Department of Chemical Drugs, Faculty of Pharmacy, Masaryk university, Brno1 Design of new antituberculotics Mgr. Veronika Ballayová Design of new antituberculotics2 Parts of the presentation 1. Tuberculosis (basic facts, statistics & current situation, mortality, resistance) 2. Treatment 2.1. First-line drugs 2.2. Second-line drugs 3. New drug candidates 3.1. Pre-clinical development 3.2. Clinical development 3.3. Optimizing the use of approved and repurposed drugs Design of new antituberculotics3 Tuberculosis (TB) ̶ Multisystemic infectious and communicable disease ̶ One of the leading causes of death worldwide ̶ Until the COVID-19 pandemic, TB was the leading cause of death from a single infectious agent, ranking above HIV/AIDS ̶ WHO has published a global TB report every year since 1997 (to provide a comprehensive and up-to-date assessment of the status of the TB epidemic)1 1 Design of new antituberculotics4 Tuberculosis (TB) – basic facts ̶ Old disease (affected humans for thousands of years) ̶ Active / latent form ̶ Caused by the bacillus Mycobacterium tuberculosis (M. avium, M. fortuitum, M. kansasii) ̶ Germs are spread from person to person through the air by expel infectious droplets (caught, squeeze or split) ̶ Infects mainly the lungs (pulmonary TB), also affects other organs and tissues (extrapulmonary TB) ̶ Most of the infected people live in low- and middle-income countries, BUT TB is present all over the world ̶ About half of all people with TB can be found in 8 countries: Bangladesh, China, India, Indonesia, Nigeria, Pakistan, Philippines and South Africa1 1 Design of new antituberculotics5 Mycobacterium tuberculosis ̶ Slowly growing, aerobic bacteria ̶ They can grow within body cells (an intracellular parasitic bacterium). ̶ Divides every 16 to 20 hours (extremely slow rate compared with other bacteria, which usually divide in less than an hour). ̶ Unique outer membrane lipid bilayer cell wall with mycolic acid, which helps them to protect against host immune system ̶ It may take 9 weeks for these slow-growing bacteria to grow on specialised media. Design of new antituberculotics6 Tuberculosis (TB) – statistics ̶ About a quarter of the world´s population is infected with M. tuberculosis (2 billion people) BUT only 5-15% of these people will fall ill with active form of the disease (the rest have TB infection but are not ill and cannot transmit the disease)1 ̶ Mostly affects adults (90%), but all age groups are vulnerable, more cases among men than women2 ̶ People with weak immune system - higher risk of infection (HIV infection – 18 times more likely to develop active tuberculosis)2 ̶ Other risk factors: undernutrition, diabetes, smoking and alcohol consumption 1 2 Design of new antituberculotics7 Global TB report ̶ Concept of a „high burden country“ (HBC) ̶ 3 global HBC lists for 2021-2025:1 ̶ TB ̶ HIV-associated TB ̶ MDR-TB and RR-TB ̶ TB data profiles are available online for all 215 countries ̶ Free WHO TB Report mobile app 1 Design of new antituberculotics8 Countries in the 3 global lists of high-burden countries in the period of 2021-2025 by WHO1 1 Design of new antituberculotics9 Tuberculosis- current situation ̶ Large global drop in the number of people newly diagnosed with TB and reported in 2020, compared with 2019 ̶ 2019 – 2020 18% decrease ̶ Reduction in the regions of: ̶ South-East Asia ̶ Western Pacific ̶ African Region (2,5%) ̶ European Region These 2 regions accounted for most (84%) of the global reduction (namely India 41%, Indonesia 14%, Philippines 12%, China 8%) 10 Tuberculosis - mortality ̶ TB – 13th leading cause of death worldwide ̶ Increasing number of deaths in 2020 ̶ Number of deaths officially classified as caused by TB -1.5 million ̶ including 214 000 people with HIV1 ̶ TB remains one of the world´s top infectious killers 1 Design of new antituberculotics11 Tuberculosis (TB) - treatment ̶ Curable and preventable ̶ Without treatment – mortality rate from TB is high ̶ Effective drug treatments were first developed in the 1940s ̶ Currently recommended treatment: 6-month regiment of four first-line drugs: isoniazid, rifampicin, ethambutol and pyrazinamide ̶ 85% of patients with TB disease can be successfully treated with a 6-month drug regiment – universal health coverage1 ̶ Vaccine for prevention of TB – BCG vaccine (bacille Calmette-Guérin) – prevents severe forms of TB in children 1 Design of new antituberculotics12 Tuberculosis (TB) – resistance ̶ Rifampicin-resistant TB (RR-TB) ̶ Multidrug-resistant TB (MDR-TB) defined as resistance to isoniazid and rifampicine (the most powerful anti-TB drugs) ̶ treatment is longer (up to 2 years), more toxic and more expensive – second-line drugs ̶ HIV/AIDS antiretroviral therapies are not compatible with the current TB regiment because of shared drug toxicities and drug interactions (rifampicin-induced cytochrome P450 activation) ̶ Urgent need for research and development of new drug structures with activity against resistant bacteria 13 Treatment: first-line drugs ̶ More than 40 years old ̶ Non-compliance of the patients CHETTY, Sarentha, Muthusamy RAMESH, Ashona SINGH-PILLAY a Mahmoud E. S. SOLIMAN. Recent advancements in the development of anti-tuberculosis drugs. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters [online]. 2017, 27(3), 370–386. ISSN 0960-894X. Dostupné z: doi:10.1016/j.bmcl.2016.11.084 14 Treatment: second-line drugs ̶ Treatment is: ̶ longer (up to 2 years) ̶ more toxic ̶ more expensive CHETTY, Sarentha, Muthusamy RAMESH, Ashona SINGH-PILLAY a Mahmoud E. S. SOLIMAN. Recent advancements in the development of anti-tuberculosis drugs. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters [online]. 2017, 27(3), 370–386. ISSN 0960- 894X. Dostupné z: doi:10.1016/j.bmcl.2016.11.084 Design of new antituberculotics15 New drug candidates ̶ Since the 1990´s, there has been a resurgence of interest in new anti-TB drugs development, as TB once became an internationally significant public health risk. ̶ Rapid appearance of resistance to the available drugs, bacterial persistence, latency, long-treatment durations – results in poor adherence and urgency of new drug development ̶ Ideal properties of the new regiment:1 ̶ A shorter treatment duration ̶ A good bactericidal and sterilising activity against all TB bacterial sub-population ̶ A better safety and tolerability profile than existing anti-TB drugs ̶ Compatibility with other drugs used in TB chemotherapy and for those patients co-infected with HIV 1 CHETTY, Sarentha, Muthusamy RAMESH, Ashona SINGH-PILLAY a Mahmoud E. S. SOLIMAN. Recent advancements in the development of anti-tuberculosis drugs. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters [online]. 2017, 27(3), 370–386. ISSN 0960-894X. Dostupné z: doi:10.1016/j.bmcl.2016.11.084 Define footer – presentation title / department16 New drug candidates ̶ Currently, there are a number of drug candidates in different phases of the discovery, preclinical and clinical development ̶ There are also a number of ongoing trials using repurposed drugs in different combinations and doses of drugs that are currently on the market CHETTY, Sarentha, Muthusamy RAMESH, Ashona SINGH-PILLAY a Mahmoud E. S. SOLIMAN. Recent advancements in the development of anti-tuberculosis drugs. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters [online]. 2017, 27(3), 370–386. ISSN 0960-894X. Dostupné z: doi:10.1016/j.bmcl.2016.11.084 Define footer – presentation title / department17 CHETTY, Sarentha, Muthusamy RAMESH, Ashona SINGH-PILLAY a Mahmoud E. S. SOLIMAN. Recent advancements in the development of anti-tuberculosis drugs. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters [online]. 2017, 27(3), 370–386. ISSN 0960-894X. Dostupné z: doi:10.1016/j.bmcl.2016.11.084 Design of new antituberculotics18 Pre-clinical development ̶ CPZEN-45 ̶ Nucleoside antibiotic, which works through the inhibition of decaprenyl-phosphateGlcNAc-1-phosphate transferase ̶ In vitro activity against both replicating and non-replicating bacteria ̶ Efficacy against both drug-sensitive and MDR-TB in murine models ̶ SQ-609 ̶ Dipiperidine pharmacophore ̶ TBI-166 ̶ Riminophenazine class of drugs ̶ Clofazimine (antileprotic drug) – several undesirable properties (urine discoloration, poor solubility,...) ̶ Obtained through lead optimization to keep the efficacy without undesirable properties CHETTY, Sarentha, Muthusamy RAMESH, Ashona SINGH-PILLAY a Mahmoud E. S. SOLIMAN. Recent advancements in the development of anti-tuberculosis drugs. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters [online]. 2017, 27(3), 370–386. ISSN 0960-894X. Dostupné z: doi:10.1016/j.bmcl.2016.11.084 Design of new antituberculotics19 Clinical development ̶ Q203 ̶ Optimised from an imidazole[1,2-α]pyridine amide ̶ Works in anaerobic and aerobic conditions ̶ Inhibition against both intra-cellular and extra-cellular TB as well as replicating and nonreplicating bacteria ̶ Target: respiratory cytochrome bc1 complex – inhibition of the synthesis of ATP ̶ Sutezolid (PNU-100480) ̶ Analogue of linezolid ̶ Superior antimycobacterial activity and safety profile compared with linezolid CHETTY, Sarentha, Muthusamy RAMESH, Ashona SINGH-PILLAY a Mahmoud E. S. SOLIMAN. Recent advancements in the development of anti-tuberculosis drugs. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters [online]. 2017, 27(3), 370–386. ISSN 0960-894X. Dostupné z: doi:10.1016/j.bmcl.2016.11.084 Design of new antituberculotics20 Clinical development ̶ SQ109 ̶ Diamine analogue of ethambutol ̶ Unsaturated isoprenyl units and a bulky adamantyl ring ̶ Limited bioavailability ̶ Large volume of distribution into various tissues, particularly the lungs ̶ Rapidly metabolised in the liver ̶ Mechanism of action: inhibition of the cell wall synthesis ̶ Oral administration with a long half-life (once-a-week dosing) ̶ Combined administration with rifampicin exhibit synergistic in vitro activity without antagonistic interactions ̶ Combination with isoniazid exhibit synergistic in vivo RIVERS, Emma C. a Ricardo L. MANCERA. New anti-tuberculosis drugs in clinical trials with novel mechanisms of action. Drug Discovery Today [online]. 2008, 13(23), 1090–1098. ISSN 1359-6446. Dostupné z: doi:10.1016/j.drudis.2008.09.004 Design of new antituberculotics21 Clinical development ̶ Pretomanid (PA-824) ̶ Bicyclic nitroimidazofurans – active against M. tuberculosis – MUTAGENIC ̶ Bicyclic nitroimidazo[2,1-b]oxazine – equal activity without mutagenic features ̶ Prodrug (metabolised by M. tuberculosis)- probably bioreduction of its aromatic nitro group to a reactive nitro radical anion intermediate RIVERS, Emma C. a Ricardo L. MANCERA. New anti-tuberculosis drugs in clinical trials with novel mechanisms of action. Drug Discovery Today [online]. 2008, 13(23), 1090–1098. ISSN 1359-6446. Dostupné z: doi:10.1016/j.drudis.2008.09.004 Design of new antituberculotics22 Clinical development ̶ Pretomanid (PA-824) ̶ NO cross-resistance to other current anti-TB drugs ̶ Treatment of latent TB (activity against persistent bacilli) ̶ Long half-life, accumulate in the body ̶ Mechanism of action: two-fold 1. Inhibition of M. tuberculosis cell wall lipid and protein synthesis 2. Activity against non-replicating bacteria – probably due to the production of nitric oxide which is most likely generated on conversion of the prodrug to its active form ̶ Combination with moxifloxacine – particularly effective with no relaps CHETTY, Sarentha, Muthusamy RAMESH, Ashona SINGH-PILLAY a Mahmoud E. S. SOLIMAN. Recent advancements in the development of anti-tuberculosis drugs. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters [online]. 2017, 27(3), 370–386. ISSN 0960-894X. Dostupné z: doi:10.1016/j.bmcl.2016.11.084 Design of new antituberculotics23 Clinical development ̶ Delamanid (OPC-67683) ̶ 6-nitro-2,3-dihydroimidazo[2,1-b]oxazole ̶ Prodrug – M. tuberculosis metabolises the drug and produces one main metabolite: desnitro-imidazooxazole RIVERS, Emma C. a Ricardo L. MANCERA. New anti-tuberculosis drugs in clinical trials with novel mechanisms of action. Drug Discovery Today [online]. 2008, 13(23), 1090–1098. ISSN 1359-6446. Dostupné z: doi:10.1016/j.drudis.2008.09.004 Design of new antituberculotics24 Clinical development ̶ Delamanid (OPC-67683) ̶ Excellent in vitro activity against drug-susceptible and resistant M. tuberculosis strains ̶ NO cross-resistance to any current first-line drugs ̶ Infrequent and low dosing ̶ Long half-life, lack of metabolization by CYP enzymes ̶ Efficacy in immunocompromised mice – potential treatment of co-infected TB/HIV patients ̶ Mechanism of action: inhibition of methoxy-mycolic and keto-mycolic acid synthesis ̶ Combination with the first-line drugs – NO antagonistic interactions ̶ Combination of delamanid, linezolid, levofloxacin and pyrazinamide CHETTY, Sarentha, Muthusamy RAMESH, Ashona SINGH-PILLAY a Mahmoud E. S. SOLIMAN. Recent advancements in the development of anti-tuberculosis drugs. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters [online]. 2017, 27(3), 370–386. ISSN 0960-894X. Dostupné z: doi:10.1016/j.bmcl.2016.11.084 RIVERS, Emma C. a Ricardo L. MANCERA. New anti-tuberculosis drugs in clinical trials with novel mechanisms of action. Drug Discovery Today [online]. 2008, 13(23), 1090–1098. ISSN 1359-6446. Dostupné z: doi:10.1016/j.drudis.2008.09.004 Design of new antituberculotics25 Clinical development ̶ Bedaquiline (TMC-207) ̶ Diarylquinoline ̶ Mechanism of action: inhibition of Mycobacterium membrane-subunit c of ATP synthase ̶ Excellent activity against drug-susceptible, MDR-TB and RR-TB ̶ NO cross-resistance to current first-line drugs ̶ Use of TMC207 alone appears to be at least as effective as a combination of rifampicin, isoniazid and pyrazinamide ̶ Orally well-absorbed with a long half-life (single weekly dosing) ̶ Metabolised by CYP3A4 – incompatible with anti-retrovirals ̶ Synergistic effect for the combination TMC207 and pyrazinamide – 2 months to completely eradicate lung M. tuberculosis (pyrazinamide indirectly inhibites aTP synthesis) ̶ Bedaquiline – Pretonamid – Pyrazinamide combination is currently in phase III clinical trials for the treatment of MDR-TB CHETTY, Sarentha, Muthusamy RAMESH, Ashona SINGH-PILLAY a Mahmoud E. S. SOLIMAN. Recent advancements in the development of anti-tuberculosis drugs. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters [online]. 2017, 27(3), 370–386. ISSN 0960-894X. Dostupné z: doi:10.1016/j.bmcl.2016.11.084 RIVERS, Emma C. a Ricardo L. MANCERA. New anti-tuberculosis drugs in clinical trials with novel mechanisms of action. Drug Discovery Today [online]. 2008, 13(23), 1090–1098. ISSN 1359-6446. Dostupné z: doi:10.1016/j.drudis.2008.09.004 Design of new antituberculotics26 CHETTY, Sarentha, Muthusamy RAMESH, Ashona SINGH-PILLAY a Mahmoud E. S. SOLIMAN. Recent advancements in the development of anti-tuberculosis drugs. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters [online]. 2017, 27(3), 370–386. ISSN 0960-894X. Dostupné z: doi:10.1016/j.bmcl.2016.11.084 Design of new antituberculotics27 Optimizing the use of approved and repurposed drugs ̶ Rifampicin ̶ Higher doses of 15 or 20 mg/kg ̶ Increase in dose had no corresponding increase in adverse effects ̶ Rifapentine ̶ Reducing the treatment durations of drug-susceptible TB and the treatment of latent TB ̶ Once-weekly dosing ̶ Moxifloxacin CHETTY, Sarentha, Muthusamy RAMESH, Ashona SINGH-PILLAY a Mahmoud E. S. SOLIMAN. Recent advancements in the development of anti-tuberculosis drugs. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters [online]. 2017, 27(3), 370–386. ISSN 0960-894X. Dostupné z: doi:10.1016/j.bmcl.2016.11.084 Design of new antituberculotics28 Summary ̶ A number of new anti-TB drugs have been developed in recent years with novel mechanism of action, exhibit excellent activity against M. tuberculosis and reduce the duration of treatment and dosing. ̶ The structure OPC-67683 (Delamanid) may be effective in HIV/AIDS patients and TMC207(Bedaquiline) may be effective against MDR-TB. ̶ There are a number of other drug molecules in clinical or pre-clinical trials, although there is limited information available. ̶ These developments give hope that within the next decade more effective anti-TB drugs may be achieved. Design of new antituberculotics29 Thank you for your attention.