Situations focused on problematic behaviour of the pupil / pupils in the school class at the first stage of primary school / second stage of primary school / secondary school (choose the correct one) Ask the teacher / teaching assistant to describe two specific situations when they had to solve some problematic behaviour of a pupil(s)/student(s) in detail. When recording, keep the most specific remarks, e. g. even literal quotations of the teacher´s dialogues with the pupil/student. Attempt to get two case studies: a) successful solution of the pupil's problem behaviour (case study ++); b) a completely unsuccessful solution to the pupil's problematic behaviour (case study --). The aim of the following activity is to obtain examples of procedures that teachers and teaching assistants choose when managing pupils' problematic behaviour. When writing, follow the case structure below. We are interested in the context of the situation. Please provide the following information: Descriptive data of the teacher / teaching assistant who describes the situation to you: His/Her qualification (education): The number of years of experience: Has he/she completed a relevant course, training how to deal with problematic behavior, indiscipline or classroom communication, etc. (tick): YES / NO If applicable/yes, enter a title (open question): Case report ++ How to start a conversation with a teacher / a teaching assistant: Question: If you had to focus your attention on a situation when you were dealing with a problematic behaviour of a pupil/a student, what would be the situation? After the narration of the situation, check whether the teacher / teaching assistant considers the situation to be well managed or has doubts / is unsure of the chosen procedure. (Use the scale below.) Question: How would you evaluate your handling of this situation? Was the disruptive / problematic behaviour of the pupil / student well-managed? Regarding well-managed disruptive / problematic behaviour of the pupil / pupils (inspiring practice), fill in the following case report form ++. First, fill in the descriptive information about the case study and then the following four steps, which allow you to provide us with a comprehensive and chronological description of the case study. Describe the whole situation as a complete story, take the four steps as individual chapters. Anonymize personal information. Descriptive data of the case study ++ The pupil´s age and grade: The pupil´s gender (underline): female / male The pupil lives (tick): with both parents/ with mother only / with father only / in shared custody / with another family member / in foster care (in the care of non-legal representatives) Problematic behaviour is repeated (tick) and if possible, state the frequency: YES/NO Behavioural disorders (lying, fraud, ...): Confirmed diagnosis of the pupil(s) e.g. (ADHD, psychiatric diagnosis ... etc.): Pupil´s school results – subjective view: under average - average – over average Pupil´s interests (open questions): Have you used procedures based on a specific approach (for example School without Losers, Nonviolent Communication, Respect and Be Respected, Support for Positive Behaviour- PBS etc.)? If yes, specify which: Keywords describing the situation of problematic behaviour of a pupil(s): 1. A detailed description of the situation (origin) on the level of behaviour (1^st person narration, chronologically, max. 2 standard pages / 3 600 characters) Include here 2. The history of the pupil(s) or class (personal history), i.e., everything relevant to the selected situation (max. 2 standard pages) Include here 3. A detailed description of the solution of problematic behaviour (1^st person, chronologically, max. 2 standard pages, best to capture the dialogue conducted with the pupil and the activities that took place during the solution) Include here 4. The result of the solution (short-term: what happened immediately after the incident and long-term: whether it was somehow reflected in the following hours, chronologically, max 2 standard pages) Include here To what extent are you satisfied with the solution? Completely unsatisfied Completely satisfied 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 To what extend did I acted in a supportive way for the pupil? Completely non-supporting Completely supporting 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 To what extent did you place reasonable demands on the pupil? Completely non-resonable Completely resonable 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Case report 2 -- Focus the teacher's attention on situations that have been assessed in the past as the worst-handled problem/disruptive behaviour of the pupil (with unsatisfactory result). First fill in the descriptive case data, and then the following four steps, thanks to which you can provide us with a comprehensive description of the case. Describe the whole situation as a complete story, take four steps as individual chapters. Anonymize personal data. Descriptive data of the case study ++ The pupil´s age and grade: The pupil´s gender (underline): female / male The pupil lives (tick): with both parents/ with mother only / with father only / in shared custody / with another family member / in foster care (in the care of non-legal representatives) Problematic behaviour is repeated (tick) and if possible, state the frequency: YES/NO Behavioural disorders (lying, fraud, ...): Confirmed diagnosis of the pupil(s) e.g. (ADHD, psychiatric diagnosis ... etc.): Pupil´s school results – subjective view: under average - average – over average Pupil´s interests (open questions): Have you used procedures based on a specific approach (for example School without Losers, Nonviolent Communication, Respect and Be Respected, Support for Positive Behaviour- PBS etc.)? If yes, specify which: Keywords describing the situation of problematic behaviour of a pupil(s): 1. A detailed description of the situation (origin) on the level of behaviour (1^st person narration, chronologically, max. 2 standard pages / 3 600 characters) Include here 2. The history of the pupil(s) or class (personal history), i.e., everything relevant to the selected situation (max. 2 standard pages) Include here 3. A detailed description of the solution of problematic behaviour (1^st person, chronologically, max. 2 standard pages, best to capture the dialogue conducted with the pupil and the activities that took place during the solution) Include here 4. The result of the solution (short-term: what happened immediately after the incident and long-term: whether it was somehow reflected in the following hours, chronologically, max 2 standard pages) Include here To what extent are you satisfied with the solution? Completely unsatisfied Completely satisfied 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 To what extend did I acted in a supportive way for the pupil? Completely non-supporting Completely supporting 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 To what extent did you place reasonable demands on the pupil? Completely non-resonable Completely resonable 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Student comments on the case report (++ and --): What's inspiring to me that I'd appreciate? What would I like to avoid? What would I do differently and why? What would be options (possibly with the support of professional resources)?