PLANT PHENOLS Very wide group of compounds, which cannot be defined in simple way. Basic structural characteristic is a presence of at least one aromatic ring substituted at least one hydroxyl group (free or bonded – representing other functionality (for example ether, ester. Or glycoside). Based on this definition, this group of compound can include substances structurally very different and much more variable from the biological activity and phytochemical classification point of view, for example: • alkaloids: morphine, boldine, • terpenoids: thymol, gossypol, carnosol, • tannins Therefore, it is necessary to know biosynthesis, precursors, and to well determine borders of unique phytochemical groups. PLANT PHENOLS O N CH3 H OH OH N CH3 OH OH MeO MeO OH OH OH OH OH CHO OH OH OH CHO O O OH OH OH OH O O 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 A B C D Morphine Boldine Thymol Carvacrol Gossypol Ellagic acid PLANT PHENOLS Plants and microorganism only* are able to biosynthetise aromatic core. Animals are almost ever dependent on: • intake of aromatic compounds via nutrition • symbiosis, which brings possibility to produce necessary metabolites containing aromatic structural features (amino acids, vitamins, pigments, toxins) * Several exceptions exist, for example biosynthesis of estrogene PLANT PHENOLS Structural difference of plant phenols is based on two different biosynthetic pathways • shikimate • acetate Structural difference is increased by common combination of shikimic acid and acetate pathway, for example flavonoids, stilbenes, pyrones, and xanthones. Sometimes the third synthone enters biosynthesis – a mevalonate • shikimate + mevalonate: furanocoumarins, pyranocoumarins, some quinones • acetate + mevalonate: cannabinoids, hop bitter acids Sometimes all three precursors share one biosynthetic product: prenylflavonoids, rotenoids PHENOLS FORMATED VIA SHIKIMIC AND ACETATE PATHWAYS OH MeO OMe CO2H O OH OH O OH OH O OOH OHOH CH3 O O OH OHO OH CH3 O OH CH3 OHOH sinapic acid phenylpropanoic acid aesculetine coumarine magnoliol neolignane S h i k i m a t e s A c e t a t e sjuglone naphtoquinone chrysophanol anthraquinone hypericine naphtodianthrone PHENOLS FORMED VIA COMBINATION OF METABOLIC PATHWAYS OH OH OH O OH OOH OH OH OH O O OH OH OH OH Glc 8 7 6 10 9 6 4 3 2 1 OH C5H11 5 O S h i k i m a t e s + A c e t a t e s resveratrol stilbene quercetine flavonol mangiferine xanthone A c e t a t e + M e v a l o n a t e a THC NATURAL MEDICINES DERIVED FROM SHIKIMIC ACID • Shikimic acid is precursor of majority of compounds possessing aromatic ring • Substantially lower amount of aromatics is formed via acetate pathways • Origin of aromate - according to the position of hydroxyl groups: • Shikimic acid derived aromatic compounds – OH at position 1,2 (ortho, catechol), or 1,2,3 (pyrogallol). If there is one phenolic hydroxyl only, it is at para position. • Acetate derived aromatic compounds – OH directed into meta- position, for example derivatives of resorcinol and phloroglucine LOCALIZATION OF HYDROXYL GROUPS AT PHENOLICS - SHIKIMIC ACID ORIGIN - ACETATE ORIGIN OH OH OH OHOH COH C COOH catechol pyrogallol p-coumaric acid OH OH OH OH OH resorcinol phloroglucinol .....CH2COCH2COCH2CO..... FORMATION OF SHIKIMIC ACID CH2 O OH OH H PO CH2 PO COOH OH OHOH OPO COOH OH O OH OH COOH OH OH OH OH COOH OH OH COOH O OH OH COOH OH + erythrose-4-phosphate 2-phospho-enol -pyruvate 2-keto-3-deoxy-7-phospho-D-araboheptonic acid quinic acid 3-dehydroquinic acid 3-dehydroshikimic acid shikimic acid SHIKIMATE DERIVATIVES OH O OH COOH OH OH OH COOH OH PO OH COOH OH COOH O C CH2 COOH OH CH2COCOOHHOOC C COOH CH2 OP 3-dehydroshikimic acid shikimic acid 5-phosphoshikimic acid gallic acid protocatechuic acid p-aminobenzoic acid anthranilic acid p-hydroxybenzoic acid salicylic acid chorismic acid prefenic acid SHIKIMATE DERIVATIVES NH2 OH COOH COOH O (HO) COOH NH2 (HO) COOH NH2 COOH (HO) COOH N H NH2 COOH OH CH2COCOOHHOOCchorismic acid prefenic acid arogenic acid phenylpyruvic acid anthranilic acid phenylalanine (tyrosine) NADP+ reduction amination tryptophan cinnamic acid (p-coumaric acid) -NH3 phosphoribosyl- diphosfate, serine prefenic acid - CO2 - H2O transamination FORMATION OF CINNAMIC ACID FROM PHENYLALANINE NH2 COOH R COOH R L-phenylalanine- or L-tyrosine-amonialyase R = H = phenylalanine R = OH = tyrosine cinnamic acid p-coumaric acid Phenylalanine proteins alkaloids cinnamic acid and its derivatives L-tyrosine-amonia-lyase exclusivelly in grass (Graminae) L-phenylalanine-amonia-lyase generally widespread stereospecific deamination of natural L-acids CINNAMIC ACID AND ITS DERIVATIVES COOH OH COOH OH OH COOH OH COOHMeO OH OH COOHMeO OH COOH OMe MeO COOHMeO MeO OMe cinnamic acid p-coumaric acid caffeic acid ferulic acid sinapic acid (as a ester bound in rescinnamine) trimethoxycinnamic acid CAFFEIC ACID ESTERS OCO C C OH OH OH OH OH CO2 H H H chlorogenic acid 3-O-caffeoylquinic acid baktericidal effects, cumulation in the place of wound of plant TRANSFORMATION OF CINNAMIC ACID COSCoA ArCOCH2CO SCoA ArCO SCoA ArCOCH3 ArCH CHCHO ArCH CHCH2OH ArCH CHCH3 ArCH2CH CH2 ArCH CH(CH2CO) CH2COOHn C6-C1 C6-C2 C6-C3 C6-C3(C2)n cinnamoylcoenzym A + malonylcoenzym A reduction -oxidation oxidation COUMARINS AND FURANOCOUMARINS Derivatives of 5,6-benzo-2-pyrone (α-chromone) • different in substituents at benzene ring (OH, OCH3, CH3) O O1 2 5 6 7 8 5,6-benzo-2-pyrone COUMARINS AND FURANOCOUMARINS Biosynthsis OH O OH O OH OH O O-Glc O-Glc OH O O O trans-cinnamic acid o-coumaric acid o-coumaric acid glucoside o-coumaric acid glucoside coumarin COUMARINS Lactones of o-hydroxycinnamic acid, 2-benzopyrone derivatives (Fabaceae, Poaceae); characteristic odour) COOH COOH OH O Glc COOH OO COOH OH COOH OHOH O Glc COOH OH OOOH COOH OH OH COOH OH OH OH O Glc COOH OH OH OO OH OH cinnamic acid p-kumaric acid caffeic acid aesculetin umbelliferon coumarin DICOUMAROL zapaření sena, microorganisms → compound with anticoagulant effect Melilotus officinalis O OO O OH OHR R = H = dicoumarol R = COOC2H5 = pelentan FURANOCOUMARINS Furanocoumarins contain additional furane ring, which is derived from metabolism of 3-methyl-3-butenyldiphosphate. Furanocoumarins linear – psoralen (furane ring connected at position 6 and 7) angular – angelicin (furane ring connected at position 7 and 8) O OO O OO 6 7 8 7 psoralen angelicin PSORALENES Occurrence Rutaceae: Citrus bergamia Apiaceae: Apium graveolens, Ammi majus Fabaceae: Psoralea corylifolia Moraceae: Ficus Utilization: photochemotherapy of vitiligo (pigmentation disorder), psoriasis O OO R1 R2 O O R2 R1 O6 7 1 2 3 45 8 R1 R2 Psoralene H H Bergaptene OCH3 H Xanthotoxin H OCH3 Imperatorin H =CH2-CH=(CH3)2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 PHENYLPROPANOIDS different degree of oxidation of three carbon side chain CH2 OH CHO CH2 OH OH MeO MeO O MeO MeO MeO OMe OH MeO OH MeO O O O MeO MeO O O hydroxycinnamoylalcohol cinnamoylaldehyde coniferylalcohol anethol aniseketone -asarone eugenol isoeugenol foeniculin myristicine isomyristicine LINDLEIYN OH OH OH O O O OH OH O O O O OH OH OH phenylbutanone glucose gallic acid gallic acid Myristicae semen – content compounds MeO OMe OMe CH2 CH CH2 MeO OMe OMe CH2 CH2 NH2 O O OMe CH2 CH CH2 Elemicine Meskaline, AnhaloniumMyristicine Zingiberis rhizoma – content compounds O Zingiberene Zingiberol OH CH3 O O OH (CH2)4 CH3 O O CH3 CH3O CH3O (CH2 )4 OHO CH3 zingerone shogaol methylgingerol Cynarae radix, folium – content compounds OH OH CO O OH OH O OC COOH OH OH OH O OH OH COOH COC H C H OH OH Cynarin Chlorogenic acid LIGNINE AND LIGNANS • Wide spread phenylpropanopids • Lignin – the most widespread polymeric phenolic compound of plant origin • Formed by oxidative dimerisation o polymerisation of C6-C3 units • Basic monomers show always p-hydroxyphenylpropanoid structure • p-coumarylalcohol • Coniferylalcohol • sinapylalcohol C C C OH R1 R2 R1 = R2 -H, -OH, -OCH3 POLYMERISATION OF CONIFERYLALCOHOL RADICAL MECHANISM – FORMATION OF MESOMERIC RADICALS CH O CH CH2 OH OMe CH O CH CH2 OH OMe CH O CH CH2 OH OMe C CH O CH CH2 OH OMe C CH O CH CH2 OH OMe Ra Rb Rc Rd - e FORMATION OF DILIGNOLS FROM MESOMERIC RADICALS CH CH OH HOH2C O CH CH CH2OH OMe OMe CH CH OH CH2 OMe CH O O CH2 CH O MeO O CH CH CH2OH OMe O CH CH CH2OH OMe dehydrodiconyferylalcohol Rb + Rc DL-pinoresinol Rb + Rb quinonmetide Ra + Rb CONIFERYLALCOHOL – CONIFERINE CH2 OH OH MeO CH2OHMeO OO CH2OH (-D-glucopyranosyl) coniferylalcohol coniferin LIGNIN AND ITS TYPES OH COOH OH CHO OH CH2 OH OH COOH OMe OH CHO OMe OH CH2 OH OMe OH COOH OMeMeO OH CHO OMeMeO OH CH2 OH OMeMeO sinapic acid sinapylaldehyde sinapylalcohol ferulic acid conifericaldehyd coniferylalcohol p-coumaric acid p-coumarylaldehyde p-coumarylalcohol lignine of conifers lignine of grasses lignine of broad-leaf trees UTILIZATION OF LIGNINE - listed in group of fibers, but is not used as dietary fiber individually - material for synthesis of vanillin and syringaldehyde - filler for phenolic plastics - stiffening (especially of rubber for outsoles) - additive for greases - stabilizer of asphalt emulsions - for precipitation of proteins LIGNANS formed by connection of two C6-C3 compounds (phenylpropanes) via βcarbon atom (oxidative dimers of coniferylalcohol) CH CH CH2OH OH CH O OH CH CH2 OH OMeMeO CH OH CH2 O CH CH CH2 OH O CH MeO OMeC OH C C OMe C C C OH MeO           olivil pinoresinol hydronaphtalene type (for example podofyllotoxin) diarylbutane type (for example kubebin)   cyclooctadiene type (for example schisandrin) Structure of Etoposide and Teniposide O O O O O OOH OH O O H H MeO OMe OH CH3 S O O O O O OOH OH O O H H MeO OMe OH 7 8 4' Etoposide, Vepesid 7 8 4' Teniposide Biosynthesis of podophylline lignans OH OMe C -  C -  C -  2   type of hydronaphtalene BIOSYNTHESIS OF SALICINE CO SCoA CO SCoA OH CO SCoA OH OH CHO O CHO GlcO CH2OH Glc helicinesalicine cinnamic acid o-coumaric acid o-hydroxybenzaldehyde UDP-Glcred. TEMPORARY FORMATION OF C6-C3-C2 UNIT AT CURCUMINE CO OH SCoA OMe O CO OH SCoA OMe CO CH2 COOH SCoA CO OH SCoA OMe O OH OMe CO O O SCoA OMe HSCoA O OH OMe O OH OMe + -CO2 + 1) H2O 2) -CO2 curcumine Curcuma tinctoria (Zingiberaceae) Curcumae xanthorrhizae rhizoma – content compounds OH MeO CH CH CO CH2 CO CH CH OH OMe Curcumine O Turmerone Curcumene Zingiberene VANILLAE FRUCTUS CH2OH O-Glc OMe CH2OH OH OMe OH OMe CHO O-Glc OMe CHO vanilloside hydrolysis vanillic alcohol oxidation vanilline hydrolysis vanilloside FLAVONOIDS 1st level – formation of chalcone CO CH2 CO2 SCoA CO CH2 CO2 SCoA CO CH2 CO2 SCoA OO O O SCoA OOH OH OH - - - 3 x malonyl-CoA cinnamoyl-CoA A B 2',4',6'-OH-chalcone FLAVONOIDS OOH OH OH OOH OH O OOH OH O OOH OH O OOH OH O OH OH OH O + OH OH OH O OH OH O OH OH A B A B A B 5,7-OH-isoflavone 2',4',6'-OH-chalcone 5,7-OH-flavanone 5,7-OH-dihydroflavonol 5,7-OH-flavonolanthocyanidine 5,7-OH-flavone 5,7-OH-flavane5,7-OH-flavandiol catechine VENOPHARMACS – DRUGS FOR TREATMENT OF VENOUS DISEASES RUTOSIDE SOPHORAE FLOS Sophora japonica L. – Chinese Scholar Tree or Japanese Pagoda Tree (Fabaceae). Producents: China, Japan Drug – not-untrolled flower buds with content of up to 20 % rutoside Semi-synthetic derivate tris-β-hydroxy-ethyl = troxerutine, CILKANOL FAGOPYRI HERBA Fagopyrum – buckwheat (Polygonaceae) Drug contains 1-2 % of rutoside, isolation difficult O O OH OH OH O OOH OH OH OH CH2 O O OH OH OH H CH3 glucose rhamnose rutinose rutoside quercetine Silybi mariani fructus – content compounds Silybum marianum – milk thistle OH OH O O OH O O CH2OH OH OMe OH OH O O OH OH OH OH OH O O OH OH O CH2OH OH OMe OH OH O O H H O OH O OH OMe TaxifolineSilybine (benzodioxane) Coniferylalcohol Silychristine Silydianine Dihydrobenzofurane Oxatricyclodecene TANNINS Characterization • Heterogeneous organic polyphenols of high molecular weight • Amorphous compounds formatting in water colloid acid solutions of astringent taste • With protein format insoluble substances → limiting therapeutic usage; leather manufacturing industry – tan the furs (skin) to leathers • Almost insoluble substances formatting with heavy metals and alklaoids (with exception of morphine, atropine, cocaine), with salts of iron produce inks • Ability ot agglutinate erythrocytes • Oxidation, condensation and polymerization to non-effective phlobaphenes • On the certain stage of development plant defense against microorganisms Occurrence: Dicotyledonous plant with exception of Papaveraceae and Brassicaceae Rarely monocotyledonous plants CLASSIFICATION OF TANNINS ACCORDING TO THE STRUCTURE TANNINS HYDROLYZABLE CONDENSED (glycosidal) GALLOTANINS ELLAGITANINS CATECHINS Gallic acid Ellagic acid hydrogenated + sugar + sugar flavonols resp. catechins BASIC BUILDING BLOCKS OF TANNINS C OH OHOH OH O O O OH OH OH OH O O OOH OH OH OH H OH H Gallic acid Ellagic acid Catechine EXAMPLE OF DEPSIDIC BOND ESTER BOND BETWEEN CARBOXYL GROUP OF ONE MOLECULE AND HYDROXYL OF THE SECOND MOLECULE OF THE SAME SUBSTANCE OH OH OH C OH O OH OH O C O OH OHOC O O H H OR H OR OH H H OR CH2 OR R R m-trigallic acid Tannine = gallic acid = m-trigallic acid CONNECTION OF GALLIC ACID MOLECULES WITH C-C BOND OH OH OH COOH OH OH OH COOH - H2O OH OH OH OH OH OH COOH COOH Hexahydroxydiphenic acid (dimer of gallic acid) FORMATION OF ELLAGIC ACID OH OH O C H O OH OH OHO C H OOH O O OH OH OH OH O O - H2O Hexahydroxydiphenic acid Ellagic acid CONDENSED TANNINS (CATECHINS) Basic building block is catechine and its isomers, further blocks are hydroxyflavandiols (leucoanthocyanidins), hydroxyderivatives of cinnamic acid. Majority of condensed tannins is poduced by „postmortal“ condensation with influence of enzymes. Catechins condense in weakly acidic environment of cytosol into true in water soluble amorphous tannins. This is observed during the postmortal procedures when wood is stored. Condensation can proceed into dark in water insoluble phlobaphenes. Enzymatic transformation of catechins by polyphenoloxidases (for example red pigmentation of cacao beans). Some catechine tannins are in form of esters of catechine with gallic acid (for example epicatechine-3-gallate in Theae folium). CONDENSED TANNINS (CATECHINS) OOH OH OH OH OH OOH OH OH OH OH OH OOH OH OH OH OH OH OOH OH OH OH OH Catechine (3-flavanol) Leucoanthocyanidins (3,4-flavandiol) Dimeric condensation product as the first step of tannins formation from flavandiol and catechine DRUGS WITH CONTENT OF TANNINS Tanninum – Tannine ČL 2005 Quercus infectoria, gall oak (Fagaceae) Hamamelidis folium – Vilínový list ČL 2005 Hamamelis virginiana, witch hazel (Hamamelidaceae) Quercus cortex – Dubová kůra ČL 2005 Quercus robur, English oak, Q. petraea, sessile oak (Fagaceae) Agrimoniae herba – Řepíková nať ČL 2005 Agrimonia eupatoria, agrimony (Rosaceae) Myrtilli fructus recens – fresh blueberry ČL 2005 Myrtilli fructus siccus – dried blueberry ČL 2005 Vaccinium myrtillus, (Vacciniaceae) Tormentillae rhizoma – ČL 2005 Potentilla erecta (P. tormentilla), tormentil (Rosaceae) FURTHER DRUGS WITH TANNIN CONTENT Juglandis folium – Juglans regia, hasel nut (Juglandaceae) Bistortae rhizoma – Polygonum bistorta, bistort (Polygonaceae) Rubi fruticosi folium – Rubus fruticosus, blackberry (Rosaceae) Catechu – Katechu (Acacia catechu – mimosa catechu, Mimosaceae) Solidified extract of wood of Indian/African tree, containing up to 50 % of catechine tannins. Pwerfull astringent. Kino – Kino (Pterocarpus marsupium – indian kino tree, Fabaceae) Solidified juice flowing from stem after wounding, tree of eastern India and Sri Lanka, containing up to 85 % of catechine tannins.