Systems for natural compounds classification System alphabetical – used in ČL 2005 System pharmacobotanical – according to botanical (systematic) classification of mother plants System pharmacochemical – according to the functional groups, according to hte ratio of single elements, enlistment into group according to the main content compound System biogenetical – according to the single biosynthetic pathways leading to the creation metabolites (compounds derived from shikimic acid, acetic acid, mevalonic acid, aminoacids, and specific sugars) System farmakodynamic – acording to the pharmacodynamic effect System chemotaxonomic – based on the relation of plant chemism (occurence of certain metabolites) and their evolution PHARMACOBOTANICAL SYSTEM BACTERIA Bacillus brevis, B. subtillis, B. polymyxa → antibiotics Streptomyces sp. → antibiotics (streptomycine = aminoglycoside, erythromycine = macrolide, nystatin = polyene, neomycine = oligosugar) Lactobacillaceae → technical usage in industry (silážování, kyselé zelí…) Corynebacterium glutamicum → production of glutamate Leuconostoc mesenteroides → dextranes Producents of enzymes – proteases and lipases (for example additives to washing powders) PHARMACOBOTANICAL SYSTEM ALGAE Mono-cellular or poly-cellular autotrophic organisms Plastids – chromatophores (chlorophyll, xanthophylls, carotenoids, fucoxanthine) Genera Chlorela a Scendesmus – intensive protein production Genus Gelidium – acidic mucilaginous substances, components of middle lamela Agar-agar swelling laxative medium for gel infusions and electrophoresis substrate for culture media food industry PHARMACOBOTANIC SYSTEM FUNGI Counting species – the largest plant group. They live both in water and on dry earth. Nutrition heterotrophic (parasites, saprofphytes, symbionts) No plastids in cells, cell wal/membrane made of chitine. Reserve compounds – polyglycans. Wide spectrum of content compounds (importance for industry, healt care, toxicology) Rhisopus, Mucor, Cunninghamella (Mucoraceae) – stereospecific hydroxylation of steroidal skeleton (corticoids, steroidal hormons) Production of perfuming compounds – perfumer industry Ascomycetes– Saccharomyces ellipsoideus, S. cerevisiae (Faex medicinalis – high content of B-vitamins, additive, brewing) Penicillium → antibiotics, fungicides, cheese manufacturing Aspergillus sp. → amylases and proteases for substitution therapy x Aspergillus flavus, A. fumigatus Claviceps purpurea → Secale cornutum - peptidic alkaloids – uterotonic, spasmolytic Bazidiomycetes „true shrooms“ wood or meadow saprophytic fungi – nutrition, poisoning, psychoactive (hallucinations) PHARMACOBOTANIC SYSTEM LICHENES Dual organisms (fungus + alga) „Lichen compounds“ – produced by fungal part, acids, depsides Litmus fermentation of depsides – 7-hydroxyphenoxazon Cetraria islandica – Lichen islandicus – mucilaginous expectorantt with disinfection effect Hydrolysis of depsides – fragrances, used in cosmetics Parmelia furfuracea – Mousse d´ Arbre Evernia prunastri – Mousse d´ Chene PHARMACOBOTANICAL SYSTEM MOSES Therapeutically used chosen sphagnum (Sphagnum) Peat – balneotherapy Effect by resorption for example of oestrogenic compounds, it is dubious. PHARMACOBOTANICAL SYSTEM HIGHER PLANTS – SPERMATOPHYTA PTERIDOPHYTA – breed by spores MOSSCLUBS – Lycopodium clavatum - wolf's-foot clubmoss (alkaloid lycopodine), Lycopodium (Lycopodii sporae) → conspergent of pills, fireworks – Hupersia serrata – alkaloids hupersines HORSETAILS – Equisetum arvense – field horsetail (?saponins?, flavonoids, silicic acids, traces of alkaloids palustrine a nicotine). In cellular liquid accumulation of aluminium ions. FERNS – Dryopteris filix mas – common male fern (butanone phloroglucine derivatives in internal glandular trichomes – taenifuge, condensed tannins, flavonoids, leucoanthocyanins PHARMACOBOTANICAL SYSTEM GYMNOSPERMS CONIFERS • Accumulation of polyphenols • Condensed tannins • Flavonoids • Essential oils in schisogennic tubules, contain usualy monoterpenes and diterpenes • Resins • Cyclitols (pinitol, sequojitol) offent contained in needles PHARMACOBOTANICAL SYSTEM ANGIOSPERMS Angiospermae = Magnoliopsida They have flowers, their parts are testicles covering little eggs. Testicle is a part of pistil, which is during maturation changed on fruit. 1. Monocotyledonous (Monocotyledonidae = Liliatae) 2. Dicotyledonous (Dicotyledonidae = Magnoliatae) PHARMACOBOTANICAL SYSTEM MONOCOTYLEDONOUS PLANTS LILIACEAE (3 500 species) • Veratrum – fallse hellebore – steroidal esters and glykoalkaloids, cevane alkaloids • Colchicum – autumn crocus – alkaloids • Urginea maritima – sea squill, sea onion, Convallaria majalis – Lily of the valley – cardioactive glycosides • Alium sativum - garlic, Alium cepa - onion – essential oils • Aloe – anthraglycosides PHARMACOBOTANICAL SYSTEM DICOTYLEDONOUS PLANTS RANUNCULACEAE (2 000) • Aconitum – aconit – diterpenic alkaloids • Adonis – pheasant´s eye – cardioactive glycosides • Helleborus - hellebore – cardioactive glycosides • Thalictrum - rue – isoquinoline alkaloids • Ranunculus - buttercup – poisonous glycoside protoanemonine PAPAVERACEAE - POPPY FAMILY (700) lactifers with latex • Papaver somniferum - poppy – Opium – morfinane and benzylisoquinoline alkaloids. • Chelidonium - celandine – alkaloids • Fumaria – fumitory, earthsmoke – alkaloids PHARMACOBOTANICAL SYSTEM DICOTYLEDONOUS PLANTS BRASSICACEAE -CRUCIFERS (3 000) • Brassica nigra – black mustard – thioglycosides, glucosinolates • Sinapis alba – white mustard – thioglycosides • Brassica oleracea botrytis var. italica - broccoli – diindolylmethan • Erysimum diffusum – diffuse wallflower, Cheiranthus cheiri – Aegean wallflower – cardioactive glycosides PRIMULACEAE - (800) • Primula elatior – true oxlip, P. veris - cowslip – triterpenoid saponins • Primula obconica – poison primrose – benzoquinone primine – strongly irritating the skin • Cyclamen europaeum - sowbread – poisonous saponine PHARMACOBOTANICAL SYSTEM DICOTYLEDONOUS PLANTS ROSACEAE - ROSES (3 000) Condensed tannins, triterpenic acids, cyanogennic glycosides, flowers contain essential oils VICIACEAE, FABACEAE - LEGUMES FAMILY (10 000) - on the roots nitrogenous bacteria; many times honey-producing • Glycine max - soya – proteins, oil, isoflavonoids • Genista – dayer´s broom, Laburnum anagyroides – golden rain – quinolizidine alkaloids POLYGONACEAE – KNOTWEED FAMILY (800) - different forms of calcium oxalate • Rheum - rhubarb – anthraglycosides, tannins • Fagopyrum sagittatum - buckwheat – photosensibilisating naphtodianthrones PHARMACOBOTANICAL SYSTEM DICOTYLEDONOUS PLANTS ASTERACEAE – SUNFLOWER FAMILY (20 000) - inuline, essential oils, lactifers with latex, inflorescence, fruits achenes • Matricaria chamomilla - camomile – essential oil, flavonoids • Artemisia - wormwood – bitter substances of germacrane type • Senecio - ragworts – pyrrolizidine alkaloids (hepatotoxic, cancerogenic) MALVACEAE (1 500) • Althaea officinalis - marshmallow – mucilage • Malva - mallow – mucilage APIACEAE - UMBELLIFERS (3 000) essential oils, flowers in umbels • Angelica officinalis (archangelica) – garden angelica – photosensibilisating coumarins • Ferula – stinking gum, Ferula asa foetida – gummiresine • Aethusa cynapium – poison parsley, Cicuta virosa – water hemlock – toxic poly- ines PHARMACOBOTANIC SYSTEM DICOTYLEDONOUS PLANTS LAMIACEAE (5 000) (r. Lamium, Lavandula, Mentha, Melissa, Salvia, Thymus) • Superficial glandules with essential oils – mono- and sesquiterpenes • Polyphenols – depsides • Rosmarinic acid – „tannin“ of Lamiaceae • Iridoids SOLANACEAE (2 300) - alkaloids of three types • Atropa – deadly nightshade, Hyoscyamus – black henbane, Datura- thornapple – tropane alkaloids • Nicotiana – pyridine alkaloids • Solanum - steroid alkaloids (S. laciniatum) • Lycopersicon esculentum – tomato – vitamins, carotenoids PHARMACOBOTANICAL SYSTEM DICOTYLEDONOUS PLANTS APOCYNACEAE – DOGBANE FAMILY (2000) • Catharanthus roseus – Madagascar periwinkle – bisindol monoterpenic alkaloids • Vinca minor – lesser periwinkle – eburnamine alkaloids • Rauwolfia - snakeroot – alkaloids • Strophanthus - cardioactive glycosides • Thevetia – yellow oleander – cardioactive glycosides ARALIACEAE – ARALIA FAMILY (300) • Panax - ginseng – steroidal saponins • Eleutherococcus – siberian ginseng – dtto • Hedera helix – common ivy – dtto PHARMACOBOTANICAL SYSTEM DICOTYLEDONOUS PLANTS RUBIACEAE – MADDER FAMILY (1200) • Cinchona - quinoline alkaloids • Cephaelis - isoquinoline monoterpenic alkaloids • Pausinystalia - indol alkaloids • Coffea - coffee – purine bases RUTACEAE – RUE OR CITRUS FAMILY (2500) • Ruta graveolens – common rue – flavonoids, alkaloids • Citrus – essential oils, flavonoids • Pilocarpus - jaborandi – parasympathomimetic alkaloids, ophthalmologic • Murraya – curry tree - prenylated bisindols PHARMACOBOTANICAL SYSTEM DICOTYLEDONOUS PLANTS LAURACEAE – (2 250) tubules with essential oils • Cinnamomum ceylanicum, C. Cassia - cinnamon – cinamom aldehyd • Cinnamomum camphora – camphor laurel – camphor • Laurus nobilis – bay laurel – essential oils, aporphine alkaloids BERBERIDACEAE – (650) • Berberis vulgaris - barberry – isoquinoline alkaloids • Podophyllum peltatum - mayapple – lignans ERYTHROXYLACEAE – (200) • Erythroxylon coca - coca – possess 190 chemovars, pseudotropane alkaloids PHARMACOBOTANICAL SYSTEM DICOTYLEDONOUS PLANTS LOGANIACEAE (700) • Strychnos nux vomica – nux vomica – strychnine • Strychnos toxifera, castelnayi – bisindol alkaloids CANNABACEAE (3) • Humulus lupulus - hop – bitter acids, essential oil, flavones • Cannabis sativa - hemp – cannabinoids (THC) EUPHORBIACEAE (600) • Ricinus communis- castor plant – oil, alkaloid, phorbol, lectines • Croton tiglium – purging croton – oil, phorbol esters • Mallotus - phloroglucine derivatives PHARMACOBOTANICAL SYSTEM DICOTYLEDONOUS PLANTS CAESALPINIACEAE – CAESALPINIOIDEAE (2800) • Cassia senna - senna – anthraglycosides • Krameria triandra - rhatany – tannins • Tamarindus indica - tamarind – sugars • Ceratonia siliqua – carob tree – sugars From Greec word kerátion derived name carat (0,200 g). SCROPHULARIACEAE – FIGWORT FAMILY (1600) • Digitalis lanata - foxglove – cardioactive glycosides • Verbascum - mullein – saponins • Veronica officinalis - speedwell – tannins • Euphrasia rostkoviana – common eyebright – flavonoids