Pharmacognosy lab exercise 5 Roots, rhizomes and leaves of dicotyledonous plants Belladonnae radix §Mother plant: Atropa belladonna, Solanaceae w (deadly nightshade) w § § Bella Donna – beautiful lady Belladonnae radix §Macroscopy: roots of different size, bright grey, longitudinally banded, wide wood and narrow cortex, on the section whitish, on the section raising dust (presence of starch), without odour, taste firstly sweet, then bitter § §Content compounds: 0.45-0.85 % tropane alkaloids: atropine, scopolamine, apoatropine, belladonine, cuscohygrine, starch § §Atropin is a racemic mixture of (+)- and (-) - hyoscyamine (the latter is the main alkaloid) § §Usage: isolation of alkaloids, parasympatolytic § w § w makrbela atropine scopolamine tropane tropic acid Belladonnae radix §Atropine intoxication: mydriasis, mouth dryness, hallucinations, terminal state- delirium and coma, death due to paralysis of vital centres § § wAtropine – mydriatic, antiemetic, antiparkinsonic, premedication to general anesthesia, antidotum for intoxication with parasympatomimetics (organophosphates – insecticides, chemical weapons) wScopolamine – sedates the CNS, spasmolytic w acetylcholine soman sarine parathion Belladonnae radix §Microscopy: cork with tangentially prolonged cells, secondary cortex with parenchyma, starch and sand cells (calcium oxalate), visible cambium, upon cambium sieve-tubes, under cambium vessels with libriform, sand cells and parenchyma with starch, typical sign – in wood disseminated sieve-tubes: interxylar phloem, bicollateral vascular bundles Belladonnae radix §Microscopy: w cork parenchyma with starch sand cell sieve-tubes cambium interxylar phloem vessels with libriform sand cell Gentianae radix CzPh 2017 §Mother plant: Gentiana lutea, Gentianaceae (great yellow gentian) wGentianae tinctura CzPh 2017 w § § gentiana Gentianae radix CzPh 2017 §Macroscopy: cylindrical root, poorly branched, on the surface brown-grey, on the section yellow-brown-red-yellow, longitudinally wrinkled, scarification after side-roots, weak odour (dried figs), taste firstly sweetish than bitter § §Content compounds: bitter substances (gentiopicrin, amarogentin, swertiamarin), yellow pigment gentisin, no starch § §Usage: amare-stomachic w makrgen gentiopicrin swertiamarin Gentianae radix CzPh 2017 §Microscopy: 4-6 lines of thin-wall cork, thin-wall bark parenchyma, bicollateral vascular bundles, phloem fibers missing, vessels separated and isolated or creating groups, no sclerenchyma (libriform), no starch (or only low amount), possible microcrystalline calcium oxalate. No well differentiated parenchyma rays. w Gentianae radix CzPh 2017 §Microscopy: parenchyma sieve-tubes cambium vessels interxylar phloem Ratanhiae radix CzPh 2017 §Mother plant: Krameria triandra, Krameriaceae (Rhatany) wRatanhiae tinctura CzPh 2017 w § § krameria Ratanhiae radix CzPh 2017 §Macroscopy: long non-branched roots, very hard, red-brown colour, bark of old roots is squamously ruptured, bark of young roots smooth with sharp transversal rifts, easily separated from wood, fracture in bark shortly wavy, in wood fragmentized, drug without odour, astringent taste w §Content compounds: catechine tannins, starch, sugars § §Usage: astringent, antidiarrhoic § § makrkramer Flobafen – rhatany red Ratanhiae radix CzPh 2017 §Microscopy: characteristic wide cork with cells close to each other, simple parenchyma rays, in cortex part seen funnel-shaped broadening, in secondary cortex aggregates of phloem fibers and starch cells, upon cambium sieve-tubes, under cambium vessels with libriform, connecting strips of wood parenchyma (for intake of water and nutrients in time of dry weather), vascular bundles collateral w vessel parenchyma rays libriform xylem phloem fibers cork Ratanhiae radix CzPh 2017 §Microscopy: w ratanhia cork starch phloem fibers medullar rays sieve-tubes cambium vessel with libriform connecting strips of wood parenchyma Levistici radix CzPh 2017 §Mother plant: Levisticum officinale, Apiaceae (lovage) w § § levis Levistici radix CzPh 2017 §Macroscopy: stronger roots, bright grey-brown to yellow-brown colour, section usually smooth with visible wide yellow-white bark and narrow bright yellow wood, spicy odour, sharp spicy taste § §Content compounds: essential oil, furanocoumarines, organic acids § §Usage: diuretic, carminative, stomachic § makrlevis psoralen bergapten Levistici radix CzPh 2017 §Microscopy: transversal section: cork – several layers, under air bubbles (elasticity of root), primary cortex – tangential cells, secondary cortex – channels with volatiles, medullar rays, sieve-tubes, cambium, vessels, parenchyma Levistici radix CzPh 2017 §Microscopy: w Levistici radix CzPh 2017 §Microscopy: w mikrlevist1c Bez_názvu1c sieve-tubes cambium vessels air bubble medullar ray channel with volatiles Petroselini radix CzPh 2017 §Mother plant: Petroselinum crispum,Apiaceae (parsley) w § § petroselinum Petroselini radix CzPh 2017 §Macroscopy: simple spindle-like root, externally yellow-white, longitudinally wrinkled, transversally ringed, section not clear, bark white-yellowish, wood yellow, characteristic aromatic odour, sweet taste, weakly spicy. Easily decomposed and attacked by insect § §Content compounds: essential oil (phenylpropanoids), flavonoids, mucilage and sugars § §Usage: diuretic, carminative, stomachic, antiseptic TN_makrpetr apiol myristicin Petroselini radix CzPh 2017 wMicroscopy: cork, in cortex pat channels with volatiles, medullar rays, sieve-tubes, cambium, vessels, wood parenchyma TN_petr1 cork channel sieve-tubes cambium vessels medullar ray Taraxaci radix cum herba CzPh 2017 §Mother plant: Taraxacum officinale, Asteraceae (dandelion) w § § Taraxaci radix cum herba CzPh 2017 §Macroscopy: post-like roots, hardly wrinkled, poorly branched, on the surface grey-brown to red-brown, fragile, on the section whitish bark and dark lactifers and lemon-like yellow wood without rays, drug must not smell, bitter taste § §Content compounds: bitter compounds, mucilage, sugars, inuline, mineral compounds § §Usage: amare, cholagogue, diuretic, metabolic, antidiabetic (insulin secretagogue activity in vitro; in vivo decreased serum glucose concentrations) tarradix[1] taraxasterol Taraxaci radix cum herba CzPh 2017 §Microscopy: narrow multi-layer cork, wide bark with strips of lactifers in concentric rings accompanied by sieve-tubes, cambium, vessels, medullar parenchyma, vascular bundles collateral w Taraxaci radix cum herba CzPh 2017 §Microscopy: w tarax3opr3 Sieve-tubes and lactifers Cambium Vessels MACROSCOPY Ginseng radix CzPh 2017 §Mother plant: Panax ginseng, Araliaceae (ginseng) wGinseng extractum siccum CzPh 2017 wNotoginseng radix CzPh 2017 §Mother plant: Panax pseudoginseng, Araliaceae § Ginseng radix CzPh 2017 §Macroscopy: branched, spindle-like, externally bright brown-yellow to yellow-white, longitudinally wrinkled roots, in upper part ring-like strangled, hard and fragile, on the section grainy, yellow-white, flour-like dusted with brown-yellow cambial ring, specific odour, firstly sweet taste, later very bitter § §Content compounds: saponine glycosides - ginsenosides, starch, sugars, vitamines B § §Usage: adaptogene, tonic, geriatric panaxdroga panaxadiol panaxatriol Rhaponticae radix CzPh 2017 §Mother plant: Leuzea carthamoides (syn. Rhaponticum carthamoides), Asteraceae (Maral Root ) w § § Leuzea rhapontica 2s Rhaponticae radix CzPh 2017 §Macroscopy: large part of small roots with central rhizome, black-brown colour, on the section yellowish, characteristic weak odour, taste slightly sweetish, resinous § §Content compounds: steroids -phytoecdyzones § §Usage: adaptogene, tonic, psychostimulant § § leuzea1 leuzea fytoecdyzone Betulae folium CzPh 2017 §Mother plant: Betula pendula, B. pubescens, Betulaceae (birch tree) w § § Betula verrucosa 4as Betulae folium CzPh 2017 §Macroscopy: leaves lengthily stalked, 3-edged, double serrated margins, on the face dark green, on the reversed side brighter, characteristic netting veins, veins light brown to white, without odour, weak bitter taste § §Content compounds: flavonoids (hyperoside, quercetin), essential oil, organic acids, betulinic acid § §Usage: diuretic (saluretic) § 168-6886_IMG s hyperoside Digitalis purpureae folium CzPh 2017 §Mother plant: Digitalis purpurea, Plantaginaceae (Purple foxglove) w § § Digitalis purpureae folium CzPh 2017 §Macroscopy: leaf blade from oval lanceolate to broad oval, upper side bright green, lower side gray felt-like, margin irregular notched, toothed or serrated, veins pinnated, on the lower side protruded, without odour, unpleasant bitter taste § §Content compounds: cardioactive glycosides: primary glycosides (purpureaglycosides A, B), secondary glycosides (digitoxin) § §Usage: cardiotonic, isolation of glycosides TN_purpurea3 digitoxin Digitalis lanatae folium CzPh 2017 §Mother plant: Digitalis lanata, Plantaginaceae (Grecian foxglove) w § § Digitalis lanatae foliumCzPh 2017 §Macroscopy: leaves sharpened, local hairy, without odour, bitter taste § §Content compounds: cardioactive glycosides: lanatosides A, B,C, E; digitoxin, digoxin § §Usage: cardiotonic, isolation of glycosides § TN_lanata4 digoxin Obsah obrázku jídlo, vsedě, oranžová, med Popis se vygeneroval automaticky. Cardioactives – mechanism of action and toxicity Intoxication signs: Cardiac arrhytmia Altered color vision (red-yellow) Toxicity is increased by: Low K+ = hypokaliemia (!diuretics!) High Ca2+ = hypercalcemia Interactions with many medicines Farfarae folium CzPh 2017 §Mother plant: Tussilago farfara, Asteraceae (Coltsfoot ) w § § Farfarae folium CzPh 2017 §Macroscopy: leaves palm-like, lobular, toothed, upper side yellow-green, lower side white felt-like, trichomes aggregated, without odour, weak bitter mucilage taste § §Content compounds: mucilage, inulin, tannins, pyrrolizidine alkaloids (tusilagin, senkirkin) § §Usage: mucilaginose, expectorant, antitussic § TN_farfarae2 tusilagin senkirkin Fragariae folium §Mother plant: Fragaria vesca, Rosaceae (Wild strawberry ) w § § Fragariae folium §Macroscopy: lengthily leafstalked trifoliate leaves, sharply serrated, it tooths are visible pinkish hydatodes, upper side light green, lower side silverish hairy, withour odour bitterish mucilaginous taste § §Content compounds: condensed tannins, flavonoids, volatiles, organic acids § §Usage: astringent, diuretic § fragarfol_small[1] > Rubi fruticosi folium §Mother plant: Rubus fruticosus, Rosaceae (blackberry) w w § § Rubi fruticosi folium §Macroscopy: 3-5 foliate oval leaves with sharply serrated margin, upper side dark green, lower brighter, poorly hairy, leafstalk and vein with back curved thorns, without odour, astringent taste § §Content compounds: hydrolysable tannins, flavonoids, organic acids § §Usage: astringent, antidiarrhoic w TN_rubi1 gallic acid ellagic acid Rubi idaei folium §Mother plant: Rubus idaeus, Rosaceae (raspberry) w § § Rubi idaei folium §Macroscopy: 3-5 foliate leaves oval shaped, shortly sharpened with serrated margins, upper side dark green, lower side densely felt-like hairy, protruded viens, leafstalk and main vein with smooth thorns, without odour, mild astringent taste § §Content compounds: tannins, organic acids, mineral compounds, flavonoids § §Usage: mild astringent, spasmolytic, cholagogue, diuretic § TN_idei3 gallic acid ellagic acid Hamamelidis folium CzPh 2017 §Mother plant: Hamamelis virginiana, Hamamelidaceae (Witch Hazel) w § § Hamamelidis folium CzPh 2017 §Macroscopy: leatherlike soft leaf with short stalk, leaf blade broad oval, at the base oblique, asymmetric, at hte end sharpened, brownish-green, blade margin serrated or toothed, veins pinnated, protruding on the lower side, with trichomes, without odour, astringent taste § §Content compounds: elagic tannins - hamamelitanins, flavonoids, saponins, essential oil § §Usage: astringent, antidiarrhoic, haemostyptic TN_hama6 hamamelose Malvae folium CzPh 2017 §Mother plant: Malva mauritiana, Malva neglecta, Malva sylvestris, Malvaceae (High mallow, Marshmallow) w § § Malvae folium CzPh 2017 §Macroscopy: without odour, mucilaginous taste § §M. mauritiana – big oval leaves, rounded, blade 5 sectioned, blunt lobes, toothed §M. neglecta - 5-7-lobular leaves, from reniform to rounded, blunt lobes, notched toothed, upper side bald, lower hairy. §M. sylvestris – rounded leaves, blade palm-like 3-7 lobular, lobes from triangular to elongated, notched, width bigger than length w TN_malva6 Malvae folium CzPh 2017 §Content compounds: membrane mucilage, tannins, essential oil, phytosterols § §Usage: mucilaginose, emoliens, antiphlogistic, mild astringent § galacturonic acid Zingiberis radix (rhizoma) CzPh 2017 §Mother plant: Zingiber officinale, Zingiberaceae (ginger) w § § zigiber1 §Macroscopy: rhizome on the surface grey, poorly wrinkled, longitudinally stripped, aromatic typical odour, taste warm spicy and pungent § §Content compounds: volatiles (zingiberene), resins (gingerols, gingerdiols), phenylalkanonoles, phenylalkanones § §Usage: tonic, stomachic, diaphoretic, spice § Zingiberis radix (rhizoma) CzPh 2017 zingiber2 zingiberen