AI SEMINAR 2 – ANSWER KEY Presentations I Task 1 a) bad - not an academic topic b) good - a precise, exact topic with a clear purpose c) bad - mixed ideas, too many of them d) bad - too broad, too general, too subjective (to inform is more important that to persuade!) Task 2 – Answers based on class work; see Task 6. Task 3 – Answers based on class work. Task 4 – DON’TS: - Avoid redundant words or phrases such as “a study on” or “an investigation of” (everybody expects that an academic presentation is based on a reputable study, investigation or research project) - Avoid abbreviations and jargon. (may not be the same for different audiences, e.g. CR for us is Czech Republic; in America it is Costa Rica, etc.) - Avoid “cute” or sensational titles (you want to inform your audience in a more serious way) - Avoid being too vague or general (the audience should be able to predict the content) Task 5 1. A Sociological Study of Prisoners and Guards in a Simulated Prison … ok – but “study of“ is redundant unless a particular type of study is specified 2. Inner City Problems and Policies: A Conservative View … good – “view” is different from “study” or “investigation” 3. Black Identity and the Role of Reggae …. good 4. Everyday Pills That Kill! The Dangers of Over-the-counter Drugs … bad – too sensational 5. Narrative Skills in Improvisational Theatre … good Task 6 A. 6 B. 1 C. 5 D. 3 E. 2 F. 4 Task 7 – Answers based on class work. Task 8 1. Noise Stress and Human Behaviour … yes 2. The Billion Dollar Question … no 3. Industrial Policies of Industrial Countries …yes 4. Out of the Oceans and on to Faster Bicycles … no 5. The Persistent Stereotype: Children’s Images of Scientists … yes Task 9 – Answers based on class work. MAIN B0DY multiple choice question – a) is correct Task 10 1. bad example 2. good example Task 11 – Answers based on class work. Task 12 – Answers based on class work. Task 13 1. giving/making 2. may/might need 3. write/take/put/note down 4. go through 5. expect 6. moved on 7. in/over the past/last five years 8. too much 9. give you 10. very well