Medicinal Chemistry II Even Thursday 13.00 - 20.30 Dear students, let me invite you to an alternative extraordinary lecture in Medicinal Chemistry devoted to the topics 1. Antibacterial agents 2. Antihistamines The lecture will be held by Dr. Zeynep Ateş-Alagöz from the Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Faculty of Pharmacy, Ankara University, Turkey, who will be here at the Erasmus teaching staff mobility programme. The lecture will take place September 24th from 10.30 a.m. at the 44-37 seminary room. Assoc. Prof. PharmDr. Oldřich Farsa, PhD., Dept. of Chem. Drugs Antibacterial chemotherapeutics = compounds used for treatment of bacterial infections Part 1 1.Antibacterial sulfonamides 2.Nitrofuranes 3.Quinolones 4.Tetracyclins chapters 1.-3. contain.: chemotherapeutics in „narrower word meaning“, i.e. fully synthetic compounds © assoc. prof. PharmDr. Oldřich Farsa, Ph.D., 2012 Sulfonamides N N SNH2 O O NH2 NH2 4-(2,4-diaminofenylazo)benzenesulfonamid Prontosil rubrum 1932 Mietsch & Klarer - synthesis Gerhard Domagk - successful tests on activity against Streptococci 1935 Jacques & Therése Tréfoulé: sulfanilamide is the proper active compound Sulfonamides N N S NH2 OO NH2 NH2 NH2 S NH2 O O NH2 NH2 NH2 4-(2,4-diaminophenylazo)benzenesulfonamide reduction + 4-aminobenzensufonamide sulfanilamide 1,2,4-triaminobenzene by bacteria Prontosil rubrum proper active compound N4 N1 (Prontosil album) Sulfonamides Structure-activity relationships (SAR) OO N HH N S OO HH N R - - 4-aminobenzoate anion sulfonamide anion 0.67 nm 0.69 nm 0,23 nm 0,24 nm • steric (spatial) similarity  competition for a binding site Sulfonamides Mechanism of action Scheme of synthesis of tetrahydrofolic acid in bacteria site of action of sulfonamides site of action of 2,6-diaminopyrimidines N N N H N H NH2 N H N H O O OH OH OOH N N N H NNH2 OH O P O P OH O O OH OH N N N NNH2 OH NH OH O NH2 OHO O OH O OH NH2 N N N H NNH2 N H N H O O OH OH OOH + nthasa + dihydrofolate reductase dihydrofolic acid tetrahydrofolic acid glutamic acid. dihydropteroic acid dihydropteroate synthase Sulfonamides ● effect is bacteriostatic, only in combination with 2,6diaminopyrimidines (trimetoprim) bactericidal Spectrum of effect: broad, G+ as well as G- Sulfonamides • the most of used compounds are sulfonamides substituted with a nitrogenous heterocycle on N1 Overwiev of structures of commonly used compounds N S OO NH R HH in combination with trimetoprim - lidaprim sulfametrole also leprostaticsulfamethoxydiazine (syn. sulfameter [USAN) Biseptol® , Cotrimoxazol AL® … in combination with trimetoprim - cotrimoxazol sulfamethoxazole Sulfisoxazol® tbl.sulfafurazol (syn. sulfizoxazole [USAN]) Norodine® 24 a.u.v. inj. a.u.v.sulfadiazine Sulfadiazinum PhEur Preparation authorized in the CR NoticeINN name/official name R N N O CH3 N CH3 NO CH3 N N O CH3 N S N O CH3 Sulfonamides Overwiev of structures of commonly used compounds - continued N S OO NH R HH . Sulfadimidin Bioveta® a.u.v. plv. sol. a.u.v. treatment of coccidiosis sulfadimidine Sulfadimidinum PhEur Aristamid® gelsulfisomidine Sulfathiazol Neo® ung. Argosulfan® 2% (Ag salt) sulfathiazole Sulfathiazolum PhEur in combination with trimethoprim - supristol sulfamoxole Preparation authorized in the CR NoticeINN name/official name R N O CH3 CH3 N S NN CH3 CH3 N N CH3 CH3 N N O CH3 O CH3 sulfadoxine Sulfadoxinum PhEur Sulfonamides Overwiev of structures of commonly used compounds - continued N S OO NH R HH R INN name/official name Notice Preparation authorized in the CR sulfacetamide Sulfacetamidum natricum monohydricum PhEur CH3 O NH2 N sulfaguanidine Sulfaguanidinum PhEur a.u.v. N N S CH3 sulfamethizole Sulfamethizolum PhEur Sulfonamides Combinations O O O CH3 CH3 N NH2 N CH3 NH2 N H N S O OO CH3 NH2 trimethoprim ● originally antimalaric sulfamethoxazole Cotrimoxazol (co-trimoxazol) ● baktericidal effect ● used since early 1970th Sulfonamides Combinations O O N NH2 NO CH3 CH3CH3 NH2 N S N NH2 S N H OO O CH3 trimethoprim sulfametrole lidaprim Sulfonamides Combinations O O N NH2 NO CH3 CH3CH3 NH2 O N NH2 S N H OO CH3 CH3 trimethoprim sulfamoxole supristol Sulfonamides Chemical properties S N O O R NH2 H S N O O R NH2 Na + S N O O R NH2 H S N O O R NH2 Ag R NH2 S N OO H + NaOH + AgOH + H2O + H2O + - • H on N1 is due to Ma Ieffects of sulfonamide moiety together with Ieffect of arom. ring relatively strongly acidic  forming of salts with bases; salts are used in topical preparations (eye drops, oitments) • N4 is very slightly basic (aniline nitrogen), some heterocycles attached to N1 are much stronger bases  forming of therapeutically useful salts with strong acids (hydrochlorides, idy, mesylates etc.). Nitrofurans O O2N R H ● 5-nitrofurancarbaldehyde derovatives, in most Schiff bases (azomethines) ●-NO2 moiety in position 5 is necessary for their effect ● spectrum: both G+ and Gbacteria, some protozoa (Trichomonas vaginalis) ● infections of urinary tract, topically in infections of skin and genital tract ●mode of action: related to reduction of -NO2 moiety to –NH2 group by bacteria; 2 hypotheses: ● either formed amino compound reacts with bacterial DNA by electrophilic mechanism ● or it is bound to ribosomes and obstruct proteosyntheis ● mutagenic, contraindiacation in the 1th trimester of gravidity (relative exception: nifuratel) Nitrofurans NH NH2 O O O2N H N OO2N H N N N H O O 5-nitro-2-furancarbalehyde semicarbazone nitrofural syn. nitrofurazone [USP, BAN] 1-[(5-nitrofurfurylidene)amino]hydantoin nitrofurantoin Furantoin® Urofur® forte/mite a.u.v. Nitrofurans N OO N O O2N R R = H- furazolidone R= CH3 SCH2 - nifuratel Macmiror tbl., Macmiror complex ung., sup. vag. (+ nystatin) Nitrofurans: physical & chemical properties •double bonds of -NO2 and azomethine -CH=N- moieties are conjugated with the -electrons system of the furane ring  chromophore  yellow – orange crystallinic compounds •unstable at the light •other properties depend on a particular structure Example: nitrofurantoin OO2N H N N N O O H OO2 N H N N N O O OH2 OH - + •like other hydantoines, nitrofurantoin is weakly acidic due to Meffect of both imide carbonyls  forming of salts with bases; pKa = 7.2 Quinolones N O R 3 OH O R 1 R 2 Y R 4 R 5 • the fragment necessary for the effect: 1-alkyl-1,4-dihydro-4-oxopyridine-3-carboxylic acid ● it must be fused to an other ring (benzene, pyridine) Y = -N= (1,8-naphthyridine derivatives ) or –C= (quinoline derivatives) R1 = alkyl, cykloalkyl, or a part of a heterocycle R1+R4 R2 = alkyl, saturated N-heterocycle, R1 + R2 can together form a heterocycle (dioxomethylene moiety) R3 = -H, halogen R4 = -H, -F, or a part of a heterocycle R1 + R4 R5 = -H, -NH2 Quinolones ● mode of action: interference with the replication of bacteria by inhibition of bacterial gyrase (topoisomerase II) and topoisomerase IV; both enzymes are essential for bacterial DNA replication ● bactericidal, acts on both dividing and quiescent-state bacteria ● effect is inhibited by chloramphenicol: completely in the 1st generation, partially in fluoroquinolones • Major activities of DNA gyrase and topoisomerase IV. According to older hypotheses, quinolones simply block these activities by stabilizing a enzymeDNA complex, which also functions as a barrier to the movement of other proteins such as DNA polymerase and RNA polymerase along the DNA. (a) Gyrase or topoisomerase IV (circles), DNA (parallel lines), and quinolones (triangles) form a ternary complex. (b) Quinolones bind to GyrA and ParC subunits of gyrase and topoisomerase IV, respectively. At this stage the DNA is intact. (c) One DNA strand is broken, forming a cleaved complex. Inhibition of DNA synthesis at substaturating concentrations of quinolone correlates with single-strand chromosome breaks. (d) Second DNA strand is broken. Inhibition of DNA synthesis correlates with the activity (MIC). (e) Release of doublestrand DNA breaks from cleaved complex leads to cell death. Inhibition of protein synthesis by chloramphenicol (Cm) completely blocks the lethal action of first-generation quinolone inhibitors of gyrase (nalidixic acid, oxolinic acid). (f) Release of lethal doublestranded DNA breaks via subunit dissociation. Fluoroquinolone lethality is incompletely blocked by chloramphenicol, requiring a second lethal pathway. (g) Release of double-strand DNA breaks by cell lysis in the presence of sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS); single-strand breaks are released if cells are lysed at step (c). Quinolones: more recent and detailed view to mechanism of action Quinolones „1st generation“ – treatment of urinary tract infections nalidixic acid ● mainly Goxolinic acid Desurol® ● mainly G, E. coli, Proteus, St. aureus N N CH3 OH O O CH3 N CH3 OH O O O O Quinolones „2nd - 4th generation“ – fluorinated derivatives N O F OH O R 1 R 2 R 3 R 4 R1 = cycloalkyl, alkyl, sec. aminogroup, or a part of a heterocycle R1 +R3 R2 = saturated basic heterocycle attached through nitrogen R3 = -H, -F, or a part of a heterocycle R1 + R3 R4 = -H, -NH2 ● 6-fluoro-4-oxo-1,4-dihydroquinoline-3-carboxylic acids substituted in positions 1 and 7, less frequently also 8, exceptionally 5 ● spectrum: broad, G+ i G, e.g. E. coli, Citrobacter, Klebsiella, Enterobacter, Yersinia, Serratia, Providencia, Vibrio, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Proteus, Salmonella, Shigella, Legionela… ● therapy of systhemic infections, urinary tract, eyes, GIT… Quinolones „2nd and 3rd generation“ – fluorinated derivatives Overview of used compounds N O N F OH O NH NH N CH3 N F F O CH3 OH O ciprofloxacin Ciphin® lomefloxacin Maxaquin® tbl. obd. ● spectrum includes also some strains M. tuberculosis ● as bases or salts with acids N O N O CH3 F OH O N CH3 H N O N O CH3 F O OH N CH3 ofloxacin -racemate Ofloxin® tbl. levofloxacin - pure S – (-) -enantiomer Tavanic® tbl. obd., inf. sol. * * Quinolones „2nd and 3rd generation“ – fluorinated derivatives Overview of used compounds - continued N O CH3 N F OH O NCH3 N O CH3 N F OH O NH pefloxacin Abaktal® tbl., inj. norfloxacin Nolicin® tbl. obd. Quinolones „2nd and 3rd generation“ – fluorinated derivatives Overview of used compounds - continued N O O OH O CH3 F N N H H H N NH O CH3 N F OH O N CH3 1-cyclopropyl-6-fluoro-8-methoxy-7- (octahydropyrrolo[3,4-b]pyridine-6-yl)-4-oxo- 1,4-dihydroquinoline-3-carboxylic acid moxifloxacin Avelox® tbl. obd. amifloxacin Quinolones „2nd and 3rd generation“ – fluorinated derivatives Overview of used compounds - continued N F O N F F O OH N CH3 N F ONH2 N F O OH NH CH3 CH3 fleroxacin 3rd generation Quinodis Roche® tbl. obd. sparfloxacin 4th generation Zagam® tbl. obd. ● also Mycobacterium sp. ● serious systemic infections Quinolones „3rd and 4th generation“ – fluorinated derivatives Overview of used compounds Tetracyclines •„true“ antibiotics: initial compounds produced by microorganisms OH N OH O OH CH3 CH3 R 3 R 2 O N H OOH H R 1 R 4 H H R 51 4567 10 12 R1 = -H, halogen, -NHCH3 R2 = -OH, -H R3 = -CH3, -H R4 = -H, -OH R5 = H, heterocyclic aminoalkyl, carboxyaminoalkyl Tetracyclines Mechanism of action Tetracyclines Mechanism of action ● inhibition of proteosynthesis: inhibit transfer of amino acids attached to tRNA („charged tRNA“) to acceptor site of mRNA ● effect bacteriostatic (exception: rolitetracycline) Tetracyclines Chemical properties ● ability to form coordination compounds bivalent (Ca2+ , Mg2+ , Cu2+ , Fe2+ , Zn2+ …), trivalent (Fe3+ , Al3+ …) and polyvalent cations ● complexes are water-soluble and non-absorbable  salts of metals  effect of tetracyclines ● doxycycline has the lowest affinity to metal ions ● chelates form deposits in teeth and bones, namely growing ones  relative contraindication in childern Fe 2+ O OO O O Cl NH2 NH2 O O O N NO CH3 CH3 O CH3 CH3 OH OH OH CH3 OH CH3 O O OH H H H H H L3- Cl O O O O A complex of tetracycline with ferrous perchlorate Tetracyclines Chemical properties - continued HH CH3 OH OH O OH NH2 O H N CH3 CH3 OH O OH 4S H2O pH 2 - 6 HH CH3 OH OH O OH NH2 O H N CH3 CH3 OH O OH 4R tetracycline 4-epitetracycline < 10 % activity, nephrotoxic pH < 2 - H2O H CH3 OH OH O NH2 O H N CH3 CH3 OH O OH 6 6 anhydrotetracycline less active, nephrotoxic ABCD Tetracyclines Overview of compounds OH N OH O OH CH3 CH3 CH3OH O NH2 O R OH H R = H tetracycline ● isolated from Streptomyces viridifaciens Rimatet® cps. R = Cl chlortetracycline ● isolated from Streptomyces aureofaciens ● also antiprotozoal activity ● today a.u.v. ● start material for production of other tetacyclines ● Tetramutin Bio® a.u.v. OH OH N OH O OH CH3 CH3 CH3 R O NH2 OOH HH R = OH oxytetracycline Oxytetracycline® cps. R = H doxycycline Deoxymykoin® tbl. Tetracyclines Overview of compounds - continued Tetracyclines Overview of compounds - continued OH N OH O OH CH3CH3 CH3OH O NH OOH N H O OH NH2 H OH N OH O OH CH3 CH3 CH3OH O NH OOH N H lymecycline Tetralysal® cps. rolitetracycline ● bactericidal ● injection administration only Tetracyclines Overview of compounds - continued OH N OH O OH CH3 CH3 O NH2 O N OH CH3 CH3 HH minocycline Skid® tbl. Tetracyclines Overview of compounds: newer subgroup of glycylcyclines H HH 9 OH OHOOH NH O NH CH3 CH3 CH3 N CH3 CH3 N CH3 CH3 OH O NH2O tigecycline •complicated infections of the skin and soft tissue (the tissue below the skin), but not foot infections in people with diabetes • infections in the abdomen •only in hospitals Tygacil ® inf. plv. sol.