DISSOLUTION & ABSORPTION 2020 Anna Řezáčová DISSOLUTION & ABSORPTION Interaction active ingredient × organism ➢ pharmaceutical phase – disintegration, dissolution (pharmaceutical availability) ➢ pharmacokinetic phase – ADME (biological availability), AUC, cmax, tmax ➢ pharmacodynamic phase – interaction between drug and receptor (therapeutic effect) oral administration disintegration dissolution ingredient can diffuse absorption hepatic pass systemic distribution resorption part first pass effect Bioavailability galenic availability time bloodconcentration characterize a ratio between solubility in water and lipids permeability across membranes Bioavailability Permeability high Class 1 (amphiphilic) tramadol.HCl losartan pravastatin Class 2 (lipophilic) atorvastatin itraconazole valsartan Permeability low Class 3 (hydrophilic) gabapentin metformin.HCl valcyclovir Class 4 (trouble makers!) acyclovir furosemide cyclosporine Solubility high Solubility low ➢ highly soluble API (BCS) – its highest dose is soluble in 250 ml of a dissolution medium in physiological pH range ➢ highly permeable API (BCS) – absorption is > 90% Biopharmaceutical Classification System (BCS) BCS class Solubility Permeability Speed limiting item Dissolution requirements Note 1 high high stomach emptying fast in all pH range (85% in 30 min in all media) 2 low high dissolution specification based on IVIVC absorption controlled by solubility of API 3 high low absorption through instestine membrane very fast in all pH range (85% in 30 min in all media) fast solubility required to maximize the absorption 4 low low dissolution and absorption low chance for IVIVC prodrug preparation, higher solubility = higher permeability Biopharmaceutical Classification System (BCS) ➢ disintegration – ability of a dosage form to disintegrate into particles (compression pressure, porosity, excipients) ➢ dissolution – releasing of molecules (ions) from a crystal bond and their diffusion in a solvent or digestive juices (chemical form: salt, weak acid, weak base; physical form: amorphous, polymorph, particle size) Disintegration × dissolution ➢ disintegration – studies if tablets or capsules disintegrate under defined experimental conditions in a defined liquid, within defined time Disintegration ➢ process, by which a solid substance comes into a solvent and becomes a solution ➢ necessary requirement for drug absorption ➢ important tool for proposal, manufacture, evaluation and quality control of dosage forms ➢ connection of in vitro testing and in vivo availability Dissolution dn/dt – a mass of a tested substance dissolved per time unit D – diffusion coefficient S – area of phase boundary between a solid phase and a solution cS – concentration of a saturated solution on a phase boundary c – concentration in all volume δ – width of diffusion layer ➢ Noyes-Whitney equation Dissolution of API – Intrinsic dissolution ➢ pure API or a mixture with excipients ➢ critical parameter – preparation (compression of a tablet) Dissolution of API – Intrinsic dissolution MODIFICATION OF API SOLUBILITY Dissolution modifying factors Physicochemical properties of API Physiological factors in GIT diffusion coefficient D molecule size Mr, temperature viscosity of digestive juices surface area S particle size, wettability surfactants, bile width of diffusion layer δ ––– motility, flow rate solubility cS hydrophilicity, crystal structure, solubilisation pH in GIT, bile, food, buffer capacity Dissolution profile 0 20 40 60 80 100 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 time (min) dissolvedamount (%) ➢ dissolution profile is a dependence of released amount of active substance on time ➢ specification of dissolution is specified by minimal acceptable amount of released active substance within specified time (minimal XX % within YY min) Dissolution – Dissolution profile, specification ➢ physicochemical properties of API (solubility, polymorphy, size and shape of particles, porosity) ➢ formulation components (excipients, buffers, surfactants) ➢ manufacturing process (mixing process, wet granulation, melt extrusion, tableting pressure) ➢ physical properties of a dosage form (wettability, swelling, disintegration) Rate of active substance releasing from a dosage form ➢ dissolution test ▪ media composition, pH, ion power, buffer capacity ▪ media volume ▪ stirring (hydrodynamics) Rate of active substance releasing from a dosage form ➢ temperature: (37 ± 0.5) °C ➢ buffer pH: 1 to 6.8 (± 0.05) ➢ volume: 500 – 1000 ml ▪ saturated concentration determination, sink conditions calculation cS/cd > 3 ➢ additives: surfactants, enzymes ➢ rotation speed: 50 – 100 rpm 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 dissolvedamountin% time in minutes water 0.1 M HCl 0.01 M HCl phosphate buffer pH 6.8 Dissolution media ➢ 7 types according to the USP ▪ baskets ▪ paddles ▪ reciprocating cylinder ▪ flow-through cell ▪ paddle over disk ▪ rotating cylinder ▪ reciprocating holder ▪ special instruments (TNO TIM-1, „Golem“) ▪ on-line ▪ off-line Dissolution methods ➢ 1 – basket, 2 – paddle ➢ limitation – traditional closed models, dissolved drug stays in the system – accumulation × absorption in vivo, concentration gradient is establishing ➢ flowing on a surface, sticking on a bottom (spirals), different hydrodynamics in particular parts of solution Dissolution methods – USP 1, 2 ➢ USP 3 – equipment with reciprocating cylinder, closed system ➢ simpler simulation of GIT conditions (pH changes and transit times) ➢ product releasing in 6 different pH media ➢ suitable mainly for MR products, proof of drug form against strong mechanic stress Dissolution methods – USP 3 ➢ USP 4 – flow-through cell, open system ➢ absorption process is simulated by keeping of concentration gradient, no peristalsis ➢ suitable mainly for products containing low soluble API, MR products, special dosage forms Dissolution methods – USP 4 ➢ paddle over disk, extraction cell ➢ for transdermal preparations ➢ 32 °C Dissolution methods – USP 5 ➢ rotating cylinder ➢ for transdermal preparations ➢ 32 °C Dissolution methods – USP 6 Disolúcia - typy liekových foriem ➢ fast releasing dosage forms – minimum 85% within 15 min ➢ immediate releasing dosage forms – minimum 70 – 80% within 30 – 45 min ➢ modified release dosage forms – dissolution lasts usually 8 – 24 h, specification minimum in three points in profile ➢ delayed release dosage forms – enterosolvent tablets Dissolution – Requirements for dosage forms Dissolution methods – Physiological approaches ➢ pepsin ➢ bile salts ➢ phospholipids (lecithin) ➢ lipase, pancreatic enzymes ➢ Ca2+ (lipase activity) ➢ ion power ➢ Fasted State Simulated Gastric Fluid (FaSSGF) ➢ Fed State Simulated Gastric Fluid (FeSSGF) ➢ Fasted State Simulated Intestinal Fluid improved version (FaSSIF V2) ➢ Fed State Simulated Intestinal Fluid improved version (FeSSIF V2) Dissolution methods – Physiological approaches ➢ gastro-intestinal dissolution model TNO TIM-1 ➢ full simulating of GIT (stomach, duodenum, jejunum, ileum, pancreatic and bile secretion, enzymes, dynamic conditions, peristalsis, body temperature, ion power) Dissolution methods – Physiological approaches To the colon Peristaltic pump Stomach (HCl pH 1.7, NaCl, KCl, gastric secretion) Duodenum (Bicarbonate buffer pH 5, NaCl, KCl, pancreatic and biliary secretion) Jejunum (Bicarbonate buffer pH 6, NaCl, KCl) Ileum (Bicarbonate buffer pH 7, NaCl, KCl) Temperature probe Heating 37 °C ➢ Golem ➢ Golem – user-friendly software ➢ Influence of bile and pancreatic juices (atorvastatin) Examples ➢ Clopidogrel + acetylsalicylic acid (enterosolvent tablets) 0,000 0,100 0,200 0,300 0,400 0,500 0,600 0,700 0,800 0,900 1,000 0 10 20 30 40 50 c(mg/ml) t (min) Stomach ASA Clopidogrel b. SWIA0005 + Bayaspirin b. H150 Clopidogrel + ASA b. 0A001 Clopidogrel + ASA b. 0A007 0,000 0,100 0,200 0,300 0,400 0,500 0,600 0,700 0,800 0,900 1,000 0 50 100 150 c(mg/ml) t (min) Duodenum ASA Clopidogrel b. SWIA0005 + Bayaspirin b. H150 Clopidogrel + ASA b.0A001 Clopidogrel + ASA b.0A007 0,000 0,050 0,100 0,150 0,200 0,250 0,300 0,350 0,400 0,450 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 c(mg/ml) t (min) Jejunum ASA Clopidogrel b. SWIA0005 + Bayaspirin b. H150 Clopidogrel + ASA b. 0A001 Clopidogrel + ASA b. 0A007 0,000 0,200 0,400 0,600 0,800 1,000 1,200 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 c(mg/ml) t (min) Ileum ASA Clopidogrel b. SWIA0005 + Bayaspirin b. H150 Clopidogrel + ASA b. 0A001 Clopidogrel + ASA b. 0A007 Batch 0A001 and 0A007 Bayaspirin Examples ➢ Atorvastatin (batches 80 and 82 vs. reference) /thanks also to Dr. Čulen/ 0 10 20 30 40 50 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 c(ng/ml) t (h) BES4 Reference 00 Batch 80 90% CI: Upper limit = 127% Criteria : 80 − 125% NOT bioequivalent 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 %dissolved t (min) Batch 82 Reference 06 (no BES) Batch 01 0 10 20 30 40 50 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 c(ng/ml) t (h) BES3 Reference 10 Batch 82 90% CI: Lower limit = 100% Upper limit = 121% Bioequivalent Criteria: 80 − 125% Examples ➢ European Pharmacopoeia Ph. Eur. ➢ Czech Pharmacopoeia – Dissolution of solid dosage forms, Dissolution of transdermal preparations, requirements on particular dosage forms ➢ EMA guideline (European Medicines Agency) – ICHQ2(R1) – method validation (accuracy, precision, linearity, robustness, …) Dissolution methods – Directives, guidelines Rectal Permeability Placental Permeability Lung Permeability Absorption – Methods of administration, barriers physical factors (particle size, enhancers) absorption chemical factors (lipophilicity, molecule size, ability to be ionized mechanism of absorption) functional status of GIT (motility, …) formulation factors (type of dosage form, excipients, inhibitors and enhancers of carriers, …) drug interactions (antacids, adsorbents, …) method of administration (i.m., p.o., …) Absorption influencing factors ➢ ability to be ionized (pKa) ▪ important influence on drug solubility and permeability (passive diffusion absorption – only nonionized form is absorbed) ▪ many drugs are weak acids or bases ▪ Henderson-Hasselbalch equation for acids: log ([HA]/[A-]) = pKa-pH for bases: log ([BH+]/[B]) = pKa-pH Absorption influencing factors – Chemical factors ➢ biological membrane ▪ coherent bilayer of lipid molecules with outer polar and inner nonpolar part ▪ inserted proteins working as receptors, enzymes, transport systems, keeping the shape, ... Mechanisms of absorption ➢ paracelular × transcelular ▪ paracelular • tight junction • passive, diffusion (concentracion gradient), • hydrophilic molecules with low Mr (cimetidin, atenolol) paracelular transcelular Mechanisms of absorption ▪ transcelular • lipid diffusion: dissolution in membrane lipids, according to concentration gradient, lipophilic drugs, nonionized form (Henderson-Hasselbalch); majority of drugs • diffusion across water pores: hydrophilic substances, Mr till 150, low importance for drugs; Li Mechanisms of absorption ▪ transcelular • facilitated diffusion: with the aid of protein carrier, but only on concentration gradient (protein oscillation); AK-HEB • active transport: against concentration gradient, energy supply (ATP), with the aid of protein carrier (reversible binding), one-way; levodopa Mechanisms of absorption ▪ transcelular • transport on ion pairs: quarter ammonia bases, neutral complex with mucin, pure diffusion • exocytosis and endocytosis, pinocytosis and fagocytosis Mechanisms of absorption ➢ GIT anatomy ▪ stomach, small (duodenum, jejunum a ileum) and large intestine ▪ length and surface of particular parts ➢ transit time ▪ dissolution, transporters, degradation ➢ local pH ▪ ionization level, acids, bases Absorption influencing factors – Functional status of GIT ➢ physiological parameters of GIT Part of GIT Surface (m2) Length (m) Transit time (h) pH stomach 0.053 – 0.5 – 1.5* 1.5 – 2 small intestine** 200 6.5 (81 %) 3 – 4 6.0 → 6.5 → 7.0 large intestine 0.35 1.55 (19 %) 8 – 72 6.3 * transit time in oesophagus: a few seconds ** duodenum, jejunum, ileum Absorption influencing factors – Functional status of GIT ➢ physiological pH in GIT Absorption influencing factors – Functional status of GIT ➢ volume of gastric liquids ➢ local pH (solubility, dissociation) ➢ stomach filling (fasted × fed) ➢ speed of stomach emptying (size of bite, calories amount) ➢ gastrin (absorption increasing) ➢ somatostatin (absorption decreasing) ➢ bile salts (micelles, lipophilic drugs) Absorption influencing factors – Functional status of GIT ➢ surface area ➢ speed of peristalsis ➢ level of perfusion (congestion) ➢ activity of intestine microflora ➢ activity of digestive enzymes ➢ presystemic elimination: destruction in cells of intestine epithelium, first pass effect, pass through lungs, … !!! Absorption influencing factors – Functional status of GIT ➢ originator companies: to find out, if a candidate has suitable biopharmaceutical properties (peroral absorption – marketing) ➢ generic companies: to find out, if a candidate has a same absorption profile as original product Usage of absorption models ➢ experiments performed ▪ in silico ▪ in vitro ▪ in situ ▪ in vivo Absorption models ➢ computer models ▪ on basis of information about a structure and data from preceding in vivo experiments, counting of absorption of new substances ▪ important factors lipophilicity, hydrogen bindings, inter- and intramolecular bindings, charge, molar weight prediction of passive transport ▪ QSAR (Quantitative Structure – Activity Relationship) Experiments performed in silico !!! together with in silico methods – saving of animals !!! ➢ chromatographic methods ➢ artificial lipid membranes ➢ cell cultures ➢ parts of small intestine ➢ (SHIME) Experiments performed in vitro ➢ chromatographic methods ▪ stationary phase resembling lipid bilayer or immobilised phospholipids or liposomes ▪ only interaction with lipid bilayer, not a transportation across a membrane Experiments performed in vitro ➢ artificial lipid membranes ▪ hydrophobic porous filter impregnated with phospholipids ▪ prediction of passive diffusion, transportation across a membrane ▪ PAMPA (Parallel Artificial Membrane Permeation Assay) 12 thousand CZK / 5 plates Experiments performed in vitro PVDF - polyvinyliden fluorid ➢ PAMPA Experiments performed in vitro – PAMPA %ofabsorption ➢ comparison of nanonized and standard API %ofabsorption API Particle size (nm) (Nano API (x90)) Particle size (μm) (standard API) Meloxicam 290 20 Valsartan 697 30 API Permeability (%) (Nano API) Permeability (%) (standard API) Meloxicam 20.8 9.8 Valsartan 56.0 10.7 Experiments performed in vitro – PAMPA ➢ cell cultures ▪ prediction of transportation across a cell membrane including active transport ▪ Caco-2 cells 10 500 – 22 500 CZK / 1 compound Experiments performed in vitro ➢ Caco-2 cells ▪ cells of human adenocarcinoma of large intestine (colon) ▪ suggested for simulation and prediction of intestinal drug absorption after oral administration ▪ dispose of enzymatic and transportation systems (with limitations – low capacity) ▪ correlation with in vivo data has shown that Caco-2 cells are able to predict absorption in vivo and identify low permeable substances; BCS classification ▪ low amount of tested compound ▪ not possible to distinguish differences in absorption in particular parts of small intestine, better for APIs than drug forms, narrow range of working pH, time consuming Experiments performed in vitro ➢ parts of small intestine ▪ human ▪ rat, dog ▪ Ussing chamber ▪ absorption in particular parts Experiments performed in vitro ➢ SHIME (Simulation of the Human Intestinal Microbial System): ▪ model, which simulates physicochemical and enzymatic conditions and contains bacterial colonies resembling colonies situated in human GIT ▪ multi-compartment 5-step system, 2 steps small intestine, 3 steps large intestine ▪ decomposition of active molecule × prodrug (Sulfasalazin) Experiments performed in vitro ➢ perfused organs ▪ comparison of isolated absorption ▪ solution, solid dosage forms ▪ mass balance ▪ small sample series – surgical adjustment ▪ anaesthesia Experiments performed in situ ➢ animal models ▪ mouse 6 000 USD / 1 compound ▪ rat ▪ guinea pig ▪ dog ▪ pig ▪ mini-pig ▪ ape ▪ surgical adjusted (probes etc.) ▪ there is not a single universal suitable mate of animal model Experiments performed in vivo Thank you for your attention