Teachers´competences: „an integrated set of personal characteristics, knowledge, skills and attitudes that are needed for effective performance in various teaching contexts“ · Knowledge and instructional expertise (teaching and learning) which include for example „knowledge of curriculum and subject matter“ and „instructional planning and strategies“ etc. · Organisation/management – pedagogical expertise which include managing students and learning environment etc. · Diversity knowledge of diverse students, including special needs, and how they learn · Partnering of parents, colleagues and community · Professional development attitude – including professional growth, resilience and adaptability, sense of self-efficacy or willingnes to try new ideas and strategies etc. · Development of ethical stand – exercising personal integrity and legal responsibilities (Mohamed, Z., Valcke, M., & De Wever, B. (2017). Are they ready to teach? Student teachers’ readiness for the job with reference to teacher competence frameworks. Journal of Education for Teaching, 43(2), 151-170., s. 155-157).