A, an no, not aseptic, anarchy Amphi (Latin ambi) about, around, both ambidextrous, amphitheater antiqua antique, old antique, antiquity, ancient Ana up, again anatomy, Anabaptist Aner, andros, anthropos man, stamen androgynous, philander, philanthropy Anti against, opposite antidote, antiphonal, antagonist Archos chief, primitive archaic, architect Autos self autograph, automatic, authentic Barvs heavy baritone, barites Biblos book Bible, bibliomania Bios life biology, autobiography, amphibious Cata down catalepsy, cataclysm Cheir hand chiropody, chirurgical, surgeon Chilioi a thousand kilogram, kilowatt Chroma color chromo, achromatic Chronos time chronic, anachronism Cosmos world, order cosmopolitan, microcosm Crypto hide cryptogam, cryptology Dia through, across diameter, dialogue Cyclos wheel, circle encyclopedia, cyclone Deca ten decasyllable, decalogue Demos people democracy, epidemic, demographics Derma skin epidermis, taxidermist Didonai, dosis give dose, apodosis, anecdote Dis, di twice, doubly dichromatic, digraph Dynamis power dynamite, dynasty Eidos form, thing seen idol, kaleidoscope, anthropoid Epi upon epidemic, epithet, epode, ephemeral Ethnos race, nation ethnic, ethnology Eu well euphemism, eulogy Gamos marriage cryptogam, bigamy Ge earth geography, geometry Genos family, race gentle, engender Gramma writing monogram, grammar Grapho write telegraph, lithograph Haima blood hematite, hemorrhage, anemia Heteros other heterodox, heterogeneous Homos same homonym, homeopathy Hydor water hydraulics, hydrophobia, hydrant Hyper over, extremely hypercritical, hyperbola Hypo under, smaller hypodermic, hypophosphate Isos equal isosceles, isotherm Logos word, study, management, measure theology, dialogue Meta after, over metaphysics, metaphor Metron measure, mind barometer, diameter Monos one, alone monoplane, monotone Morphe form metamorphosis, amorphous Neos new, young neolithic, neophyte Neuron nerve neuralgia, neurotic Nomos law, science astronomy, gastronomy, economy Onoma name anonymous, patronymic Opsis view, sight synopsis, thanatopsis, optician Orthos right orthopedic, orthodox Osteon bone osteopathy, periosteum Pais, paidos child paideutics, pedagogue, encyclopedia Para beside paraphrase, paraphernalia Pas, pan all diapason, panacea, pantheism Pathos suffering allopathy, pathology Peri around, about periscope, peristyle Petros rock petroleum, saltpeter Phaino show, be visible diaphanous, phenomenon, epiphany, fantastic Philos loving bibliophile, Philadelphia Phobos fear hydrophobia, Anglophobe Phone sound telephone, symphony Phos light phosphorous, photograph Physis nature physiognomy, physiology Plasma form cataplasm, protoplasm Pneuma air, breath pneumatic, pneumonia Polis city policy, metropolitan Polys many polyandry, polychrome, polysyllable Pous, pados foot octopus, chiropodist Pro before proboscis, prophet Protos first protoplasm, prototype Pseudes false pseudonym, pseudo-classic Psyche breath, soul psychology, psychopathy Pyr fire pyrography, pyrotechnics Scopos watcher scope, microscope Sophia wisdom philosophy, sophomore Syn together, with synthesis, synopsis, sympathy Techne art technicality, architect Tele far, far off telepathy, telescope Temno, Tomos that which is cut off epitome, anatomy, tome Theos god theosophy, pantheism Therme heat isotherm, thermodynamics Tithenai, Thesis a place, placing, arrangement epithet, hypothesis, anathema Treis three trichord, trigonometry Zoon animal zoology, protozoa, zodiac