TomkováMjUNI2023 1 A CHOICE FROM THREE TOPICS BY A LIFELONG ENTHUSIAST IN ENGLISH PhDr. Kateřina Tomková, Ph.D. – Owner of the TomCat Playgroup Lecturer at Depts. of English and American Studies at the Faculties of Art and Education b) English or Czenglish Pronunciation aneb Anglická výslovnost pro nadšence i profesionály 2 a) Bilingualism at the TomCat Playgroup c) English in song lyrics Please vote for the topic you do NOT wish to hear about: 3 a) Bilingualism at the TomCat Playgroup Priorities: 1 Safety & Security 2 Politeness, Manners 3 English ̶ All was facilitated by hierarchy. Cartoon kids playing Royalty Free Vector Image 4 b) English or Czenglish Pronunciation aneb Anglická výslovnost pro nadšence i profesionály ̶ ̶ •Meant for students, teachers, scholars, researchers, business people, artists and anyone else striving for comfortable intelligibility communicating in English. •Lists common pronunciation errors and ways to avoid them. •Stresses the importance of suprasegmental features. ̶ 5 Pronunciation charts of RP (GB) and GenAm Výsledek obrázku pro pronunciation chart AmE 2010 Adrian Underhill 6 5 features of English pronunciation that make the difference between harshly foreign and more authentic accents: 1 STRESS (2 ASSOCIATED ASPIRATION OF /p/, /t/, /k/) 3 REDUCTIONS 4 VOICING 5 LINKING / LIAISON I organized events in a hotel. A unique performance. Camden Town. My name‘s Tom. 7 Recurrent pronunciation errors at bachelor and master defences Segmental: th voiced: the other x the udder th voiceless: thousand, mythical open ash: static, chapter, Germanic, classified, pragmatic Liaison: in terms_ of_ importance, of_ other_ elements, impressive_ accomplishment, co’mmunicative_ goal 8 Recurrent pronunciation errors 2 Misplaced stresses: ‘admirable, characte‘ristic, co’mmunicate, con‘sider, con’tinue, con‘tribute, con‘vincing, hi‘storical, intelligi’bility, it‘self, par‘ticular, per ‘cent, persu‘asive, phe‘nomenon, suc‘cessful Mispronounced names: Grice, Trudgill, Deborah, Sarah, Noah 9 Recurrent pronunciation errors 3 Mispronounced words: ambi’guity, to ‘analyse, a’nonymous, s/he ‘analyses, a’nalysis sg., a’nalyses pl., basic, change, com‘pose, com’ponent, con‘sist, cri’terion, de‘cisive, de‘cision, de‘termine, di’mension, di’ploma, e’xamine, focus, half, hy’pothesis sg., hy’potheses pl., insist, le‘gitimite, novel, o‘ccur, o‘ccurrence, own, problem, ‘process, pro’cession, psycho‘logical, their, they´re, theo‘retical, theore’tician, theorist, theory, thesis, theses, u’nanimous 10 c) English in song lyrics see U3V paper ̶