Practical courses in Medicinal Chemistry II Timetable ●every even Thursday 13.00 – 20.30 ● September 19th – December 12th , 2013 ●7 lessons ●punctuality is necessary ! ●no absences will be tolerated Organisation ● cycle of 6 exercises: 5 synthetic + 1 physico- chemical ● work in pairs ● 2 pairs perform the same task at the particular lesson (but different versions of the same task are possible) ● every pair begins with the exercise chosen by the lecturer at the first lesson and continues with exercises in consecutive order ● if the exercise No. 6 is reached the pair continues with the exercise No. 1 Requirements to get the credit ● complete attendance ● products in appropriate amounts and purity ● complete reports with appropriate data and attachments ● spectra charts and their interpretations ● chromatograms – ratio of peak areas of acetylsalicylic and salicylic acids – retention times and factors ● yields in g and % ● melting points ● absorbance or specific absorption values ● at least 60 % success in tests Reminder of elementary safety rules ● wear laboratory coat ● do not wear jewels, rings, bracelets etc. ● smoking is strictly forbidden in all the university buildings ● eat and drink in a laboratory is forbidden ● long or artificial nails are not recommended ● every oil bath which is heated must contain a thermometer ● every apparatus containing a stand must be placed on its stand Reminder of elementary safety rules - continued ● power cords and tubing must not touch hotplates or heated baths ● water input into a condenser is from bottom, output from top ● allow the cooling water flow only with smaller stream ● check ends of tubing which are connected either to the condenser or to the water tap if they are not damaged ● work with chloroacetyl chloride and ethereal hydrogen chloride must be performed in a fume hood ● volumes of liquids are measured with volumetric cylinders or with pipettes equipped with pipette fillers (controllers) ● all other safety rules which you have listened in other chemical disciplines remain valid Where you will find your material and equipment and where you will work? ● Equipment for you is placed in lockers and drawers with blue numbers and letters (e.g. 5a – 5d), keys can be found at the hanger outside the left fume hood ● You will work at the desk in which your lockers and drawers are placed ● If your equipment is placed in lockers and drawers under a window (21 and 23), you will work at the nearest working desk (not at the table under the window) ● Chemicals are placed in the left side fume hood or at a side of working desks ● Sodium is given cut into smaller parts by the laboratory assistant into a dry flask filled with the appropriate volume of propan-2-ol; you have to ask him List of particular exercises Exercise No. Table or locker No. / Place Name of the exercise Outcomes needed in addition to reports 1 1 + 3 Calcium dobesilate UV spectrum, specific absorbance at aprox. 301 nm 2 7 + 9 Lidocaine interpreted IR spectrum, TLC, melting point 3 5 + 23 Acetylsalicylic acid TLC and HPLC chromatogrammes, retention parameters, approx. purity, melting point 4 13 + 15 Phenytoin TLC 5 11 + 21 Parabens TLC, interpreted 1HNMR spectrum, melting point 6 Laboratory No. 345 opposite pKa of phenytoin pKa , UV spectra with table of absorbances, answers of additional tasks At the start, during and at the end of a practical lesson ... ● Before you begin your work, check the content of the locker and the drawers of your working desk using the list placed inside the door of the locker; tell the laboratory assistant or the teacher about the potential deficiency in equipment immediately ● If you break or damage any piece of laboratory glass, report it immediately to laboratory assistant together with your name ● After you have finished your work, contact the laboratory assistant and let him (her) check your working desk ● Reports of your tasks are continuously checked at the end of every lesson in a preliminary form and definitely before recording the credit ● Finally they must contain all the requirements listed in above table (identity date, interpreted spectra etc.)