Modern Methods of Extraction and Identification of Natural Compounds Syllabus ▪ Introduction and history of extraction and identification of natural compounds ▪ Green extraction – definition and basic principles ▪ Renewable plant resources ▪ Alternative solvents ▪ Reduction of energy consumption ▪ Modern analytical techniques for identification of natural compounds ▪ NMR spectroscopy ▪ High-resolution mass spectrometry (HRMS) ▪ Hyphenated techniques History ▪ Sumerian text 4000–2100 BC (myrtle, licorice, barley, pine tree resin, …) History ▪ The Ebers Papyrus, Egypt, 2900–1500 BC (700 drugs) Formulas ▪ gargles, snuffs, poultices, infusions, pills, and ointments ▪ beer, milk, wine, and honey as vehicles Primary/secondary metabolites Methods for recovery of secondary metabolites Ancient olive oil pressing Israel Tour 2015 - Nazareth Village olive oil pressing - YouTube Modern olive oil pressing How Extra Virgin Olive Oil is Made - YouTube Modern pressing methods Extraction ▪ Batch extraction (maceration, digestion, infusion, decoction) ▪ Continuous extraction (percolation, Soxhlet extraction) • Ultrasound assisted extraction (UAE) • Microwave assisted extraction (MAE) • Pulsed electric field extraction (PEF) • Pressurized liquid extraction (PLE) • Supercritical fluid extraction (SFE) • Enzyme assisted extraction (EAE) • Hydro distillation and steam distillation Batch extraction Maceration Digestion Infusion Decoction Alcohol or water Usually water Usually water Usually water Room temperature 40–50°C Boiling water (without heating) Drug is boiled in water Extraction for several days Extraction for several days Extraction for 15 minutes Extraction for 30 minutes Percolation How Do Drip Coffee Machines Work? - Making Coffee Explained - YouTube Soxhlet extraction Ultrasound assisted extraction (UAE) Ultrasound assisted extraction (UAE) CHEMAT, Farid, et al. Ultrasound assisted extraction of food and natural products. Mechanisms, techniques, combinations, protocols and applications. A review. Ultrasonics sonochemistry, 2017, 34: 540-560. CHEMAT, Farid, et al. Ultrasound assisted extraction of food and natural products. Mechanisms, techniques, combinations, protocols and applications. A review. Ultrasonics sonochemistry, 2017, 34: 540-560. Ultrasound assisted extraction (UAE) Microwave assisted extraction (MAE) Closed Vessel Microwave-Assisted Extraction System | ETHOS EX - YouTube Comparison of digestion, UAE, and MAE Pulsed electric field extraction (PEF) Pressurized liquid extraction (PLE) Supercritical fluid extraction (SFE) Enzyme assisted extraction (EAE) Hydro distillation Steam distillation Common natural products‘ isolation methods The Isolation of Natural Products: Morphine and Other Alkaloids - YouTube Purification ▪ Liquid-liquid extraction ▪ Lyophilization ▪ Precipitation ▪ Crystallization ▪ Chromatographic techniques (TLC, CC, CCC, CPC, VLC, FC, HPLC, GC, …) Liquid-liquid extraction MeOH:H2O (80:20) Hexan MeOH:H2O (20:80) CHCl3 H2O EtOAc H2O Chromatographic techniques HPLC detectors ▪ UV detector ▪ DAD ▪ Fluorescence detector ▪ Electrochemical detector ▪ Refractive index detector ▪ ELSD ▪ MS ELSD Identification methods ▪ UV/Vis spectrophotometry ▪ Infrared spectroscopy (IR) ▪ Mass spectrometry (MS) ▪ Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) ▪ X-ray diffraction ▪ Chiroptical methods: • Optical rotation (OR) • Electronic circular dichroism (ECD) • Vibrational circular dichroism (VCD) Hyphenated techniques Study literature ▪ Natural products isolation : methods and protocols. Edited by Satyajit D. Sarker - Lutfun Nahar. Third edition. New York: Humana Press, 2012. xii, 552. ISBN 9781617796234. ▪ Green extraction of natural products : theory and practice. Edited by Farid Chemat - Jochen Strube. Weinheim: Wiley-VCH, 2015. xviii, 363. ISBN 9783527336531. ▪ BART, Hans‐Jörg. Extraction of natural products from plants–An introduction. Industrial scale natural products extraction, 2011, 1-25. ▪ BUCAR, Franz; WUBE, Abraham; SCHMID, Martin. Natural product isolation–how to get from biological material to pure compounds. Natural product reports, 2013, 30.4: 525-545. ▪ CHEMAT, Farid, et al. Ultrasound assisted extraction of food and natural products. Mechanisms, techniques, combinations, protocols and applications. A review. Ultrasonics sonochemistry, 2017, 34: 540-560. ▪ ZHANG, Qing-Wen; LIN, Li-Gen; YE, Wen-Cai. Techniques for extraction and isolation of natural products: A comprehensive review. Chinese medicine, 2018, 13.1: 1-26. ▪ ABDELMOHSEN, UR; SAYED, AM; ELMAIDOMY, AH. Natural Products’ Extraction and Isolation-Between Conventional and Modern Techniques. Frontiers in Natural Products, 2022, 1:873808.