1 BLOOD INFLUENCING OF BLOOD COAGULABILITY ANTICOAGULANTS COMPOUNDS BINDING CALCIUM IONS Ions of calcium Ca2+ are for coagulation necessary. Their „scavenging“ for example by binding to citrate or EDTA prevents blood coagulation. Possibility to manage this in vitro only. Used for taking of blood. HEPARINS (heparin inhibits the factors of blood coagulation) COUMARINE DERIVATIVES (block synthesis of blood coagulation factors) 2 HEPARINUM CALCIUM, HEPARINUM NATRIUM (ČL 2005) Heparin calcium salt, Heparin natrium salt Natrium or calcium salt of sulphated glucosaminoglycane MW 15.000-20.000 Source: lungs of beef cattle, intestinal mucose of beef cattle, pigs or sheep Almost white moderately hygroscopic powder, easily soluble in water Mechanism of effect: activation of the body's own glycoprotein antithrombine III Hydrolysis: • D-glucosamine • D-glucuronic acid • L-iduronic acid (epimer of glucuronic acid) • Sulphuric acid • Acetic acid STRUCTURE OF HEPARIN O OH OSO3H O O O CH2OSO3H OH NHSO3H O O OH OH O O CH2OSO3H OH NHCOCH3 O COOH COOH sulphatated and acetyled glucosamine glucuronic acid basic unit 3 HEPARIN USAGE • Prophylaxis of thromboses • Therapy of thromboses, it means prevention of further growth of thrombus • Consumption coagulopathy • Emboli • Myocardial infarction Parenteral application, in organism rapid decomposition (repeated administration necessary) Side effects: • Bleeding in high doses (antidote protamin) • Allergic reactions • Thrombocytopenia • Osteoporosis, reversible hair loss (long-termed application) LOW-MOLECULAR HEPARIN (fragments of heparin) Prepared by directed cleavage of native heparin MW cca 5000 Usage: Prophylaxis of thromboses (benefit is long-termed effect) Side effects: • Bleeding • Thrombocytopenia - rare • More difficult antagonisation with protamine 4 HEPARINOIDS Polyesters of saccharides with sulphuric acid, lowing coagulability MW cca 7000 Source: low-molecular residues after heparin production or natural polysaccharides (dextrans, xylans, cellulose, starch, pectin, chitin) Anticoagulation effect in comparison to heparin weaker, heparinoids are more toxic Usage: Local in ointments for treatment of inflammatory diseases and hematomas HIRUDIN Source: Hirudo medicinalis L., bloodsucker; ambidextrous worm from sub-class of annelids. Hirudin is protein with MW 16 000, it is present in oral glands Hirudin reacts directly with thrombin, with cooperation with antitrombin III, inactivates thrombin and prohibits the blood coagulation Relatively difficult obtain from bloodsucker; possible usage of gene engineering Usage: for patients with increased risk of thrombocytopenia; necessary clinical trials for real comparison of effect with heparin Bloodsuckers in pharmacies: usage has strong impact and posseses strong psychotherapeutic potential 5 COUMARINS Cattle feeded by fermented hey with rich content of common melilot suffered by increased bleeding Link 1941 – effect triggered by dicoumarol (from coumarins) Source: Meliloti herba (ČL 2005) – common melilot herb Melilotus officinalis (L.) LAM. – common melilot (Fabaceae) Dicoumarol introduced into practise – lead compound for synthesis → Pelentan Mechanism of effect – competitive antagonism with vitamine K COUMARIN BIOSYNTHESIS O O O Glc H H COOH OH H H COOH OH H COOH H O O OH COOH COOH O O OH coumarin melilotoside hydrolyse o-coumaric acid (trans) o-coumaric acid (cis) + D-Glc melilotin melilotic acid ester of coumaric and melilotic acid 6 DICOUMAROL, PELENTAN OO O OH OH O OO O OH OH O CO OC2H5 dicoumarol Pelentan COUMARINS – ANTAGONISTS OF VITAMIN K H CH3 O O CH3 CH3 H CH3 H O O OH C H C H2 COCH3 vitamin K1, phytomenadion 2-methyl-3-phytyl-1,4-naphtoquinon warfarin 7 FIBRINOLYTICS • Disolve fresh thrombes • Support conversion of body´s own plasminogen to plasmin, which as protease cleave fibrin to soluble cleavage products Usage: myocardial infarction, pulmonary embolia, deep venose thromboses The mechanism of effect shows the possibility of increased bleeding Antidote during bleeding: inhibitors of plasmine, for example p-aminomethylbenzoic acid (PAMBA) STREPTOKINASI SOLUTIO AD PRAEPARATIONEM (ČL 2005) Streptokinase concentrated solution Protein obtained from filtrate of cultured hemolytic streptococci group C; Mr 47000, it is not enzyme Effect: It is binded to plasminogen and formed complex changes further free plasminogen molecules to plasmin, which acts as fibrinolytic Intravenous application Side effects: intolerance - tremor, headache, joint pain, feeling of weakness. Do not administer repeatedly – risk of allergy development 8 UROKINASUM ČL 2005 Urokinase Enzyme obtained from human urine, composed of forms • low-molecular (MW 33 000) • high-molecular (MW 54 000), prevalent From immunologic point of view better than streptokinases Can be obtained from cultured human kidney tissues Supports the conversion of plasminogen to plasmin Physiologic importance • dissolution of fibrin clots formed in urinary tract • Staying of menstruation blood in liquid state STREPTOKINASE + STREPTODORNASE for local application Source: hemolytic streptococci Streptodornase (enzyme) cleaves nucleoproteins to a purine bases and pyrimidine nucleosides → liquefaction of pus Usage: • dissolving of fibrinose or purulent exsudates in body cavities and necrotic tissues of wounds • Application local only, for example into pleural cavity, into lumbal space, into joint cavities, onto superficial wound 9 ANKROD Fraction from poison of malaysian rattlesnake Agkistrodon rhodostoma , malayan pit viper Glycoprotein MW cca 38 000 Acts as thrombin, lowers the level of fibrinogen in blood, and therefore lowers blood viscosity and blood coagulability Usage: myocardial infarction, venous thromboses BAXOTROBIN Fraction of poison of south American snake Bothrops atrox, common lancehead Decreases the effect of fibrinogen on coagulation process Ankrod and batroxobin can be interchanged during immunological problems. 10 LINOLENIC ACID Nutritient, essential fatty acid (as triglycerid in many drying oils) Occurrence: Oleum rapae – colza oil obtained from Brassica oleracea var. arvensis – turnip mustard (Brassicaceae) Lowers increased adhesivity of thrombocytes CH3 C H2 C H C H C H2 C H C H C H2 C H C H C H2 C H2 C H2 C H2 C H2 C H2 C H2 C O OH 191012131516 LOCAL FIBRINOLYTICS Peptidhydrolases • Chymotrypsinum (ČL 2005) • Trypsinum (ČL 2005) Cleavage of proteins at certain locations of chain. Reactive group of active centre of both enzymes is hydroxyl group of serin. Chymotrypsin prefers cleavage bonds of carboxylic groups of Phe, Tyr, Trp a ester bonds Trypsin cleavages lysyl and arginyl bonds of peptides. 11 DRUGS LOWERING INCREASED READINESS TO BLEEDING Blood factors of coagulation • thrombin • fibrinogen Vitamins K Antifibrinolytics • Protamin sulphate (during overdose of heparin) Other drugs causing • vasoconstriction • astringent effect THROMBINUM HUMANUM (ČL 2005 zkoumadla) Human thrombin Enzyme preparation, which changes human fibrinogen on fibrin. • Obtained from liquid human blood plasma by precipitation with suitable salts and organic solvents with controlled pH a temperature • Protein obtained by conversion of prothrombin with thromboplastin Usage: • Bleeding from open wounds which is not possible to close by stitching • To stop capillary bleeding Application exclusively local or superficial Never parenterally!! 12 PROTHROMBINUM MULTIPLEX HUMANUM (ČL 2005) Human prothrombin complex Lyophilized fraction of plasmatic proteins containing coagulation factor IX together with fluctuating amount of of cagulation factors II, VII and X. Obtained by fractionation of human plasma. FIBRINOGENUM HUMANUM ČL 2005 Human fibrinogen Protein from human plasma, essential for proces of blood coagulation. Obtained by ethanol fractionation of human plasma, further fractionation and lyophilisation. Usage: • During disorders of blood coagulation in case of missing, low content or malfunction of fibrinogen in plasma. 13 FIBRINI GLUTINUM (ČL 2005) Fibrin adhesive Composed from two components 1. Fibrinogen concentrate 2. Human thrombin Fibrin coagulum is formed after mixing of defrozen or reconstituted components Fibrin foam – carrier is gelatin – foamy mass strongly hygroscopic, after soaking is produced plastic pad Usage: Bleeding from parenchymatic organs, during surgery in cavities VITAMIN K GROUP • Two biogenic derivatives of naphtoquinone • Synthetic naphtoquinones Important for syntheis of coagulation factors (prothrombin (factor II) and factors VII, IX and X. Biogenic compounds = vitamin K1 (in green plants), vitamin K2 – menaquinone, (synthetised by many bacterial strains including gut microflora) Phytomenadionum – Phytomenadione (ČL 2005) Mixture of trans-phytomenadione (at least 75 %), cis-phytomenadione and maximally 4 % of trans-2,3-epoxyphytomenadione Source: Medicago sativa L., alfalafa (Fabaceae) Usage: insufficiency of natural vitamin K (diseases of liver and biliar tract, hypoprothrombinemia of newborns, after destruction of intestinal microflora by broad spectral antibiotic therapy, functional disorders of gut) 14 PHYTOMENADIONUM – PHYTOMENADIONE (ČL 2005) CH3 O O R H CH3 O O CH3 H CH3 CH3 CH3 CH3 H vitamin K1 vitamin K1 R = 4 isoprene units (phytyl-) vitamin K2 R = 6 isoprene units (difarnesyl-) vitamin K3 R = H (2-methyl-1,4-naphtoquinone) 2 3 ANTIFIBRINOLYTICS Drugs preventing excessive fibrinolysis as a case of excessive activity of plasmin. • Aprotininum • Protamin 15 APROTININUM ČL (2005) Aprotinine APROTININI SOLUTIO CONCENTRATA (ČL 2005) Aprotinin concentrated solution • Basic polypeptid MW 6511 • Composed of 58 aminoacids • Contains 3 disulphide bridges Polyvalent inhibitor of proteolytic enzymes, for example chymotrypsin, kalikrein, plasmin and trypsin. Source: beef lungs Usage: • Hyperfibrinolytic bleeding after/during surgery • Chronic joint inflammation PROTAMINI HYDROCHLORIDUM (ČL 2005) Protamin hydrochloride PROTAMINI SULFAS (ČL 2005) Protamin sulphate Mixture of hydrochlorides or sulphates of basic peptides Source is milt or spawn of fishes (usually from families Salmonidae and Clupeidae) Mostly often from milt of herrings (Clupea pallasii). Milt – pair formation oblong shape brownish color. After opening of abdominal cavity of males is taken and conserved by freezing. Isolated by extraction with acidic solutions. Usage: antidote of heparin. In solution it is bonded to heparin with inhibiting of its anticoagulant effect. Synonym: Klupein 16 LOCAL HEMOSTATICS During bleeding from limited area of tissues or organs Injuries, radical surgical therapy, physiologic delivery (afterdelivery (postnatal) bleeding) Substances • Interfering with mechanism of blood coagulation (fibrin foam) • Acting mechanically is carriers of active substances (gelatin sponge) • Acting as astringents (tannins) Postnatal bleeding – uterotonics, sympatolytics TRANSFUSION LIQUIDS Used during lowered volume and disorder of composition of circulating liquid. • Blood - Sanquis • Plasma – Plasma humanum ad separationem (ČL 2005) – liquid part of human blood after separation of cellular elements. From plasma can be obtained: (fibrinogen, γ-globulin (carrier of antibody properties, increase and mediates immunity against infections) , β-globulins (preparation of thrombin), α- and β-globulins, albumin • Albumin – Albumini humani solutio (ČL 2005) It possesses the biggest portion of colloid-osmotic pressure of blood plasma. 17 TO BODY STRANGE SUBSTITUTES OF BLOOD PLASMA DEXTRANS Dextrans – high molecular polysaccharides of mucilage-like consistence, MW 30 000 to 30 000 000. Basic building block is α-D-glucopyranose, connected to other glucopyranose units via glycosidic bonds prevalently at position 1→6, less 1→3 and 1→4. Saccharose + enzymes at the surface of Leuconostoc mesenteroides NRRL B-15 bacteria, or relative species. Hydrolysis and condensation of glucose units. Two days cultivation, precipitation of dextran with methanol at lowered temperature, washing of material and hydrochloric acid hydrolysis at 100-105 0C, neutralization and isolation of fraction with demanded molecular weight. Mixture isomaltooligosades. PART OF DEXTRANE MOLECULE O C H2 OH O O O C H2 O OH OH O O O CH2 OH OH OH O CH2OH OH OH OH O C H2 OH OH O n O CH2 OH OH OH OH 18 DEXTRANS IN PHARMACOPOEIA ČL 2005 • Dextranum 1 pro iniectione (low molecular fraction of dextran) Average relative molecular weight is 1 000 • Dextranum 40 pro iniectione Average relative molecular weight is 40 000. • Dextranum 60 pro iniectione Average relative molecular weight is 60 000. • Dextranum 70 pro iniectione Average relative molecular weight is 70 000. Usage: Infusion with specific influence on capillary circulation