1 DESINFICIENTS Besides synthetic drugs used to combat microbial originator of diseases several natural drugs stayed in use. Can be formally divided: • Essential oils (mainly terpenoids) • Phenols BUCCO FOLIUM – LIST BUKO MP: Species of Barosma: Barosma betulina syn Agathosma b.- round leaf buchu and B. serratifolia (Rutaceae). Low shrubs, native to area of South Africa, Cap Code Drug: Dried leaves harvested on wildly growing plants. CC: flavonoids (diosmin and others), mucilage, essential oil (10-20 ml/kg, prevalent ketons with skeleton of pmenthane: menthone, isomenthone, pulegone; diosphenol). Typical odor caused by sulphur containing compound. Usage: Infusion - urinary desinficient (diosphenol), diuretic during urolithiasis. Contraindiction: pregnancy 2 BUCCO FOLIUM – BUCHU LEAVES Content compounds OH O SH O O O O OH OH O OOH Glc diosphenol menthon limonen piperiton oxid p-menthan-8-thiol-3-on Rha diosmin BALSAMUM PERUVIANUM – PERU BALSAM (ČL 2005) MP: Myroxylon balsamum var. pereirae – Fabaceae. Tree native to Central America Drug: pathologic product produced after stem wounding CC: 45 to 70 % of esters (benzylbenzoate, benzyl cinnamate), 6-8 % free and bound cinnamic acid; nerolidol, vanillin; resinoid fraction – puroresinotannols Usage: external antiseptic, dermatologic (epitelizant, granulant) rarely expectorant Cosmetics, parfumery Contact dermatitis; cross-reaction 3 BALSAMUM PERUVIANUM – PERU BALSAM Content compounds C H2 O C O C H2 O C O C H C H OH OH CHO OMe benzylester of benzoic acid benzylester of cinnamic acid nerolidol (peruviol) vanillin BALSAMUM COPAIVAE – COPAIVA BALSAM MP: Copaifera reticulata, C. guayanensis – (Caesalpiniaceae); tress native to tropic Central and South America Drug: oleoresin flowing from core wood; from one tree 25- 50 liters CC: essential oil (α-caryophyllen, cadinol, sesquiterpenic carbohydrates, diterpenic acids, bitter substances Usage: genito-urinal desinficient mainly in veterinary medicine, perfumeries, soap manufacturing, technical purposes 4 BALSAMUM COPAIVAE – COPAIVA BALSAM Content compounds OH alfa-caryophyllen cadinol copaen GUMMIRESINA MYRRHA - MYRHA (ČL 2005) MP: Commiphora molmol – (Burseraceae) Drug: Air-dried hardened gummy-resin obtained from stems and branches after section or freely flowing out CC: • cca 60 % sacharids and proteins; • cca 25-40 % of resinous acid (commiforic acid), resens; • 3-10 % of essential oils – terpens, sesquiterpens, eugenol Usage: • desinficient with astringent component • Oral and body cosmetics, deodorants 5 CARYOPHYLLI FLOS – Clove flower (ČL 2005) CARYOPHYLLI ETHEROLEUM – Clove essential oil (ČL 2005) EUGENOL Source: Syzygium aromaticum – cloves (Myrtaceae); tree cultivated in tropics Drug: whole flower buds dried untill it gets red-brown color. Contains not less than 150 ml of essential oil / 1kg of drug. Essential oil obtained by water steam distillation. CC: essential oil containing 70-85 % of eugenol, 10 % of βcaryophyllen, aliphatic and aromatic terpenoids CARYOPHYLLI FLOS – clove flower (ČL 2005) CARYOPHYLLI ETHEROLEUM – clove essential oil (ČL 2005) EUGENOL Usage: • Topic preparation of treatment of small wounds • Infections of oral cavity (oral hygiene) • Spice (stomachic, aromatic) • Indonesia – cigarettes „KRETEK“ • Cosmetics – Old Spice EUGENOL CARYOPHYLLI ETHEROLEUM In stomatology: • Local anesthetic • Desinficient OH OMe CH2 CH3 -CO-C5 H11 CH3-CO-C7H11 eugenol 4-allyl-2-methoxyfenol alpha-caryophyllen methyl-n-amylketon methyl-n-heptylketon 6 SALVIAE OFFICINALIS FOLIUM – sage leaves (ČL 2005) MR: Salvia officinalis – sage (Lamiaceae); perennial branched woody semi-shrub Drug: Whole or cut dried greengrey leaves; harvested in flowering period CC: 10-15 ml of essential oil/kg of drug (thujone, cineol, camphor); flavonoids (1-3 %), diterpenes (pikrosalvin); triterpenes, rosmarinic acid Usage: Desinficient of oral cavity (Florsalmin) SALVIAE HERBA – SAGE LEAVES content compounds O O O O O OH OH cineol thujon camphor picrosalvin, bitter substance 7 RESINA BENZOE – BENZOIN RESIN (STYRAX RESIN) MP: Styrax tonkinense – styrax, S. benzoin – S. sumatranus – (Styracaceae). Trees native to eastern and southeastern Asia, but also crossing the equator in South America. Drug: Resin flowing out from incisions into bark CC: phenols, coniferylbenzoate, benzoic acid Usage: Desinficient, cosmetics OH MeO C H C H C H2 O C O coniferylbenzoate UVAE URSI FOLIUM – MEDVĚDICOVÝ LIST (ČL 2005) MR: Arctostaphylos uva-ursi – bearberry, manzanita (Ericaceae). Perennial woody shrub of woods Drug: Whole or cut dried leaves CC: at least 7,0 % of arbutine phenolic glycosides (arbutin and methylarbutin), triterpens (ursolic acid), tannins Usage: Urinary desinficient 8 UVAE URSI FOLIUM – BEARBERRY LEAVES Content compounds OH O-Glc OH OH O-Glc OMe OH COOH arbutin + Glc hydroquinone methylarbutin ursolic acid