARIAN FOOD During lunch time, Vegalite only offers vegetarian and vegan dishes (79 CZK). In the evening, the place changes into a cosy alternative pub. We can promise they will have at least three kinds of beer. If you are not in the mood to drink, or just need a break, try the traditional Czech lemonade called "ZON". (Slovákova 10/ Mon to Sat) LOfAL TTP PDESIGN J* AND QUALITY J FOOD ^mtkW^ N The interior of Bistro Franz Táy A has won a few design awards. » ^ You can have a look while drinking a fair-trade coffee, or eating delicious French quiche. I also recommend trying some seasonal dishes (100-150 CZK) - the menu changes daily. (Veveří 14 / Every day) DO YOU FANCY PASTA? 0 This is a pasta bar and bistro with a varied se lection of pasta at a reasonable price (100 CZK or less). However you may experience rush hour during lunch time. Cattani is quite unique because the pasta is homemade. (Veveří 6 / Every day) 5 HEALTHY LIFE Do you fancy bio products? Macrobiotics? GMO-free? No artificial sugars and flavours? Then the daily menus in the macrobiotic and vegetarian restaurant Zdravý život are right for you. (Jaselská 8 / Mon to Fri, 10:30- 18:00) 6 MICRO-BREWERY f ¥ r This menu is definitely for meat lovers. U Richarda is the restaurant of Richard's micro-brewery situated at the edge of Brno. They offer various types of their own beer (wheat, honey, cherry etc.), spicy pork ribs or a popular steak tartare. (Údolní 7 / Mon to Sat 11:00 - 23:00) 9 STUDENT CLASSIC 0 9 ¥ Many locals agree that Cafe Podnebi has the nicest summer terrace of all pubs and restaurants. So, if you find a free table in summer, consider yourself really lucky! The reasonable prices make it very attractive all year long, and so does the selection of snacks, soups and salads. (Údolní 5 / Every day till midnight) O OPEN AIR PARTIES ' This is a park located on a steep hill of Spilas ^ Active elderly people come to have a walk, young lovers cometo have some privacy.andallothersto have a picnic or summer night out. Also, the local petanque court is a source of never-ending fun. PSPILAS This castle from the middle of the 13th century was initially built to protect the city. But during the times of the Habsburg monarchy (around 1830's), Spilberk (or Spilas as we called it) became a "prison of the nations" - a home for the worst criminals and political prisoners from every part of the Austrian empire (north Italy, Hungary, Romania...). Today it serves as a museum, worth to see mostly for casemates and the exhibition of torture techniques. We have all visited Spilas at least once in our lives, but it's mostly a tourist attraction. We prefer just sitting or walking around and to enjoy the romance from the outside. (Oct - Apr: Wed to Sun, 9.00 - 17.00 / May - Jun:Tue to Sun, 9.00 - 17.00 / Jul - Sep:Tue to Sun, 10.00-18.00) io OLD-FASHIONED BAKERY y Forget the baguettes! In the old-fashioned bakery Bitešský chléb you can buy typical Czech pastries like they were twenty years ago. Moody older ladies as shop assistants will offer you for example the typical Czech "rohlík" (a roll made from plain, bread-like dough). You can also try the popular Brno's bread called "Bitešský vypečený chléb". (Solniční 14) & HIDDEN TREASURE r This is one of the thinnest hotels in Europe, built in 1928 and only 8 metres wide. Shamefully, the functionalist building has been waiting for reconstruction for ages. The main architect Bohuslav Fuchs managed to deal with extremely tight space perfectly. Thanks to the unique construction, there was enough space for a two-floor café and fifty rooms. However, the hotel Avion is currently closed. You will have to make do with a look from outside and use your imagination for how beautiful it must have been inside. (Česká 20) 12 TRADITION BREW-PUB This is a restaurant, a brewery and a hotel, all at once. All beers from the list come from Pegas brewery, apart from the non-alcoholic one. Plus their traditional goulash is delicious. On Jiráskova 44 you can find their second restaurant 12b. (Jakubská 4 / Every day) 13 COCKTAIL BAR £ If you had enough of Czech beer and Moravian wine, have a cocktail. You won't know what to choose first in Aloha bar. (Kozí 10/ Mon to Sat) it FAST FOOD STREET ' Kebab, pizza, hamburgers, fried cheese, hot dogs, Chinese food... You can find it all at Kobližná street. During the day or at night. is ABSINTHE LIAR 1 Behind the doors of a nuclear bunker there is a club which attracts all the naughty boys and girls of Brno. It is a place where they come to solve our identity crisis. Maybe that's why it is quite popular to drink handmade absinth called "Bairnsfather Bitter" (made in Czech Republic). In Desert, you can expect anything but stiffness. Almost every kind of concert is possible, and they even have protestant church services on the second Sunday of every month, except during summer. (Rooseveltova 11 / Every day, 18:00 - 03:00) 16 HOME OF MUSIC-FILLED ¥ VIBRATIONS This bar combines music and theatre arts under the one roof of Kabinet Múz. During the week, the bar behind the great glass comes to life with the rhythm of electro swing.drum'n'bass, indie electronic, surf punk, shoegaze, post-everything or a mixture of everything at once. (Concerts for 100-150 CZK / Sukova 4 / Every day) CONTEMPORARY ART This is the most living gallery in the city. It con-ätes mostly on contemporary arts and exhibitions ech art students. The quality at Brno House of is always a bit of a lottery, but in any case, the art tally young and fresh. You can also find very stylish urant and café Leporelo* (lunch menu for 99,-). offer various visually attractive desserts. There o a design shop which sells typical "Czech glass" it only the old boring kind but also some made lesign students. (Malinovského námestí 2 / Wed m, 10:00-18:00) 9 THANKS TO THE SMALLPOX EPIDEMIC » LET'S DANCE! Metro music bar brings live music almost every ■ Entrance is mostly between 100 and 200 CZK. days are reserved for "Friday Night Fever" parties ltrance for 50 CZK) with the legendary crazy local Schaff. It's a good place to stretch your body and to t know the city from its multicultural point of view. DŠtovská 6, Alfa-Passage / Mon to Sat, from 19:00) j> MIDNIGHT CAFÉ ¥ The conceptual art is all over, and so are the evil eyes of former president Klaus who is watch-ig you from the edited portrait. Kavárna Švanda is n artists' bar and we all know that artists go to sleep ery late, so the café changes into a pub during the late ours. If you dare, try a strong drink called „Pasco" with do much alcohol. (Poštovská 8 / Every day) 8> PHALLUS Sfl ^ The controversial Brno Horloqe was put here 2010. Apparently, it refers to the year 1645 when rno was sieged by the Swedes. According to one of \e legends, the Swedish general Torstenson prom-ed that Brno had to be conquered before noon, therwise his army would leave. So the good people f Brno rang the bells of Petrov Cathedral one hour ear-er (at 11:00) and saved the city by this cunning trick, opinions about liking or disliking the artwork have di-'ided the city. It is supposed to be a clock, but usually, jeople call it the "cock clock", the phallus or the rocket. Don't be surprised that you will not be able to say what :ime is it. Most of us really don't know how it works either. Don't forget to be there at 11:00 every day to listen to the chimes and see a glass ball (with the little city flag inside) fall down. Some locals really love this everyday event, but only one ball falls out per day. So they come at 10:00 already, put their hands in and wait for a full hour. It's a challenge when it rains... © BRNO FROM THE ROOF Take a lift to the sixth floor of this unique Renaissance building called Dům pánu z Lipé and explore Brno from the roof. The nicest view is during the sunset. (Náměstí Svobody 17) & AWESOME COFFEE 0 ¥ * Cafe Mitte is a micro café (only four tables) but in a sense it is spectacular. The coffee served is freshly roasted at the local coffee factory and the offer depends on the season. Not only espresso but also filter coffee 'or French press. (Panská 11 / Every day, 9:00- 00:00) 9 TEA OASIS IN CITY 0 «1» CENTRE Tea oasis is located underground, just around the corner from the busiest street in the city centre. Rve rooms, five feelings, the emptiness of Zen and modern tea lovers with laptops - that's what Chajovna is about. (Dominikánské námestí 6 / Every day till 23:00) 9 THESE PILOWS AREN'T £ ¥ MADE FOR FIGHTING The cafe serves numerous hot alcoholic and non-aico--: : ; -«j jndm = ■ :' kHg BJ ■' \mm ''• W grog*f»otni> md CaerA sfcowEd mItJi may appear odd but tastes wry riot. Ifeajfei fees ■** arts so you can attend an artists' market or a aha/ of apmned theatre. CTA)r™n*anska9 Everydays*01:00) In 1767 there was a great epidemic of smallpox in Vienna. Thanks to that, 11 -year-old Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart had to move to Brno and he probably played his earliest works at Taverna (nowdays Reduta theatre). There is the statue of little Mozart balancing on the clavichord in front of the building. He has only one angel wing as the symbol of Mozart's tragical end. Good smallpox! Bad syphilis (or Salieri)! g> MEDIEVAL LABYRINTHS &3 r Initially, Brno underground was built because of lack of space in the middle ages. People were anx-ious'to have more space in their cellars so they kept digging and digging and ended up to crash the walls of other cellars. This is how Brno's underground was built. Today it is a huge labyrinth of underground halls and passages. They are used mostly as restaurants and wine cellars. If you like the Middle Ages, visit the Labyrinth under Zelený Trh and Mintmaster's Cellar (at Zelný Trh 21 ©/Tue to Sun, 9:00- 18:00 )or the Ossuary of St. James'Church (Jakubské náměstíS? / Tue to Sun, 9:30 - 18:00). Unfortunately, we have to disappoint the lovers of dark tourism, the cellars are now fully air-conditioned and furnished up-to-date. GRANDMA OF BRNO'S CAFES Here, our grandmothers and great-grandmothers enjoyed delicious typical Czech home-made cakes and sandwiches. Open daily since 1936. After years, Zemanova cukrárna a kavárna keeps the signs of each period since it has been built. Ah... the era of gentleman's cigars, hats and fans. (Josefská 4 / Every day till 18:00) & MOUSEHOLE r The underground passage (called Myji díra or 'mouse hole") at the main train station is a very specific place. It's an extremely busy passage for pedestrians, and also a paradise of Vietnamese markets. However, it's not necessarily pleasant with all the pickpockets, homeless people and sometimes too business-oriented shop assistants. The place is full of various questionable smells. Ironically, the adverts on the walls say "Meet the living God!" Today, some have tried to beautify the place by exposing young artists. If you are brave enough, walk through the side alleys of the Mouse Hole further away from the train station - it's probably the narrowest shopping passage in Brno. © LIZARD WAITING ROOM Because it is not far from the main train station, the Denisovy sady park is like a sunny outdoor waiting room for travellers, but locals love it too to watch the rush of the city from the terraces. History buffs can check the monument of Victory over Napoleon in the highest peak of the Gardens. 33 GAY HAVEN The gay night club which closes on weekends about six in the morning. The peak time is about two o'clock (Fri and Sat). Depo is mostly a dance club, but there's a dark room in the cellar too. Moreover, if you prove with your ID that it is your birthday, you'll be given a bottle of champagne for free. (Pekařská 7/Wed to Sat) ^ ORIGINAL SOUVENIR " You should visit the little shop Love Music if you're into unconventional handmade accessories. Also, some unofficial pseudo-souvenirs with the logo of Brno are available so you can show to everyone at home where have you just been on trip. (Pekařská 17 /Mon to Fri, 10:00-18:30) 35 MEALS COOKED WITH LOVE^ It is a restaurant and also a cabaret, where you can see anything from a travesty show to karaoke party. Ksbrntt Spodek is a cosy place with pleasant atmosphere. Smokers enjoy their cigarette in a room the unique beer Tíampusať or soamrjéed egg and v k far bee (Kopečná 46 ' Mon no mucn aiconoL tPostovska 8 / Every day) g> PHALLUS r The controversial Srno Horloge was put here in 2010. Apparently, it refers to the year 1645 when Brno was sieged by the Swedes. According to one of the legends, the Swedish general Torstenson promised that Brno had to be conquered triům noon, otherwise hn arr**y wou*rJ leave So ?t»e gooe peop*e of Brno rang the bells of Petrov Cathedral one hour earlier (at 11:00) and saved the city by this cunning trick. Opinions about liking or disliking the artwork have divided the city. It is supposed to be a clock, but usually, people call it the "cock clock", the phallus or the rocket. Don't be surprised that you will not be able to say what time is it. Most of us really don't know how it works either. Don't forget to be there at 11:00 every day-to listen to the chimes and see a glass ball (with the little city flag inside) fall down. Some locals really love this everyday event, but only one ball falls out per day. So they come at 10:00 already, put their hands in and wait for a full hour. It's a challenge when it rains... ® BRNO FROM THE ROOF Take a lift to the sixth floor of this unique Renaissance building called Dům pánu z Lipé and explore Brno from the roof. The nicest view is during the sunset. (Náměstí Svobody 17) AWESOME COFFEE 0 ¥ r Cafe Mine is a micro café (only four tables) but in a sense it is spectacular. The coffee served is freshly roasted at the local coffee factory and the offer depends on the season. Not only espresso but also filter coffee or French press. (Panská 11 / Every day, 9:00- 00:00) TEA OASIS IN CITY CENTRE Tea oasis is located underground, just around the corner from the busiest street in the city centre. Five rooms, five feelings, the emptiness of Zen and modern tea lovers with laptops - that's what Chajovna is about. (Dominikánské náměstí 6 / Every day till 23:00) £> THESE PILOWS ARENT £ ¥ MADE FOR FIGHTING The café serves numerous hot alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks under a sky of hanging pillows. Try "Bačův grog" (hot milk and Czech slivovic) which may appear odd but tastes very nice. Trojka lives with arts so you can attend an artists' market or a play of improvised theatre. (Dominikánská 9 / Every day till 01:00) 25 MORAVIAN PARMESAN r The shop is called after the cheese Gran Moravia. It is a Czech version of Parmesan. We even export it to Italy, which already means something, no? The cheese is really delicious and it is much cheaper than in supermarkets. Also, you can buy a home-made butter or luxury Italian cheese and other essential ingredients for Italian cuisine. (Radnická 11 / Mon to Fri, 10:30- 18:00, Sat morning) 26 MARKET WITH TRADITION ftC The market at Zelný trh has been there almost every single day (except in winter and Sundays) since the 13th century. You can buy seasonal fruits, vegetables, flowers and quality home-made products. It is an extraordinary experience - even just passing by. The market will remmd you of old times when merchants still knew their customers. However it is not only for old ladies with poodles, young locals shop here as well. Come in the morning because some stands close in the early afternoon. (Zelný trh) ^ FLYING THROUGH TIME 0 r The theme of this café is the history of WWII Czechoslovak pilots in the RAF (Royal Air Force). Also, the music of these times is played. The Air café is a part of the Moravian Museum where you can have coffee specialties or cocktails by the fountain in the middle of the museum. You don't have to pay for the museum to get to the bar. (Zelný trh 8 / Mon to Sat, 10:00 - 22:00) nmtiBi, enjoyed detkious typical Czech home-made cakes and sandwiches. Open dairy since 1936. After years Zemanova cukrárna a kavárna keeps the signs of each period since it has been built Ah... the era of gentleman s cigars, hats and fans. (Josefská 4 / Every day till 18:00) PMOUSEHOLE The --mxigi iiiilllj fnatnr Mrii dira or "mouse hole" at the main tram station is a very specific place. It's an extremely busy passage for pedestrians, and also a paradise of Vietnamese markets. However, it's not necessarily pleasant with all the pickpockets, homeless people and sometimes too business-oriented shop assistants. The place is full of various questionable smells. Ironically, the adverts on the walls say "Meet the living God!" Today, some have tried to beautify the place by exposing young artists. If you are brave enough, walkthrough the sidealleys of the Mouse Hole further away from the train station - it's probably the narrowest shopping passage in Brno. LIZARD WAITING ROOM Because it is not far from the main train station, the Denisovy sady park is like a sunny outdoor waiting room for travellers, but locals love it too to watch the rush of the city from the terraces. History buffs can check the monument of Victory over Napoleon in the highest peak of the Gardens. 33 GAY HAVEN The gay night club which closes on weekends about six in the morning. The peak time is about two o'clock (Fri and Sat). Depo is mostly a dance club, but there's a dark room in the cellar too. Moreover, if you prove with your ID that it is your birthday, you'll be given a bottle of champagne for free. (Pekařská 7/Wed to Sat) 34 ORIGINAL SOUVENIR You should visit the little shop Love Music if you're into unconventional handmade accessories. Also, some unofficial pseudo-souvenirs with the logo of Brno are available so you can show to everyone at home where have you j ust been on trip. (Pekafska 17 /Mon to Fri, 10:00- 18:30) 35 MEALS COOKED WITH LOVE( It is a restaurant and also a cabaret, where you can see anything from a travesty show to karaoke party. Kabaret Špaček is a cosy place with pleasant atmosphere. Smokers enjoy their cigarette in a room which looks a lot like a fish-aquarium. We recommend the unique beer "Rampušák" or scrambled egg and salmon. The good vibe is for free. (Kopečná 46 / Mon to Fri, 10:00-23:00) 36 EASTERN EUROPEAN SPECIALITIES Groceries from Russia or Georgia may appear like from another world sometimes. Knowing the Russian alphabet may be useful in OdessaProduktoff. Actually all of our parents are able to read the names in Cyrillic due to the communist era (and "friendship" with Russia) before the 1990s, but specialties from Russia (like caviar) were available only for powerful officials of the Communist pa rty. The Armenian candy made from nuts and plums may be worth a try. (Cejl 18/Mon to Sat) You will spot some tricky names of coffee on the menus. They are usually connected with the name of some country. Note, these names have nothing in common with the real countries and you certainly won't find such coffees in these countries. It is only our creativity. So to make it easier for you, here are some of the most common coffees you can spot in our cafes: Turkish coffee - this is very strong coffee, similar to filter coffee; however you pour the boiling water and leave the coffee to settle at the bottom of the cup. Vienna coffee - is also a kind of filter coffee, served in large cups, decorated with whipped cream on the top (yummy!) Algerian coffee - the same as Vienna Coffee with only one difference: it includes eggnog. This was considered as exotic back in communist times, hence the name"Algerian". LET'S GO FOR (THE BIGGEST CZECH ĽTE) In recent years, the Czech Republic experienced a huge boom of local micro-breweries. While brewing, not only do they return to traditional materials and processes but they also experiment with recipes originating from abroad, such as wheat beers, white beers, ales, stouts, porters and fruit beers. You can find good selection of bottled beers at shop U MODRÉHO LVA (Česká 19). Try for example Pivovar Matuška, Rychnovská Kněžna or Dobřanská Hvězda. Here is a list of some popular beer bars: fH> POD LÉKÁRNOU, Slovákova 1 tg, PUX PUB, Jaselská 11 Hb U ALBERTA, Pellicova 10 9 coum trans there The the r . toth (Bay Du sic be vil Ni b. rc n a c tjj IRON HORŠE, Štefánikova 26 tH U VŠECH OSLŮ, Sokolská 10 "g, PIVNICE KOCOUR, Pekárenská 330/12 til, U BLÁHOVKY, Gorkého 96/54 tH PIVOVARSKÁ STAROBRNO, (Brno brewery), Mendlovo nám. 20 TRY MORAVIAN WINE,«»,, BEFORE YOU DIE U ŽÍZNIVÉHO PAPOUŠKA, Veveří 17 52 KAMENNÝ DŽBÁN, Česká 31 53 JEDNA BÁSEŇ, Sukova 2 SI"1 VINNÝ SKLÍPEK, Orlí 1 25 VINÁRIUM, Starobrněnská 19 5Ô VINOTÉKA U RYBNÍČKU, Štefánikova 19a Ľ POSLEDNÍ KAPKA, Pionýrská 13 £s SKLIPECEK U PEPINA, Gorkého 58 RNO DAM can get there by tram (number 1, 3 11), 25 minutes from centre, tram stop: aviste ^ i dam is designed for those who love ing and relaxing by water, beaches: A . Here you should get something fto eat or drink at numerous fast food >s around. You should certainly try the : js "ianaos". It is a deep fried flat bread e of dough with flour, yeast, salt and wa-t is served with garlic, cheese, ketchup or onnaise. It is typical junk food, originally t Hungary, but it is an essential part of the experience. * )u walk a bit away from the crowded cs you will certainly find a private place tou. You can also enjoy water attractions i as boat renting or a steamer trip(^ even castle (, where differ-music or artistic performances and festi-are held during summer months. >e who enjoy walking and trekking in forest can come back from the castle ugh various paths of the forest. Do you think that people should be tanned equally on all parts of their bodies? Well then you shouldn't miss the main nudist beach on Brno dam which is at the steamer stop called "Osada". If you visit Brno in June, there is one thing you can't miss at any costs - the firework festival Ignis Brunensis. There's nothing better than lying on a hot summer meadow with a beer in your hand, enjoying the firework reflection on the water surface. Best spots: Q ^ OBVODO PRACTICAL INFO tips Normally we leave about 5 % as a tip in restaurants and also in cafes and pubs, but it depends on the service. Tips are not included in the price, so if you are satisfied you should give some extra money (change). smoking allowed It's not forbidden to smoke inside. But don't panic, many restaurants and cafes are entirely non-smoking or they have non-smoking rooms (see (3$ ). payment by card It is normal to pay by card in supermarkets and shops, but it is not possible to pay by card in most restaurants, cafes and pubs. So for going out you better take cash with you. behaviour Drinking alcohol on the streets and parks in the city centre and in public transport is not officially allowed. In bars and terraces you can drink whatever you want. /meeting points "NÁDR": next to the train station: it's the main tram hub and the stop of night buses. "ČÁRA": next to street "Česká". "PHALLUS CLOCK": at "náměstí Svobody". Be prepared that this is very common within locals. At weekends, especially about 19:00 or 20:00 these places are quite crowded and it may be a bit difficult to spot your people. O brno tourist info at Radnická 8, opening hours: April to September - Mon to Fri: 8:00 - 18:00, Sat and Sun: 9:00 - 18:00 / October to March - Mon to Fri: 8:00 - 18:00, Sat: 9:00 -17:00, Sun: 9:00 - 15:00 WHERE NEXT? the nearest cities of use-it network o VARSZAWA IHtUi ho thursday night fever The colourful dance club. Sometimes salsa, sometimes rock. The most popular night in Mersey is Thursday for the oldies parties where all the good evergreens are played, rjon't be surprised to see people dancing to Baywatch tunes. (Minská 15 / Mon to Sat, from 20:00) 41 under the students dorm In the campus of dorms, there are two pubs to choose from. If you fancy jazz or any other alternative concerts, Alterna is the right place. If you prefer playing foosball, chatting with your friends and pints of beer, come to the cellar A2. Locals migrate between both all the time. (Kounicova 48 / Every day) & tea in wonderland 0 r This teahouse is known for its friendly staff and the variety of delicious tea. The community of table gamers and LARP'ers also gathers here in Čajovna za zrcadlem. (Jiráskova 55 / Every day to 22:00) 43 dark cave The hard club for those who like it hard or harder. You can spot a sign on the doors of Paterlord. saying "Entrance with hip hop cap not allowed", which says about everything! Long hair and black dress, you know the drill. Come for ear-busting concerts and other evil. (Jana Uhra 10 / Every day, from 18:00) ABOUT USE-IT USE-IT is no-nonsense tourist info for young tourists, made by young locals, not commercial, free and up-to-date. Do you like the USE-IT way to guide young tourists? Check out more USE-IT maps around whole Europe - Warsaw, Bratislava, Brussels, Aachen, Helsinki, Vienna, Prague and many more and get them on Do you like USE-IT as much as you want to make your own USE-IT map? Download I WANT TO START MY OWN USE-IT on Do you like or dislike our map? We are waiting for your feedback on In the creation of this map participated: Vojtěch Šrámek, Mariana Firbasová, Nela Hájková, Lucie Rhein, Jana Mazalova, Lucia Brosová, Iveta Antolíková Cartographer: Jan Russnák Graphic designer: Pau Vávrová Youth in Action Programme This project has been funded with support from European Commission.This publication reflects the views only of author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use, which may be made of the information contained therein. JUZlt iTISLAVA VIENNA BRATISLAVA n|o|