2. The nucleic acid metabolism disorders of purine and pyrimidine. Hyperuricemia, orotacidurie, therapy. 1 Sugar - base linkage Nucleoside RNA: adenosine, guanosine, cytidine, & uridine DNA: deoxyadenosine, deoxyguanosine, deoxycytidine, & thymidine Base above plane of sugar, linkage is  2 Purines & Pyrimidines Note: ring atom #s RNA DNA 3 Nucleotides: monomeric units of nucleic acids 5’ nucleotide - most common 3’ nucleotide Adenosine 5’-triphosphate Deoxyguanosine 3’ monophosphate Nucleotide: nucleoside joined to one or more phosphate groups by an ester linkage 4 Backbone of DNA & RNA 3’-to-5’ phosphodiester linkages Sugar, red. Phosphate, blue 5 TEST 6 7 Biosynthesis of purine and pyrimidine nucleotides • all cells needs ribonucleosides, deoxyribonucleosides and their phosphates • not esencial (2 biosynthetic pathways) • purine and pyrimidine basis from food are not used for biosynthesis, cleved for catabolism (pancreatic endonucleases) • biosynthesis purine and pyrimidine basis (2 pathways): •1. de novo 2. salvage pathway • location :- liver • needs: sugar (PPRP), AA(glycine, glutamine, aspartate), . coenzyme: tetrahydrofolate • synthesis of purine and pyrimidine nucleotides are coordinated 7 TEST Precursore molecules for purine and pyrimidine nucleotides • 3 main compounds: • 1) tetrahydrofolate • 2) glutamine • 3) PRPP – 5-phosphoribosyl-1-pyrophosphate N N OH NH2N CO NH CH CH2 CH2 COO- COO- H CH2 N N H H CH COO NH3 (CH2)2C - + O NH2 O O CH2OP O O O- OH OH P P O OO O -- O O - 8 9 Importance of folic acid for biosynthesis of NA bases Folate Green leafy vegetables, liver, whole grains, yeast, k N N O H N N C H2 N H2 N C O N H C H C H2 C H2 C O O C O O - H Used form in human is tetrahydrofolate tetrahydrofolate 9 10 (dihydro)folatereduktase folate N N OH NH2N CO NH CH CH2 CH2 COO- COO- H CH2 N N H H tetrahydrofolate dihydrofolate NADPH + H+ NADP NADP NADPH + H+ N N OH NH2N CO NH CH CH2 CH2 COO- COO- H CH2 N N H Formation of tetrahydrofolate + + DEHYDOGENATION 10 11 Methotrexate (anticancer agent) Inhibitors (dihydro)folatereductase: NH2 H2N CH2 N CH3 C NH O C COO- H CH2 CH2 COO- N N Trimethoprim (bacteriostaticum) N N NH2 H2N OCH3 OCH3 OCH3 11 12 Dihydrofolate reductase - an objective antitumor therapy. Dihydrofolate reductase was the first enzyme for which focused antitumor therapy. The first-used inhibitor was aminopterin. It binds to the enzyme 1000 times tighter than folate, acts as a competitive inhibitor. Currently used methotrexate and similar derivatives. All drugs which affect the synthesis of purines and pyrimidines, deplete rapidly dividing cells - but not only cancer cells but also cells in the bone marrow and GI tract cells such as hair follicles. 12 13 N N OH NH2N CO NH CH CH2 CH2 COO- COOCH2 N N H CH2 N-5,N-10- methylen H4F – synthesis of thymin N N OH NH2N CO NH CH CH2 CH2 COO- COOCH2 N N H CHOH N-10-formyl H4F – synthesis of purins 5 10 1 3 Using of tetrahydrofolate 13 Importance of glutamin for purine and pyrimidine biosynthesis CH COO NH3 (CH2)2C - + O NH2 - Donor of aminogroup Glutamine antagonists inhibits synthesis of purines and pyrimidines CH2 CH NH2 COOHOC O CH N N azaserin 14 15 Necessary for synthesis: Purine nucleotides Pyrimidine nucleotides NAD+, NADP+ PRPP - phosphoribosylphyridoxalphosphate O O CH2OP O O O- OH OH P P O OO O -- O O - 15 Ribosa-5P + ATP  PRPP + AMP PRPP-synthetase Synthesis of PRPP O O CH2OP O O O- OH OH P P O OO O -- O O - ribose-5-phosphate (pentose cycle), activeted penthose 16 17 TEST 18 19 Differences in purine and pyrimidine synthesis Purins First PRPP… Pyrimidins First heterocycle ribose-P from PRPP O O CH2OP O O O- OH OH P P O OO O -- O O - N NO O COO - H Synthesis - puzzle – one part to others. Diffrence in the beginning : –purines : first PRPP and than is form base - Pyrimidines : first base and than ribosa-5-P from PRPP. 19 20 1) BIOSYNTESIS of PYRIMIDINS N O H O 12 3 4 5 6 N Ribosa-P glutamin HCO3 •2. aspartate • 3. PRPP COO- Orotidinmono-P Decarboxylation – uridin mono-P Origin of atoms in pyrimidines  karbamoyl-P•1. TEST 20 21 CYTOPLASM • 1 Glutamine + 2 ATP + HCO3  karbamoyl-P + glutamate + 2 ADP + Pi • syntesis of karbamoyl -P CO NH2 O P O O O- Karbamoyl-P-synthetase -energy, enzym karbamoylphosphatesynthetase II Inhibition by UTP („inhibition by product“) and aktivation by ATP. BIOSYNTESIS OF PYRIMIDINS 21 22 H2N CH CH2 COO COO - - H2N C O P OO O - - Pi C N CH CH2 COOO COO NH2 H - H2 O - HN C N CH CH2 C O COO O - H HN C N C O COO O - H O O P O O CH2 OP O O O O P O O O - -- - -- - HN C N C O COO O - O O O P O CH2 O - - HN C N C O O O O O P O CH2 O CO2 karbamoylaspartate dihydroorotate orotate Orotidinmono-P PRPP Uridinmono-P (UMP) karbamoylP aspartate BIOSYNTESIS OF PYRIMIDINS 22 23 ATP Biosyntesis of UTP and CTP UMP UDP  ADP ATP ADP + P glutamine glutamate CTP ATP ADP UTP Uridin tri-P cytidin tri-P BIOSYNTESIS OF PYRIMIDINS 23 24 dTMP (methylation) Methylation- H4F N N O O CH3 CH2 OH O H Methylen group in H4F is reduced to methyl dUMP Deoxythymidintri-P 24 25 UDP  dUDP  dUMP TMP Thymidylatesynthase (enzym dependent on folate) Dihydrofolatereductase Synthesis of TMP Methylen –H4F H2F serin H4F glycin NADPH NADP Transport of methylene ( H4F …. H2F) Anticancer drugs 25 26 N N OH NH2N CO NH CH CH2 CH2 COO- COOCH2 N N H CH2 N N OH NH2N CO NH CH CH2 CH2 COO- COOCH2 NH N N N OH NH2N CO NH CH CH2 CH2 COO- COO- H CH2 N N H H NADPH + H+ NADP+ CH2 CH2-H4F H2F H4F H H H H 26 27 thymidylate synthase The administration of fluorouracil organism conversion to 5-fluorodeoxyuridine monophosphate Competitive inhibition thymidylatesynthasy The cytostatic effect of a drug Thymidylate synthase because it is blocked by a competitive inhibitor, which in effect prevents dTMP, resulting in a slowdown (disabling) of cell division. 27 28 2. Synthesis of pyrimidins by salvage pathway Uracil or Cytosin Ribosa-1-P Pi Uridin or Cytidin Thymin Deoxyribosa-1-P Pi Thymidin 1. nucleosides •thymidin + ATP  TMP + ADP •cytidin + ATP  CMP + ADP •deoxycytidin + ATP  dCMP + ADP •uridin + ATP  UMP + ADP 2. Kinase - phosphorylation Salvage pathway – extrahepatal tissues 28 29 Regulation of biosyntesis of pyrimidins • Karbamoyl-P-synthetase: inhibition by UTP, purins nucleotides, activation by PRPP  Allosteric:  dependence on cell cycle KarbamoylP-synthetase in S phase is more sensitive to activation by PRPP 29 30 Degradation of pyrimidins nucleotides deaminatio n reduktio n -alanin -aminoisobutyrate Pyrimidins – to the simple compounds – in urine Pyrimidine base, we are able in our body break down into simpler components STEPS: a) Release of P b) Release of sugar c) Degradation of pyrimidine base End products of cleavege of pyrimidines: NH3, CO2, -alanin, ( -aminoisobutyrate) Soluble metabolist – excretion by urine TEST 30 Inherited metabolic disorder of pyrimidine metabolism • Orotic aciduria (UMP synthase deficiency) • Dihydropyriminidase deficiency • Thymidine phosphorylase deficiency MNGIE 31 This gene encodes a uridine 5'-monophosphate synthase. The encoded protein is a bifunctional enzyme that catalyzes the final two steps of the de novo pyrimidine biosynthetic pathway. The first reaction is carried out by the Nterminal enzyme orotate phosphoribosyltransferase which converts orotic acid to orotidine-5'-monophosphate. The terminal reaction is carried out by the C-terminal enzyme OMP decarboxylase which converts orotidine-5'monophosphate to uridine monophosphate. Defects in this gene are the cause of hereditary orotic aciduria. Inherited metabolic disorder of pyrimidine metabolism 1. uridine 5'-monophosphate synthase deficiency (orotic aciduria) TEST 32 TEST UMP synthase uridine 5'-monophosphate synthase 33 Inherited metabolic disorder of pyrimidine metabolism • 2. Dihydropyriminidase deficiency 34 Dihydropyrimidinase (DHP) is the second enzyme in the catabolism of 5-fluorouracil (5FU), and it has been suggested that patients with a deficiency of this enzyme are at risk from developing severe 5FU-associated toxicity. Inherited metabolic disorder of pyrimidine metabolism • 2. Dihydropyriminidase deficiency 35 Deficiency of the cytosolic enzyme thymidine phosphorylase (TP) causes a multisystem disorder called mitochondrial neurogastrointestinal encephalomyopathy (MNGIE) syndrome. Clinical symptoms are gastrointestinal dysfunction, muscle involvement and neurological deterioration. Inherited metabolic disorder of pyrimidine metabolism • 3. thymidine phosphorylase deficiency • mitochondrial neurogastrointestinal encephalomyopathy (MNGIE) syndrome 36 Inherited metabolic disorder of pyrimidine metabolism • 3. thymidine phosphorylase deficiency • mitochondrial neurogastrointestinal encephalomyopathy (MNGIE) syndrome 37 38 Ribosa-5-P 3 glycin HCO3 - aspartate formyl-H4F glutamin 1 PRPP formyl-H4F 2 4 6 7 8 Biosyntesis of purins (multienzym complex) Inosin-5-P (IMP) 5 cytoplasm liver N HN O N N C C C 38 39 O O P O O CH2 OP O O O O P O O O - -- - O CH2 OP O O O NH2 - - O CH2 OP O O O NH C O CH2 NH3 - - O CH2 OP O O O NH C O CH2 NH CHO - -O CH2 OP O O O NH C NH CH2 NH CHO - - N N O O O P O CH2 O H2N - - N N O O O P O CH2 O H2N OOC- - N N O O O P O CH2 O H2N CO H2N - N N O O O P O CH2 O NH CO H2N OHC - O O O P O CH2 O - N N O N N H H Biosyntesis of IMP Gln Glu inosinmonophosphate ATP, glycin ADP Formyl- THFTHF Glu Gln H2O CO2 asp formylTHF THF H2O phosphoribosylaminPRPP Inosin-5-P (IMP) Biosyntesis of purins 39 40 N N O N N H ribosa-5-P Inosin-5-P (IMP)-Initial substance for synthesis of other basis aspartate, GTP amination AMP oxidation aminati on GMP Glutamin, ATP XMP xantosinmonoP Biosyntesis of purins 40 41 N N O N N Ribosa H P N N N CH CH2COO COO N N Ribosa P - - N N NH2 N N Ribosa P N N O O N N RibosaH P N N O H2N N N RibosaH P HH Syntesis of AMP a GM IMP Asp GTP GDP + Pi fumarate AMP NAD+ NADH + H+ ATP AMP + PPi XMP GMP Gln Glu 41 42 Inhibitors of syntesis of purins (cytostatics) • inhibitors dihydrofolate reductase • analogy glutamin (azaserin) • 6-merkaptopurin- inhibition of change IMP to AMP and GMP N N SH N N H merkaptopurin 42 43 Syntesis of purins by salvage pathway Extrahepatal tissue Purin + PRPP  purinnukleotidmonoP + PP phosphoribosyltransferase Recyclation of purins O O CH2OP O O O- OH OH P P O OO O -- O O - phosphoribosyltransferase AMP adeninphosphoribosyltransfera se 43 44 Syntesis of nukleotiddiP and triP nukleosidmonoP nukleotiddiP nukleotidtriP ATP ADP ATP ADP 44 45 Regulation of biosyntesis of purins • concentration of PRPP Speed of synthesis Speed of degradationSpeed of use • inhibice PRPP-glutamylamidotransferase by AMP and GMP (end products) IMP AMP GMP GMP  AMP  1. 2. 3. 45 46 ribonucleotidreductase Nucleotiddiphosphate  deoxynucleotiddiphosphate cofactor protein bound 46 Inherited metabolic disorder of pyrimidine/purine metabolism • 4. PPRP synthase superactivity 47 TEST Inherited metabolic disorder of purine metabolism • 1.Adenylosuccinate lyase deficiency (ADSL) 48TEST Inherited metabolic disorder of purine metabolism • 1. HGPRT deficiency 49 TEST Adenine phosphoryl transferase Inherited metabolic disorder of purine metabolism • 2. Adenine phosphoryl transferase • deficiency 50 TEST 51 Degradation of purines AMP,GMP, IMP,XMP 5-nucleotidase guanosin, inosin, xantosin + Pi nukleosidphosphorylase Adenosin + Pi, guanin, hypoxantin, xantin + riboso-1-P adenosindeaminase inosinnukleosidphosphorylase Cleavage of P liver 51 52 Enzyme deficiency leads to the accumulation of toxic deoxyadenosine, which affects immunocompetent cells One of the causes of severe combined immunodeficiency (severe combined immunodeficiency disease-SCID). Inherited metabolic disorder of purine metabolism • 3. adenosine deaminase deficiency 52 53 hypoxantin xantin Uric acids xantinoxidase guanin guanase end metabolit primate, ….. (400-600 mg /den) Inhibition by allopurinolem Degradation of purins 53 Xanthine Oxidase • A homodimeric protein • Contains electron transfer proteins – FAD – Mo-pterin complex in +4 or +6 state – Two 2Fe-2S clusters • Transfers electrons to O2  H2O2 – H2O2 is toxic – Disproportionated to H2O and O2 by catalase 54 55 Allopurinol – competitive inhibitor of xantinoxidase Gout: allopurinol inhibits the oxidation of hypoxanthine to xanthine hypoxanthine is more soluble and more readily excreted N N OH N N H 55 Allopurinol (structural analog of hypoxanthine ) is converted to the xanthine oxypurinol (= alloxanthin ), which binds tightly to the enzyme and prevents its further catalytic activity. Allopurinol is the " suicide " inhibitor of xanthine oxidase , reduces the concentration of uric acid in the blood and thus the other fluids ( eg . synovial ) ; amount of secreted urate decreases excretion rises somewhat better soluble hypoxanthine and xanthine . moreover final metabolite is not a single product but three , so decreasing the risk of excess constants solubility that would be the case for one of the final product . 56 Inherited metabolic disorder of purine metabolism • 4. Xanthinuria • lack of enzyme, xantin oxidase 57TEST 58 59 increasing of production and decreasing of excretion of uric acid  defect in salwa pathway (deficit hypoxantin-guaninphosphoribosyltransferase) (HGPRT) hypoxantin + PRPP  IMP + PP  decrease of clearance in kidney Keeping of crystals of UA in tissue Inherited metabolic disorder of purine metabolism • 5. Gout • enzyme deficiency HGPRT • enzyme deficiency glucose-6-phosphatase • increased enzyme activity PRPPsynthetase GOUT (hyperuricemia) 59 Gout • Impaired excretion or overproduction of uric acid • Uric acid crystals precipitate into joints (Gouty Arthritis), kidneys, ureters (stones) • Lead impairs uric acid excretion – lead poisoning from pewter drinking goblets – Fall of Roman Empire? • Xanthine oxidase inhibitors inhibit production of uric acid, and treat gout • Allopurinol treatment – hypoxanthine analog that binds to Xanthine Oxidase to decrease uric acid production 60 61 62 63 Hyperuricemia is an abnormally high level of uric acid in the blood. In the pH conditions of body fluid, uric acid exists largely as urate, the ion form.[1][2] The amount of urate in the body depends on the balance between the amount of purines eaten in food, the amount of urate synthesised within the body (e.g., through cell turnover), and the amount of urate that is excreted in urine or through the gastrointestinal tract.[2] In humans, the upper end of the normal range is 360 µmol/L (6 mg/dL) for women and 400 µmol/L (6.8 mg/dL) for men. 64 6. Lesch-Nyhan Syndrome • A defect in production or activity of HGPRT – Causes increased level of Hypoxanthine and Guanine ( in degradation to uric acid) • Also,PRPP accumulates – stimulates production of purine nucleotides (and thereby increases their degradation) • Causes gout-like symptoms, but also neurological symptoms  spasticity, aggressiveness, self-mutilation • First neuropsychiatric abnormality that was attributed to a single enzyme Inherited metabolic disorders of purine metabolism 65 TEST Lesch–Nyhan syndrome (LNS), also known as Nyhan's syndrome, Kelley-Seegmiller syndrome, and juvenile gout,[1] is a rare inherited disorder caused by a deficiency of the enzyme hypoxanthine-guanine phosphoribosyltransferase (HGPRT), produced by mutations in the HPRT gene located on the X chromosome. LNS affects about one in 380,000 live births.[2] The disorder was first recognized and clinically characterized by medical student Michael Lesch and his mentor, pediatrician William Nyhan, who published their findings in 1964.[3] The HGPRT deficiency causes a build-up of uric acid in all body fluids. This results in both hyperuricemia and hyperuricosuria, associated with severe gout and kidney problems. 66 67 Inherited metabolic disorders of purine metabolism d adenosine phosphoribosyltransferase 67 TEST