Grammar Habits I Read the answers to the question Do you... much? What are the people talking about? Match the answers (1-6) to the questions (a-f). 1 Hardly ever nowadays. We used to get away about twice a year but it's just too expensive now. We've got a tent so we go camping along the local coast whenever we can. 2 Not as much as I used to. To be honest, I got really overdrawn at one point and so I had to stop. Now I'll pick up a bargain in the sales but only if I really need it. 3 Not if I can avoid it! The local service is never on time and it's always packed. I tend to cycle everywhere but I'll take the tube if it's pouring down. 4 All the time. I think they're a brilliant local resource. Most of them are free and you can learn such a lot. Even my kids enjoy the interactive exhibitions. 5 Whenever I get the chance. My sister lives abroad so we use the internet a lot for email and stuff. But I also like to chat, so I end up with a huge phone bill! Not as much as I'd like to. I really enjoy having a day off from cooking but it works out quite pricey. As a rule, it's usually to celebrate someone's birthday. Do you... much} use public transport visit museums and galleries go out to dinner keep in touch with family and friends travel abroad 1 There is one missing word in each sentence. Add the word in the correct place. 1 As rule, I go out once a week, usually on Saturday evenings. 2 I don't read for pleasure as much as I like to. 3 I tend see my family just on birthdays and at Christmas. 4 We used go to the cinema about once a week before they put the prices up. 5 I check the BBC website all time, I rarely use any other sites. 6 She must be really busy. She ever comes to the badminton club anymore. 7 I enjoy going to the theatre but we only go once a while. 8 We used to go walking every weekend. We get up early and be out on the hills to see the sunrise. Language note used to and past simple You can use the past simple or used to to talk about habits in past. For single actions in the past, use the past simple. / used to go I went for a run every day when I was in my 20s. / went for a run yesterday the I r1 f go shopping Vocabulary Describing films, music and books 3 Choose the correct words. 1 I could listen to it all day.The music is so inspiring, just so uplifting I weird. 2 I saw it twice.The plot was really exciting, just really gripping I disturbing. 3 Why is this play so popular? I thought it was terrible, absolutely catchy I awful. 4 I can't stand her acting. She's just too much, always so dull I over-the-top. 5 It all sounds the same to me. It's only produced to make money, just very hilarious I commercial. 4 Complete these sentences using the adjectives that weren't the answers in Exercise 3. 1 I couldn't stop laughing. The show was so funny, absolutely 2 The second half was so boring, just very..................... 3 I wouldn't take your kids to see it. The special effects are quite upsetting, really quite..................... 4 I didn't get it at all. The dialogue was really strange, just really 5 I can't stop singing it. It's so easy to remember, really quite..................... 4 OUTCOMES developing conversations Disagreeing politely S Add the words in brackets in the correct place. 1 A: I'm really into heavy metal. B: Oh, right. I find it loud and scary, to be honest. It's the kind of thing my teenage son listens to. (a bit) .Qhi.. rtijfe?. J. f&xfr. <£. fk. \>i£. Iffyd?.