3. LITERARY ANALYSIS (200-250 words): [60 pts] Analyze the text. Identify the topic of the extract, discuss the treatment of the topic, etc. You can also briefly quote or paraphrase from the extract to support your claims. Topic: How Robinson sees other cultures and nationalities By the length of Robinson’s description of Friday based only on appearance and Robinson‘s assumptions we can tell he seeks the justification of his choice to make him his servant[JŠ1] . Even though he sees him as a savage he describes him in a flattering way which still may be perceived as racist[JŠ2] . His judgement is influenced by European beauty standards. ‘…seem’d to have something very manly in his Face, and yet he had all the Sweetness and Softness of an European in his Countenance‘. [JŠ3] He appreciates the resemblance to those standards and he tries to downplay his features representing his savage origin on which he clearly looks down. There are features he clearly dislikes in other nationalities but he praises them in Friday. ‘The Colour of his Skin was not quite black, but quite tawny; and yet not of an ugly yellow nauseous tawny, as the Brasilians, and Virginians, and other Natives of America are‘[JŠ4] ________________________________ [JŠ1]Claim comes first! Excellent! [JŠ2]Explanation of the claim - good form so far! [JŠ3]Evidence for the claim - this is exciting! [JŠ4]Further explanation, good. And ideally a concluding sentence would be added. On the whole, well done!