Influence of light on compounds content in Tradescantia pallida Anthocyanines – detector 535nm Chlorophyll – detector 450 nm cultivation Anthocyanine - peak areas – fresh material light 44.7 dark 9.9 cultivation Chlorophyll - peak areas – fresh material light 92.6 dark 102.5 Task: 1) Calculate the relative concentration of anthocyanins and chlorophyll in dry mass and expressed it graphically. 2) Calculate the % of water content Water content is the basic analytical value of the composition of plant tissues. It is carried out by drying the plant or its parts at a temperature of 105 ° C to constant weight. The basis is to determine the weight loss that corresponds to the water content. The rest is dry matter composed of organic and inorganic substances. % of water content = (1- weight of dry material ) x 100 weight of fresh material plant cultivation weight of fresh material weight of dry material % of Water content anthocyanin anthocyanin (0.1 g) chlorophyll chlorophyll (0.1 g) Tradescantia pallida Light 5,857 0,274 95,3 44,7 16,31 92,60 33,80 Tradescantia pallida Dark 3,729 0,484 87 9,9 2,05 102,5 21,18