SCHOOL EDUCATION LECTURE Mgr. Oksana Stupak, Phd. DrS 2. School system and functions. MACRO LEVEL: LEVEL OF EDUCATION POLICY MESO LEVEL: SCHOOL LEVEL MICRO LEVEL: LEVEL OF TEACHING How does the education system work? How does the school work? How does learning and teaching work? The school system It is an interconnected complex of schools and educational institutions that provide formal education It includes educational institutions of pre-primary, primary, secondary and higher vocational education, special education institutions and institutions providing services to educational institutions - counselling facilities, school libraries, accommodation facilities and language schools It is broken down into types of schools, two classification criteria: 1. age of learners 2. level of education Průcha Jan a kol.Pedagogická encyklopedie Read "Organisation of the Educational System and of its Structure", compare it with the educational system in your country, discuss in groups Activity: Structure of the education system in Czech Republic Main features of the school system Schools are managed within the public administration; powers divided between central governing bodies, regions and municipalities State administration authority in education - Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports: - responsible for the state, concept and development of the education system; - distributes funds from the state budget; - determines the qualifications and working conditions of teachers; - determines the framework content of pre-school to secondary education; - approves the curricula of higher vocational schools. Powers of regions - municipalities REGIONS MUNICIPALITIES establish secondary schools establish conservatories establish higher vocational schools establish kindergartens establish primary schools provide compulsory schooling Founder Municipality - most kindergartens and primary schools Region Private founder Church Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports Other department - secondary schools Higher education institutions - county, private, entity, other department basic schools number of schools number of teachers number of pupils average number of pupils church public private for 1 class for 1 teacher share of pupils by type of school founder newly admitted from 1st year pupils in their final year Data source: Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports Data source: Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports number of schools number of teachers number of pupils church public private share of pupils by type of school founder pupils by type of education girls guys total with a VET certificate with a Maturita examination extension study others Differences in Systems Specifics of school curricula, educational goals, and content, time allocations for individual subjects Teaching methods Assessment Qualifications required for teacher preparation Relationships between schools and parents, communities, employers, etc. Průcha Jan a kol.Pedagogická encyklopedie In groups, analyze the websites of a state or private, or chuch school. Pay attention to the educational environment, curricula, strategies, and the school's vision. Activity: SCHOOL FUNCTIONS personalization socialization enculturation EXAMPLE: A person learns specific sounds of their native language. They learn to combine sounds into words, to form words into "correct" sentences. Implicitly, they learn the rules of word inflection and sentence structure, morphology, and syntax of the language. In school, they must also consciously use certain important rules. Over time, they should learn to distinguish between good and bad Czech language. EXAMPLE: A person learns to use language in accordance with social, especially moral norms. They recognize that certain words are impolite and should not be used. A child should not use profanity. They learn to speak with a certain volume in specific situations. They should not shout in public places. The child is expected to address people with respect using a particular language; they must speak differently to a teacher than to a classmate. They should speak differently in a circle of friends than in formal public occasions. There is, therefore, a certain moral "code" for the use of language. The unique mission of educational institutions is fulfilled only when cultural content and competencies, including their transformation into the content of human education, are placed at the center of their focus, and when their activities are understood as working on individuals, their knowledge, skills, and actions (Fend 2006, p. 179). Tomáš Janík, Ins;tut výzkumu školního vzdělávání PdF MUNI THANK YOU! OKSANA STUPAK 248053@MAIL.MUNI.CZ