LECTURE 8 – Preparations used to treat some disorders of digestive system - II Dr. Ivana Daňková Dept. of Natural Drugs, Faculty of Pharmacy, VFU Brno PHYTOPHARMACEUTICALS academic year 2018/19 PHYTOPHARMACEUTICALS vs. Digestive system (GIT = Gastrointestinal tract) 2 Major disorders of GIT that can be treat by phytomedicines:  digestive disorders  damaged mucosa of GIT  ulceration  inflammation (pharyngitis, gastroenteritis)  diarrhea/constipation  vomiting  infection, intoxication Treatment of PEPTIC ULCERS 3  in the area of a gastric and duodenal peptic ulcer, the mucosa has been attacked by digestive juices = „self-digestion“  usually the acid concentration is too high, or the protective effect of mucus on the mucosal surface is decreased  other cause is Helicobacter pylori infection  Therapeutic aims:  relief of pain and acceleration of healing to lessen the risk of dangerous complications  Two therapeutic approaches:  reduction of H+ concentration  mucosal protection Treatment of PEPTIC ULCERS 4  I. Drugs for lowering acid concentration  Ia – Acid neutralization = antacid drugs – containing H+ binding groups  sodium bicarbonate, calcium carbonate, magnesium hydroxide, aluminium hydroxide  nonabsorbable antacids are preferred  Ib – Inhibition of acid production – acting on their respective receptors  II. Protective drugs promotes the mucus production → coating of mucosal defects  sucralfate, misoprostol, colloidal bismuth compounds  carbenoxolone  mucilaginous plant drugs Treatment of PEPTIC ULCERS 5  CARBENOXOLONE  is a derivative of glycyrrhetinic acid (Liquiritiae radix, Glycyrrhiza glabra, Fabaceae – liquorice)  stimulates mucus production  it is practically obsolete in this indication  it has also aldosterone-like effect that promotes renal reabsorption of NaCl and water, therefore, exacerbate hypertension, congestive heart failure, or swellings (oedemas) Treatment of PEPTIC ULCERS 6  Plant drugs containing mucilage, e.g.:  Althaeae radix/ folium – Althaea officinalis, Malvaceae, marshmallow  Malvae folium/ flos – Malva sylvestris, Malvaceae, common mallow  Farfarae folium flos– Tussilago farfara, Asteraceae, coltsfoot  Plantaginis folium – Plantago lanceolata, Plantaginaceae, plantain  etc. Treatment of PEPTIC ULCERS 7 Althaea officinalis leaf/root Malva sylvestris leaf/flower Tussilago farfara leaf/flower Plantago lanceolata leaf/seed coat LAXATIVES 8  = drugs that relieve constipation, a symptom that refers to irregularly passing stools due to decreased bowel function or diet that doesn´t include enough fluids and fiber  Laxatives can increase bowel movements, promote bowel evacuation by acting locally to  stimulate intestinal peristalsis  to soften bowel content  or both LAXATIVES 9  Classification of laxatives:  Bulk laxatives – distention of the intestinal wall by bowel contents (increased filling of the bowel) stimulates propulsive movements of the gut musculature (peristalsis)  Irritant laxatives – purgatives, cathartics – exert an irritant action on the enteric mucosa. Consequently, less fluid is absorbed than is secreted – increased filling of the bowel promotes peristalsis. Excitation of sensory nerve endings elicits enteral hyper motility.  Lubricant laxatives – no absorbable liquids (e.g. glycerol) make faeces softer and more easily passed LAXATIVES 10 BULK LAXATIVES  vegetable fibers – rich in cellulose (component of plant cell walls) = indigestible polysaccharide that is resistant to digestive enzymes  e.g. bran = cereals pericarp  hydrophilic colloids, bulk gels – insoluble and nonabsorbable carbohydrate substances (polysaccharides) that expand on taking up water in the bowel  mucilage drugs  osmotically active laxatives – soluble but nonabsorbable particles that retain water in the bowel due to their osmotic activity  salts (e.g. Glauber´s salt – sodium sulphate), polyhydric alcohols (mannitol, sorbitol), disaccharide lactulose LAXATIVES 11 IRRITANT LAXATIVES (PURGATIVES, CATHARTICS)  these laxatives are distinguished according to the site of irritation  the small bowel irritant  ricinoleic acid – in Castor oil  the large bowel irritant  anthraquinone derivatives  synthetic drugs – diphenolmethane derivatives LAXATIVES 12  RICINI OLEUM = Castor oil – the oil obtained from the first cold-pressing of the seed of Ricinus communis, Euphorbiaceae (castor bean)  ricinoleic acid – major component  oral administration of 10-30 mL of castor oil is followed within 0.5 to 3 hours by discharge of water stool  very strong, massive effect ! – castor oil is hardly suitable to treat ordinary constipation  it can be employed after oral ingestion of a toxin in order to hasten elimination and to reduce absorption of the toxin from the gut LAXATIVES 13  ANTHRAQUINONE DERIVATIVES  compounds derived from anthracene and have a variable degree of oxidation, in plants usually present as glycosides  in the colon, they are hydrolyzed by the β-glucosidases of the intestinal flora, and the free anthraquinones are reduced into active form = anthrones  anthrones increase the secretion of electrolytes and water and affect intestinal motility  the latency between drug intake and laxative effect is 6 to 12 hours.  daily dose is max. 30 mg of hydroxyanthracene derivatives LAXATIVE HERBAL DRUGS 14 Plant drugs containing anthraquinone derivatives, e.g.:  Frangulae cortex – Rhamnus frangula (Frangula alnus), Rhamnaceae, frangula  Rhamni purshianae cortex – Rhamnus purshianus (Frangula purshiana), Rhamnaceae, Cascara sagrada  Rhamni cathartici fructus – Rhamnus catharticus, Rhamnaceae, purging buckthorn  Rhei radix – Rheum officinale and/or R. palmatum Polygonaceae, rhubarb  Sennae folium/fructus – Cassia senna (C. acutifolia) and/or C. angustifolia, Fabaceae, Alexandrian or Tinnevely senna  Aloe – Aloe barbadensis, A. capensis, Xanthorrhoeaceae, aloe LAXATIVE HERBAL DRUGS 15 Rhamnus catharticus fruit Rhamnus frangula, R. purshiana bark Rheum officinale Rheum palmatum root/rhizome Cassia senna, C.angustifolia leaves/fruits Aloe barbadensis Aloe capensis leaves – juice LAXATIVES 16  Contraindication of purgatives, irritant laxatives:  intestinal congestion, sudden abdominal episodes, inflammatory diseases of the colon, abdominal complaints of unclear origin  children up to 10 years of age  pregnant and nursing women  Warning:  persons with heart and kidney illnesses, accompanied by swellings, should be careful  chronic usage can lead to dependence (habit-forming syndrome) which can cause fluid and electrolyte imbalance LAXATIVE HERBAL DRUGS 17 Plant drugs containing mucilage and gums, e.g.:  Lini semen – Linum usitatissimum, Linaceae, flax  Psyllii semen – Plantago afra (Plantago psyllium), Plantago indica (P. arenaria), Plantaginaceae  Plantaginis ovatae semen – Plantago ovata (P. ispaghula), Plantaginaceae, blond plantain, Indian plantago  Agar – obtained from red algae – Gelidium, Rhodophyta  a vegetable gums produced mostly as an exudate of various plants: Gummi arabicum, Acaciae gummi – Acacia senegal, Fabaceae Tragacantha, gum tragacanth – Astragalus gummifer, Fabaceae Guma guar – from the seeds of Cyamopsis tetragonoloba, Fabaceae Karaya gummi – trees of the genus Sterculia, Malvaceae LAXATIVE HERBAL DRUGS 18 Psyllium afra (Plantago psyllium) seed (seed coat) Psyllium indica (P. arenaria) seed (seed coat) Plantago ovata (P. ispaghula) seed (seed coat) Linum usitatissimum seed Gelidium „agar“ LAXATIVE PREPARATIONS Herbal teas 19  LAXATIVE Herbal Tea (Megafyt Pharma)  POR SPC 20X1.5GM  Sennae folium 750 mg Menthae pip. herba 300 mg Foeniculi fructus 150 mg Liquiritiae radix 150 mg Millefolii herba 150 mg in 1 tea bag (1.5 g)  SUKL code 0084374  ATC: V11  laxative preparation, mild antiphlogistic and carminative effects  one tea bag (1.5 g) contains 12.5 mg of hydroxyanthracene derivatives, sennosides (maximal daily dose = 30 mg)  suitable for adults and children over 12y. LAXATIVE PREPARATIONS 20  Bio PSYLLIUM – ISPAGHULA (Megafyt Pharma)  150 g  Plantago psyllium Plantago ovata – seed coat (testa)  PSYLLIUM – many producers, various packages LAXATIVE PREPARATIONS 21  PSYLLIUM cps. (Medicol, Dr. Popov, PharmaLine...)  LEPICOL (ASP Czech s.r.o.)  various products – as loose powder or in capsules  a multi-fibre source product containing gentle psyllium husk  + inulin (fructooligosaccharides from Cichorium intybus root)  + probiotics (Lactobacillus sp., Bifidobacterium bifidum)  + digestive enzymes  suitable also for children LAXATIVE PREPARATIONS 22  FRUCTOLAX (ORTIS Laboratoires)  chewing cubes, tablets, syrup  Ficus carica Rheum palmatum/R. officinale Guma guar (Cyamopsis tetragonoloba) Tamarindus indica pulp Phoenix dactylifera concentrate wheat syrup LAXATIVE PREPARATIONS 23  LAXAFRUIT (Vaminter S.L.)  chewing cubes  in 100 g: paste from Ficus carica 62.9 g syrup from Agave 12.6 g Psyllium Husk (from Plantago ovata) 10.5 g Rheum rhabarbarum (leaf stalks) 4.2 g Tamarindus indica – legume pulp 3.4 g plums (Prunus domestica) 2.1 g oat fibre (Avena sativa) 2.5 g Anisi fructus 0.8 g yoghurt powder 0.5 g inulin 0.5 g  dosage usually 1 cube a day, wash down with 2 dL of water. DIARRHEA, DIARRHOEA 24 Causes Examples Viral infections Rotavirus, Norwalk virus Bacterial infections E. coli, Vibrio cholerae, Campylobacter, Shigella, Salmonella Parasites Giardia, Entamoeba Helminths (intestinal worms) Strongyloides Allergic Lactose intolerance, celiac sprue, medication side effects Autoimmune Ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease Malabsorptive Pancreatic deficiency, biliary disease Nutritional Zinc deficiency, vitamin A deficiency, enteral feedings consisting of liquid nutritional formulas delivered straight to the bowels Functional Irritable bowel syndrome, short bowel syndrome, cancer ANTIDIARRHEAL AGENTS 25  Causes of diarrhea – gastroenteritis:  bacteria/viruses – invade the gut wall cause inflammation characterized by increased fluid secretion into the lumen. The enteric musculature reacts with increased peristalsis. Some bacterial toxins (e.g. Vibrio cholerae) inhibit ability of mucosal enterocytes to absorb sodium (Na+) and water, and, at the same time, stimulate mucosal secretory activity  The aims of antidiarrheal therapy are:  to prevent dehydration and electrolyte depletion  to prevent excessively high stool frequency ANTIDIARRHEAL AGENTS 26  Classification:  adsorbent powders – nonabsorbable material with a large surface area. These binds different substances including toxins, permitting them to be inactivated and eliminated. Medicinal charcoal – the recommended effective dose is in the range of 4-8 g. Other absorbents: kaolin (hydrated aluminium silicate), chalk.  oral rehydration solution – solution containing salts and glucose  opioids – inhibition of propulsive peristalsis. Opium tincture (CNS effects !) → synthetic derivatives with peripheral action  antibacterial drugs  astringents – tannins – cause precipitation of mucosa surface proteins, „sealing“ of mucosa ANTIDIARRHEAL AGENTS 27 Plant drugs containing tannins, e.g.:  Tormentillae rhizoma – Potentilla erecta (P. tormentilla), Rosaceae, tormentil  Bistortae rhizoma – Polygonum bistorta (Bistorta major), Polygonaceae, common bistort  Quercus cortex – Quercus robur, Q. petraea, Fagaceae, oak  Sanguisorbae radix – Sanguisorba officinalis, Rosaceae, great burnet  Agrimoniae herba – Agrimonia eupatoria, Rosaceae, agrimony  Myrtilli fructus/folium – Vaccinium myrtillus, Ericaceae, bilberry  Fragariae folium – Fragaria vesca, Rosaceae, wild strawberry  Alchemillae herba – Alchemilla vulgaris, Rosaceae, lady´s mantle ANTIDIARRHEAL AGENTS 28 Potentilla tormentilla rhizome Vaccinium myrtillus leaf/fruit Bistorta major rhizome Quercus robur Quercus petraea bark Alchemilla vugaris herb Sanguisorba officinalis root Agrimonia eupatoria herb ANTIDIARRHEAL AGENTS 29 Plant drugs containing tannins, e.g.:  Rubi idaei folium – Rubus idaeus, Rosaceae, bramble leaf  Rubi fruticosi folium – Rubus fruticosus, Rosaceae, raspberry leaf  Juglandis folium – Juglans regia, Juglandaceae, walnut leaf  Hamamelidis folium/cortex – Hamamelis virginiana, Hamamelidaceae, witch hazel leaf/bark  Salviae officinalis folium – Salvia officinalis, Lamiaceae, sage  Theae folium – Thea sinensis, Theaceae, fermented (black) tea ANTIDIARRHEAL PREPARATIONS Herbal teas 30  TORMENTAN (Leros)  POR SPC 20X1.5GM  Myrtilli fructus 480 mg Tormentillae rhizoma 300 mg Sanguisorbae radix 300 mg Matricariae flos 105 mg Salviae officinalis folium 105 mg Menthae piperitae herba 105 mg Liquiritiae radix 105 mg in 1 tea bag (1.5 g)  SUKL code: 0043957  ATC: V11  do not allow the tea to boil  drink warm and unsweetened 3 times a day after meals.  traditional herbal preparation for diarrhoeal ailments. It has anti-inflammatory properties, soothes flatulence and relieves spasm.  suitable for adults and children over 12y. ANTIDIARRHEAL PREPARATIONS Preparations containing tannins 31  TASECTAN CPS 15x 500 MG or sachets 20x 250 MG (Pharma Swiss/Ocean Healthcare, Ireland)  contains gelatin tannate  suitable for babies, children and adults as well  use every 6 hours until the symptoms disappear. It is usually effective within 12 hours. ANTIDIARRHEAL PREPARATIONS Adsorbent powders 32  CARBO MEDICINALIS POR TBL NOB 20X300MG (Icn Polfa)  SUKL code: 0057338  ATC: A07BA01  dosage: - in case of mild disorders: 600-1500 mg (2-5 tbl.) 3-4 times a day - in case of serious diarrhoeal ailments – 3000-3600 mg (10-12 tbl.) 3-4 times a day  CARBOSORB POR TBL NOB 20X320MG POR PLV 1X25GM (Imuna Pharm)  SUKL code: 0031951; 0000982  ATC: A07BA01 ANTIDIARRHEAL PREPARATIONS Oral solid forms 33  EUCARBON POR TBL NOB 30 (SEDICO/F. TRENKA, Austria)  Sennae folium pulveratum 105 mg Rhei extr. siccum normatum 25 mg Carbo vegetalis 180 mg (vegetable charcoal) Sulfur depuratum 50 mg Foeniculi etheroleum 0.5 mg Menthae pip. etheroleum 0.5 mg  SUKL code: 0049998 OTC medicinal product  ATC: A06AB56 (Sennosides, combinations)  dosage: 1-2 tablets up to 3 times daily  Eucarbon® is a mild laxative with prominent regulatory properties to the intestinal functions.  charcoal adsorbs metabolic/ bacterial toxins  the addition of Senna & rhubarb hastens the elimination of the charcoal-toxins complex, reduces intestinal desorption of the drug.  The essential oils relieve flatulence