Pharmacognosy lab exercise 12 Macroscopy of miscellaneous drugs Echinaceae radix CzPh 2017 ▪Echinaceae angustifoliae radix - root of narrow-leaved coneflower ▪Echinaceae pallidae radix - root of pale purple coneflower ▪Echinaceae purpureae radix - root of purple coneflower Echinaceae angustifoliae radix CzPh 2017 ▪Mother plant: Echinacea angustifolia, Asteraceae, narrow-leaved coneflower root Echinaceae angustifoliae radix CzPh 2017 MÚ: podpora funkce makrofágů, stimulace produkce cytokinů (IL, TNF-α), stimulace funkce NK buněk KI: pacienti s progredujícími systémovými onemocněními (AIDS, TBC, roztroušená skleróza, alergie, astma,…), alergie na rostliny čeledi Asteraceae NÚ: alergická dermatitida, kopřivka, GIT obtíže, suprese imunitního systému a leukopenie při dlouhodobém užívání (> 8 týdnů) ! Imunostimulační účinek způsoben převážně endofytními bakteriemi, ostatní látky se podílí svou protizánětlivou aktivitou (alkylamidy). Echinaceae angustifoliae radix CzPh 2017 echinacosid Eleutherococci radix CzPh 2017 ▪Mother plant: Eleutherococcus senticosus (syn. Acanthopanax senticosus), Araliaceae (devil’s bush, siberian ginseng) ▪Macroscopy: cylindrical rhizome with numerous nodular roots. The surface of the rhizome is bumpy, longitudinally grooved, gray-brown to red-brown. The roots are 3.5 -15 cm long, 0.3 -1.5 cm in diameter; on the surface smooth, gray-brown to black-brown. The bark is about 0.5 mm thick, close to the light yellow wood. After removing the bark, the root is yellow-brown. Eleutherococci radix CzPh 2017 ▪Content compounds: saponins (eleutherosid A), phenylpropanoid glycosides (eleutherosid B) and lignans (eleutherosid E), coumarins (isofraxidin), polysaccharides, mineral compounds ▪Usage: adaptogen, tonic, immunostimulant; ethanolic root extract available as drops eleutherosid B (= syringin) - glycoside of sinapylalcohol eleutherosid E = syringaresinol-diglucoside Eleutherococci radix CzPh 2017 Rusci radix CzPh 2017 ▪Mother plant: Ruscus aculeatus, Asparagaceae (butcher’s broom) ▪Macroscopy: The drug consists of a rhizome with roots. The rhizome consists of yellowish, branched, cylindrical pieces, on the surface with thin annular grooves. The underside of a rhizome with numerous roots or scars after them; roots about 2 mm in diameter have a similar color to the rhizome. The outer layer can be easily peeled off, the middle part under it is hard, yellowish white. Rusci radix CzPh 2017 ▪Content compounds: steroidal saponins (at least 1%) – ruscogenins, neoruscogenins; sterols, triterpenes, flavonoids, coumarins ▪Usage: vasoprotective, venoprotective ruscogenin neoruscogenin Rusci radix CzPh 2017 Ginkgo folium CzPH 2017 ▪Mother plant: Ginkgo biloba, Ginkgoaceae (maidenhair tree) •Ginkgo extractum siccum raffinatum et quantificatum CzPh 2017 Je to nahosemenná rostlina, nemá květy ani plody, vajíčka nejsou chráněna v květech a vyvíjející se semena v plodech. ▪Macroscopy: The leaf is slightly darker on the upper side than on the lower side. The blade of the leaf is fan-shaped, usually bilobed or sometimes without lobes. The leaf is glabrous on both sides, the veins are dichotomous. The blade is wide at the upper edge with an irregular notch of various sizes Ginkgo folium CzPH 2017 ▪Content compounds: flavonoids, terpenic lactones, organic acids, carotenoids, saccharides ▪Usage: dementia treatment, nootropic, adjuvant vasodilatans; Ginkgo extractum siccum raffinatum et quantificatum - Gingio, Tanakan, Tebokan; dietary supplements (pills) ginkgolid A Ginkgo folium CzPH 2017 Hederae folium CzPh 2017 ▪Mother plant: Hedera helix L., Araliaceae (common ivy, European ivy) heterofylie ▪Macroscopy: leathery leaves, cordate at the base. Smooth edged, palmately trilobal to five lobed, with more or less triangular lobes. The upper side of the leaf is dark green with palmate veins; the lower side is more gray-green, with clearly prominent veins. Petioles and blades of younger leaves are scattered with white hairs, older leaves are glabrous. Hederae folium CzPh 2017 ▪Content compounds: triterpenoid saponins - hederacosid C, which by drying breaks down to α-hederin ▪Usage: expectorans, coughing syrups (Hederae folii exctractum spissum -Hedelix in Czech Republic) Hederae folium CzPh 2017 Solidaginis virgaureae herba CzPh 2017 ▪Mother plant: Solidago virgaurea, Asteraceae (European goldenrod) xrfEU0Q ▪Macroscopy: stem cylindrical, longitudinally grooved, glabrous or pubescent. Leaves ovate to oval, entire, glabrous on both sides n. Scattered hairy. The capes are arranged in a narrow lath of female lingual flowers and bisexual tubular flowers. All flowers are yellow. The drug is odorless, the taste is bitter. DSC00205.jpg Solidaginis virgaureae herba CzPh 2017 ▪Content compounds: flavonoids (0.5-1.5 %; rutin, quercitrin, hyperoside, aglycones quercetin, kaempferol), saponins, tannins ▪Usage: diuretic, antiphlogistic; externally for purulent wounds Solidaginis virgaureae herba CzPh 2017 rutin quercitrin quercetin kaempferol Tanaceti parthenii herba CzPh 2017 ▪Mother plant: Tanacetum parthenium, Asteraceae (feverfew) Jd-o8 ▪Makroskopie: stem branched, almost square, longitudinally grooved. Leaves ovate, pinnate, with 5-9 segments with jagged edge and blunt tip, slightly pubescent. Hemispherical intervention from overlapping leaves. Perimeter flowers are white, female; target tubular flowers are yellow, bisexual. The drug has an aromatic aroma and a sharp, bitter taste. DSC00201.jpg Tanaceti parthenii herba CzPh 2017 ▪Content compounds: essential oils (sesquiterpene lactone parthenolid), bitter substances, tannins, mucilage ▪Usage: analgetic (migraines, menstrual pain), antipyretic; historically was used to reduce fever - hence the name feverfew Tanaceti parthenii herba CzPh 2017 parthenolid Hibisci sabdariffae flos CzPh 2017 ▪Mother plant: Hibiscus sabdariffa, Malvaceae (roselle) ibištek krvavý ▪Macroscopy: dried flower is light to dark violet-red and fleshy, after drying calyx and goblet are brittle. The chalice is jug-shaped in the lower half, in the upper half with five long pointed points bent backwards. The cup consists of 8-12 leaves grown to the base of the chalice Rosella, Hibiscus sabdariffa - 2 Hibisci sabdariffae flos CzPh 2017 Pre kyslú chuť kvetov ako korigens chuti v čajovinových zmesiach ▪Content compounds: at least 13.5 % organic acids (ascorbic, citric, malic, tartaric), anthocyans, flavonoids, fytosterols, pectin ▪Usage: delicacy (tea, wine), source of vitamin C, antioxidant, (antiphlogistic, hypotonic, antisclerotic) •In Carribean, fruit is boiled for 8-10 minutes, in Jamaica the drink is seasoned with rum, seasonal Christmas drink in Trinidad •Europe - in many herbal teas as a coloring agent Hibisci sabdariffae flos CzPh 2017 ascorbic acid citric acid Pre kyslú chuť kvetov ako korigens chuti v čajovinových zmesiach Lupuli flos CzPh 2017 ▪Mother plant: Humulus lupulus, Cannabidaceae (common hop) ▪Macroscopy: dried, usually whole female inflorescences. Hop cones are usually individual, 2-5 cm long, ovoid in shape, composed of numerous oval green-yellow, overlapping leaves. The outer bracts are flat, regular, the inner bracts are longer, irregular at the base, completely enclosing the fetus (achene = achenium). The testicles, base of the leaves and leaflets are covered with small orange-yellow glands Obr. 10.2 - 3 : Detail chmelové hlávky s vřeténkem a lupulinem. Lupuli flos CzPh 2017 ▪Content compounds: bitter substances (bitter resin acids, 15-30 %) = prenylated acylphloroglucinols (humulon, lupulon); flavonoids, prenylated chalkons (xanthohumol), essential oils (0,3-1%, monoterpenes, sesquiterpenes: myrcen, humulen, farnesen, karyofylen) ▪Usage: amare, stomachic (bitter acids), sedative (Novo-Passit - Humuli lupuli extractum + other plant extracts + guaifenesine), anafrodisiac (antigonadotropic glucoprotein); female fruits in brewing industry humulon پرونده:Xanthohumol.svg xanthohumol Lupuli flos CzPh 2017 ve stadiu výzkumu: antidiabetikum (použitelné v počátečních stádiích diabetu), anafrodiziakálny účinok pozorovaný v experimente u samcov potkanov Thank you for your attention! ve stadiu výzkumu: antidiabetikum (použitelné v počátečních stádiích diabetu), anafrodiziakálny účinok pozorovaný v experimente u samcov potkanov