Physico-chemical properties of compounds MBDD 22.2.2018 ADME : Absorption – Distribution – Metabolism – Excretion Exploration of ADME is at least of same importance as exploration of activity of the compound. Large pharmaceutical companies are able to screen over 3 000 000 of new molecules for biological activity per year. Some 30 000 hits may be found. Most of them, however potent they are, have not suitable physical, metabolic and safety properties. Some 30 molecules pass for pharmacological evaluation. 0 - 3 molecules are introduced into market. About 30% of molecules in pharmacological evaluation are rejected due to ADME problems. „A“ from ADME (Absorption) properties affecting passive absorption: acid-base character lipophilicity solubility membrane permeability Transport model permeability – solubility - charge state – pH-partition hypothesis Passive diffusion: product of diffusivity and concentration gradient For ionizable molecules to permeate, molecule needs to be uncharged The amount of uncharged form is pH-dependent Cm 0, Cm h : concentrations of uncharged forms in membrane (hard to estimate) h : thickness of membrane logK : partition coefficient lipid/water CD, CA : water concentrations (easy to estimate by HPLC) Dm : diffusivity Pm : permeability Physiological properties of the GIT Jejunum + ileum > 99% of absorbable surface Time needed to pass through: Empty stomach : water solution up to 0.4 hour solids 0.5 - 3 hours fatty food up to 13 hours Jejunum + ileum : 3 – 5 hours Colon: 7 – 20 hours (depends of sleeping period) pH decrease in colon may be caused by short fatty acids produced by bacteria Intestine -glycocalyx slows absorption of lipophillic molecules -tight junctions allows to come through small molecules (< 200 Da) -positively charged drugs has better permeability through basal membrane -acid pH microclimate prefer weak acids for permeation Intracellular pH environment: Structure of octanol. Octanol serves for years as a model. Water saturated octanol: water-octanol clusters allows to enter hydrophyllic compounds, partially charged compounds, as well Biopharmaceutics classification system Four BCS classes due to solubility and permeability For this classification: Solubility is amount of watter needed to dissolve highest single dose at pH (1-8) with worst solubility: low s > 250 mL > high s Permeability in human jejunum in vivo high > 10-4 > low Biopharmaceutics classification system Charge state Weak acids and bases ionize in solutions to varying extent, dependent on pH of environment. This affects amount of uncharged molecules ready for absorption. Thermodynamic parameter of this process is the ionization constant KA (pKA) Knowlwdge of compound´s pKA is very imortant – it can predict absorption, distribution and excretion of the compound. Charge state Example Urine pH (normal 5.7-5.8) can be altered by oral doses of NH4Cl or NaHCO3 to ease excretion of ionized compounds in toxicological emergencies. Weak acids are excreted in alkaline urine, weak bases in acidic urine. Henderson-Hasselbach equation thermodynamic equations for acid, base and diprotic ampholyte: negative logarithm of these equations give Henderson-Hasselbach equations: Henderson-Hasselbach equation pH = pKA : concentration of ionized and uncharged form is equal pH = pKA – 2 : ratio (1:100) 99.9% uncharged pH = pKA + 2 : ratio (100:1) 99.9% charged Constant ionic medium reference state Ionic strenght of the solution is involved in dissociation rates. Measurements of pKA has to be performed in standard ionic conditions: 0.15 M KCl or NaCl solutions are used (physiological ionic strenght) Potentiometric measurement Titration of water solutions of substance with addition of 0.15 M KCl or NaCl by HCl or KOH/NaOH Potentiometric titration curve is obtained In the case of multiprotic compounds, simple curve can be misleading! Bjerrum plot must be constructed: Bjerrum plot construction: Bjerrum plot construction: 1. Subtract titration curve with no compound (blank) from a titration curve with sample (b) 2. x and y axis are rotated (c) 3. volume difference is turned to number of ionizable hydrogens ratio (known from structure): Difference between total ionizable hydrogens and actually ionized hydrogens Equilibrium states indicates pKA values (d) Solubility problems: Most of bioactive compounds are poorly soluble in water. > 100 µM: no problems in potentiometry 10 – 100 µM: measurable after carefull electrode calibration < 10 µM: mixed solvent environment have to be used Co-solvent mixtures: alcohol - water (methanol, ethanol, propanol) dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO) – water dioxane – water Measured values in the mixture can be extrapolated to poor water using standard sets Spectroscopic measurement (UV-VIS): pH-dependent chromophore necessary construction of molar absorbance to pH curves at various vawelenghts searching for suitable vawelenghts specific method development for each compound needed Capillary electrophoresis mesurements mobility of ionizable compounds depends on pKA apparent mobility to pH curves are constructed sigmoideal shape, midpoint pH equals to pKA Macroconstants / microconstants Certain type of multiprotic molecules posses different tautomeric arrangement measured pKA are average constants for more complex equilibria – macroconstants Microconstants can be elucidated by multiple series of measurements with cosolvents shifting pKa values in combination with UV-VIS detection of chromophore changing Macroconstants / microconstants (cetirizine) Partitioning into octanol P – partition coefficient D – apparent partition coefficient (pH-dependent) Partitioning equilibria: non-ionizable molecules can be directly measured Partitioning into octanol ionizable molecules are partitioned too, but to much lesser extent: Partitioning into octanol: Propranolol Partitioning into octanol Difference between ionized and non-ionized forms: Difference between partition coefficients is equal to difference between pKas logD Distribution ratio D is used at ionizable molecules refers to a collection of all species: lipophilicity profiles: Shake-flask method concentration is determined in aqueous phase (HPLC) HPLC methods retention times at hydrophobic column/aqueous buffer system are hydrophobicity indices logP values can be calculated from retention times using standards (structurally similar compounds with known logP) pH metric logP method dual phase titration of compounds Bjerrum plots are constructed to potentiometric curves for octanol and water separately Difference between pKa and apparent pKa is equal to partition coefficient pH metric logP method Partitioning into liposomes liposomes are more „biologic-like“ distribution between membrane and aqueous phase Partitioning into liposomes Partitioning into liposomes Changing of dielectric properties of a layer Partitioning into liposomes Liposomes are added to defined solution of the compound after equilibria is established, liposomes are separated by: dialysis ultrafiltration centrifugation Amount of unabsorbed substance in water solution is determined Partitioning into liposomes liposome partitioning can be estimated from logP valuaes by complex computational process Partitioning into liposomes complex non-linear similarity Solubility solubility of ionizable molecules depends on pKa monoprotic molecules: diprotic ampholyte: Solubility many experimental complications: crystalline/amorphous form amorphism polymorphism solvates of solids crystalline cosolvent self-associates formation micelles formation Shake-flask method thermostated saturated solution is shaken between two phases (solid/liquid) long equlibrium times (12hours – 7 days) concentration in water phase is determined by HPLC after microfiltration and centrifugation Membrane permeability In simple model, permeability can be linearly related to the membrane-water partition coefficient In practice, unlinearity often occures: -unstirred water layer -aqueous pores in membranes -membrane retention of lipophilic solute -precipitation of solute -transmembrane pH gradients -hydrogen-bonding, electrostatic, hydrophobic interactions with membrane constituents -membrane surface charge Membrane permeability in vivo additional problems: -different composition of inner and outer surface -active transporters -efflux system P-gp -metabolism in membrane Artificial membrane models Paralell artificial-membrane permeability assay (PAMPA) -sendwich microplates covered by phospholipide bilayer -composition near to cell membrane -allows high-throughoutput screening Cell monolayer models permeability through epitelial cell monolayer e. g. caco-2 cell line