Results of CJV02 English Written Exam written on Tuesday, May 25, 2004 @ 10:00 in G22, 23,24 56163 31 62922 32,5 64434 38 65428 33 75414 38 111005 39 104874 34,5 109339 38,5 75413 30 85805 38 74385 33 109024 31,5 105122 41,5 78623 40,5 52748 32,5 109923 36,5 52223 33 55072 37,5 109075 32 64254 37 Pass mark is 30. If you have passed the written test, your overall grade will be entered in IS at a later date. Those needing to rewrite, please note the next test dates posted in IS. Grades: A -- 46-50 B -- 42-45.5 C -- 38-41.5 D -- 34-37.5 E -- 30-33.5 75610 32 64854 27 52784 28 110135 25 45310 24,5 86852 24,5 64572 27