Cardiotonics Tomáš Goněc 12.11.2012 Heart failure Cardiomyocyte contraction Therapy of heart failure: inotropic agents  cardioglycosides  β-adrenergic agonists  phosphodiesterase inhibitors  Ca2+ channel senzitizers Cardiac glycosides  Aglycons: Cardiac glycosides Cardiac glycosides – mechanism of action  Na+/K+-ATPase inhibitors  Na+ ions intracelular retention  due to ion substitution also Ca2+intracelular retention  positive inotropic effect Cardiac glycosides used in therapy  Lanatosides A, B, C; purpureaglycosides A, B digitoxin, gitoxin, digoxin – secundary glycosides with cleavaged terminal sugar  Ouabain, k-strophantoside  Proscillaridine, meproscillarine (buffadienolides) Cardiac glycosides  narrow therapeutic-toxic window  high plasma proteins binding  monitoring during therapy necessary  long-term administration increases mortality – therapeutic use in future questionable β1-adrenergic receptor agonists  stimulation of adenylate-cyclase, increase of intracelular cAMP, positive inotropic effect OH N H O OH N H OH OMe OMeoxyfedrine denopamine Oxyfedrine synthesis Denopamine synthesis β1-adrenergic receptor agonists OH OH NH2 OH OH N H OH OH OH N H N H dopamine dobutamine dopexamine Dopexamine synthesis Dopamine synthesis Dobutamine synthesis Phosphodiesterase inhibitors  xanthine derivatives  bipyridine derivatives  3-pyridazinone derivatives  chinolin-2-one derivatives Xanthine derivatives  Theophyline  Aminophyline  Etophyline * see coronary vasodilatators presentation Bipyridine derivatives N H NH2 O N N H O N N N H N H O O SCH3 Amrinon Milrinon Enoximon Amrinon synthesis 3-pyridazinone derivatives N N H O R R N H N OMe N H N CN CN Pimobendan Simendan Pimobendan synthesis Chinolin-2-one derivatives N H O N N O MeO OMe Vesnarinone Vesnarinone synthesis Cardioprotectives  detoxication of free radicals (NO, OO, OH) OH O N N P OH OH O NH2 N NH N P OH OH O O N + OH O OH phosphocreatin phosphocreatinin L-carnitin