LECTURE 10 – Preparations used to treat some disorders of urinary system Dr. Ivana Daňková Dept. of Natural Drugs, Faculty of Pharmacy, VFU Brno PHYTOPHARMACEUTICALS academic year 2018/19 URINARY SYSTEM 2  also known as the renal system – is the body´s drainage system for removing urine, which is composed of wastes and extra fluid excreted by the kidneys = it produces, stores and eliminates urine  Besides filtering and eliminating wastes from the body, the urinary system also maintains the homeostasis of water, ions, pH, blood pressure, calcium and red blood cells. URINARY SYSTEM 3 Major disorders of urinary system:  infectious and inflammatory diseases (e.g. glomerulonephritis, urethritis, cystitis, prostatitis,...)  acute renal failure  renovascular hypertension  renal artery stenosis  kidney and bladder stones  obstructive disorders  neurogenic bladder  benign prostatic hyperplasia  carcinomas  etc. Phytopharmaceuticals are suitable as a supplementary and supporting therapy DIURETICS 4  Diuretic is any substance that promote production of urine by the kidneys. Diuresis = increased excretion of urine.  In the strict sense, the term is applied to drugs with a direct renal action. The predominant mode of actions are:  inhibiting the reabsorption of NaCl and water in the nephrons  changes in the osmotic balance  The most important indications for the use of diuretics are:  diseases of urinary tract – infections, inflammation; kidney stones, etc.  elimination of toxic agents  prophylaxis of renal failure – in case of circulatory failure (shock)  fluid retention – oedemas, swellings  hypertension, congestive heart failure  obesity, rheumatism, gout (= high level of uric acid),… DIURETICS 5  active constituents of plant drugs with possible diuretic effect:  FLAVONOIDS  SAPONINS  ESSENTIAL OILS  theophylline  polyols = sugar alcohols – e.g. D-mannitol  osmotic diuretic agent – these agents bind water osmotically and retain it in the tubular lumen, consequently there is a reduction of sodium reabsorption → a larger volume of dilute urine DIURETIC HERBS 6 Plant drugs containing mostly flavonoids, e.g.:  Betulae folium – Betula pendula, Betulaceae, birch  Ononidis radix – Ononis spinosa, Fabaceae, spiny rest-harrow  Equiseti herba – Equisetum arvense, Equisetaceae, horsetail  Polygoni avicularis herba – Polygonum aviculare, Polygonaceae, knotweed  Sambuci nigrae flos – Sambucus nigra, Adoxaceae, black elder  Tiliae flos – Tilia cordata, T. platyphyllos, Malvaceae, lime tree  both plant drugs contain flavonoids as main active principles → they have diuretic and diaphoretic effects DIURETIC HERBS – flavonoids/saponins Betula pendula leaf Ononis spinosa root Equisetum arvense herb Polygonum aviculare herb 7 Sambucus nigra flower Tilia cordata flower DIURETIC HERBS 8 Plant drugs containing mostly flavonoids, or saponins, or both, e.g.:  Virgaureae herba – Solidago virgaurea, Asteraceae, golden rod  Herniariae herba – Herniaria glabra, H. hirsuta, Caryophyllaceae, rupturewort  Orthosiphonis herba – Orthosiphon stamineus, Lamiaceae, cat´s whiskers  Violae herba cum flore – Viola tricolor, Violaceae, wild pansy  Urticae herba/folium – Urtica dioica, Urticaceae common nettle  flavonoids, chlorophyll, carotenoids, triterpenes, sterols, minerals, vitamins (B group, C, K1),... DIURETIC HERBS – flavonoids/saponins Solidago virgaurea herb Urtica dioica herb/folium Viola tricolor herb (with flower) Herniaria glabra herb Orthosiphonis stamineus herb 9 DIURETIC HERBS 10 Plant drugs containing mostly essential oils, e.g.:  Petroselini radix – Petroselinum crispum, Apiaceae, garden parsley root  Levistici radix – Levisticum officinale, Apiaceae, lovage  Juniperi lignum/fructus – Juniperus communis, Cupressaceae, common juniper  Bucco folium (Barosmae folium) – Barosma (Agathosma) betulina, Rutaceae, buchu  the drug contains essential oils with disinfectant effect and flavonoids with diuretic effect DIURETIC HERBS – essential oils, etc. Petroselinum crispum root Levisticum officinale root Juniperus communis wood / (pseudo)fruit Barosma betulina leaf 11 DIURETIC HERBS 12  Other plant drugs  Theae folium Thea (Camellia) sinensis, Theaceae  contains theophylline (methylxanthine derivative) with diuretic effect  Manna Fraxinus ornus, Oleaceae  a sweetish exudate is obtained from the stems of manna ash by incision  source of D-mannitol Fraxinus ornus „manna“ DIURETIC PREPARATIONS Herbal teas – monocomponent/polycomponent 13  URINARY TRACT Herbal tea (Megafyt Pharma)  loose tea 75 g  Betulae folium (30 %) Urticae herba (30 %) Menthae pip. herba Petroselini radix (10 %) Herniariae herba Ononidis radix (5 %) Betulae foliumEquiseti herba Solidaginis herbaUrticae folium/herba URODISINFECTANT HERBS 14 Plant drugs containing phenolic glycosides (arbutin derivatives):  Uvae ursi folium – Arctostaphylos uva-ursi, Ericaceae, bearberry leaf  Vitis idaeae folium – Vaccinium vitis-idaea, Ericaceae, cowberry or lingonberry leaf  Myrtilli folium – Vaccinium myrtillus, Ericaceae, bilberry (blueberry) leaf x  Vaccinium macrocarpon fruits  „big fruit“ cranberries, American cranberries  contains proanthocyanidins, flavonoids and other phenolic compounds URODISINFECTANT HERBS Arctostaphylos uva-ursi leaf ARBUTIN → HYDROQUINONE = active principle Vaccinium vitis-idaea leaf Vaccinium myrtillus leaf 15 URODISINFECTANT HERBS 16  Vaccinium macrocarpon fructus  „big fruit“ cranberries, American or Canadian cranberries  it contains proanthocyanidines, flavonoids and other polyphenolic compounds (but not arbutin!)  the effect is bound to proanthocyanidins (PACs) that are easily absorbed into the blood after ingestion, then blood is filtered through the kidneys into the urine where they prevent bacteria (predominantly Escherichia coli) from attaching to the surface of the urinary tract wall (E. coli is one of the main agents of urological inflammation!)  some studies completely deny the cranberries efficiency (??) URINARY SYSTEM DISORDERS Herbal teas 17  URCYSTON (Leros)  POR SPC 20X1.5GM  composition, in 100 g: Uvae ursi folium 25 g Equiseti herba 20 g Myrtilli herba 15 g Matricariae flos 10 g Sambuci nigrae flos 10 g Solidaginis herba 10 g Thymi herba 10 g  SUKL code: 0093469 Selected medicinal products  ATC: V11  The main medicinal component are bearberry leaves. The antibacterial effects of bearberry are suitably supplemented by other medicinal plants that increase and supplement its medicinal effects.  Drink warm, 3-5x a day, always prepare fresh, immediately prior to use. Not suitable for long term application. Do not use for more than 2 weeks. The treatment can be repeated a maximum of 5 times a year.  Do not take with acidic food or acid reacting medication. URINARY SYSTEM DISORDERS Herbal teas 18  SPECIES UROLOGICAE (Leros)  POR SPC 20X1.5GM, 1X100GM  composition, in 100 g: Betulae folium 27.5 g Uvae ursi folium 22.5 g Polygoni avic. herba 10 g Ononidis radix 10 g Petroselini radix 11 g Urticae herba 10 g Millefolii herba 7 g Sambuci nigrae flos 2 g  SUKL code: 0056350 0000966 Selected medicinal products  ATC: V11  A supplementary remedy for inflammatory diseases of the urinary tract (acute and infectious urological diseases, acute and chronic inflammation of the urinary tract and the bladder). The infusion is diuretic, has antiseptic (antibacterial) effects, relaxes smooth muscle spasms.  Do not use for more than two weeks except on medical advice. Treatment may only be repeated up to 5 times a year. If the symptoms persist, seek medical advice. URINARY SYSTEM DISORDERS Herbal teas 19  UROLOGICAL Herbal Tea (Megafyt Pharma)  20 x 1.5 g  Betulae folium 450 mg Uvae ursi folium 450 mg Menthae pip. herba 225 mg Ononidis radix 150 mg Petroselini radix 150 mg Herniariae herba 75 mg  SUKL code: 0076432 Selected medicinal products  ATC: V11  A supplementary remedy for acute infectious diseases of the urinary tract. The infusion has diuretic, antiseptic (antibacterial) effects, relaxes smooth muscle spasms.  CI: swellings caused with heart and kidney insufficiency, pregnancy, lactating, children up to 12 years.  Do not use more than 1 week. Treatment may only be repeated up to 5 times a year. URINARY SYSTEM DISORDERS Herbal teas 20 Other plant drugs used as a component of urologic herbal teas:  Callunae herba – Calluna vulgaris, Ericaceae, common heather  contains proanthocyanidins, flavonoids, a small amount of arbutin  it has anti-inflammatory properties, especially with respect to the urinary system  Cynosbati fructus sine semine (Cynosbati pericarpium) – Rosa canina, Rosaceae, dog rose  contains carbohydrates (saccharides), pectin, sorbitol, vitamin C, organic acids, tannins  Filipendulae herba – Filipendula ulmaria, Rosaceae  contains flavonoids and other phenolic compounds  Hibisci flos – Hibiscus sabdariffa, Malvaceae  contains proanthocyanidins, polysaccharides, phenolics, organic acids URINARY SYSTEM DISORDERS Herbal teas 21  KIDNEYS, URINARY TRACT Herbal Tea (Leros)  20 x 1.5 g  Betulae folium (30%) Solidaginis herba (15 %) Callunae herba (15 %) Equiseti herba (15 %) Polygoni avic. herba (10 %) Menthae pip. herba (10 %) Ononidis radix (5 %)  UROLOGICAL Herbal Tea (Teekanne)  10 x 2.0 g  Solidaginis herba (25 %) Betulae folium Equiseti herba Ononidis radix Menthae piperitae herba (5 %) Liquiritiae radix (5 %) URINARY SYSTEM DISORDERS Herbal teas 22  URINARY TRACT Herbal Tea with cranberry (Megafyt Pharma)  20 x 1.5 g  Hibisci flos Cynosbati fructus sine semine Callunae flos (13 %) Solidaginis herba (6 %) cranberry juice granular (5 %) Cymbopogonis herba Liquiritiae radix Anisi fructus  URINARY TRACT Herbal Tea (Leros)  20 x 1.5 g  Callunae herba (25 %) Hibisci flos (25 %) Solidaginis herba (20 %) Anisi fructus (15 %) Cynosbati fructus sine semine (10 %) cranberry (5 %) URINARY SYSTEM DISORDERS Other preparations 23  URINAL® cps. (Walmark/Idelyn)  contains Vaccinium macrocarpon fruit extracts: NutriCran® = concentrated extract of cranberry juice – 200 mg CystiCran® = highly concentrated extract of whole fruits – 3 mg (this extract contains minimally 40 % of PACs) + extract of Solidaginis herba 20 mg + vitamin D 1.7 µg  daily dose (= 3 capsules) replies to the content minimally 57,3 g of fresh cranberries  suitable as a supplementary preparation with antibiotic therapy (in some studies it was more effective than trimethoprim!)  chronic usage: 1 capsule a day URINARY SYSTEM DISORDERS Other preparations 24  URINAL Akut® tbl. 10 (Walmark/Idelyn)  suitable for treatment of acute disorders, effective from the first day of usage  content in 1 tbl.:  90 mg CystiCran® highly concentrated extract of whole fruits (min. 40 % of proanthocyanidines, PACs = 36 mg) – equivalent to 423 g of cranberry fruits  20 mg extract of Solidaginis herba  5 μg vitamin D  dosage: 1 tablet per day  URINAL® sirup (Walmark/Idelyn)  contains NutriCran® 500 mg in 5 mL (equivalent to 12,5 g of fruits)  suitable for children over 1 year (5 mL) URINARY SYSTEM DISORDERS Other preparations 25  UROVAL® gtt. (Valosun)  contains herbal extracts of: Arctostaphylos uva-ursi leaf Calendula officinalis flos Calluna vulgaris herb Galium odoratum herb  support remedy for better function of urinary system – diuretic, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory effects  UROVAL® Manosa tbl. (Valosun)  Vaccinium macrocarpon fruit extract – contains PACs (36 mg in daily dose = 5 tablets) + D-mannose + enzymes – trypsine, bromelaine – supportive effect  1-2 tablets, 2-3 times a day URINARY SYSTEM DISORDERS Other preparations 26  D-MANNOSE  = monosaccharide, naturally occurring in some fruits (pears, apples), produced during the fermentation  is practically not metabolized, is largely secreted by the urine. In the urinary tract, it binds to the surface of uropathogenic bacteria E. coli (= UPEC), which then lose the ability to attach to the bladder mucosa and are subsequently flushed with urine stream  a natural alternative to antibiotics, it works quickly and efficiently  products, e.g.: BLOKURIMA, URO-MANOSA, Uroval D-MANOSA, PM D-MANOSA… URINARY SYSTEM DISORDERS Other preparations 27 UPEC INVASIVE CYCLE URINARY SYSTEM DISORDERS 28 Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH):  is common urological condition caused by the non-cancerous hypertrophy (enlargement) of the prostate gland as men get older  as the prostate enlarges, it can squeeze down on the urethra – this can cause trouble urinating  the symptoms associated with BPH are known as lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS)  frequent urination, urinary urgency, the need to frequently empty the bladder, especially at night (nocturia)  urinary retention  formation of bladder stones (due to crystallization of salts)  increased risk of urinary tract infections and inflammation URINARY SYSTEM DISORDERS 29  in the pathogenesis of BHP, a major role is played by increased production of androgenic hormone DHT (dihydrotestosterone) which is formed from testosterone produced by the 5-α-reductase enzyme  DHT induces growth of prostate tissue through binding to androgen receptors in the cytosol Pharmacological treatment – influencing of plasma androgen concentration or competition on androgen receptors  5-α-reductase inhibitors  blockers of α1-adrenergic receptors  5-phosphodiesterase inhibitors  irreversible binding of steroid hormones (testosterone)  (estrogens, progestins due to inhibition of LH-RH secretion - are not used in therapy for a number of side effects) URINARY SYSTEM DISORDERS 30 Phytotherapy:  plant drugs with high PHYTOSTEROL content (especially beta-sitosterol)  the mechanism of action is not fully elucidated, it could be due to: inhibition of 5-α-reductase, competitive testosterone binding to adrenergic receptors, aromatase inhibition, attenuation of prostate cell metabolism and fibroblast proliferation, inhibition of prostaglandin and leukotriene synthesis,…  other effects: inhibition of prolactin binding to receptors, antiinflammatory action (inhibition of 5-lipoxygenase), anti-edematous effect  in combined preparations also contain:  plant drugs with a diuretic, urodisinfecant, anti-inflammatory effect  vitamin E, zinc… URINARY SYSTEM DISORDERS Preparations for care of prostate 31 Plant drugs used to treat and prevent prostate disorders:  Saw palmetto – Serenoa repens, Arecaceae  fruits are rich in phytosterols and fatty acids  contributes to maintain normal urinary function and right urinary flow, support reproductive function  Pygeum africanum (Prunus africana), Rosaceae, the African cherry tree  bark contains phytosterols  Cucurbita pepo, Cucurbitaceae  seeds (seed oil/lipophilic extract from the seeds) URINARY SYSTEM DISORDERS Preparations for care of prostate 32 Plant drugs used to treat and prevent prostate disorders:  Epilobii herba Epilobium sp., Onagraceae, willow-herb  contains flavonoids, phytosterols, gallic acid derivatives  cyclic dimeric ellagitannins – oenothein A, B  Urticae radix Urtica dioica, Urticaceae  lipophilic extract of the root contains phytosterols (beta-sitosterol and its derivatives)  other compounds: polyphenolic structures (tannins, phenylpropanoids), coumarines  other plant drugs with diuretic and urodisinfectant properties URINARY SYSTEM DISORDERS Preparations for care of prostate 33  WILLOW-HERB (Megafyt Pharma, Leros)  Epilobii herba  loose tea  EPILOBIN Planta (Leros)  20 x 1.5 g  composition in 100 g: Epilobii herba 50 g Bucco folium 25 g Solidaginis herba 15 g Calendulae flos cum calyce 10 g  SUKL code: 0057688 Selected medicinal products  ATC: V11 URINARY SYSTEM DISORDERS Preparations for care of prostate 34  PROSTAMOL UNO POR CPS MOL 30X320MG (Berlin-Chemie AG – Menarini Group)  content in 1 cps: 320 mg of Serenoae extract (9-11:1), extracted with ethanol 96%  SUKL code: 0059710 OTC medicinal products  ATC: G04CX02  treatment of BPH: 1 capsule a day (effect after 4-6 weeks)  CI: in case of known hypersensitivity to any component of product  other products: PROSTAKAN MONO, PROSTA-URGENIN, CAPISTAN, NO-PROSTAL URINARY SYSTEM DISORDERS Preparations for care of prostate 35  PROSTAKAN Forte POR CPS MOL 60 (Dr. Willmar Schwabe GmbH & Co., Germany)  content in 1 capsule: 160 mg Serenoae extractum (10-14,3:1) 120 mg Urticae radicis extractum siccum (7,6-12,5:1)  SUKL code: 0007430 OTC  ATC: G04CX02  dosage: 1 capsule 2 times a day URINARY SYSTEM DISORDERS Preparations for care of prostate 36  PROSTENAL® cps. (Walmark)  a combination of herbal extracts that helps to maintain healthy prostate - maintenance of normal urinary function and right urinary flow  content in 1 cps (soft-gel): Saw palmetto extract – 300 mg Urtica dioica extract – 250 mg Lycopene (obtained from tomatoes) – 0.5 mg Pumpkin oil (Cucurbita pepo seed oil) – 300 mg Bearberry extract (Uvae ursi folium) – 50 mg  1-2 capsules daily 2 times a day,  It is recommended to use it for long time. The positive effects can be seen after 3-6 weeks. URINARY SYSTEM DISORDERS Preparations for care of prostate 37  PROSTENAL® Perfect complex cps. (Walmark)  content in 1 cps: 160 mg of Saw palmetto extract (10:1) – fatty acids 85-95 %, sterols 0.2-0.4 %) 120 mg of Urtica dioica root extract (10:1) Lycopene 3 mg  daily dose: 1-2 capsules  positive effect usually after 3-6 weeks  PROSTENAL® Forte cps. (Walmark)  320 mg of Saw palmetto extract 240 mg of Urtica dioica root extract 10 mg of Zinc