11.1 11.2 1 Before we employ people, we like to put them in job situations to see how they do the work and fit into the corporate culture. 2 The company has built a grand corporate headquarters as a permanent symbol of its power. 3 Our stylish new corporate logo shows our wish to be seen as a more international airline. 4 The economy is growing and corporate profits are rising. 5 The rules were introduced to protect women working in factories, but today they make it harder for women to climb the corporate ladder. 6 Companies hit by computer crime are not talking about it because they fear the publicity will harm their corporate image. 1 commercial airline 2 commercial land 3 commercial television 11.3 1 free enterprise 2 private enterprise 3 enterprise economy 4 commercial artist 5 commercial disaster 3 corporation 4 enterprise culture 5 enterprise zone 12.1 1 partnership 2 public limited company 3 corporation 4 sole owner, freelancer 5 limited company 12.2 1 demutualization 2 Building Society 3 members 4 demutualized 5 demutualize 6 mutual 12.3 lb, 2c, 3e, 4a, 5d 13.1 1 property 2 telecommunications 3 cars 4 tourism 5 financial services 6 defence 7 leisure 8 pharmaceuticals 9 media 10 healthcare 13.2 'A E R 0 S P A C E 2D U T 0 3S T E E L 4S E R V 1 5C E F E A 6M A N U F A C T U R 1 N G 7H E 0 B E R C 8M E D 1 A 9| N D U S T R 1 A \ L T T N 1 1]E M E R G 1 N G aG R 0 W T H H 13P H A R M A C E U T 1 C A L S 14.1 1 (a) Market research showed, (b) beta version, (c) after the launch 2 (d) the focus groups, (e) safe, (f) industrial scale 3 (g) designers, (h) testing, (i) CADCAM Business Vocabulary in Use 145 14.2 15.1 15.2 15.3 16.1 16.2 16.3 17.1 17.2 17.3 1 design 2 market 3 groups 4 consumer 1 a design 2 design 5 surveys 6 product launch 7 design 8 recall 3 development 4 a development 5 an invention 6 an invention 7 innovation 8 an innovation 1 and 2 of 3 development 4 the 5 and 6 at 7 research 8 laboratories 9 some 10 innovative 11 in lc, 2f, 3d, 4e, 5a, 6b 12 made 13 breakthroughs 14 technology 15 to 16 The 17 of 18 is 19 of 20 leading 21 is 22 knowledge manufacture, manufacturer, manufacturing, manufactured goods produce: non-food, producer, production, product produce: food, producer, production, produce 3, 2, 4, 7, 1, 5, 6, 8 lb, 2f, 3g, 4e, 5d, 6c, 7a Inputs capital &t-ock/i*.ve*+orie.s knoiitejqc ttf ttt \abour rtiort-íK-pmqne-ss š ms t ms ► s+odfc7řnve.K+orí&s -řftl/Skrťf qoOei& lc, 2a, 3d, 4b 1 just-in-time 2 warehouses 3 to finance 4 store 5 more efficient 6 lean manufacturing 146 Business Vocabulary in Use 's p 2R 3D E F E C T S C 1 W 0 4F 1 R S T 5T 1 M 6Z E R 1 C A T 1 0 K 1 N 6 7C 8D 1 M E N >S 1 0 N R C L P \ H E C K S C ato A N A G E M E N T ^ P 0 T 18.2 1 continuous improvement 2 business process re-engineering 3 benchmarking 4 best practice 5 continuous improvement 19.1 1 buyer, consumer, customer 2 customer base 3 client 4 client base, clientele 5 seller 6 seller, vendor 7 buyer, purchaser 8 vendor 9 buyer, purchaser, buying manager, purchasing manager 10 user, end-user 19.2 1 place 3 prices 5 forces 2 reforms 4 pressures 6 economy 20.1 1 penetrate 3 corner, driving out 2 entered, dominated 4 monopolized 20.2 1 are tne market leader 2 have a 55 per cent market share 3 Market growth is 4 market segments 5 market segmentation 20.3 1 500 3 A 5 B, C, D and E 2 yes 4 A and B 6 no 21.1 1 product, price, place, promotion 2 no 3 no Business Vocabulary in Use 147 21.2 22.1 22.2 22.3 23.1 23.2 23.3 24.1 24.2 24.3 25.1 Id, 2e, 3a, 4c, 5b lg, 2f, 3e, 4c, 5d, 6b, 7a 1 consumer durables 2 raw materials 3 consumer durables 1 brand manager 2 brand 3 brand recognition 4 brand image 1 true 2 true 3 true 1 hike 2 boom 3 cuts 1 entry-level 2 trade up 3 move upmarket 1 distribution channel 2 wholesalers 1 shopping mall 2 shopping centre 1 junk mail 2 call centre 4 fast-moving consumer goods 5 fast-moving consumer goods 5 own-brand 6 generic products 7 branded 4 false 5 true 4 controls 5 leader 4 sophisticated 5 mid-ranged 3 retailers 4 resellers 3 convenience store 4 drugstore 3 mailshot 4 cold call 6 false 7 true 6 tag 7 war 6 top-en 7 niche market 5 customer 6 middleman 5 deep discounter 6 department store 5 direct marketing 6 telemarketing 0 A R 3T E R 9\ 4D I S P L A Y A D V E R T I SEME N T I N G I T 0 T SS A 6M P L E '$ 8F 0 R C E I A A L E R 10A 6 E N C Y 'P R 0 ^ 0 T I 0 N S R E N A Y E D E T % I F T S E M 15P R I Z E S \ D V E R T I S E R S U S N ty 0 M E N 148 Business Vocabulary in Use