Analgesics – anodyns = opioid = „strong“ = „narcotic“ analgesics ©Oldřich Farsa 2011 Opioid receptors ● 4 main types: μ, κ ,δ and ORL-1 ● (σ receptors currently not recognized as opioid) ● every type has several subtypes ● μ receptor activation leads to analgesic activity, breathing attenuation etc. ● κ receptor activation: also analgesic activity, takes part in diuresis and neuronal activity regulation ● δ receptor activation: also analgesic activity, attenuation of breathing and peristalsis of GIT μ receptor ● opens ion channel in cell membrane ● K+ can stream into the cell ⇒ decrease of neurone excitability ● also decreases input of Ca2+ into terminal nerve which decreases neurotransmitter release κ receptor ● directly linked with Ca2+ channel ● binding of an agonist to the receptor causes channel closing ● inhibition of all nociceptive signals ● activation leads to myosis, diuresis, analgesia and dysphoria δ Receptorδ Receptor ● not linked with any ion channel ● activation of the receptor probably leads to a change of adenylate cyclase geometry ⇒ active site closure ● activation leads to pain relief, attenuation of breathing and peristalsis of GIT ORL-1 receptor ●also „orphan“, discovered quite recently ●natural agonist nociceptine = orfanine (peptide) ●linked with many activities: memory, cardiovascular functions, kidneys ●probably ifluences dopamine concentrations in CNS and is involved in neurotransmitters release in anxious conditions Natural opioid receptors agonists – endogenous analgesics ● morphine receptors exist athough it is not endogenous ⇒ body own opioids must exist! ● all endo-opioids are fragments of β-lipotropin, adenohypophyse hormone consisting of 91 amino acid rests which has no opioid effects Encephalins – binding preferably to δ-receptors Metencephalin H-Tyr-Gly-Gly-Phe-Met-OH Leuencephalin H-Tyr-Gly-Gly-Phe-Leu-OH ●pentapeptide, all activities of morphine, occurs in all animals including man Endorphins (= „endo-morphines“) - α: 16 AA β: 31 AA – after i.v. application has morphine effects in CNS χ: 17 AA ● β-lipotropin is not direct precursor of opioid peptides; more precursor peptides exist: preproencephaline A ⇒ encephalins preproopiomelanocortine ⇒ endorphines preproencephaline B ⇒ dynorphines Dynorphines – peptides from 8 -32 AA, analgesic effect, neurotransmitters in CNS, functions not completely clear Endorphines and encephalins as parts of β-lipotropine sequence CH3CH3 N O CH3 N O N O N O N N O NO CH3 CH3N O NO N O CH3 CH3 NO N O N O NO N O O N O N N O OO N O O N O N O S CH3 N O NO N O NO N O CH3 O CH3 O CH3 CH3 CH3 O O N CH3 CH3 O N N O N N O O N CH3 O N NNH O N N O N N O N O N N O O O H H HH H HH H H H H H H H H H H H H HH H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H Primary structure of β-endorphine Dynorphine A sequence (1 - 18) H-Tyr-Gly-Gly-Phe-Leu-Arg-Arg-Ile- 5 Arg-Pro- Lys-Leu-Lys-Trp-Asp-Asn-Gln-OH 10 15 NH NH H NH HNH HNH HNH H NH O NH O NH H OH NH2 O O CH3 CH3 O NH NH NH2 O NH NH NH2 O H CH3 CH3 O NH NH NH2 O H NH H NH H NH H O OH NH2 O CH3 CH3 O NH2 O Primary structure of dynorphine A (1 – 13) - swine Opium ●dry milky juice (latex) from immature poppy heads (Papaver somniferum) ● known from Assyrian manuscripts from 7th century b. C. ●contains 20 – 25 % alkaloids: morphine 3 – 23 %, narcotine 2 – 12 %, codeine 0.3 – 3 %, papaverine 0.8 – 1.2 %; in sum up about 40 various alkaloids ●morphine the most important ●alkaloids in form of salts with carboxylic acids; meconic acid typical ●beaten-out empty dry poppy heads are alternative resource of opium alkaloids (CZ, SK) O O OH O OHO OH meconic acid Morphine and its simple derivatives 12 13 14 9 N CH3 16 15 1011 12 3 4 O 5 6 O 7 8 O R 1 R 2 A B C D R1 = R2 = H morphine MSI® , MST® , Sevredol® ... ●isolated by Friedrich Wilhelm Sertürner, pharmacist in Paderborn, from opium in 1806 ●structure elucidation: 1925 Robinson and Gunland proposed stuctural formula, 1952 Gates and Tschudi confirmed structure including stereochemistry by means of total synthesis ●basic anodyn isolated from opium or beaten-out empty dry poppy heads R1 = CH3 , R2 = H codein ●basic antitussive ●semi-synthetic; prepared from morpine by selective methylation of phenolic group ●potencuje účinek slabých analgetik potentiates effect of weak analgesics ● abot 10 % methabolized to morphine R1 = R2 = CH3 CO diamorphine syn. heroine ●2x more effective than morphine, better penetrates into CNS ●misused as an illegal drug of abuse Morphine and its simple derivatives: further ethers used as antitussives 12 13 14 9 N CH3 16 15 1011 12 3 4 O 5 6 O 7 8 O R H A B C D R = CH3 R = O N ethylmorphine Diolan ® pholcodine Neocodin ® Effects of opioid analgesics ●analgesic ● antidiarrhoic (σ -, δ -receptors in gut) ●antitussive – from attenuation of caugh reflection to expiratory centre inhibition ●euphoriant ●physical addiction – very slowely formed during relieving of strong pain Semi-synthetic morphine and codeine derivatives H H N CH3 O H O OR H N CH3 O H O O CH3 OH R = H hydromorphone ●10x more active than morphine Jurnista® , Palladone® cps. ... R = CH3 hydrocodone ●more effective antitussive than codeine oxycodone ●2x less active analgesic than morphine; faster onset of action ●antitussive Oxycodon (firm)® tbl.. Semi-synthetic morphine and codeine derivatives H N O H H OH OH OH nalbuphine Nalbuphin® OrPha inj. ●short period treatment of medium to strong pains, before- and post-operating analgesia Oripavine derivatives H NO H O CH3 H CH3 CH3 CH3 CH3 OH OH H N CH3 H O OH O CH3 oripavine ●alkaloide from Papaver orientale buprenorphine ●relief of non-malignant pain of medium intensity ●opioid withdrawal therapeutic programs Norspan® emp. tdr., Transtec® emp. tdr. H H N CH3 O CH3 H H N CH3 O R dextromethorphan Dextrometorphani hydrobromidum monodydricum PhEur ●antitussive ●euphoriant in higher doses Humex ® , Robitussin ® , Stopex ® , Tussidril ® - OTC R = H levorphanol ●better analgesic than morphine R = CH3 levomethorphan Morphinane derivatives Morphinane derivatives (continued) OH H N OH butorphanol ●treatment of moderate to severe pain ● a potent κ-receptor agonist and an antagonist at µ-receptor ● intensive hepatic first-pass metabolism ⇒ parenteral administration (nasal sprays) Benzomorphane derivatives ● removal of the C-ring ⇒ greater afinity for κ-receptor; weak for µ-receptor ● central C-atom remained quarternary ⇒ truncated open analogues of the C-ring C H H N CH3 CH3 OH CH3 CH3 A B D H H N OH CH3 CH3 C H H N CH3 CH3 OH CH3 CH3 = pentazocine ●treatment of moderate pain Fortral® tbl., inj. sol. phenazocine Phenylpiperidine derivatives and compouds derived from them ●originated by removal of the B,C and E rings which are not necessary for the activity ●faster onset and shorter lasting of action ●remaining AE: addiction, expiratory centre attenuation CH3 N N O O CH3 O N CH3 fentanyl Fentanylum PhEur (free base) – transdermally Fentanyli citras PhEur – i.m., i.v. Durogesic ® derm. emp. tdr. pethidine syn. meperidine [USAN] Dolsin ® inj. sol. Phenylpiperidine derivatives and compouds derived from them Fentanyl analogues - 4-anilidopiperidines N CH3 O N S O CH3 N N N N CH3 N N O O CH3 CH3 O N CH3 O N O CH3 O O CH3 O sufentanyl ●also in anaesthesia Sufenta® inj. alfentanyl Rapifen® inj. remifentanyl Ultiva® inj. ●so called opioid anaesthetics (combined with propofol, ketamine) Phenylpropylamine derivatives ●can be derived from 4-phenylpiperidines by formal deleting of one methylene group of piperidine ring ●structurally related to fluorene-9-carboxylic acid ●the most simplified structures still to have opioid receptor activity ●activity comparable to morphine ●efficient p.o. ●less AE than morphine methadone ●withdrawal symptoms less severe and more gradual as compared to morphine ⇒ opioidwithdrawal therapeutical programs Methadon Zentiva ® oral solution H N CH3 CH3 CH3 CH3 O O CH3 O H N CH3 CH3 CH3 OH O O CH3 O H N CH3 CH3 CH3 dextropropoxyphene ●substitution of one phenyl with benzyl ⇒ 2nd chiral centre (+)-(2S, 3R)-analgesic; 1/10 of methadone activity Darvon ® (USA) levopropoxyphene (-)-(2R, 3S)-antitussive Novrad ® (USA) Structure-activity relationships (SAR) ●an aromatic ring and a basic nitrogen atom are necessary for action, a phenolic group is not(⇔ the rings B, C, D and E of the morphine skeleton are not necessary for analgesic action) ●quarternary (tetrasubstituted) C(4) of piperidine derivatives is necessary in the frame of this group, with exception of fentanyl ●substitution of methyl at nitrogen in D ring of morphine: to allyl leads to antagonists (equatorial position), to phenethyl leads to agonists; explanation by presence of 2 different hydrophobic binding sites ●-OH group at C(14) supports the placement of a substituent into equtorial position; this moiety as a steric hindrance orients into equatorial position also other substituents than allyl (e.g. cyclopropylmethyl) N-substituted morphine derivatives acting as agonists and antagonists – a model of interaction with a receptor Morphine receptor antagonists with -OH group at C(14) ●-OH group is a steric hindrance which supports to dominancy of the equatorial position of allyl Morphine receptor antagonists H N O H O OH OH CH2 H N O H O OH OHH N O H OH CH2 OH naloxone Naloxoni hydrochloridum dihydricum PhEur ●i.v. administration only; extensively methabolised in liver Naloxone WZF ® Polfa nalorphine naltrexone Naltrexoni hydrochloridum PhEur ●p.o. ●useful also in treatment of alcoholism (blocks binding of endoopioids) Revia ® por tbl flm ●antidots in opiates overdosage