The head of the femur/thigh bone, middle ear, sacral bone, left foot, deformed kidney, cerebral concussion, inborn/native luxation of the right hip, muscle adductor of the thumb, the cavity of the thorax/thoracic cavity, top point of the lung, cerebral cortex, parts of the body, damaged thorax/injury of the thorax, deformation of the left lung, through the (bone) mouth, through the rectum, adspersory powder, solution for disinfection, intravenous injections, medicaments for children/infants, bitter salt, medicament against cough, the flower of poppy, the root of valerian (herb), bottle of alcohol, a spoon of fennel honey, a herb with a root, lactic sugar, mixtur efor an injection, black flower. Vulnus N, pro +6 sg, piper N, contra +4 sg, post + 4, tumor=2sg, caput+ femur= 2 sg, abdomen=2sg, ante +4, septum=2, +2 sg, cum+6 Ex.2 Vulnus lacerum, aqua pro injectione, piper nigrum, extractum fluidum contra dolorem, post operationem tumoris, dolor acutus capitis femoris, vulnus abdominis, auris ante operationem, cavitas septi nasi, luxatio digiti secundi, cum vulnere secto. Ex.3 Tumor malignus, tussis cum febri, color albus, extractum liquidum/fluidum, adductor, femur dextrum, articulatio ante operationem, cum ulcere ventriculi, sanatio per secundam intentionem. Ex. 4 Transfusio sanguinis, injectiones intravenosae, lagoena solutionis, laesio congenita coxae, remedium/medicamentum ad curationem/therapiam, pulvis adspersorius pro infantibus, auris interna, antibiotica contra tussim, signa/symptomata inflammationis.