2 SIGHTSEEING vocabulary Buildings and areas_ Complete the descriptions with the pairs of adjectives in the box. Grammar Relative clauses deprived / residential rough / run-down high-rise / hideous affluent / stunning up-and-coming / trendy historic / grand 1 People say it's an....................area. They're starting to open a lot more shops, bars and stuff like that. I hope it doesn't get too.....................though, as the house prices will go up. 2 The architecture is amazing. It's full of.................... buildings like the first synagogue in the area, but there are also....................palaces and squares. 3 It's always been a bit....................with lots of litter and graffiti everywhere, but now it's starting to look really .....................All the houses are in a terrible state. 4 It's always been the most....................district in the city and I could never afford to live there. The houses are .....................with up to seven bedrooms and enormous gardens. 5 About 20 years ago this part of town was quite................... There were lots of empty houses and shops, and very few facilities. Now it's been transformed into a quiet, ....................area, toads of young families live there. 6 They're planning to build some....................blocks of about 25 floors on the edge of the old town. I think mixing old and new like that is going to look..................... Complete the conversations with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. 1 A: Wow! took at that castle. It totally.................... (dominate) the whole area. What does it say about it in the guidebook? B: Apparently.it....................(date back) to the sixteenth century and it....................(renovate) several times since then. 2 A: Why have they bought a flat down by the station? It used to be really rough down there. I always told visitors ....................(steer clear) of it. B: It's all changed now.They....................(knock down) the run-down old buildings about a year ago and built some trendy new flats. Needless to say, prices over there ....................(soar) now. 3 A: Do you remember where I used to live? B: Yeah, it was quite trendy, tots of small shops and businesses....................(base) there. And there was that old factory on the main road. A: Yes! You wouldn't recognise it now. It.................... (dean up) and it houses a big art gallery and cafe. 3 Add commas where necessary. 1 We'd walked round the same streets five times at which point I decided it was time to buy a map. 2 The local people who had at first appeared rather unfriendly couldn't do enough for us. 3 Our hotel turned out to be in a pretty run-down part of town which really spoilt the trip. 4 Most of the old town where my parents lived for many years had been knocked down and completely rebuilt. 5 We booked several day trips to the surrounding areas all of which were really good value for money. 6 The first day of the festival when everyone dresses up in amazing costumes is the one not to miss. 4 Match the information (A-F) in the box to sentences 1-6, rewriting it each time as a relative clause. A It was completely amazing. B We had missed dinner by then. C She had done a course in Mandarin Chinese. D His family is from South Africa. F None of them were open when we actually got there. 1 It was very relaxing to spend a few days in Cannes, where/, m#. IttQfhgr. >#y. l&W. h<*fr. fJr.fer*?-..................................P.. . 2 The tour didn't finish until 10pm. 3 We spent a week exploring the coastline. 4 We couldn't have managed in Beijing without Nicola. 5 My old boss gave us a lot of travel tips about Cape Town. 6 We spent ages planning our visit to different vineyards. 10 OUTCOMES Developing conversations Agreeing using synonyms 5 Match the opinions and responses. 1 I've never seen such a run-down area. 2 The architecture in the old town is amazing. 3 The height of that tower is unbelievable. 4 What wonderful old buildings! 5 The people round here must be quite wealthy. 6 They've turned this into quite a trendy area. 7 Aren't those high-rise flats awful? 8 The design of the roof is a bit strange. a You're right. It's absolutely stunning, b I know. They're beautiful, aren't they? c Yes, it does look quite an affluent area, d I agree. It does look a bit weird, e Yes, it does look pretty rough, doesn't it? f Yes, I heard it was quite fashionable now. g I know. It's incredible, isn't it? h I agree.They look hideous. 6 Write responses agreeing with these opinions, using a suitable synonym. 1 A: The view across the bay is lovely. B: X$frj.&.&h&MA$fo&,Mtf&.Sffi......................................... 2 A: This looks quite a fashionable area. B: ....................................................................................... 3 A: I think the new architecture round here is really hideous. B: ....................................................................................... 4 A: I'd hate to live here. It looks really rough. B: ...................................................................................... 5 A: The design of the new gallery is a bit weird. B: ...................................................................................... 6 A: Just look at the design of that cathedral. Isn't it stunning? B: ...................................................................................... 7 A: The condition of the buildings in the old town is incredible. B: ...................................................................................... 8 A: I think this must be the most affluent part of the whole city. B: ...................................................................................... Listening 7 4» 2.1 You are going to hear two people planning a day's sightseeing. Listen and tick the places / events they decide to visit. the annual parade the City Museum a tour of the temple ruins the street market the old town old Merchant's House Number the places in the order they are going to visit them. Listen again if you need to. Pronunciation Connected speech 9 Underline the main stresses and mark the linking (final consonant + vowel sound). 1 It starts in the town square and then goes alj the way through the main streets. 2 The city museum has one of the best collections of modern and abstract art in the country. 3 It's not the kind of place you can see in just a short time. 4 Take a trip into the past and soak up the atmosphere at the street market. 5 So, we spend the morning at the market and we end up at the parade. 6 We need to be up there for the parade anyway. 0 • 2.2 Listen and check. Practise saying the sentences. 02 SIGHTSEEING 11