li V tf> \z\ í&ht LXVfhtltz fc Xhh0 Ä^W^ífeffcíf-fe > * --Cíl, 1986^ 4 £ rt»r> r?l Q ^^y?-cr)®m%í*Bmš3-x o^5oob#íi5) í±, m^. • fiAwas^cst ■fwtwwJffflfilíjjôíÄtž, hh^\±\\^mm+£il^:fr,ifixhhtn\zf£h, t^n ůmc\t&£\ mzy *&• ±M^hmtt?&k#ffl) (5) &W& • &tm& ťo§tt I II Hustlo 3-&.-CŽzmiz< 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7, 25, 26, 27, 36, 44, 45 ít* TT^......11, 12, 13, 14, 28, 29, 30, 33, 41, 42, 43 frfť 3£T-...... 8, 9, 16, 17, 19, 20, 21, 24, 34, 35, 37, 38 5#&?fií......10, 15, 18, 22, 23, 31, 32, 39, 40 ttz, £#£iILT\ il^cDffcZ^ •MÄtKCov^-CíiÍJPlň, SBIT •#§;*;Ko^-Hiíit lil ovalíš*, h^o Xolz^iBĽCm^^r-^fzo 1990^ 7 £ iif/k ü'-fr it* SÍŤ IV *#©ftl^ ^(Dŕim±n>kbz&ž>Mt)tzi)^ ^mmm±>k o." v v 1 | i-«, h ií±, mwfä.%m¥»ä*®]vz>fzisö4>?)£ rfl^cOHřj t LX 1 äl^f owg$ (l~2^-vfij£) K S i: * *: í>« wn^iř • m% ■ m& • tmu ť) *?mm\zn^-m mn -mm-^m- £?$£ &, f:?"íj:iWšJ0 Kefirs ?7zcDJiäiovUftxzcyft^izi^xWfflž^ftz v =L-v Y 2 2-2mx^mW, 2-3(?)fi»ft$)ž0 2 — 1 CQgß^tCii, -?-coi«^(75^»§c7)íf: fc£±š<7či, ^(o-pconm, aíů^-mmi^, w&iwt.itt:&. $>iy)tiit>ti%\<*í& <&l± ( ) CAW:. filI%Äiáuľj^^«HÍj^ r-j %Xtitz0 ^OTOfflltcJi, ?I^ ILff 1 39 ?i^ i/><^ < á, i*. -- tV3- (jKT?) * big, large great ■tóJo-ě^ í"ŕ (3) -— f K ±(ÍĎÍo) £^ = :fc#& big ^:^(/iv^-^<) a university ±^(/ď> •-ii-o)^ important *ytA(.fc&W£££-CÄx.£-£££i:"CI±í:v>o z.<7)Ztl±& 3-c, ílf^íbioiiá-eíi, ^7x-eT^t;g|^o#i**ítSL-c{iLv>(7)-r% 2- 1 K20#íiJ£, 2-2fc2-3m B*LfcO, BSBWbtUÍ, #•"&*- K"Cn^f^-jfc<7)J|iř^*1-2>4:ťv^v^T.*t?ŠŽo í}, ^Äfcfr**J£-t&£i:&BféLfcí>0-e**o ŕív>fcv>l553—2053-Tľ^*, läPa1£i »oTI*£TjĎ\ T^ítA5? iOt^ys'/li, Vi;fc>lř#fl4l?)J:-9 féJgfcL-CJttíJS-tá-Cfc«^., Vil JrtTW «fc ? K 1 B lg|OD^-X-t?íg*^iíl*ŕ,tĽCv»S0 ]3vl (75Í5-) : 23v| (75550 : 337| (75330 : 4 37g (75#) : íll££&l&«?WCtín:< žil^I§*(7)MÄM^^ffiv^ ^l9^60^fl^^*#Ýl$o/>: ž/J, $#TU^L^»^řl^500^ÍÍ, |Rg|5-b^n-CDC A I 7 7 K "Let's learn Nihongo" ýV-X© rgl^OS«b ÜiÜ* ríl^#š^^ží*j (1988) HÄIUv> VIII Lesson 1 I inj J." y h 1 -äPrflMiS: U ( Lectures on Kanji) XÄ>öTZiti8S& - 1 - ( Kanji made from pictures - 1 -) The ancient Chinese drew pictures of various things around them. These pictures have gradually been simplified and have taken on a square shape to make them easier to write. This is how the present Kanji characters were made. Each Kanji, therefore, carries a specific meaning. Look at the following picture. Guess the meanings of the Kanji characters below. 1. lij 2. J|| 3. H 4. Tfc 5. B 6-ü 7. A 8. P 9. $ 10. pg 9999 Lesson 1 These Kanji characters were made from very primitive pictures as follows. Usually pach Kanji has at least two ways of being read; the so-called 'KUN YOMľ (Japanese reading) and 'ON YOMľ (Chinese reading). Picture \ I y J* - [NICHI] sun day <^- £ -* n o| [GETSU] moon month t- * -* * Š [MOKU] [BOKU] tree A- lL - Oj *£ [SAN] mountain a?- JU - ill 50**3 ( [SEN] ) river m~ ffl - m ŤZ [DEN] rice fiele A- A - A x>t [JIN] [NIN] man person o - □ -* p <*> [KOU] mouth í - 1 1 - í <&i [SHA] car R- H (fr f) [MON] gate %í ( ) reading is rarely used. When a single Kanji is used alone as a word, we usually read it by its 'KUN YOMľ (Japanese reading) which gives its meaning. When Kanji are used together with other Kanji to make a word, we often read them by their 'ON YOMľ (Chinese reading). Generally speaking, however, the way of reading Kanji should be decided according to each individual word. Lesson 1 7h2 %—WOŽ&AsM^ (Basic Kanji) 2 - 1 . m^ľtfržirt: ( Kanji Writings) <§íäA(D;U-;i/ (Basic Rules) > JU-JU 1 '. Make every Kanji the same size and put them in a square. a fc% )\z—)V 2 '. Follow the basic stroke order. (1) Write from left to right. » a ikff- «=L v"o^A (2) Write downward. (3) Draw strokes from the top to the bottom as follows. -1 2 -3 r •*• (4) Draw strokes from the left to the right in the following order. 123, Jill (5) Draw a square in the following way. 1 2_, 3 H rR u (6) When there is a figure in the square, the line which closes the square is drawn last. 1 2—, 3 4 5 n n m ffl g c.f. When a stroke line passes through a square, draw that stroke last. 1 2 3 4 > . r r j n) p i| £fr ^ ^ JU—)V 3 I There are three basic ways to end a stroke. ® Stop * Stretch (D Hook h Lesson 1 Sí^i^Ceaio kSjl-r-fo^ C-We>-'M Tr c- ? <^ ü^ V^ 3 5 OKt?) a sun day -fr (->'■;) (4) i n H a ■ B (0) the sun, a day HUH (K*> • i Ť • DO Sunday B*(Ľ • IIA./K0 • IIA.) Japan 3 H (*o • #■) the 3rd day n moon month -if y (4) ) n n n M (o §) the moon, a month 1 Ü (V">*> • #*o) January J! Bi B (»f-3 • J: ^ • 0*) Monday 1 (v>o)ri\f§ (»fo) one month * tree š ** #* (4) —• i i *1 ?fc (§) a tree *I«B(Í>< • «fc-9 • tf) Thursday 7M=t(§ 'tíh) Japanese name Oj mountain (3) i 0- d-l lil^i) a mountain LUT(-^Í • Lfz) Japanese name S±0J (A • C • £ A,) Mt. Fuji ^Clij (^ • £X) a volcano Lesson 1 řH^ t/><& 3 5 (^<-r^)) )ll river (3) ) )l Jl ■ )\\ (frfc>) a river 1-4 )V)\\ (&v>£ - tffr) the Nile River -----------------------, —.. ffl rice field tz/-K fy (5) I n m m B ' EB (7^r) A.Í3T a rice field lil 09 (-^ ž • fz) Japanese name EST (/i • &:#*) Japanese name A man - person x>t yy -y (2) y A A(ř^t) man, a person B^AO- • tJA, • CA) a Japanese 3A($A*t-A,) three people n mouth <*>/-C*, ^ (3) \ n a P (< *>) a mouth rÜP ("C • C*>) an exit AP(V^ • <**>) an entrance AP(CA* ď?) population Lesson 1 m^ V^ < a, i «^ t>3i U* < 1" ■?) || car (7) \ n R 0 a * ■ $(<&£) a car Cí("^ • L*) a train ĚÍO$(C • ť-9 • L-^) a car, an automobile n gate (8) i r p p P' PI PI PI PI (ť> A) a gate ^P^ (-tírA. • fcA,) a speciality 2 — 2. ckfrilAsL® 2 (Reading Exercises) I. Write the reading of the following Kanji in Hiragana. 1. * . 2. ¥ 3. M 4. PI 5. 0 6. A 7. P 8. lij 9. JU 10. ffl 11. AP 12. Ill ffl £A H . Write the reading of the following Kanji in Hiragana. 1. BUB 2. M M B 3. TtcBlB 4. B* Í 9 ii U liA, 5. ěi^íá3^15B -C-f o Today is the 15th of March. 6. h (T) A li Lil JI I $ A.-C1-0 That man over there is Mr. Yamakawa. 7. UJJII ČÁJáB^A-ei-o Mr. Yamakawa is a Japanese. ha. 8. íb<7)lJj(ÍBÍíSUJ"^Í~o That mountain over there is -9< if Mt. Tsukuba. 9. Z.o (Writing Exercises) I . Fill in the blanks with an appropriate Kanji. w 1. a tree 2. a man 3. a mouth 4. the sun 5. the X>t moon <*> Ü- o* 6. a river 7. a mountain 8. a rice field 9. a car 10. a gate frt> *?t Ťz £ $A, H. Fill in the blanks with an appropriate Kanji. Lesson 1 1. January i>-£ #o 2. February C ifi-o 3. March SA #o 4. April L #o 5. May -* #0 6. J une ó< #o 7. July 7 L^ #o 8. August 8 1*5 #o 9. September 10. October < #o 1 0 Ľ K» 9 *s"9 11. November 1 1 Ľ(9>9V^ *5o 12. December 1 2 £ K» 9 i- #"9 13. a train T*A Lf> 14. Sunday ct> £i a 15. Monday 16. Thursday IS m m tfO J; 9 C/ é < «fc 9 c/ 17. Mt. Tsukuba 18. Mt. Fuji 19. population 20. a speciality & tä. o< ti' SA ES ?a u a -9 # -ö-a *>A 21. a Japanese 22. Mr. Yamada 23. Miss Yamakawa 24. the Tone River #111 ISA U {JA LA SA f!l tß ** fc' ^i fr fr t fc frfr Lesson 2 I £V C fr ■ 2R| y h 1 -3l¥ö)(iS: b ( Lectures on Kanji) X.frBTfÉfcSřř - 2 - ( Kanji made from pictures -2-) Look at the following picture. Each drawing indicates a certain meaning. Guess the meaning of the Kanji characters below. l.^C 2.^C 3.ᣠ4.£ 5. Ť 6.^ 7.± 8. ^C 9. 5fe Lesson 2 These Kanji characters were made from very primitive pictures as follows. Remember that each Kanji has its 'KUN YOMľ (Japanese reading) and 'ON YOMľ (Chinese reading). Picture v« >f \ Ig i- i Kanji 'KUN' 'ON' Meaning 'X ľ> [KA] fire * fr-f [SUI] water ± frfa [KIN] gold money metal ± oib [DO] ground earth soil Ť - [SHI] child * ÜLt£ [JO] woman female ^ (££-.£) [GAKU] study t - £ * v>-É*£ [SEI] £ě [SEN] live birth foregoing previous Usually the 'ON YOMľ (Chinese reading) of Kanji will be written using Katakana in a Kanji dictionary. Therefore, students are expected to learn Katakana as soon as possible after mastering Hiragana. Lesson 2 3--y h 2 —WKD;Š&A,&& (Basic Kanji) 2-1. m^< <#SA0)IÍ (Basic Strokes)> (D a horizontal line v^-ŕj o t, <£í ÍU>. -------- i. JL (2) a vertical line frfc> o t, *i *».. ; i) i lL (3) a slanting line X>t š T^fa *iv>. y<^ * ^ (4) a short hook oě ä T ^ Mv ^ * f (5) a long hook $# š * 7 id^ M, ^Q ft. iVU (6) a corner <^ ■^i &A& ^/:L *u>. n lL -k %U (7) a dot and various short lines O 5Ôf< frfa j£\j\ *v, ^ ^Č-SE ít Lesson 2 ?» V><& 35 0K1--9) *. fire (4) \ \s r\ X 'X(ľ» fire X\\i(fr-ŽA,) a volcano Xm B (fr • «t 1 • Iß) Tuesday * water (4) i iY iK *(*--f) water *ffl (f^ • t?A,) a rice field TRBIB (i"V» • X o - If) Wednesday tj gold, money metal (8) / /^ /^ £> ^ fr ^ tr joá£(^te) money K (3) — + Í db (o "t,) the ground iISHÍf'iv £>*) Saturday ±^(f • tí'O civil engineering Lesson 2 m* V><& <Á,J;^ í>3í (^<1-d) i child (3) -n -7 í Ť(Z.)£Í> a child &(£A,£)<7>Ť(.I) a girl ^CŤ^^ťXi • L-7ÍÍ< •-£H a girl student k woman female (3) L ^ -6: ^C(i^^^) a woman it (& Á,Zř) (D A (£> • žô?< ) a university ^isÜO^o • Í l) a school 1 live birth ■?-i^Ä (5) ; J- + * Í £M£&tolive £0)£tlá to be born 7fe4(-iŕA • -tíruO a teacher ^£(:ó?< •-ŕv>) a student Lesson 2 ü^ V><& 3i (tXiM) * previous PA0 ° foregoing s j ' ^ (6) ; >- H- 2k- f & ft(£ Š) ahead ftJ3 (-£A • tfo) last month $fc£(-^ • -tíru») a teacher M private t>tz L v tótz< L) I ^ĽÍĽk^iL • Í90 • /iV» •:#*<) a private university Lesson 2 2 — 2. #Ť^£í± 2 1 -C-to That girl student is 21 years old. 7. &<7)£3£ ji Bíál 9 6 0 ^ 3 Ü 1 IB "C-to My date of birth is the 11th of March 1960. Lesson 2 2 — 3. fržtiA,L®o (Writing Exercises) I. Fill in the blanks with an appropriate Kanji. 1. I 2. a student 3. a woman 4. a child 5. a teacher 6. money 7. water 8. fire 9. the ground 10. gold t[] [] Q Q] Q Lesson 2 E. Fill in the blanks with an appropriate Kanji 1. Monday 2. Tuesday 3. Wednesday 4. Thursday Bl m m m ifo «t o u fr xô Vs -ri* «t 9 v í)< x ô a 5. Friday 6. Saturday 7. Sunday 8. a woman HI m m co ŽA. £ô tľ t X ô (f i:^ ió V fcA,& O t 9. a girl 10. a girl student 11. a university 12. afire CO ± &A,& ľ± L #< -tm £V tfi< fr Ľ 13. the date of one's birth ¥ -ŕ o ;fe^ *5-5 t>° 14. a rice field 1"^ -c^ 15. a private university 16. my teacher Ji* L r>0 fcV 7Í)^< 17. ahead (7) frfcL -ti^ -třl^ 2£ 18. Mr. Kaneda 19. Miss Tsuchida 20. a gold car ŽA, ^ co frti fz os ři ^ < SŽ Lesson 2 (Do you know these words? Can you use them?) <ýj[y>^— (a calendar) > [Questions] i. 2 n i2 a \±ínm b (üAsidm x-tfr0 2. 2ul5H(áj5IBIB-e-r^o 3. 2Rna&fämBX*i-fro 4. 2^21Bí±{pJB1B^1-^o 5. 2M23BlifämBXtfr0 Lesson 3 I ^ 3 I JL~y h 1 íH^CDÍá^: L ( Lectures on Kanji ) -r? ľ ? (Numbers) Abstract ideas like numbers are indicated with the fingers and other signs. Look at the following signs, "-o" is the Hiragana ending. Sign Kanji 'KUN' 'ON' Meaning — Ot-o [ICHI] one __ &ŤZ-1 [NI] two jr. ^o-o [SAN] three 2 + 2 3+2 5? - o-o [GO] five 3 + 3 \Ch+2 Aľ+/^' K)\^^ J^ -^ 7\ ti-o-o [ROKU] si) ~fc &&-^ [SHICHI] seven ^ - A ^o-o [HACHI] eight X - X s-ts d^^»-o [KYUU] nine [KU] -f- £fc [JUU] ten Lesson 3 OL IL y h 2 HSUDSf^St1? (Basic Kanji) 2-1. M¥aí OJK-To) — one (1) —- — (i>i)o one (thing) —A (£>& <Á,o-o n* (4) — r Tí í. S (Vo) o five (things) SB (^o • ^) the 5th day 5Ü (r • #*o) May S^(r • faÁ,) five years 26 y \ six (4) \ -3- 3- AC(tfo)^> six (things) *ž^B (trV> • #*) the 6th day AJ! (ó < • ri?o) June A^(ó< • faÁ,) six years a A (3(- í-A) í f^^s^i-c^ 27 -t: seven &&-0 yf (2) — -t -htt 'fro )o 7 cos as h BO ír(7)Ä >) 7 Jdia 4^(L^o) julio -fc^iVhfa/v) 7 anos ^Afô^ÁVL^Áv) 7 personas Lesson 3 28 ü!^ V>& a? OKI"?) A eight (2) ? /\ A(^o)o eight (things) *AB(±^ • ^) the 8th day AM 0±*> • #?o) August A*P({±*> • faA) eight years 29 A nine *** (2) ; A, % (Ü * <) 900 30 4- ten Va.y-/Vv- (2) — + + (££) ten (things) +0 (£fc • ^) the 10th day ~\-%(Zv7 - tfi) October -HrCĽi* ? • fcA,) 10 years 31 T hundred -kf+* (6) r T) T iKC'tl^O 200 ASXóoí»<) 600 HSX^ÁyíMK) 300 A^(ílot»<) 800 Lesson 3 ?n^ v>& < A J; <^ í>H; 0< -f ^>) T thousand (3) y x ij ŤR(-tí^ • X.A,) a thousand yen Ť#(~^ • (f) Chiba pref. HŤ($Á.--ifA) 3,000 ^i ten thousand all, every ;*> (3) — 7 7L —TJRO^ • ž A, • X.A.) ten thousand yen 7Ť" üffe (^"4 ' ^""v 0 ^'2* "'^ 75"IH(fi*A • -1 < ) all countries PI circle yen z-y (4) 1 q n Y\ FI(x.A,) a circle, yen SR(t>^< • i^ 100 yen 5ŤP?(r-^ • x. Á,) 5, 000 yen £ year age (6) ? A- A^ r tz * ^■_k(bĽy?Ú persona mayor, viejo/a ^^(^v^fcÁy) ano pasado ^^(^ct-foÁy) ano pasado é-££(~.£{J) este ano Lesson 3 2 — 2. cfcí&ílA, U $ 9 ( Reading Exercises) Write the reading of the following Kanji in Hiragana. (Read vertically from the right.) E I A -t /\ 5 ;* —- + x A -b m --- > \ ^ >\ ^ •\ ^ ~\ ^ > > ^ —. z 5 É — — —- h ^ Oj —■ w n <7) ^ «t X n ¥ (D X P ^ TL + * s (ä _i_ 1 íä t B IZ3 Zl a l 75 m 5 /N w R 0 /N <7) (D \ ^\ B b R -t- >\ -e Ť B 7jC O /\ "Ü ;v ■e 7l m (i 75 T* Í — J! 1- T* -T T* fr h A t" ■9 I o i- o -t- M •9 C 0 B — + 0 o Ž í> -C 5 m -ŕ v> 1- /N B /\ Eí ^ ■e o TL ^ ^ o 1-o I A 5 A /N R I . 1. ¥100 2. ¥6,900 3. ¥600 4. ¥17,000 5. 4 months 6. 8 years 7. Professor Yamada's age is 49. 8. This car costs ¥450,000. 9. That mountain is 2,000 meters high. 10. One year has 365 days. li . 1. the 3rd of March 2. the 24th of June 3. the year 1985 4. 03-3469-8251 5. Today is Wednesday the 9th of September. 6. The 5th of May is Children's Day. 7. The population of this country is about 60,000,000. 3 2 — 3. #§tlAUtf>9 (Writing Exercises) Fill in the blanks with an appropriate Kanji. n. 12. 8. 5. i. ^ ^ Ľ ^ < d KD •5 ž. ^ Ľ KD X. 2. 13. 9. ^ $ 26. 23. 20. Kb 9 < 6 < 1___ 1. ¥20 2. 5. ¥520 6. 8. 10 years 9. 12. three people 15. the 1st of January 18. the 4th of April 21. the 7th of July ¥300 3. ¥6,000 ¥850 7. ¥47,000 100 years 10. one person 13. four people 14. 16. the 2nd of February 17. 19. the 5th of May 20. 22. the 8th of August 23. 4. ¥80,000 11. two people one month the 3rd of March the 6th of June the 9th of September 24. the 10th of October 25. November 26. December Lesson 3 (Do you know these words? Can you use them?) ^ í»- <> I . A WM (Greengrocer) 1. f?Á,r (an apple) (ä, —o^ < fb^l"^ 2. <&#»A (an orange) fiN -ovs<ř}ttK 3. &¥o (a grape) iä, -o^<ŕ,tt^0 4. -ý-i/^ (a watermelon) Ji, —ov^ < r>"üi"^0 5. / fr ^ TZ M ^ ^ 19 It 0 fa E ^ ^9 « fc §: *-•? h t: t «h* ý-5 ý-5 £* ^ti ISA, fiX J£X tfA, /N m izg 5 5 /\ A S w W W W W W -ť R R R R R R R í) ty -írŕáf thin buckwheat noodles served on a bamboo tray ■9 dťA, thick white noodles served on a bamboo tray frtt~ noodles in hot soup i^ofa— noodles with fried bean curd, served in hot soup (^•ofa means 'a fox' and it is believed that fried bean curd is the favorite food of the fox.) tzfa noodles with bits of deep-fried tempura batter, served in hot soup (fzfa^ means'a badger.') M £ (o £ *) noodles with an egg, served in hot soup (M Ä means 'moon-viewing.') ^ {XL) &h noodles with some fried vegetables and prawns, served in hot soup Lesson 4 I Ťzl^XA. fr 4 r i J--y h 1 íJt^CQíi&L (Lectures on Kanji) £ Z'ô lB-§-^ b "VíĚtzMír ( Kanji made from signs) Abstract ideas which are impossible to illustrate are indicated with the help of points and lines. Look at the followings. Sign Kanji 'KUN' Jl - ± ^ N* T o o o T 'h T <=3 ^ ^ ^ ^ / K> - ŕ> 'ON' Meaning 1 7L Lfz &fr [JOU] [GE] [CHUU] ££-§^ [DAI] ^V>-£^ [SHOU] small root origin book half jfr t>-tfh [FUN] divide [BUN] ýj %frb [RYOKU] power Lesson 4 -3.-y h 2 HHW)§»>LWř (Basic Kanji) 2- 1 . B&Ofržtiřtz (Writing Kanji) 36 mz V><& 3í (^<1"-9) Y above, on up, superior 7 ^./^-To^/Ofř-Ž v 3 f; $>-lfZ> (3) ] r _t ±(H) above, on ±(áb)#rá to go up, to rise ±(Oir)£ to go up ±#(Ui d • T)& skillful 37 T under down, inferior ž-\f h Y (3) — T T - T(Lfc) under T (£):#*& to go down ^T (t L • L fc) younger T¥ Of • L *) t h to get off 38 x: 3 middle inside fctf* -v^ (4) \ r~7 1=3 C 7 j •ťí&ri*) inside ■f'íH*) i* "9 — BŤÍ^Ib • Ktb • U-H»1?) all day long • L/v) the center Lesson 4 ü^ V*<& 3 5 (^<1~^) * big, large great 94 (3) -- f K A(£jo) §v> = :*;š& big ^(Yi^-^X) a university :*;■£! (£v>--£o)& important *^A(£) $v> = /h£& small 'J\W (£ • &fc>) a brook, a stream /J^fôí L «t d • /6?o • ^ 7) a primary school */JAA( Cl ť & ) a child 2 x root, origin " true, main (5) —- t ill^^í * ^ ii) a Japanese surname $(íäA,) a book >£B(liA, • Ľo) this day #j£(t^ • "CA,) the main office s ^ half (5) v "/ 1^ U, \ i 4M&^)S£ halfway, middle ¥-ft(itÁ, - &Á.) half ^(lU-tl) half a year HB#^(£A • Ľ- • (±Á,) 3:30 Lesson 4 m V^ -tf& 7 >/--?> (4) j /v /7v fr 33* Ob) It & to divide fr(,t>)ir-h to understand S55*(fSf what (7) y , í r r ¥ ¥ ¥[ W(£K) what fi(i^tt^0 What is it? JPÍA(£^ • KIA,) how many people fiS^ifcA, ■ fa A,) what year 2 — 2. 9 ( Reading Exercises") I . Write the readings of the following Kanji in Hiragana. 1. # 2. M 3. # 4. ± 5. T 6. 4* 7. B# 8. *£n 9. /h£v> 10. frfrh 11. 53^tá 12. ¥# 13. ^ 14. 4^ 15. -kfr 16. M¥ li . Write the readings of the following Kanji in Hiragana. -a•^ 3. o < X-;HÍÁ,:d?£> ty áŤo There is a small bag in the car. 5. jzš^tr-^i^rfrKfrlftLŕZo We divided a big cake in two. 7. v^MB^M^-e-t^o ^S-H^-CTo 8. ±fj £T>)OS$ 9. ±#?Ž 10. Tri*ä Lesson 4 2-3. frŽtlAsbftO (Writing Exercises) I . Fill in the blanks with appropriate Kanji. 9X. LŤz 9 H p ////// 1 W//, WM large medium small 3. big && V> 4. what 5. what book 6. a small university &(i JÖ^ í^ si- power £V ifi< *>frt> 8. to understand 9. five minutes 10. to divide it in half ^ ťt z If h t> Z: ^^ (±^ JAA, h Lesson 4 lo.T^ft* r* sta5 (Do you know these words? Can you use them?) .*.* <■*"?# £31* (Kanji at a Station) > West Gate <- mp -> AP 4, AP =lbn ítiP North Gate itiP AP South Gate 4, pig a Subway mrm L AP <- HiP -> East Gate Exit /1 V I—1 ^rn Entrance ticket gate Lesson 4 H. Fill in the blanks with appropriate Kanji. 1. inside 2. water power 3. heat power 4. half past nine m\ Uip •f\* 0 i< *» <0 J: < < U ItK 5. what time 6. for counting long slender objects n UK Ü UK &K \^r> ISK íí^ ^^ is k 7. a Japanese 8. up train 9. down train 10. an adult <0 *) U UK VK 0)1$ <ŤZ ist U 11. a primary school 12. a junior high school fé # L i 9 *? O ^9 "% K» 9 *5 O í 9 13. the middle of July 14. a half, 1/2 15. one third, 1/3 if (7) (D L*> #o fcjfc Ľ MK l^ ? A/ .&£ A/ l^*> 16. three quarters, 3/4 17. all day long CO cfc A/ «■£» A/ sa, ^*> íl^ Ľ(9>9 18. Mr. Yamamoto's specialty is dynamics. ŽK* &£ -ti-A, &a, *)§ tf< Lesson 4 ~o-------cr ±.f)MM up train O O- CT £7 4"x —A platform <- ■—o-------o—■ ■—c------er TDM^ down train "o------cr Exercise What do the following Kanji mean? 1. 3c*L Oôm,>$o) 2. r±5P (t<%) 3. AP (v**) C*,) 4. ±19 (<7>tř*)) 5. T «9 «t**)) 6. jjCP (^LCi,) 7. HP (laC^)) 8. ttP (§£<**>) 9. SP (*&*<**>) 10. ATI* (*>^To) Lesson 5 I I OL—y h 1 [¥ö)(i Ô b ( Lectures on Kanji) ( Kanji made from a combination of the meanings) What does the Kanji ' 0 j mean? It means 'the sun.' What does the Kanji ' J=j j mean? It means 'the moon.' Then, what do you think the Kanji ' H^jj means? It means 'bright'! Some Kanji are made by combining rather simple characters. Now, guess the meaning of the following Kanji. 1. ft: 2. # 3. ^ 4. if 5. $1 6. U 7. j3^ 8. Look at the following examples and see how each character was combined and made into a new meaning. Combination Kanji 'KUN' 'ON' Meaning B + sun A + man M moon tree BEJ &jÔ*-;é>V> [MEI] bright both the sun and the moon are 'bright' $C ^-t-tr [KYUU] rest a man is 'resting' beside a tree A + man origin {^ frbfz [TAI] the body the origin of a man is 'the body' -k + woman child £J 1--§ [KOU] love, like a woman 'loves' a child Lesson 5 Combination Kanji 'KUN' 'ON' Meaning ffl + ÍJ rice field power ££j &tZ. [DAN] a man, male 'a man' is powerful in the rice field tree tree # íá^L [RIN] two trees make 'a wood' a wood a grove * + * + * ^ $c ^ 7f> tree tree tree three trees make 'a forest' [SHIN] a forest a jungle H + 0 gate sun Hj áb^tí [KAN] between the sun can be seen 'between' the doors 'X + fire ffl field 'J$fl lifclt a cultivated field burn up the field and make 'a cultivated field' 111 + 5 mountain stone g l^=b [GAN] a rock a big stone in the mountain is 'a rock' i% Most Kanji were transmitted from China, however, there are some Kanji that originated in Japan. For example, j^(iifzlj'), &}(tätzb) < (to work), lŕ|?( t ilf) (a mountain pass) are of Japanese origin. Therefore, they do not have 'ON YOMF (Chinese Reading). Many Kanji used to express the names of fish and plant are of Japanese origin. e.g.JĚÍ(£ř>)(acod) Üjjj(^:bL)(a sardine) Lesson 5 OL IL y h 2 -«SiKDŽ^ätí (Basic Kanji) 2-1. :M^35 (^<"f-9) m bright light &-tfh (8) ) n P B 0J m Bfl B^ $3 (&#*)& V-> bright, cheerful B£j(£>)l ( r it # ^ 4fc < /Í^(ž6í|q/'í) a body 'ffcW (^V^ • V^ < ) physical exercises fttfjifcw» • (9 i <) physical strength Lesson 5 ü^ v*& (kth t > 3 5 (A> < 1" Ť ) ■fó love, like favorite t-< (O L k \ r \tí Vx #f (~f) ě & favorite UWfrflh to be loved B man male ■í-> (7) \ n rn Ffl ffl ^7 1 %(Íotc\) a man H (i5 =f- (Cl) a boy HŤ^£(£^ • t • ž6?< • -tř^) a boy student Jí wood ^ grove li* L V^ (8) - t * * *~ *t # ^ ífcOi-^L) a wood /Jn#(C1 • {f-^ L) Japanese name #H (ty Á, • ^ i -9 ) forestry Ä forest v jungle (12) --- + * * * í E ** £ it & & !£(&*)) a forest &ffl(í> *9 • £) Japanese name ^íÝ^C UA, • ty A,) woods and forests Lesson 5 ľH^ V><& <Á,3$ (fr<-tl) faT between interval i (12) 1 ľ P P F1 n n n fh rfl ffl fô Hfl(í>Wi) between K (i) t-'n (ab) "9 to be on time -^K(V^*> • teL • frA,) a year B#K(D • ri^) time ** i/><& ai (fr >/ f * *l JT] ftn vj:ffl jtil íffl(lifclt) cultivated field EH'Jffl(;fc • íáfc) fields of rice and crops ľi^ V>#. 3i (^<1-^) rock (8) 1 0- uU lU 7* r lU ;6 íj(^Jb) a rock SÜJ (v*;b> • ^Pž) a rocky mountain s5 (^^ • -ttcO rocks and stones 2 — 2. c£9 ( Reading Exercises) I . Write the reading of the following Kanji in Hiragana. i. # 2. s 3. # 4. ^ 5. s- 6. m 7. m 8. 9§áV> 9. $ř§ 10. flc^Žl" 11. ^^C 12. H#Ph1 ľ li . Write the reading of the following Kanji in Hiragana. 1. f£{iföW#?#f ě"tr"t~0 I like physical exercise. 2. HŤ^^t^CŤ^^ male students and female students 3. I^OAt^CCOA men and women 4. 䣣|££>|8H;:JIIjô^Í) 19 ito There is a river between the forests. 5. fJBál/^Otf'Cffc.&i Lfco We took a rest in a light forest. ľ It takes about one hour to that small mountain. 7. Sffl£A,lifíí&V>A"Cl"o Mr. Iwata is a cheerful man. 8. li|<7)±^^3/ô?$) Hto There are cultivated fields on the top of the mountain. Lesson 5 2-3. třžtiÁ,l,ti>o (Writing Exercises) I . Fill in the blanks with an appropriate Kanji. 1. a tree X 2 = a wood 2. a tree X 3 = a forest X 2 = ii^L X 3 4)9 3. woman + child = like 4. rice field + power = a man t &k, U -r t tz hfrh ist z 5. sun + moon = light 6. man + tree == to rest t h^ X> o£ $>& t äž1- Üt ^-t 7. gate + sun — between 8. body's power = physical strength t = (D = &A, Q h^Ťi frhŤz *>frh Ťzi" K) i < 9. fire + field = cultivated field 10. mountain + stone = a rock t OE = Ü- tz lifctt- <>* l*L i^t> 11. a boy 12. man and woman (D — is t z ŤzK L tz/v Ľ J: Lesson 5 u. Fill in the blanks with an appropriate Kanji. 1. for one minute 2. for two hours 3. for three days Oo &A, frL H# C Ľ A^ «&o ^ A^ 4. for four weeks 5. for five months 6. for six years m &A, L m> 9 tWv -h- (f o ä^ />< £^ frK 7. forests and woods 8. a holiday 9. an inactive volcano LA, VA- m> 9 Ľ*5 Š Kŕ "5 Ä' £ A. 10. physical exercises 11. I like cheerful people. f z o o < li Is ^ \if šx~t o ťfzL bfr Ob ľ 12. Those men are Mr. Kobayashi and Mr. Iwata. h *> Zfrk) for one hour [l/Oť,Ä] 1. ■/^--S/UäB^A-CI-TON: 2. ■/^--SA^^tifci-e-t^c 3. -/ý^-^yUiRBMHKB^^i L/i^c 4. 77^-^fi£BgB^:£i«BiTii>r£L£i-;d\, 5. 77^-£A,£-t>{áv>oilj'M,>#t L/j^c 6. -eX^-e (all together) fííAv^íL/:^ 7. ^--^^^JII^^T-MStLÍ L/:^o Lesson 6 I SRI y h 1 -M¥ - <^ so [MOKU] eye 4 - * f k - í S. /. \ •■ '\ - ^\v/\ ^-5? m TN / v □ / k ft s >c * v*L v^ [JI] [SHU] [U] [MAI] [BEI] [SHI] ear hand [SOKU] leg rain [CHIKU] bamboo rice America ([BAI]) shellfish [SEKI] stone thread Lesson 6 3-~v h 2 -AAvHW^l^Ai (Basic Kanji) 2 - 1 . ig&OtřttřŤz ( Kanji Writings) trn V^ < A, J: * t>3í Oô* < 1" ? ) 56 S eye item (5) I n Fl H § § (#?) an eye §_t(iô • H) one's superiors §^(& < • O a table of contents 57 3 ear (6) —' r r ■f S í ]?(<&•<&) an ear 3f #f4 (£ • ^ * #*) study of the nose and ears (otorhinology) 58 f hand (4) *s s y f Í(T) a hand 3MaS("C • jö*<& < Á, J; ^ t>3> OK "t ^ ) 59 í leg, pair suffice tz-t (7) \ n .... a f ? č & J£(& L) a leg &(fc) 0 £ to be enough —JE.((C • -?• <) two pairs 60 life rain (8) n ff] ŕf] šFj S S] M(í)i6) rain M^("9 -Xk) rainy weather 61 Vr bamboo (6) ; h Ť v V tf fHfclt) a bamboo fH^t) £>■? a bamboo shoot ttBBÍ/ďt * /i) Japanese name 62 * rice >» (for America) ^>ŕ (6) \ \/ U- f 3ř * # (£ £) rice fl(^-:<) U.S.A. Ť^í*) ^ "9 ' ^V^) Central America Lesson 6 m& v>& < A, «t & *>35 Oô* < -f ?) shellfish (7) 1 n Fl s s § M(riM») a shellfish VWÄflScO M (^^) jô*ŕ, a shell coTtcW\ £ stone (5) -. 7" r íí s £ľ(^L) a stone ííJII (^ L • /ô*;b) Japanese name £ýĚ(-tirš • *9>) petroleum, oil ífcíí Oô* • iř š) a fossil fc thread string (6) < £ & f fr & ?fe(v>t) thread ^^(tt-V^i) woollen yarn Lesson 6 2 — 2. kfrilŕvLtyO ( Reading Exercises) I . Write the reading of the following Kanji in Hiragana. 1. M 2. 5 3. g 4. -J£ 5. * 6. % 7. ^ 8. Yľ 9. M 10. # 11. Ali S "C* í to ÝU, Itlšlto 12. B^Afá*£/j-<álľo íl . Write the reading of the following Kanji in Hiragana. i. %u*š£ Lfco I bought a pair of shoes and 4 pairs of socks. Lesson 6 2-3. fržtiAsbVO (Writing Exercises) I . Fill in the blanks with an appropriate Kanji. 1. hands and legs 2. a rainy day 3. a shell 4. rice CD tf h X kb htb t> frV z#> 5. one's superiors and one's inferiors 6. a bamboo shoot (D t CO CO ft n Ü-t #> Lfc O t Ťzrt 7. Mr. Ishikawa 8. Miss Itoyama £ ^ $ L l^L frt> i^t K>i Lesson 6 I. Fill in the blanks with an appropriate Kanji. 1. a purpose 2. a table of contents 3. a letter 4. a stamp >k *ft W í>< Xž 5. skillful é< U 6. unskillful X ififr to X 7. an assistant 8. shortage & & ÄJ * Ľi9 T ^ ŤZ Ľi L t ** *1* 13. North America 14. South America 15. Central America H it 16. thread (i< ^l- &A, ^o *> (9> 9 ^H 17. Ish ikawa Prefecture 18. Mr. Takeda m $ A ^t OL frfr tfA fcW f z Lesson 6 ■■i.....m L o t n ž t fr iiii—i t g ž -r fr nm (Do you know these words? Can you use them?) < A^BOäíí (Kanji used in Japanese family names) > The following Kanji are commonly used in Japanese family names. ffl Oj JU * * * ± T * /^ É 5 ft tt * ^(fr£> a village) ||J(C9 afield) See the following Japanese family names. 1. ffl* ( £&tw 16. # ( (i^L) 2. LÜffl ( ***:) 17. /Jvfr ( i íf ^ L) 3. Lil* ( **i>t) 18. /MU ( ^ž) 4. LÜT ( *?iLtz) 19. /wn ( á3^?^) 5. *T ( IOU:) 20. /m < *3) 21. 3S < í>0) 7. ♦tea ,tfř>^) 22. $^ :to<>t) 8. tt± :tf«b7Ö^) 23. £BB ifrtetz) 9. Tit :^^tfŕ>) 24. ^ť (5Mad) 10. *0l (&^í) 25. 5JH {\<*Lfrt>) 11. Tin (&^?;b) 26. *5 (££ L) 12. *KP (&jô><7)) 27. ±¥r (iojoľ^t) 13. jii± {frt>fr&) 28. Yrm (fcltŕi) 14. ±ii (U«) 29. tt* (£lt&^) 15. ±E (U^í) 30. itr (fcltLTt) Lesson 6 Notice the phonetic changes as in the following. Jll (frt>) +ffl (tz) ►Jllffl (frt>Ťz) <ť (&30>) +JII (jO*fr) — *JI| (fc^J^fr) O Other common family names: Ex. #$7^ (i-f É) #Jt (W-£>9 X.) {£** (žéě) M (^9) í» (wt-5) M-aJPU (Ä>WU a name card used for business) Addr Teleph ess one Title Name Name of University and Department Name of Company I—Department and Section Lesson 7 »7k| y h 1 rM^OittS: L ( Lectures on Kanji) ^?!)lbTf/:i? - 4 - ( Kanji made from pictures - 4 -) Look at the following picture and guess what it means. Guess the meaning of the Kanji characters below. 1. & 2. M 3. H 4. 41 5. žfe 6. |ŽI 7. ft 8. ^ 9. ^ 10. £ Lesson 7 2l7h 2 -S-fcHOtiJA-*? (Basic Kanji) 2-1. m¥3í Oö» <-*-?) flower 14 Ír Ä (7) — ■V- -H- r ■W- f' 4t TE(Jift) a flower ÍEiAcOifc • If) fireworks VĹ W VL a vase tea * (9) —■ -V- +f r X &. * * «r ££(*>*) tea ílí?IĚ(š■^•$•■C^) a coffee shop B#3£(t3 • l^ • *>*) green tea &&(£-9 • *>*) black tea 1*1 flesh, meat -1 (6) 1 n 1*1 ft ŕ] í*] 1*1 (U<) meat 4^ (š*n> *) • IZ <) beef .&!*](£ r> • CO chicken CÖ#(K < • fci^) the body Lesson 7 ^^ v><& 3í (*»<■*■ 9) £ pattern . letter, sentence *> (4) N J>- ? 1 * ;£(.£/0 a sentence X^i&Á, • t5?< ) literature MSÍř (t ^ • -K • L j: n) the Ministry of Education % letter character (6) \ |N r*> r^ f f ^(Ľ) a letter, a character ľfc^ít (A,) • Ľ) a letter i^O^-i;) Kanji ~^(Ľ) ...letters & thing *7 (8) ; \- t í *' ft m Vo ft(tO) a thing Ev»&(jH» • fco) shopping ^fti-trv* • .£0) a living creature i»řft(í- • t*^) a baggage * cattle, cow bull, ox 7 L *r*V (4) ; A- h. 4- Í(U) cattle 4Wr*7-K<) beef ^¥1 (š* *9> -9 • (C * •?) cow's milk Lesson 7 at* t^ 35 (^<-fo) »^9 horse (10) 1 r Tí ff ^ % ■ v i*7 «*v \^ H(-9Ž) ahorse Mt)(l£' *5 š) horsepower (h.p.) .^^((ä*- L<>) a carriage i^? bird t <0 f-3 ^ (H) / í f1 f P %- H h h »w i^ Ä (t »)) a bird ffi (*) š & (fc >5) roast chicken Ě.&(í±< • hi. Ť) a swan »B (* • *> J: "9) a wild bird fish ô a (li) / /7 f ft ffl ft S ft 3 ft ft(£^&) fish &(■*>)#&(£**£) grilled fish &JI(£jö»&-*) a fish shop #& (š A, • ě* J ) a goldfish Lesson 7 2 — 2. £frtLA,Lti>o (Reading Exercises) I . Write the reading of the following Kanji in Hiragana. í i 1. f*I 2. & 3. 4t 4. £ 5. M 6. ^ 7. B 8. £^ 9. £$» 10. ^f*0 11. B« 12. í I!. Write the reading of the following Kanji in Hiragana. 1. .« 2. &Š& 3. &*fc 4. 5. íEO'Á-l^ESr^ílii'o I put some flowers in a vase. 6. fäJ|!'C.&fä£riM,*i Lfco I bought some chicken at the butcher's. 7. :£^T-^C7)gíř:£ft P>W^ii-0 I learn these Kanji at the university. 8. &li B^jMřřš-el-o I like Japanese tea. 9. SOŤ{;/KS^v»tf o There are small birds in the forest. 10. B^Alife-^^^fcrě"Cr^"o Japanese people like fish and rice and so on. Lesson 7 2 — 3 . fr% ti A, U tf> o (Writing Exercises) I. Fill in the blanks with an appropriate Kanji. 1. beef ři»5 l-< 8. a goldfish t^ jfj: 2. a small bird 3. a horse carriage 4. a letter Z tv a ľ? t ľ 5. literature 6. biology (=study of living creature) 7. Japanese tea ■tK» -ÄÍO #< 9. cherry blossoms 10. a sentence it U J&K Lesson 7 H. Fill in the blanks with an appropriate Kanji. 1. a flower shop 2. a fish shop 3. a butcher shop It U K» Sfrfc ? (K K> 4. beef 5. pork 6. chicken 7. horse meat 8. fish meat Xtz š* i OÍC K» tv 12 . cov v's milk 13 . the bod y 14 . a real thing 15. Kanji or »-♦4- é* •» -5 \-*> n C< ŕ-i^ liÁ, t CD frA, Ľ 16 . horsepo wer 17 . a pony 18 . fireworl The following Kanji are the name of the animals below. Match the Kanji with the pictures. >z_ b c ft 1 v»^ d i^7 e « g h 3S * ?L ?*'£ CO it UOĽ ?5 fcZ O Ä m ft -fcfc Ý'9 Lesson 8 msml JL~y h 1 -----------ťM^O&ftL ( Lectures on Kanji) fóUěKDMŤ - 1 - ( Kanji for Adjectives - 1 -) Look at the following adjectives. Japanese 4-i' ending adjectives can be divided into three groups according to the types of the Hiragana endings. 1. Kanji + V> I -j±f v> |t> |l> j|^ $ ^ : ffi V' 0H V' ^ ^ fi V' 6 V' CK < f> #>•*>• tit *>* *>fr t*t hi \i-K> 2. Kanji + U> : 0f Lv> ^* L^ JE L<^ j| l>» : ttl>* etc. 3. Kanji + others : ^ £ l^ /J\£v> P/JSt,* ^fcV> etc. *>•*>• *>i" i>t> ľ< The Hiragana endings change as follows. Present Affirmative :"£Wold) ffrLWnew) :£ěWbig) Present Negative :£<&<^ #rL *ě<£^ Past Affirmative '.Sfritz #ŕLri»ofc %žfr^fz Past Negative :£<&/^o£ #ŕL<&^oŕ: *š# #ŕt$ *šÍ-ŕ *š<^š*-f become old newly buy write in a big character Adjective + Adj. : #<-C$^ #ŕL < Tštinfc *é 9] Put the proper Hiragana endings to the following Kanji. igi * 3c Ä £S m 8 Bf % & ± 'h Lesson 8 3--y h 2 AHUBtfiA8t¥ (Basic Kanji) 2 - 1 . MŤOfrŽfrtz ( Kanji Writings) ľH^ v>& < Llh t>3í (^-L^ v> (13) tf £ f f Éf #- fr #ŕ(£>££>)LV> new fŕ$(LA • L*) a new car $ŕM(L^ • *£A) a newspaper 0ŕ^-(ĽÁ^ * áaÄ^) a new year 77 * old (5) — 4- * *• £(.&£)V> old ŕfcU»£ • \i/J) a used book Ťíf^C"^^^ • ^ * L^) a second-hand car 78 * long . eldest, chief (8) ) r ř p _m~ -F 4 * Ä(�^ long Ä1(^J;9 -^^ the eldest son Slŕ(&/6? • íO) Nagano Prefecture #S(^?< • *> i ■?) a president Lesson 8 m* v^ <Á,£& *ysi (fr- £ * * r *r *fí ^5 *p TV *2l £ä(<&C/Ö\)V> short *Řtk{ŤzA, • fiv>) a junior college MTO (7^ • C • #>Á,) a short time a high expensive (10) \ -V" X n ■ěr ■ér i Í A o IS] iUCfc^Ov* high, expensive jtjfä (>!-9 • Cl 9) a high school iSÜ^;^ • (i L) Japanese name i^iS(>l-9 • ^ <) high-speed * safe cheap (6) s \ í r^ t IT 4r $(^>-t-)v> cheap ^rcí-fl" • ■?) «9 bargain sale £'L>(*A, • LA,)1"& to be relieved $£(&A • -if Á.) & safe Ak low CK-v* x-f (7) J t i r m «r {K ^ fô(tK)i/> low JäT(Tw • ^)i"Ž to fall, to go down fi£i{m.("CV* • jo Á,) a low temperature Lesson 8 m* V*& 35 M><-fi) nil ÜB dark < í>-ľ 7>" (13) ) 1 n fl B bn 8" B*" B^ 8& Bf B& b£ B^ Bf(<£)v> dark BřÉE(á^ • L^) a dark room ■9 many much &;B-i/> (6) y 4 9 1 9? 9? %r (jo jo) Ľ» many, much %r%k{Ťz ' ~fo) a large number %r'p(ýz • Li-)) more or less 'h few little (4) J )\ yh >y ^(t<)^^ few, little 4^(Li -9 • faA) a boy 4?("ý*£) L a little, a few '}?-k (L J: -9 • Ľ J:) a girl Lesson 8 2 — 2. £frtlA,Lti> 9 (Reading Exercises) I . Write the reading of the following Kanji in Hiragana. 1. Ü5V* 2. "r^ 3. $V> 4. ÄV^ 5. #<^ 6. HfV> 7. iä^ 8. Mv^ 9. $rLV> 10. ^&V> 11. BJ3á^ 12. %mt^šŠĹ 13. ^Ü li . Write the reading of the following Kanji in Hiragana. 2. UOŤfáBf^tŕ-fo It is dark in the forest. 3. &CDAti0 Water flows from the higher place to the lower place. 6. A^fftt Ť^fôi mffttýz^ a primary school, a junior high school, a senior high school and a university Lesson 8 2-3. ^#tlAÜKD9 (Writing Exercises) I . Fill in the blanks with an appropriate Kanji. 1. a new year 2. an old car, a second-hand car L^ = |v>|= htzh t L LA, fclA ^2. <äi ^Kb9 3 b^ 3. a president of the university 4. long 5. short (7) £V #< *5 < 5 «k -5 íe# 6. a lot of people 7. a few people Ä* V^ 30* ü-t ** o i -r< 9. expensive meat 10. cheap fish v^ V^ ^ v* #Ľfr 8. a dark forest & v^ v^ < h éV 11. to go down ■f h ŤZfr C< K>t Sfr& -ei-» * u. Fill in the blanks with an appropriate Kanji. 1. a boy 2. a girl 3. (I) have a little money. lä rif L $) <Ž> o Liô ;fe^ b £ 10. ancient writing z .^ 13. the eldest son 16. a junior college 7^ £V 5. a cheap thing 6. a used book K>1r é® 8. for a long time 9. new tea V^ 11. a long sentence l^ *> ^ 12. a short sentence *> j; ô -&X 7^ ^^ 14. the eldest daughter 15. safe ^ & *> J: 9 Ľi 17. a high school hh, -ďÁ, fô 9 3.9 Lesson 8 loT^St*>[ TtSTA4 (Do you know these words? Can you use them?) >ft^-A d) How to play (A) : "frhfz" One person reads the letter cards. The others look for the matching picture cards scattered on the table. When a player finds the appropriate card, he gets to keep it. The one who collects the most cards is the winner. How to play (B) : "L/Ut^^i:^ < " (Concentration) Put all the cards face down up on the table. Each person turns over two cards at a time in turn. If those cards match, he can keep the pair. The one who collects the most cards is the winner. <& r^N :e II v 1 / ¥looo i n l¥iSoo t. I 1 L 1 /ti fy i 1 l 1 v? ft L 1 Bf I ) rol i i /h ti I 1 Lesson 9 IŤZ^ŽW? fr ■ m 9 ml I7h 1 ---------------3t¥ö)(J4L (Lectures on Kan|i) »Hö)3l¥ - 1 - ( Kanji for Verbs - 1 -) Each Kanji has its own meaning. It can function as a noun, adjective, verb etc. in sentences. What do you think is the function of the following kanji ? IA ff * •S3 rfAj and r^j are nouns. r0fj functions as an adjective and rHj (to buy) as a verb. However, Kanji can not be used alone as an adjective or a verb. Some Hiragana endings always follow and they are called 'OKURIGANA (inflectional endings)'. fŕ -* $ŕL^ new I - l9 / M^t-t to buy Using the above four Kanji, let's make some sentences. &fáfŕLv^£Mv>ž LtZo I bought a new book. &<£>:£(i$ŕ t < &V>-el-0 My book is not new. íu;2fs;£MoT< ŕi£n0 Please buy me a book. Lesson 9 Japanese verbs can be divided into 3 groups according to their way of conjugation. 1st Group: a verb stem ends with a consonant ÍT< [ik-u] fíšít [ik-imasu] to go ffl< [kik-u] mšit [kik-imasu] to hear »< [kak-u] »ěži- [kak-imasu] to write m-r [hanas-u] IĚLÍ1- [hanas-imasu] to speak %%ts [yom-u] m&t-t [yom-imasu] to read fat? [yasum-u] fa^t-t [yasum-imasu] to rest )% h [kaer-u] M*)ii- [kaer-imasu] to go back m [ka (w)-u] m^t-r [ka (w)-imasu] to buy 2nd Group: a verb stem ends with a vowel Ist^á [tabe-ru] Ä^ži" [tabe-masu] to eat ÜCX.& [oshie-ru] žkž.'š.'Ť [oshie-masu] to teach ^L h [mi-ru] Ääi" [mi-masu] to see 3rd Group: an irregular verb %h [ku-ru] *ž1- [ki-masu] to come ■th [su-ru] Li-r [shi-masu] to do MX Classify the following Kanji into nouns, adjectives and verbs. £PJ (#>v>U Noun) : M&M (tf^XlL, Adjective) mm (ťU, Verb) Lesson 9 3.-y h 2 ýlB& < /^«t* t>3; (^)< to go fř(££&) Wfíiy) í ' £?)1~& to travel ~ff (^ J: ' "9 to carry out )) ~ lines 87 A come next (7) -— \ v/ S2- f f * *(<)£ to come ^^(^v^-5fcü (fcv> • Ifo) next month 3fcB(kV>- fa/v) next year &3"t))-f"& to visit Japan 88 'if return go (come) back ž^x.-á (10) » í ) -r >r •/3 f •ŕ 'if # # M (frž.) h to go/come back ffiUKš • CI < )-$~h to return to one's country Lesson 9 ü^ V*& 3; (^<1-o) - eat (9) / /^ y^ ^ ^h ^ t *-č- t MŤz)^ to eat &(£)^$K*>0) food &^(L J; < • L) a meal ^±(^>1-Ll<) a dinner n ' drink CD-fr -i y (12) J A /C- í $ £ f 1 t r ÍY ti OkWts to drink §k( CO) a beverage foMi^A, • L<4>) drinking Ř. see, look , view *-* ^y h-k-h/fr-^kh (7) 1 n n H s č 1 Mj(&) h to look at, to see ÄÜL^ • tf k) an opinion £(■&)-££ to show E^^tA • ^o)t5 to do sightseeing Nl hear š-Clx.0 (14) i i 1 r p P' PI Fl n n m m H « M M(cO< to hear, to listen to MKcO^X.^ can be heard ľŕM (LA • ^A) a newspaper Lesson 9 ü^ v><& 3; (^<1"^) read «fc-tr F^ (14) \ -> ,> .>• n P >--0 0 p' Í* 6X 1%(<£) t> to read 1% (■ r n > § 6 *<* 0 ** 0 CH Iŕ tí IŽ(li&)1* to speak BĚOi&L) a story, a talk Mží(/^ • t?) conversation EIE(tľ^ • t>) a telephone f buy (12) l r~j rr7 rm D» no 1 XffJ n f DD w S (#\) 1 to buy M^lC^V* • &£>) shopping Lesson 9 m* V>& (LX.& t>3í (^<-t^) t educate, teach „ religion (11) " 4- £ f Ž n 1 f f- lír líc $c(£L);tá to teach tf(li9 -v^OfŽ to educate $Czs (# I-) • tH>) a church tfcHíš i "9 • Lo) a classroom 2 — 2. Í7c<&flA L kí) 9 ( Reading Exercises) I . Write the reading of the following Kanji in Hiragana. 1. mt 2. H< 3. #< 4. mtf 5. IS 6. ff< 7. *á 8. *§£ 9. 19 10. Ifctf 11. Ä^* 12. ÜCX.S 13. $-c *3^ fíu-fo 14. *ü, BBŤ^^t-fo 15. fô£ Ä^íi-^N &£ Ä^ž-T^o 16. řV*- hT*l^í: Lťto íl . Write the reading of the following Kanji in Hiragana. i. ž9 (Writing Exercises) I . Fill in the blanks with an appropriate Kanji. 1. to go 2 . to go back 3 . to come 4 . to eat 5 . to drink < h h L_ s frX. < it 0) 6. to see 7. to hear 8. to speak 9. to read 10. to write h < -t ts < * l±& cfc Lesson 9 11. to do sightseeing 12. reading books 13. a newspaper •f & ft A, -&0 E< La L A- -£íá, E. Fill in the blanks with an appropriate Kanji. 1. food 2. a drink 3. reading matter 4. shopping ^< * * ŤZ 5. a trip $ £><£> 6. a bank 7. the 3rd line 0 * 61* b KD "5 8. to go back to one's country žL Z.Ô ^fi7 » 9. next week 10. next month 11. next year h^ if o f>i^ *^ m-f h 12. a telephone If -CA fr 13. a breakfast 14. a lunch m ^iHi< # "6 KD 9 b± < 15. a supper * Kb-5 L * < 17. to visit for study 18. cherry blossom viewing -f & ft A. #< lift * 20. to buy flowers 21. to drink Japanese tea l£ t>tt £ 16. a restaurant m \*A, t ± < TA 19. education ± 9 V*< * á 1" l±& (r (JA 5* (Do you know these words? Can you use them?) £*? L *řy-A (2) See p. 75 to play (A): "Ä»S fc" and (B):" L/uít^-t^ Ľ * < casher Pn 10 í a . I Lesson 9 8. < It BR < it 5 < r. 3 Lesson 10 mioül 3--V h 1 TÜ^^IE ( Lectures on Kanji) it B$C03I^ ( Kanji for Time) 0:00 (Ä) 6:00 6:00 Meal: šBGfc£)r^ = ^lt(*>n • t± < ^(^)rfáA = ^&(0? • Li O breakfast lunch supper Sítí-^3 • L i <) midnight snack Lesson 10 OL" y h 2 -Ä+HUDtíäAäťr (Basic Kanji) 2 - 1 . )S^(Dg#^ ( Kanji Writings) 98 ľH^ n<& < ,^J:* *>3 5 (^<Í-Ť) $ŕl morning *s f" 3 ? (12) " r r í Ä ě Ij % f) ínínir! §£!(&$) morning $8£(*> J: 9 • L J: <) breakfast ^J B (í) $ • CO the morning sun 99 £ noon daytime (9) —7 ■P r A ^1 ^ ^ ^ £ ^r(O-ž)) noon, midday J£íJE(£>& • fa) a nap, a siesta S&(*>*>? • L± <) lunch gflcC^S • *-**)* a lunch break 100 ^ night «fc* ^ (8) / >i V V t9 Ä S(J:ž) night 4i£(-A • ^) tonight $.&(*? • L i <) a midnight meal Lesson 10 ľH^ V><& 3í 0ö»>) (-fe*) (3) / 7 y ty (t$ ^) ^ evening, last night *-fc^ (£& • lí£) Star Festival Ž±(«j (£ t • ^/i) c/o Mr. ~ ^7^r(^J) • ^?7tz) evening ýji£(lll -lil) a method Ť noon (4) / A- A^ 4- ^PHÍÍ (CT • -tá*A.) morning, a.m. ^FféKCT • 3") afternoon, p.m. lE^F (L J: -9 ' CT) high noon Lesson 10 105 m& i/^ < íj->3 5 OK-r?) "Str before, front previous ix. -tf> (9) N */ •*" ť" ť" ť" f" fí fy(tx-) before, front HÍÍ-NM"^ • fiA,) ~^HU (fa A, • ži) ~ years before the first half 106 Ů after, later back, behind *)L-b n* (9) * '/ f í* f* ^ # 1k íkilbt) after, later fä{l L) h behind, back ~%.'&(faL • r) ~ years after &¥■(- 1 • li Á,) the last half 107 * every (6) ; A- t 5 $ * ^0(á VWC"£>) everyday ^ü(iv^- L ^ •) ) every week &M (žv> • »fo/ív» • o é) every month 108 ig week d« I Hi n n pi 13 m B •S * iS. 5fej!(ŕ>V> • L*?» 9) next week MMiLty^-ť?) the weekend 9gM(-$A, - L <& J)) last week — jSffiJ(v*o • Lwi • #»A,) a week Lesson 10 MT v>& ai (^<1~^) 109 B- l?l luminary day of the week 3^ (18) n H B B1 f 0 # 0 čH 0 2=1 0: Bf B ^ Bf 0? Bf 0f 0> ffi J! BI B Of O • J: 1 • í^) Monday iAcHB (^ • «t ^ • tf) Tuesday TRUB CtV> • o ( Reading Exercises) I. Write the reading of the following Kanji in Hiragana. i. m 2. g 3. 4. 5. ZU 6. ^Iíí 7. ÍPfé 8. £H 9. *H 10. *Bi 11. *BÍ 12. &H 13. ±01 14. BBl 15. ^B 16. fíj 17. féó íl . Write the reading of the following Kanji in Hiragana. 1. 9cM, 3S§, 2. 5fc^ ^^> *^ %n 3. *^ ^, *^, n%- ii 4. ^íá©IHB^(7)fŕM^I%^Ž-rc Lesson 10 5. ^Ä^í£-eB»£i^šl-o 8. ru^líj^-<7)^^M^á lťzo 2 — 3. lr£ flA U Kí) 9 (Writing Exercises) I. Fill in the blanks with an appropriate Kanji. 1. morning 2. daytime 3. night &S Oá 5. every week 6. a.m. liX X ž> 7. p.m. ál^ l>(9> 9 ~* M?K 4. evening ® 9 tffz 8. Sunday {-* J: 9 £/ u. Fill in the blanks with an appropriate Kanji. 1. breakfast 2. lunch 3. supper ÍÍŤLi< *>(9>9bj:< '9 Lj;< 4. a midnight meal * U< Lesson 10 5. midnight 6. last week 7. next week 8. every week «fc &a» •&A, L(9> 9 6 O L Kb 9 to L® 9 9. two weeks 10. everyday 11. every month 12. every year ir Lto>9 ri^ éi> i^*> too t /(f o toi: L/txh, 13. every morning 14. every night 15. before 16. after So &$ So ííX $ž- ht 17. behind 18. the first half 19. the last half 6 ?L -tfA, l±^ 39 i^ 20. how to read 21. how to write 22. how to hear M__ __§__ £ frč fr frŕc fr fz 23. how to speak 24. how to eat 25. how to see, a viewpoint L ^< l±& frfc fc frfc * fr£ Lesson 10 1111 & < U ti> o i li l Review L. 6—10 I . £P1 (#)^U Nouns) g if m >'»V /UN >» >v & 5 + ¥ £ # /UN * ft ft tt n m m u. fl2HPI Otv>«fc?U Adjectives) n Ŕ aS flf [% H. SJIrI (^ U Verbs) if * ® lie E3 IV. f 0>f& (-říOfc, Others) * $ í a £ #• t t I S I ^ ^ ® BI Make sentences using the following Kanji. e.g. m n ® - täm^x^ftsitfre 1. ^ ^ m 2. fä m 3. g Ä Ä 4. «ŕ p% 5. m m * Lesson 10 I. Fill in the blanks as in the following example. e.g. & ^ 1. X 2. /h 3. fr 4. * 5. m 6. m 7. ž 8. & 9. 1=3 10. ÍR 11. £ 12. aS fc^-V* ab^AtiJSL^v^ íl. Write the 'ON' reading of the following Kanji and make a word. e.g. g {hi ■5) - ^Ä 1. £ ( ) 5. * 2. fr ( ) 6. 'P 3. # ( ) 7. S 4. é; ( ) 8. * Lesson 10 m. Give an adjective of the opposite meaning. e.g. 3c - i. m - 2. Ä - 3. m m 4. X 5. # 6. ÍS mmom^] I. Fill in the blanks with appropriate Hiragana. e.g. flc *£1- ; ^-f--*ii- 1. ) 6. m 2. m. ) 7. ) 8. 3. % ( Ä 4. f£ ( ) 9. ± 5. fí ( ) 10. T E. Complete sentences using the following Kanji as in the example. ^ se ± t a w i% » tt m ft * It Ä IS H e.g. e-;i/£ áfc^í-r o 1. ŤUffc o 5. »£ 2. fŕPfl£ o 6. x^-c 3. B^MÍr o 7. X¥* 4. *^ o 8. &fc Lesson 11 I ŤZ^ fr 111 I 3.-y h 1 -St^Oiž ( Lectures on Kanji) & L» SPW -1 - (the radicals -1 -) Most Kanji are formed by more than two components. The followings are the ways the components are formed. D^/Wleft) f—~~^~—■ 2) o < \) (right) 3) frA, ú 0 (top) 4) h L (the bottom) f)) fett (the upper left) 6)/ô»Žx.(thc enclosure) m......... 1 m 7)t±9 (lower left) LUare where the components express the meaning of the Kanji. We call these components "Bushu (the radicals)". The Kanji made from pictures (or their simplified forms) can be the radicals. (D human beings : A ( í ) • £ • ť • g •?• P • ^ ( í ) • J£— (D animals and plants '. ^ • H • Ms • ^ • M * /K • tt • 3fc---(I) nature : 0 • Ü • j/c • 7K ( Ý ) • & • ± • ^ • iJj • JU • M-CD life and tool : ffl • F! ■ * • ^ • ^ (I) ••• ( ) are simplified forms There are many radicals which can not be used as Kanji by themselves. tlÁ, L n> ô I Guess to which of the seven radical groups the following belong. * - m • m • e • ft • ® • m • m ■ \& • t$ • ^ • s 6) : 7) : i§ • m • & • 1) or 2) : Bt 3) or 4) fé 5) : Lesson 11 1) ~.A.(left) r~ (fr m ft # (ft ÍŽ ít) (& •/Ě $ř ?@) The Kanji group with the meaning components located on the left is the largest of the seven groups. i-A = man -f = step ~ = yfc. = water Guess the meaning of the common components below. m m m m ( B = b = ) it m m BJC (1=W= ) # # *- iX 51* ( í =7K = ( I 2 ) O < ») ( right) fffffí-i The components which carry the meanings can be located on the right. fŕ = «1 = ax n = J± — moon * = / SS- ^ = hit Lesson 11 ■i—y h 2 -SBH—HCQf ß/uSt^ (Basic Kanji) 2 - 1 . 3tí CD» t SF ( Kanji Writings) 110 řl^ V><& 3; (^<1"-9) tt make produce ■9- (7) / , í f r n w ^ fČ(o<)& to make fPJtC? < • -£A,) composition ffrSi($ < • 1>AJ) a piece of work íbfČÍť"? * S) action 111 v N -,/K swim is X-C 3-4 (8) - >» v / N 'S / -;i :Á >#. ^c(jd«£) <" to swim 7KČK(t~^ * *>*) swimming 112 •;i oil áb^íb .3. (8) N N. S, N, / N •A -;n *h -;* -;é mih&h) oii ^ífcteě • *9>) petroleum f&Mz(fo<&h • x.) an oil painting Lesson 11 *-t- V><&. <*,** *>ai ifr) Japanese wine SM(ě^ • ^) a liquor shop #ÍS(«t ') * L*í>) foreign liquors 115 # wait hospitality i-o ?-f i *, ( 9 ) / / / í r r '4- f* # # #(i)o to wait í?NHÉ[ (£*>•£ V * • to) a waiting room ?S#(L i 9 • £v>)1"£ to invite 116 i% school (10) - tl~ i í r r r ^ t/ *fc ^fé(žô^o • ^ 5) a school í£u (CL 9 • *b i 9 ) a school principal ifÜ$^fe(>l ô • CI ■? • -tHO a high school student Lesson 11 117 ?n^ V>^t. 3; (^<1-^) ň time hour fcŠ (10) \ n B 0 B" 0+ B±" B*= B^Bf H# (t #) time, when -B#H0 ( Ľ • TOU • C) 4 o'clock *B#ff(t • fr A,) one hour l"H*) a watch, a clock 118 XJ say \,\- -5 (7) n a S (v*) -? to say Hip (ťf A/ • ^ľ) language *sÍ(I^ • fí) language, a word fô"Í"("CA/ • ^ľAy) a message 119 p measure (9) N J>- >■ .>• r -V n > p >-p p B#fK£ • (tV^) a watch, a clock fHÜ(tt^ • 7^<)1~á to pian ffcSff (/ji^ ■ £>Á, • itv>) a thermometer 120 DD word language {frtz-h) ? (14) \ -> .> ^ r p 0 0 ■žrí P p pi pn PP 0^fp(i^ • f 5 A/ ' ľĹ) Japanese language ^M(X.V> • r*) English *mm(Í>3; 0<1"?) tí cooked rice ^ meal, food (12) / > /•* ^ ^ ^ £ t 1 r fr id u ^ľUx(^ľ ' ííAy) cooked rice, meal = Üx(#)L) a colloquial worti used by male #IS($5 • fö/v) supper 2 — 2 . ií 9 ( Reading Exercises) I . Write the reading of the following Kanji in Hiragana. 1. f£5 2. äcC 3. íft 1. ?£ 5. ig 6. #o 7. ¥fô 8. mm í). 0#ff io. 1"5 m. P^m 12. rľlg 13. /M* M. ^itt IT). f£S II. Write the reading of the following Kanji in Hiragana. i. B*m-?fcx%Wžt.LŤ£0 soy bean soup Lesson 11 6. ^(nxz^mwyx-m^zAstn^t-t-t 7. x-s<-X'*t;<>tmtLt n^žW^i-Ťc soy sauce 2 — 3. ÍŽtlAb^d (Writing Exercises) I. Fill in the blanks with appropriate Kanji. 1. oil 2. the sea 3. cooked rice 4. liquor 5. to make i 4M«£ ?* IÍÁ, Sit ž o< 6. to swim 7. to wait 8. to say 9. Japanese language C *r«t O ? l» Ľ (ÍA "♦ 10. time 11. a school 12. a watch U J^ >i5-p d ô i m1 u. Fill in the blanks with appropriate Kanji. 1- 4 o'clock 2. 5 o'clock 3. 6 o'clock 4. 7 : 00 a. m. cfc U U 3< Ľ Z' iíK L h Ľ Lesson 11 5. 9 '- 30 p.m. 6. one hour 7. what time < U ItA, OS tí *A &Ar U 8. a primary school 9. a junior high school 10. a senior high school tli í;-5 C 9 S 4» 7 JÔ:-? C ô -? C -? 11. a school principal 12. composition 13. petroleum :i ^n S< -i«A, •Ö-* «J» 14. swimming 15. Chinese language 16. linguistics=study of language TO LV *>vô r< MX Z* ú<< 17. breakfast (colloquial — formal) *S »L ££ l*A S«fc-5Lj;< 18. lunch oz #>l ' as ij^ Sk»?lj:< 19. supper tfA Í6L li^ H^ ^ fj^ <$>? Lj;< Lesson 11 7h3 Wtfctyö ( Reading Material) <*M>-J> Read the following passage and guess who is who in the picture below. ^r^^yf a camp, camping V^fcfeŽl* to fry L J; 5 $ soy sauce fc-f tf T ! Help ! £1* first ^tlfrb then V\ft,£i" to add to say, " ~ Lesson 11 -ť Ľ» pßli^ — A 1 (Games using Radicals) ( I ) Combine the components and make a Kanji. 1. B +* = 0# ( ££•->* 2. 7jC+ Ě = 3. ýfc + 5Č = 4. ^f +^F = 5. ÍC + ^ = 6. S + S + P = 7. A + * = 8. 3L + 7K + /f = 9. 7jC + % = 10. 7Ř+ A = ( I] ) Select the appropriate component from the right-hand box. a. 7fc b. "5J c. Ě d. fg" e. JĚ f. M g. 3c h. f i. # j- + k. K 1. ^ m. ^ n. £ o. & p. "h 2. 3. f. B t. 5. 6. \ N y ä / . f Lesson 12 I rev fr 121 I 3--V h 1 -31^0)18 (About Kanji) ^í L * SP* -2- #A,ÜU> &L (The Radicals -2- top, bottom) In some Kanji, the radical is the top component; in some, the radical is the bottom component. 3) frAfr^ (top) (7E ^k S T ^ ^ % & Ä These common radicals carry meanings as follows: grass roof /^= man Guess the meaning of the radical below. f^t /H& fjf- 4 ) 3b t ( bottom (H) 7C ^L= man's legs M — shell = money Guess the meaning of the following bottom components. f? H s — 108- Lesson 12 n." y h 2 -«+-HU& tí^atí (Basic Kanji) 2- 1 . 3I¥0>W£# (Writing Kanji) Ü^ V»*L <Á,£<^ t>3; Oô* < 1" "9) 122 í house, home residence (6) N N r^ r^ £z & £^j (/i <) one's home í£s£ ( Ľ *> 9 •/:<) housing S^JÍC-fcO my house if í(§ • /i <)1~á to go home 123 ŕ guest customer (9) \ r r^ ŕ7 r X £ % % ^ (ě ^ O a guest, a customer ^^ (Ľ- i "9 • š * <) a passenger 124 f room ->'7 (9) \ N 1 r^7 r^ ■^ * % f % t£H(š i •? • Lo) a classroom HF*J (Lo • &v>) indoor iiff^uHOtA, • ě $ "9 * L^) an office, a seminar room — 109 — Lesson 12 ** V><& 35 (^<1-^) house *? y (10) *■ x ŕ- fr fr f f t %%. ^(v>x.) a house ýz^.(HH • *?) a landlord |cS£(^-^<) a family -Ä: superb (for England) (8) — -v- -H- t* A-h n & ŕ £ MU^iO England ^fDíf*(x.V> • t> • D • TÁ,) í^pq (x_V* • ď) English language an English-Japanese dictionary /5H medicine (16) — A— *+■ v- r * t t C # * & 2É ^ # -#- Mii-fty) medicine MM. ( < T *) • *?) a chemist's shop §*!(£>• C"t"*)) eye lotion -^JUH^o • # i <) a pharmacy £■ meeting association (6) y />- £> • t>) conversation éttí/^^' L^) a company — no — Lesson 12 iH^ V><& <^J:^ t>35 (^• *ľ ^(v>í) now 4^ (-^ ' if-3) this month 4"^(£'£L) this year *^0(šn) today 3 snow (11) C r*7 Fř ŕP RF* /§ŕ luŕ ^ t f iK^š) snow lť[I](i#>§ • <*M) a snowy country ■k cloud (12) " r~ r"7 ŕf fF- r* tí* tí? m* n* f # ^ §( < &) a cloud 3 V—I electricity (13) )' r"7 rf» ŕP íT' JSP* Ŕ^ fř f f C íEfv.CU/v-ě) electricity, an electric light lí,ÍČj(~CÁs ' ť) a telephone W,^-("^A, • L^») an electric train — 111 — Lesson 12 *ř l/>& < A,** *>3Š (& 4-B, &m, 5-n, &%■ — 112 — Lesson 12 7. ^Ojire/J^&<7)fö^fc£i::^£L£< 8. 4\ &ŽT*2II§<7)£lS<7)-ř--/£fflv>-cv>i1-o 2 — 3 . #£ tlA U HD 9 (Writing Exercises) I. Fill in the blanks with appropriate Kanji. 1. a house 2. one's home 3. a guest 4. a classroom 5. now fc I'TL ŤZ< Ě?< ± 9 LO l^Ž 6. to meet 7. medicine 8. English 9. snow 10. a cloud 1 h 3< x.ľ> -< l^ frľ> t> frt^ 9. a chemist's shop 10. eye lotion 11. to sell <-» to buy h 0 <-r*3 *> tf> <*-f*J 12. rain 13. a snowy country 14. an electric light 15. an electric train 16 my house 1 <-{! ! CO s 18 . an office 9 . a guest ffl 2S 21 . a f Ž t?) ' amil} t*< to K ^ -c^ § T^ U v 17. to go home t: h ts I •> x. A1 x. t f;< J£ i£V -c^ ^ •?< — 114 — Lesson 12 3.-y h 3 -0cMty ( Reading Material) <{*#£> (A Postcard) r-~T r - -i r"~T r-"T r --t r --1 I--------1 nY i i >& 3 h^ 7 o i: p •7 7 T í ft k J e^-eri- X ^ t fc j "ölj^ ľ íŕj s v #: T- ^n *? L ^í&Ä (v>íáfŕ>e^) Ibaraki Prefecture o< tíHí (L) ~City tí Bl( T^tW) 3 Ti ("*b J; ^fe! Takezono 3 — 1 Mr., Mrs. , Miss- Hokkaido for the first time a guest from ~ x <£n (U ot^ž to know well to give one's regards to (someone) - 1 Questions [ĽD&A] 1. /ift/^Yift^Ofá^ě£*ě Ž L/L^o 2. ^(DA^^tcHZ^tt^o 3. ^coAiá^íO^fpJ^Lä L/i^o 5. ^^Aiá-e^^^AtM^IžLŽ tTti^o — 115 — Lesson 12 ?£$■*■*» nßH^ —I* 2 (Games using Radicals) I • Select the appropriate component from ( ). 1. (a.M b.E c. B! 4. (a.~ b."" c.~) iL 7Z 2. (a.^ b.^ cl>) 7\ (a.í b.{ c.7 8. i.ft b. k c./ŕ) (a.J! b. B c.g; 3. (a."*" b." c. 6. (a.P b.S c. (a.B b.n c.3) u. Cambine top and bottom and make Kanji. Top: a.-^-t- b.-t—h c.T—7 d. ^ f. ^ g./V Bottom: 1-/ÍĽ, 2. ^L 3.^ 4.^ 5.M 6.^ 7. 9. =7 10.-^ZZ — 116- Lesson 13 I 131 I JL-y h 1 St^WIS ( Lectures on Kanji) (the radicals — upper left, enclosure) The meanings of some components are located on the upper left or on the enclosure. 5) fzfl{ upper left) 0£ Jfi m) r1-* = roof (#i -á m) jT*"* = sickness (M) F3 = corpse 6) ^ á x. ( enclosure ) (Pel Hi m W. (R 1*1) (m m m) (or crouched body) P^ = two doors |~] = enclose LJ= border In which location is the meaning component of the following Kanji? 1. % 2. # 3. 0f 4. §r rsj 6. % 7. fc ■ 8. ft 9. K 10. M 11. £ 12. M Lesson 13 I7h 2 -ft+ = HM)*BA8tí (Basic Kanji) 2 - 1 . M^omffj ( Kanji Writings) 134 135 136 &$■ V/><& 3í OKI"?) X wide spacious (5) \ 3- r tt Ä j£(Č>ó)v> wide l2:^(í>^ • Lt) Hiroshima j£(£>ó)£ width j£cr(*I*} - >! <) an advertisement Ä shop (8) \ ->- r fr P ŕ ß « j£(&-tir) a shop H/íid. i • T/.) a book store ISA ("C^ • V*A,) a store clerk ^0 (í3^ • X A,) a main store degree frequency K (9) \ •*"" r f f ŕ J* £ R —Ä(v»*> • t) once i&Ä(á3A,'ť) temperature ^fei^A. - £) next time ÜJ£ (-£ < • £*) speed Lesson 13 137 ü^ H<^ 3 5 (^<1"-9) fa sick ŕ 3 ^ (10) N >- r r r r ^r^^^l Jpf^Utŕj: ■? • É0 sickness MEciU*t 1 ■ HA,) a hospital fHAiV**. ■? • HA,) a sick person 138 & fatigue worn out (10) N 3- r r r r f # $ f. •H(o^)ti^ to be tired S£(o#»)ft tiredness 139 Š pain ^tz-tí (12) \ "*" r r r f ŕ r? Ä Ä i & ffi(n/j)^ painful ffi (H fc) ^ih (t') #> a painkiller M (Hfc) tf to ache Mffi (T • o -9 ) a headache 140 roof, shop house * *^ (9) r /* ß fr %> ^IHížA, • *?) a book shop fägU: < • ^) a butcher i±(á3 < • Ľi ?) the roof Lesson 13 141 m& V><& <Á,£fr t>35 (^<1"0) m country (8) i n n m Fl m W Fl @(<(-) a country HSAi^V* • CI < • Ľ-A,) a foreigner MiĹJztŽ-iZ. < • tyo • /jV • #*<) a national university 142 0 turn round tt>-t (6) 1 n n pi PI El 0(á:b)1" to turn — El (v*o ■ M») once 0(ž t?) ž to go round 143 IS trouble (7) I n Fl IT] PH 1*1 m S (CI í) á to fall into trouble aiK^A,- fcAOfc difficult 144 w open P r f r n n n i°i w M ffl H(£>)< to open fä£(frif> • 7ÍpV>)-ý~á to open a meeting Hfl (£>£)< to open $UĚ(ri^ • "CA,)"*-* to open a store Lesson 13 ľH^ V>& 3; (^<1""9) m close L-th "W L-»bZ>/b-£Z> (11) i ľ r p r n H PI Fl ffl Bfl Wi(V)th to close ffl^K^^l^t^, to close a meeting fä(t)Z2> to close IĚK> • XA,)-tZ> to close a store 2 — 2 . UE^tlA, L H> -5 ( Reading Exercises) I . Write the reading of the following Kanji in Hiragana. 1. J£v> 2. J1V> 3. —J£ 4. — ® 5. M 6. #|A 7. Jfi 8. "^M 9. 4&tL& 10. E£ 11. Hí^tá 12. Pfláôá 13. ^@ Ľ . Write the reading of the following Kanji in Hiragana. 3. znišomismmtmišvšmž&z-xo no AH- 7. 2£jii#/£íi7»ji-ei-0 ^B^iíí+Bfc^^-r, wmn^mt^tto 8. ^Bíá^O;M#ŠTi&;ií L7t:7^ ^tLŽL7t:o 9. j££fl:A,-C% Iftil^ftií L/:0 10. )£ii*^(i&;£*^Ü:&*) ž-ČÁ,c tí Oo 2 — 3 . !S# ti^ U KD o (Writing Exercises) I. Fill in the blanks with an appropriate Kanji. 1. wide 2. painful 3. a shop 4. a country 5. to be tired V* v> o?> ^fz *-t+ <(- ti h O fr 6. sickness 7. a book store 8. to be in trouble 5a ž tf.fc-5 t Li -^ (^ * zt 9. once 10. to open 11. to close it & * ä o o ä1 o i^*> i: * L Lesson 13 li. Fill in the blanks with an appropriate Kanji. 1. a butcher shop 4. a chemist's shop <"f0 *> 2. a fish shop 3. a liquor shop Sfrfc *> S A» K> 5. a main store-"—> a branch store % ÍÍK XK L XK 6. a stand ifv -^ 7. the roof 8. next time fc< Ľn z. K f 9. a hospital 10. a sick person 11. a headache 1% ü'n UK Xfi ň IZK o5 tV- hfzt V^ = i^fc T o 9 12. tiredness ix o fr 13. to open the store 14. to close the store ■f h t Z, frl* XK '^ XK 15. a foreigner 16. a foreign language 17. Hiroshima ft ^ 7iH> Z< U^ #1* 2< 03 Lesson 13 7h3 -fScťfr^ ( Reading Material) mišvi'jrLiätix, Búmfritz(DX\ E* i ~ ',* ž'íŕžtLŤZo m$í\^±ŤzfiÍ>^ ♦ féflT, ~ to get tired and ~ ~ very "C t, ~ But ~ liotv>l L7^ was closed C n -tf A by chance éšl/šj (^oši () a pharmacy r ~ j bm^^ž Ľfz (someone) said, " [üoU] bj___ -ja____ca_______ Q % m 1. KDAlá^Ť^LŽU:^ 2. IWAläl^Ťt^ LTgr> t L£ri\ .3. JlcDAíáš^ í:-:^fflíL/:^o 4. lHJlfif^íC^^tl-^o (a, b, cc7)^tL"ei-^o) 5. ZWAimmnlftX'ŕztilzš^iLtzfrc 6. j£E^O;Jos£<7)^i£^7$?&0 íI-tK 7. ZKDAimmxföZW^tLtzfro Lesson 13 b o t n ž -r »ii r- ž $ -r a> «íi Which shop do we have to go in order to buy the items below? 1. fciZ 8. -tfoltA 15. M,fä 2. žlA^o 9. 7 3. 5ÍÉ 10. £*o L 17. VJL-X 4. 4^ ii.#v'j> 18. jHrÜ 5. e-;i/ 12. Lis 19. Ä 6. * 13. $ Lh 20. í ;i/^ 7. /*> 14.® 21. ÍÉ &»lf/Ě Ja-zMě^ Lesson 14 I 141 I -7h 1 -•H^<7)IS ( Lectures on Kanji) A" L n> "^ 4 — (C j; 9 — (the radicals — lower left) Some meaning components are located in the lower left. 7 ) t:n( lower left) (i i S I I I) = walk, way (the meaning components + the sound components) In some kanji a different component from the meaning component shows the'ON YOMľ (Chinese) reading of the kanji. tF B# ít -*> Nf (B sun + #v) (#• hand + $y) if Hf f| —W Bjf (0 sun + ff-fe^) ff- (flf-W clear +#- conflict) {pj # # fpj (A man + pJ ii ) # ("^ grass + pJ * ) W: ("BJ * + X open mouth) Lesson 14 7h2 -m+VBB3; OKI"-?) 146 it near . recent (7) / í ŕ- fr ^ ífr iÍL ifi:(*>^)v^ near ii(*>^) < near iSBf (ě A* • Ľ I) the neighborhood 147 3£ far remote (13) ' 4- ib it i n t f f č t 5# * iS(tiä)K far it(tiä)< far iš£i£.(x^ ■ -ří) a picnic 148 * speedy (10) — Í""" n ß t í * t í* í. U(íá^)v> fast jljt (-?-<• fco) express delivery ilJg(^< • f) speed Lesson 14 H& <Á,«fc* *>3i (*<+5) 149 slow late * (12) r f p ß m .(£-£H> late, slow (*S<)*l& to delay l&J(*> • C <)tS to come late 150 t way . street **> K1} (12) \ •*/ U- ^ f t tí í t % % a jK^"^) a way, a street ^ÜOä • ^"9 ) a footpath, a sidewalk 7KÜ("t"^^ • t*l) waterworks ^iS(L^ • t'-o) a roadway 151 + blue (8) — + * £. Ť n Ht f W(&&)^ blue #^(-£^ • fcÁ.) a young man Wíf-^-(í)Jo • Lá, • ~-9 ) a green light 152 ■* - fine clear up ÍÍ-tL (12) 1 n B Q B" B+ B* B^ "f ň nfr tf Bff(iá)ŕl fine weather Bf^(iř^ • TÁ,) fine weather fô((i)*i& to clear up Lesson 14 153 iH^ v>& 3i (^<1"-9) # . silent still (14) — 4: £ I n i 8 ť ť W tf »(L-f)^ír quiet #lk(-£v> • L)1"& to stand still S(LT)íŽ to become quiet 154 # temple (6) ■— 4- rb. Í- Ý # ^f("C <ô) a temple %%^{t o • £V • D) Todaiji Temple 155 *# hold t -o V (9) ii+ t r ť ^ £ # é i ! íf (t)o to hold, to own ífírc(U-Ý'OŤS to continue í#( t )"^ (&<£>) one's property >tf#(š • &) *> a feeling 156 load (10) +— -H- / r ŕ 4+-/|f~ ŕ £ fif^O- • t o) luggage, a package MĚ (K • o*<) *) 1"& to pack ^■í^^("t • (C • to) hand luggage Lesson 14 U& < Á, ,£ 3í 0&» < 1" ? ) 0 0 R song itz Íl ? tz- n (14) " r* n* o" 5ľ E f I1 * 1 P ; "0' %r # ^ki^tz) a song Wí^ifr' L*9>) a singer Wíil tz) ■? to sing 11$;(C! o • TÍrO the national anthem 2 — 2. i7c 9 ( Reading Exercises) I . Write the reading of the following Kanji in Hiragana. 1. iSv> 2. Stv» 3. i§v> 4. iI 5. Wv> 6. SM»& 7. Bjf*l£ 8. €fc-9 9. í#o 10. if 11. # 12. f: 13. fö& u . Write the reading of the following Kanji in Hiragana. 1. 7kÜtf)7k£&^£1-o 2. T>z\7šlř-QfafrÍLtz0 4. fi^<7>Ť^&£^£? VXv*<£>$;£fäo£o 5. m^+rt^üti-C, ^^»JLŕľo - / *- 6. &^IlA<7)W^{á@/$?fřv>-u-fc 7. &<fr l* v> v^ v> V £# i±^ *•£ &* 6. quiet 7. to sing 8. to hold 9. a package frfc "9 O ĺ r 5fc !: to 10. away 11. to clear up 12. a temple ti& &*> l± Xh Lesson 14 li. Fill in the blanks with an appropriate Kanji. 1. a singer 2. the national anthem 3. hand luggage a» Lm> io a» X t: to 4. speed 5. a rich person 6. a sidewalk 7. a roadway *< f *> # frfc 4, (i i'9 L* E ô 8. the neighborhood 9. near 10. far 11. a picnic m Ě/v Ľi < *>fr < t* *^ -£< 12. fine weather 13. to come late 14. to delay % -tf-l^ XK 1" ž fl h t> ~< fc< 15. one's property 16. a young man 17. a quiet person *> 5&>fc to ■tri* *^ L-f Oi Lesson 14 -7 h 3 ----------------------WLfrfy ( Reading Material) 'J- : fr^O.ž L£0 *ÄŽSELLl(o< tdf$/L) Mt. Tsukuba t w5 a place í#o"Cŕí ( to take (something) £ (jo i)) V"» heavy f#o"C3fé.& to bring (something) [l/Oí,A] 1. fr*£A,íi^o;tj£j:퍊Ž1-^o 3. fř*£Á,(i O 'l*Bf (tH>-£V>) 0 Bfti © < í> «3 (ft *)) # M e W ttftjl+l ^ ŕ MÉÍ (it/ofz^) s? (tož ± o) m SB (§ i o t) fäp ( C -5^) Ja Ä (Ü5LS) Lesson 15 I £V fr 151 I JL-y h 1 I^Olž ( Lectures on Kanji) AfMJKHStf)}!!1?1 ( Kanji for human relationships) I . Personal pronouns she ibtntz you (hearer) I (speaker) I! . Family members ■■-k V" ■f U* (^ií'&ía,) (JstfaA/) (eiís/O) (8*.}iA,) -É) M ® [Í ti Ír C ««A" #A ^fc?£ uí,9t £> /:. & ta 135- Lesson 15 There are two ways of addressing family members. Words in Group 1 are used when a speaker refers to his own family and words in Group 2 are used when he refers to someone else's family. But when one addresses his own father at home, he may use the word r£>3C£Aj in Group 2. 1. Speaker's family 2. Another's family father £(*>*>: &X(to)ŽA, mother #(láí±) «(^<£>)^ elder brother 5tL (£>{-) elder sister husband íäj(ábfc) younger brother ^,{Htn t) younger sister #£(v>&-)i;A,) wife f(oi) (£<)£A child Ť(-)ťí> £Ť(-)£A 136 Lesson 15 3-—y h 2 -Ä+5ER0)£(5AJI¥ (Basic Kanji) 2 - 1 . 3I?<7)S#S" ( Kanji Writings) im V»& 3Z 0ô» <-*-■?) 158 ik friend fcfc (4) — Ť ■h ik fr(£i>)=%i(t *)/**> a friend £A(*9>? • ĽA,) a friend ^1f(^^ ■ Cn) friendship 159 K father *>*> 7 (4) / ; n 7 X 1£(1ó~tó) one's own father *&5Č(£:^)^ father 5CS("ib*> • £■*>) male parent 3C# (^ • 13T) parents 160 $ . mother (iíá (5) T a 1 5 # fiMíátá) one's own mother *áo«(7^áb)£A mother MOite • £■*>) female parent fifrS (if • i <) one's motherland Lesson 15 161 m* l/»Ä 35 (^<1"-9) 5L elder brother Ť31) (5) 1 n a fK. 52. (#>(-) one's elder brother * Í55E. (re V^) £A elder brother 52,^ (ě i -9 • /i H brothers 3C52,(^ • ItH guardians 162 *i - elder sister (8) ( * t ť iv tf in ■tffr ý$(£>fa) one's elder sister *i3#$(tex.) ^^ elder sister W^(L • iv») sisters 163 % younger brother -^ (7) s W ^7 ^ 4 4 í. 5&(&b*)h) one's younger brother *S:ř(*C'L) a pupil, a disciple Ť^(L 'TV») sons, children 164 ^ . younger sister (8) í, i( * r ¥■ it it i£ fô(v> & -9 t) one's younger sister ÄfrSfcTL • i^) sisters Lesson 15 165 fäž V>(& < A <£ & t>3í 0&* < Ý 7) k husband £o -) • &>) a married couple 166 wife oi ■^ (8) ? ("^ ž) one's wife -**(.£> • $v>) Mr. &Mrs. ^čiř(-&> • £^) husband and wife 167 '& he t^<7> (8) y ? í í) r ^ # \t ®(^tl) he fôOWfc they fä#(*0- Ľi) she 168 i chief, main lord, owner io í> - & y a AL (5) \ .i- T Ť í ;£(£&)& chief, main í#(&) ^i(^L) an owner iA(U*9» • CA) a master, one's husband Lesson 15 íl^ (/^ <Á,«fc^ t>3í (^<1~^) T\C| deep, inside interior (12) / r h ŕi ŕ7] P] frl ĚFI fcl JÉL JJ0L J|l H(Jo<) deep inside H (£ <) $ A other's wife, madam = H& (ii < • £ £) 2 — 2 . 57c<^tlA L ^ o ( Reading Exercises) I . Write the reading of the following Kanji in Hiragana. i. x 2. n 3. 52. 4. % 5. m e. m 7. %Ťz-h 8. íŕ 9. fä-k io. £3č^ n. ismžA, 12. £Ä^ 13. £fflj^ 14. %%A, 15. r±A 16. ý^t E . Write the reading of the following Kanji in Hiragana. 1. lljT£^ll£Aíá:&O5^;£ŕi*>-u1-0 4. ®3:(áj£^Íc£#oTi/^1-0 Lesson 15 5. ±AliÄ5&5Ď*íJ>fc^-C1-c 6. šxiltXii&iiWVlHZftvX^ii-c 7. š £ 2^ £4 a>*i *© ľ± *>* Í9 5. mother 6. elder brother 7. younger brother a 2^ = is $ ^ iii± 7^ 45>ť- !ZL> fefc-5t 8. elder sister 9. younger sister = U ^ **l fcx. i>^ t 10. husband 11. wife £ ^ ííot L *9> Ľ^ It tt< Lesson 15 u. Fill in the blanks with an appropriate Kanji. 1. brothers (and sisters) 2. parents 3. a married couple Ě i 9 ŤŽU J» (3: ^ £ľ 4. sisters 5. guardians 6. a parents' association L St1 -k i-tl1 . ^ if" frO ^ Ijl^ frľ 7. Mrs. Tanaka $ A *>•< 8. Prof. Yamamoto's pupil 9. my father's friend CO CO K>Š it -ŮA. -třO f L ■£*. «řó t^ 10. main language 11. one's homeland 12. one's mother tongue & *t tfA Z.* (if 3< J3T 3 < Z.' Lesson 15 3.-y h 3 -i^i ( Reading Material) You received several letters from Japanese students wanting a foreign pen friend. The picture below was enclosed in one of the letters. Read the letters and find whose picture that is. And also draw a family tree for each letter. See p. 135 for an example. B D ttObt LTo mtmmm^. *¥ 14č£-C1-0 X t © &íi£ ;fô2^(D-twŤx-to mtm^mt^ »oLií: 1~a-c^ »i"to 3Cté2« FK&< &0 á L£0 4-HM£ ^A,š i o LX\<*ii"t>^ if£T#-et^f>, B ÝI§t- ^fo^V tí-fo ^«ü :0 í?, mzimtR tWtl$<<7)4AŤztfXto m%x^m (Xu**) *# žfz^X-fo ť^i?)L< o Lesson 15 fr fr S L (9> ^ : M ft # fŕ 0 : 0J3 Bf 0ft 0# Bf H * : Ír íí * * : # $fc Í3C í : ff ÍŽ f# m ■3- • §* =í- =£■ =+ a • p./L nö pp p I - • vc ^ m 3í # ~ : ^ äŕ ^ 35 ^ "7 3=? ff" M Ü5 Hli ^C3T 3 jt S ft * ± B# j* í# 38 TFI ''C '-=fc- *ífc "R? *Ä- JL- Ä £ JS 3Í S I vi M ৠät & * <£>L> ^ '■ 7*C Mi 7Ľ 5E Ä P nm M ■k 5- ^ <£*l> r : ti: jš m r: #i SE Ä r: M n: R ň n : P! m H □ : a s * B3 IB Lesson 15 llli/$N< L® o INI Review L. 11—15 N : m M m m ££s fs # (^)« m)M wi 0#it "7 *m *§j~» s * ^c ÍÍE (-)Ä ■a Ä fe(A) # (») #i(Ä) (-)@ * » í* A : tu^ m^ Wv^ iSv> Ťtv^ üv^ jfv> f£^& v : tfeh Wo ptC fío é?? 5S& iEti& unit* m$>%> uh a& ifo Hftt^ i. :ío^-e (i.B#it 2.m\) i±fŕt^-ei-o 2. £/i*>0^"T?B:£0 (1.ÍĎ 2.M) £Sfc*áL£c 3. #(7)^a^ (i.mi§ 2.€is) ^^ttít^o 4. (í.^m 2.58^0 -e, btzt&m^X'i-o 5. Ť^fcO (l.^Ž 2.^-m (D%^Z^ÍLfZo 6. a*I§<7) (l.SŕH 2.|iŕM) ír^*Í1-o 7. tfffl£>UiJ:< (l.ft 2.#) tf^f>, BO Ži"c 8. ^Oio^FiiV^OÍ) (l.Hf^ 2.jftž$\) tľ-To 9. +z:užc (l.S 2.«) ^t)Jto 10. (1.7ES 2.IES) tľRv^ž-S^ŽLTtľo n. (i.í$ 2.#o mu y) 2o±-eto 12. fäB#K (l.^lfc 2.^gg) ^t^lfK Lesson 15 n. o^o___cTo ®m*m£üM-zxti%z^o mtt mhi-f mhi-t £^tt mmt mna- í&titt m^it mutt ftrt-t- 1. ž%^frL>,________í-To 5. &9-)»p < fr T iLfz 8. &<£>Jg-e£v>g)£ T^Ž-j-p 9. 1-^Ž-třÁ^\ 3 0^Cb^ T+rA& 'J »,^& (smart) (handsome) (rich) 3. one Kanji + Hiragana +£ ff-^& £ř#£ $3-7- h (smart) & 'J y -ŕ (rich) & ■T 7 -y ? X (deluxe) & [tlA. L tí 5] Guess the meaning of the following adjectives. ^-y ?*& *7 7Jťíř Lesson 16 3-—y h 2 -Ä+/aHM)§(5A5IÍ¥ 2 - 1 . at¥0#SÄ ( Kanji Writings) 170 171 172 V^ <Á,3i (^<1"d) ft origin, source * base #> (4) — :=. T 7L Ťt% (iif Á, ' §) & healthy, fine ŤnB (tfA, • Co) New Year's Day 5a spirit, mind j air, atmosphere (6) / h i= A £, A fííKš • &)"*b a feeling $Í5H# * -&Á,) a mood, a state of mind ^^("CA * §) weather %%(X$i. ■? « 10 sickness t have, possess exist (6) ; - f- t 1T t Í" #(£>)& to exist, to have ^& (*9> "9 • *!>v>) ft famous ^ýj(®l • •) J: Ofc powerful Wŕ^itx • ^^)1"^ to possess Lesson 16 173 'It/J-. V^ <^«fcÄ. *>3Í 0Ö><1~?) % name, famous members Í3") (6) / 7 9 f £ ■^—j £fy (& • t x.) a name ££S(& • r • *) Nagoya %p/r(#>^ • Li) famous places ÍJ^CžôV^ • -£o) special products 174 S parent .. kinship Lfc-U> (16) s > ř- f» Ô Ž r ? ? i1 r r ** p & fl(&^) a parent £&(*>■*>• £^>) father &(L£)LV* intimate, friendly »(LÁ,--£o)& kind 175 ^ ! cut, end moderate l-i/io- -try (4) - t ■ŕJ t/7 ty(š)Z> to cut $J¥(šo-"C) a postage stamp MF (š o • -K) a ticket ;fc#K£v> • -£o) fc important 176 fflj current, traffic convenience fci-t) (9) / Á q r ^ k* Pj \f ^ $t(tz£)t) a letter, news fl t/t^gUd • < 1 • Xf/J) airmail fl !fít(-^ • 0) & convenient Li) a toilet Lesson 16 ľl^ v><£. <Á,Zfr *>Sl (fr» f i 1 í1 P\ 1Ě.M (Vrz*) ■ š) ě left-handed =ĚTÍU (*9> ^ • f)) fc advantageous M* (») • t) interest fljffl (f? • J: 7) -t h to use 178 * un-, in-not 7/7*-(4) •— — i'""* r T- >HIE(i» • ^Á,)& inconvenient 'FiK-k • -9 Á,) & unlucky ^(^•fOtž to lack of ^«K^- LA---£o)& unkind 179 % young (8) — -r- -w- r ¥■ f % * ir(t>7W<^ young ír (*>#»)£ youthfulness £# (t>fr • i> O) a young man 180 f early (6) 1 n í=3 s j. * ^-((á^)v^ early ^(íi^X early, soon ¥fJi (-?* 1 ' t> l 1) early morning Lesson 16 ü^ V^ <Á,£fr *>3 5 (^<1"9) >\t ■ busy (6) / J ŕ* t ť ť" +t tt(v^-e^)tv^ busy &tfl(tz • (2-9 )& very busy 2 — 2 . WtfctlA, Ü Kb 9 ( Reading Exercises) I . Write the reading of the following Kanji in Hiragana. 1. II 2. %m 3. 3gi,> 4. ^ 5. tCU> 6. TC^^^COŤ 7. M£5fcÉL 8. ^%£J3# 9. «fij^$ io. ^ffi^mm íl . Write the reading of the following Kanji in Hiragana. 1. ^OÍE^ífeiííáMt-i-^o 4. ^í-MíO^^^^r-Ť^/ä^fei t/Jo IfiOAiátT^ll^-C-L/Lo i Lesson 16 5. vlOlífcláíŤ^A^A^U^ďŕ) *? i~to This song is popular among young people. 6. Š8#-<0'CÍro These pretty stamps are pre- cious things for my younger brother. 9. fä(DXMtmmt, ttz%9 £>V> L^ -fro .£> L^ -tír-o 5. convenient 6. inconvenient 7. young 8. busy & & ^ .Sv '^ v^ Lv> fcA» O-?*5 9. early 10. sickness 11. Nagoya 12. one's name V^ i±^ t>*i:9 f ô r f & á & Lesson 16 H. Fill in the blanks with an appropriate Kanji. 1. uneasy 2. advantageous 3.disadvantageous 4. to lack of £ & Jľ> $) Äs •9»-5 n & i~ž Ä. o Ä *< 5. intimate 6. a parent 7. a feeling 8. powerful Lv^ *> & Lit fc^ f é "9 »3 J: < 9. a postage stamp 10. a ticket 11. important 12. to cut n & h o x to .£ Ťz I > it-O 13. airmail 14. sea mail 15. mail 16. quick delivery yb lô •5 < 9 Tfh, &%. Í>X *0>9 tfA, fc-9 ž K» 9 t^Tu 17. a young woman 18. early morning 19. early time V^ fe^> fc/v& l>t Ý9 *>i Ô (i^ U *^ 20. famous products tt> i > &-> Lesson 16 3L~y h 3 r b Z! t it s fsrTTfroj (What is his job?) Various persons wrote about their own jobs. Read the following passages and guess what each job is. Choose from below. 1. %*L 2. V>L* 3. mm 4. MM 5. « 6. ?i 7. W:^ 8. iLXL^ 9. úz-4hUX 10. *^K C : ^<7)tCôtc{á?pf^^A75*U5i1-o is<^^< ^*i1~0 &{* A E : & TŠŠtfr < V (In a Hospital) > 1 F 4. j^š/Híj 5. 3^f 6. 7. 3- 3=c ST X b-K —# X X 2. 1. A P 1. £tt (^Jtott) a reception 2. «S (Ľíi-to) an office 3. Mi Gö^ttv>) an accountant 4. M (^ol i <) a pharmacy 5. F*]f4 (fcv^W an internal medicine department 6. /WBÍHLJ: dK^) a pediatrics an ear and nose department 2 F a surgical department íMfff4 (l>i:nl^) a nephrology department a X-ray room an orthopedics department JíilAf4 (£A^i:A^) an obstetrics & gynecology department an ophthalmology department Lesson 16 mm i s 3® ZBft iE /-a MA mm (&^<^o medicine for internal use Mr. / Mrs. / Miss — mm (Xiao) directions for ~ day(s) every ~ hour(s) ~ packet(s) to be taken ~ tablet(s), — capsule(s) Lesson 17 I 171 I 3.— V h 1 -8t¥<&B (Kanji carrying the meaning of "Movement") Below are listed many types of verbs which we will study. They carry the meaning of "movement." These verbs express a moving action with direction. ® ŠS. 1 Inř Memorize each of them with the particle. X m tf X fr * mt-t ~ & *-* c Lesson 17 ~ a* t>it \ / jh -^»lit 9-' ~ # *5 It L — 159 — Lesson 17 3--v h 2 -*+-tB0)tö/LÄ¥ 2 - 1 . >!?!£>»#3fr ( Kanji Writings) m^ \i^fr 3i UK1-?) 182 £ come/go out (5) i t f it it tti ("C) ž to come out ft (tí) 1" to put out ffiP(-C-C^) anexit *i-iM^V • Lu.o)1"4 to go out 183 X enter put in (2) / \ A((á^)& to enter A(^)fc£ to put into A^(Ut9>-) • ?5? <)"£"& to enter a school 184 * ride CO" ž V3^7 (9) x* ^ s^ # # ¥ t * *(<*))* to ride *£(U.fc7-š*<) ^t¥(X <& <Ä,£& *>3$ G6><-fd) p# descend is-^l" (10) 1 J P r f p- P^ PM&fr PfC&Há to get off P$ (•&>) h to fall (rain, snow, etc.) 186 reach, arrive wear š-4 Ť*9 (12) >•/ i/ ¥ ¥ ř ř I (o) < to arrive WĚ(t-9 **>-<»<)i"ž to arrive ř(š) & to wear ^(c? • kfz-r (i2) •\ / 1 T ~ř •ř :ft & % fc Wi{'foŤz)Z) to cross fä.(t>tz)~t to pass (something) over »(«h • -a\>1-£ to visit U.S.A. 188 pass commute W (10) T\ til IS. M(t&) h to pass iSZi&iZ3) ' -oo) traffic Ü (fr X) d to commute ü^ (o ^ • #<)-?-& to go to school 161 — Lesson 17 189 m* V><& <^* *>as 0K1-?) k run liL-4 v^ (7) — + ^ **£ £ ŤĚ (ti L) * to run JÉ#(-?""9 • L*) a runner 190 * walk (8) 1 Y \Y jfc- + )ř * ^ *£(£>£) < to walk Ü#Kl^ • tí) i"4 to progress áMŤ#(tä • CI -9 • L*) a pedestrian ^ÜUlä • f •?) a pavement 191 jh stop t-iz, •> t-t>b (4) 1 h ih jh ±(t)i& to stop JltTib(o-9 • iô • ť)*5> closed to traffic *9> "9 " L) "^"•?> to cancel, to discontinue 192 Í* move K* (11) x x. n * # 17 Ü (-9 CT) < to move SSfrí (Ľ. • f-9 -L*) a car ?rfij(£ ^ • ^^)i"i to act, to behave $]!$}( t"7 • -So) an animal 162- Lesson 17 193 m^ V><& Bl UK 1" ?) m work (13) j t í f f f jfi j& jč # # « M# matŕzbX towork #«(*>■?•£*?) labor *%%%{*> n ' to • L*) a laborer 2 — 2. Ifc^tlAL $ o ( Reading Exercises) I . Write the reading of the following Kanji in Hiragana. 1. ADKAiJito 2. ffi Pettis-To 3. $i:*i)ifo 4. mmi^'Oito 5. 1 lBfUi^* ŠŽL/Jo 6. M*)í:mi)Í?o 7. %M*iŽštt0 8. ÉHto 9. S^JÔíjht IJiLTtľo 10. n^tfjL-^JÖiSbsi-Ö:^ 11. ^-CÄv^-CV^i-ý-o 12. ^^iCA^ti1"o U . Write the reading of the following Kanji in Hiragana. 1. fflfrbM-nm^X^il-o 2. ¥-ž±lfX, ??"s-*±tbtLrzc 3. W^#t/^#t^ž1-o 4. ff€Jfi:#£i^;AŕL-T «|i»H-C«v»-Cv»i1-c a zoo 2-3. S#ft/VLnD9 (Writing Exercises) I. Fill in the blanks with an appropriate Kanji. 1. to come in 2. to go out 3. to arrive at the station ; ttfr tto h *)\.\Z h SRI < *t T' -o 4. to cross a street 5. to get on a bus 6. to get off a bus ^£ h yKxj; fcfc fcfc Ž /Uř «9 S CD fc 7. A car stops. 8. A horse runs. 9. to walk on a street tf ii> tf* h ž- < <3£ 5 t It L fr*> &ž — 164 — 10. a man+to move=to work Lesson 17 + _J< = < x>t ?r lire 6 I!. Fill in the blanks with an appropriate Kanji. 1. to pass in front of a book store 2. an animal -5 L *-f * &fe 6. to attend a school 7. to enter a school K ^tt= tí -fh *so Z. ř> frž. 09 # < (I Kt> "5 *s < 8. to attend 9. an exit 10. an entrance 11. a pavement fö-fh Lq>~? -třt t* <**> 00 <**> í J if 9 12. a passenger 13. a train ticket 14. traffic 3C Ľi9Ž^< Ľi? L? (^ 3-5 O-5 — 165- ^ Lesson 17 3--V h 3 Wtfrfy) &9cšii>Ž^x-ro Ha* frb&L^xttf, X¥mfrxto v^Ajgv^-ei-o -mm^cb^xt-^i-^iizmžito t-^-r^xn&^xž ;) national ífíJií (11 š í n) Tokyo IR (xš) a station ftO (&&&<"*>) south gate iÜÜ^'X the highway bus t *> "P 7 X on the way ? - 5 -f))/ the terminal fiJff^EJsl ('^ š *9> "9 Lo) a seminary room '*■*# (Tľi/>) a bus stop [LO&A] O^ŤTO^ £rÍLV^<7)£x.ř>č/&£^0 Choose the correct one from the followings. I 7fj-ř!r|ep , >. ľ» .J_,t, -f- A^. rra.v>ac£? JTlJilläK / -» v ^ 7^ -ť vnJu^ž. 1.5 hours 9 9i/- & 15 minutes 4 minutes TtTrTIFP ^ > -f- )1 -h >**• T&?!a<ž? 1.5 hours 15 minutes 4 minutes ICäIK ^-5^;i/ * ^ M$L\ 1.5 hours 15 minutes 4 minutes 166- Lesson 17 fcloTVí-f*» T££T# ť -5 h D- t ■? L ž <ÄféÄIS (Road signs) > 1. $flí/ŕ#SÍ (i5*? ŤzÁs/líb*-)) a pedestrian crossing No crossing for pedestrians 3. É$S^iifíihi6 (LTAL*/o^^/t") tö No passage for bicycles 4. £#ŕgih (^-ŕo/Š^L) 6. -B##ih (v^tVTV^L) 7. mi (L i i-5) 8. -Mfí (^ol?Vo^^) 9. ÜA^lh (L^^/^AL) io. mmmit (^Uí/uu No right turn No left turn Stop Go slow One way only No entry No parking [fc/b£*l\| ^ž£ n LŠ, signs) cO^P^Íi, fä-Ctfro ±.<0 L 10. íl jhsat- t ▼ í- tít v^i/^fcféifcfcSj^LT** Li 9 — 167 — Lesson 18 I 181 I O. - y h 1 -ät¥ö>B ffiÉ**ôfcT8lí ( Kanji carrying the meaning of "Position") Remember the following Kanji carrying the meaning of "Position/ CL £E[ w At N S b-tá-th O-ifiL it y\ outside tu u — 168 — Lesson 18 ~y h 2 -«+AHa>££A»ř 2 - 1 . *JI^& 35 (^<1"?) * right -^ (5) ) ■ i- r * £ £ (* £0 the right £# (* £" • X) the right hand £181 (* £ • tft>) the right side Wá (£ •*$>■?) right and left 195 i left (5) — Ť Í tr Ž. £(£>£•?) the left Sf([>/:l-t) the left hand £#J (ř>7"i y) • rt?;b) the left side 196 t east (8) \ n Fi @ í í 3 t Äd>3Ô*L) the east ÄP (tfj^L • <*t>) the east gate $ä(^ • ^i^) Tokyo WHifrk't*)) the Kanto region — 169 — Lesson 18 m* V><& < ^ «t ^ t>3í UK 1" ^) 197 s west HL -b 4 •»M (6) -~" r n ?í ?^ S W(IZ L) the west SIP (K L • <**>) the west gate ffi#(-Č^ • .t -?)the Western countries M©(#^ • $v>) the Kansai region 198 U north (5) «*» ^ i i' ic ^b(ě 7tr) the north 4fcP(§/w • <**>) the north gate «((i< "^) North America «ÜUio • jK> • t°i) Hokkaido 199 * south (9) ■— -h ŕ ň fh Ä Ŕ * * F$J (<&&&) the south ÍD(*4*- <*t>) the south gate flí#(í^ • ^V») South America Řf4t(£^ • lí<) north and south 200 4 out, outer other, foreign íá-f-1- /\ifr y (5) / / 7 f *l * í1>(Ýt) outside ftŕtiO^V» • Lu>o)-$-& to go out #1-111 (#5V • i <) a foreign country W$c{lf • fr) surgery — 170 — Lesson 18 m& V>& 3 5 (7&»<-t-"9) 201 ft inner, within inside (4) ) n ft ft ftüH *> • #*£>) inside ^f*Kri* • &V>) one's own wife @f*3(.I < • &U>) the interior I*JÍ4(&^ • #0 internal medicine 202 n department, part 1 section, club (11) \ j- i- ^ ÍL at i % § p' ^^ £f> ~nß(-^) ~ department,— section, — club *SPM(^-^) a room Ufr(& • -&A,) a part, a section 203 ,^A station (14) 1 r TT ff ff s Ä Ä Ä i»9 r $ŕ «r $ÍK I/Ux-š) a station I^Ä(*-š •(>>/•) a station-employee !R:K (x. š • *> i •?) the Stationmaster 204 ii shrine, company assembling (7) \ y * \ i- *+ it zstt(^V> -L*) a company ttS(L* • *j ± ■?) the president tt£(L* • M») a society ^ř^íi(U:>=^ • D*) a Shinto shrine — 171 — Lesson 18 m* v>& Bz. (fr<'ťJ)) Ŕ hall, house * institute Jy (10) -t z f f r r ffz iřfo mmtfs. o • v» A,) a hospital JZ^lZitz^ • **< • ^A,) Aß*i0-*9>0 • ^/v)"£"á to be in a hospital a graduate school 2 — 2. MfctlA, L tf> 9 ( Reading Exercises) I. Write the reading of the following Kanji in Hiragana. 1. £¥ 2. ££ 3. m* 4. jfUt 5. KM = mW- 6. SF*J 7. |R 8. g|5M 9. mtiZ 10. £tt 11. Ufr 12. 4bľSU u . Write the reading of the following Kanji in Hiragana. i. £7/N°- h***iji1-o 3. **^*»r># < <£> g ^£^*ž L fco 4. £££ i < ETUfcSf») iLno 5. ÄrttCíáv»^u»6í:^a^ife^*i9 i-t-o — 172 — Lesson 18 6. £ttl±m%tÍ1-0 I am studying sociology in the graduate school. 2 — 3. MiĚtlA,Ltí> o (Writing Exercises) I. Fill in the blanks with an appropriate Kanji. 1. right 2. left *r OK*) 3. the outside 4. the inside it tft> b*> ifit> 5. east 6. west QifiL {I L 7. south #«e# 8. north Sfc 9. a room 10. a station 11. a company 12. a hospital ^ ^ *.* #>^ L* Í/J: "9 V^ I!. Fill in the blanks with an appropriate Kanji. 1. the left hand 2. the right leg 3. right and left Utz V X ## $>L 3 ($9 — 173- Lesson 18 4. north and south, east and west 5. Southeast Asia 6. the northeast TVT tô in tíh ír< k*> 4^ ť) li< 7. North America 8. Central America 9. South America li< ^o *>tq> •? ^o tíh, ^i» 10. the Kansai and the Kanto region. 11. the Occident and the Orient t K fr A, Ži> fr A, kř> Wt m ■tí-v» «k? kô «fc9 12. Hokkaido 13. domestic 14. foreign 15. overseas co \ír> fr\^ k 9 Z< 4V> (7) an> z:< au> AH* 16. a part 17. the department of literature 18. a tennis club «£'A/ L jp It ^i9 21. a graduate school 22. to be hospitalized -fh £o *s< o A, (-«t»? v>A- 174 Lesson 18 -v b 3 Mfr^n Oo^cD«!^-^ £T<7)^ + - h <0 (DWzi&ŽŽXtiX o r-*j <7)£^f± -To r^*>j <7)Tlzi±m^X~±.frbT^ r& ž£j fc#v>-co rňj t rfr-hj *j OTU r;lěj t^iW&ttžt-to rx.šj <7)£{á r&^Vj iv^^-C-To Ť*-Y*>\tA.±.*>tfA,T0>ÍŤK&, £jô»j £»:: rli^£j, *A,j OfflKíi, frtzfrltO rtZj Ž&IZ rtj ttiZ^XitíŽ^o —0<7) 8m:fci? SI"«, r^x.j <7)£K r<*,J% -eíoiíc rvtj tWžíto *tifrb, r<řCj <7)±ÍC r"CS_N -ř^t&ljt:: rcLj, fcfrljí:: r§fcj t#v»T < fi?v»0 £T, £ÄP"CsiLfcjö\> £fcx.ti\ 178^-v(C*»)Ž1-ä^, I.T MB Ž A, t it)\\ Ž A,3> _^____/ S15* 7.2^rn 1 *£# 3 a£# -ft 8,000P3 # 1W5# £9*ř ÍL 1 */!# 2 *n# ig 7, ooo n Ifl'l» 1 J6M J «15^ ■ ^ ff » |*L I®} u í ■ M □ K 21 6tó í »i ffi 5 7JR 5,ooon 2 *v A1U7r biíx-^—cí-0 e ¥ÍM 1 75fío >«55"J V>->3> 176 — Lesson 18 ätcžoWÉ ( Useful words) V y V 3 y [< mansion >] a ferroconcrete apartment house of a better class. T J ^'— h an apartment house #1 2ft = ^^Tl 2£h 12 minutes on foot. I^jf (**>/,) rent jfcᣠ(LŠŠA) deposit ^Lafe (ttV^A) gift money ÍÍ SUt (^ •? č>) administration fee 0^ (Üsfcfc)l9&#r(l3 j^d?) sunny — IjJrj (Ľ- X ■?) tatami mat Ž M (ít^^A) the front door férlU (=t < to) a bath room ÍMM H^Ľi) a lavatory ^A (& Lv**l) a closet K = nPJŕ (tz^ľZZ) a kitchen LDK a living dining kitchen "& Describe where you live using the words above. — 177 — Lesson 18 w§ ^ ffi n X A n m aa % P % \H * m. & A $ # % st*. 3K tt M K HU < V^(fA±(7)íf C£- *£) 1. mm 2. 15* 2fíg 3. nm 4. mm 3 fíg 6. &F»3 7. *£ 4 fíg 8. AW 9. šb^ 5fíg 10. étt 11. ttS 12 v>*,ifÁ,£<0fr (±-T) 13. Jbífta 14. £Hí 2 fíg 15. Ttc^ 3fíg i6. am i7. art is 4 fíg 20. Att 5fíg 21. mÁ 22. An 23 — 178 — Lesson I 191 I -7h 1 •tí-o Ľ JČ8ŕO)äí¥ (Kanji Affix) Prefix e.g. :£- a big hospital LA ri^1 L^ a new company *-» «I ^ LA -£o unkind IP-tt m «T L u> -9 L J: address ( polite ) Word -31*0) Suffix ítA š *9> d Li a research institute ttlMB a movie theatre eřSÍMK ±3 A **< ^ a musician a zoological garden [tí A U tf> 9] Divide the following words into meaningful units. e.g. ÄJifÉJffl = M^ö + S3 a zoological garden animal garden i. mwm = 2. DrPfltt = 3. T-K% = 4. ttm = 5. "E-fŕM = 6. *mm = — 179 — Lesson 19 ( Kanji for Places) —pjf (va/va): m%m — üf (va^/if) : Mil -II (*» : (•>•;) Jfe W: * (i>) -}± (-> + ) man m^ 9CÉ fí MM fŕMtt ířsÍTtt Tv^ *>■? Zx) í>Á.ftv>L i) CtrLi) a research institute a stop an information bureau an office 7 A, ť -9 Ľ- J: "9 ) a playground ■^ # ^ ^ C i 9 ) a baseball ground %ty "9 L-^C i •?) a parking lot L CT b. (i) one's place of work "9 ^ íi) a shop-counter -?£><*>) Ľ>7£<*>) ^A^9^) Li <*A,*>) f9^0x.^ L i < .£ox.Av) la-^a, L <>) 0 x^i L*) a library a gymnasium a movie theatre an embassy a museum a library an office a seminary room a laboratory a holiday resort a residential section a tourist resort a colony a zoological garden a botanical garden a newspaper company a travel agency 180 — Lesson 19 o--y h 2 -*+ABM)S(5>i,*ř 2 - 1 . äPr<0*SÄ ( Kanji Writings) ÍH^ V>& 3; (*»<1-9) 206 ^ ground ■* base V f- (6) - + * *-» i* *& i&TÍ"^ • fr) underground ÄL^Í(V* tä"9) a locality, a district Ä!jEI(*> -r) a map ±m(t • *>) a land 207 # . iron Ť7 (13) / , /*- .£• .£■ f f f f ľ íľ ffc # $£ ££(To) iron ÄfcT&(*> • ^ • to) a subway Äl("Co • f-9) a railroad &ifc(L • To) a private railroad 208 X craft, skill construction 3^7 (3) —• T X IJ§(.1"9 • Ľ-i^) a factory IÍ(I^ • Ľ) construction I^(CL-9 • #*<) engineering Ii(I^ • š* i 9 ) industry — 181 — Lesson 19 m* V>& 35 (*><-TŤ) 209 X® place 7 scene (12) - + 1 *' i" ífl ť ^ & fy*h*h &ffi(l£ • 11) a place ŮJk{X>h • (í) a square &-£•(!*• MO a case SÄréM^A- £*■? -Cil) a playground 210 m diagram devise X h (7) \ n n n Fl r?) LH &0(*> • T) a map E» (fc • L J:) books %%.HR(XA, - š • "f) a weather map 211 n mansion hall (16) / j ^ A ^ £ ^ EJ I f f r if tf if n n mMtit • L X • fr A,) a library *féfi(£^ • L • ^A) an embassy WMM(*>> • #? • ^A) a movie theatre 212 7AN public official (iäii'Plt) =>•} (4) / / ^ ^ '£ &K(£? • £>0 a park ÄiC^ • «3 o) public ÄHfKCl 9 • ^l/Oi"^ to open to the public 182 — Lesson 19 213 ätí V><& <Á,3< (fr 9 • fr/J) inhabitants &P)ŕ (C v -9 • ti) an address ffi^S (C »9> -9 • £ <) housing 215 f*T - place that which (8) ' -ř 5 ř py ř/ ff- ŕf\ Pj\(t^h) a place ťíP/ŕ(£V • £^ h) a kitchen W^uŘ'f(^t^ • š ^ *? • Ľ- i) a research institute 216 *J number order (12) y /y íi- * * íl ^ ^ 1 &* 3 M ^ É* ^-^ (íiX • Cľ^) a number ^C# (C -9 • íáfÁ,) a police box #& OáfA • <**) a program —# (v>*> • tí A,) the most, No.l 183 — Lesson 19 m& v>& 3í (^<-r^) % call, naming [suffix] order (5) \ n U J5. S pE-^(Š • CT-?) a sign, a symbol ÍUtHL^ • Zl) a traffic light MMĚ^^r ("C A, • t) • täÄ, • >ľ-?) a telephone number 2 — 2. Ifťfrtl^l/ Kl) 9 ( Reading Exercises) I . Write the reading of the following Kanji in Hiragana. i. mrm 2. xm 3. mm 4. 0*11 5. ®m 6. #-^ 7. ffitf 8. £H 9. iöt/H 10. Wž H . Write the reading of the following Kanji in Hiragana. 4. ffiJI|£A,0#ŕU>£i?ŕli rD3B 3 T g lMilOl-fj t-1-0 — 184 — Lesson 19 5. *m>íi-o 2 - 3 . WžtlÁ, b KD 9 (Writing Exercises) I. Fill in the blanks with an appropriate Kanji. 1. a subway 2. land 3. a railroad 4. a factory *> fr to t *> To if ■? 9 Ľi 9 5. a park 6. a library 7. a place 8. an address 9 Kh k L* A* A, If Li ĽKD 9 Li 9. a number 10. a map iäX zlô *> -f H. Fill in the blanks with an appropriate Kanji. 1. to live near the park 2. housing 3. inhabitants (D r? Lo o \i *> Kb -9 b^5 Ľ J; 9 10. an embassy 11. a movie theatre 12. a research institute % Ťz\^ L fr A, B^M m% %.\^ fr frhj tt/vÉK)>9 ĽÍ 13. a zoo 14. Tsukuba academic city 15. a neighbor Ä & Iß Tfr O £-5 .Sí-o *^ -3< (i* fr< i^ i: L SA, Ľi t>£ 16. a station square 17. a traffic light 18. a telephone number { n it í^ ^ If LA, 3*9 -CA, h ti a, r 9 19. industry 20. construction 21. a weather map 9 ^£9 39 Ľ ^ X/v É T 22. a public school 23. an extension lecture AL Z Ô t)-D #o Z Ô 9 fr\i Z 9 £* — 186- Lesson 19 .3—y h 3 Read the following letter and find Miss Tanaka's new house in the map below. Choose from A—F. 7*$a,, i3Ťč^-ei-^o í£BM»oT\ $tfV>-ei-fco $"t\ ftiift MoZLt LA: (moved) o ÍŕLv>gcíáitÍJT££, ÄS^fľHŤ^^f*f)Í1-3Ô^, l^8B# -£a,jô\, ^oLí^k^^ílt, gr&£&^£ L* ^o fŕL^mfž #-tíá, 03(3428)5697f1-^f), MIS LT < /i£ v>0 #ot^if0 — 187 — Lesson 19 aoT^St* T**r* <»HfcE#> — 188 — Lesson 19 @ ■íNJLtfrcw^u) X /h*fc - ¥*Bt ® fi»£*í(>V7<^ X ■k*$ e #flíft ® %%% (tr^i7L*) Y 3$tt% CUWK*) O QM-Kftfb # x-p§ © ^?e TT #Wt(uu*) řtí #C-K) [ÄW] 1. /H*#, f^fétiv^ o*0*1-^o 2. mm ( l^> < t i) oHcnwfc «j if ^ 3. MKflFf (Lidšti) W^l) KWfc i) f fä» 5. lil^^A^EOÝď^^^^^íl-^o — 189 — Jf n ii m n_____i« V V vVv ^#9e(ur?) *B Lesson 20 I I n. - y h 1 «*fl)B B*<7)ÍŤJ&E# (Administrative Division) t ť ô J» 1 ÍR 1 íl 2 iff jíCäHG »ä *Kfö I ä« E 43!ft m tí 3» A2Ü y ^ OE^1) «Ä-^'J-HOäA^L^) Y2\ í E9S(lu<) • %}\i(žv7 Lvo) OE^2) i. iím(ž)&i>t))m ^ 2. g^(V>fc>-C)Ír 3. fkffl (£>££)& 4. LUfé (*£#£)& l$W 5. 7. 6. mM(&< Lt)m 8. »(t*>§0Ä *^ i -5 9. smi (<^ i m io. m5.(z^tzt)m 11. 12. ffi^JI|(^^^^)Ä f. umij i3. SŕflKKvvô**:)^ h. mm(^í^L)m *># -9 -K 15. fi^(^7)?(7))!B 16. K-f-dr^is 17. #H(t-f^^)ü: 18. &%\(*>^1ó)% 19. m\U(t*ž)m 20 mm 2i. *i#(^)üL £ÜÄ^ 22. £i(*i)i 23. ^S(L>Ô?)!I: 5^ & 24. Ä0(ť>i^r)Ä 25. &&(££)& 26. ÍD«Čllj(t>^^í)u JS» *» ť a*^ 27. .%yatot*))!& 28. ftíg(LÍfc)Ír 29. m\h(&fr*i)Wc 30. )AÄ(ľ>óLŽ)m 31. LÍJP(^ŽC^)Ä m m &■% 32. ͊ͧ(i< LáOÄ 33. #JI|(^^^)Ír 34. %m(z.z}tb)% 35. M%\(^7-h)m % m m -% 36. fäm&<&fr)% 37. {£5f (£#*)»: 38. m$(ů:rfžž)m 39. t^(< ifctm 40. ýzft(ioi3^ŕz)m 41. slf^^lOÜr 42. &&%(&?ĺ t)m 43. WH (fc §££>)& 190- Lesson 20 JL-y h 2 -«-+HM>*»yL3Př 2 - 1 . )S¥<7)#£:£ ( Kanji Writings) 218 m* V>& 3; (fr*> • ÍÍ/L • £ J: 9) a market 219 ^T town *% ^3 * (7) i n m m 0 ffl- Bjj HT(Í*>) a town THT(L£-WTJI("*b i "9 • ^> «t *)) a town headman i"*b) downtown 220 *i - village (7) - t. i % i' n ti #(*>£>) a village Ä+t(^-9 * ÝA,) a farm village WixM{t*h • *< • tf) a village office — 191 — Lesson 20 m* V>& a$ (jKI*?) 221 £ division section, ward (4) — 7 * £ E (<) award ESÜ ( < • ^o)f h to distinguish EÍ£EŤ(< '*< • Li) a ward office ÄfeE(*> • <) a district 222 íp capital i big city, Tokyo (11) —^ "T ;£ * f t í 1 t7 |S *p $BTfí(t • L) a big city $B#(t • jô»v>) an urban area %rM (ti • ž X 7 • t) Tokyo (metropolis ) 223 Ř administrative prefecture 7 (8) \ -X- r r r Jr Ä Äf 7CE£Jfr(£Jo • Sri» • ^) Osaka Prefecture M«(š I "5 • t • -k) iÖCffr (-ti"V ■> • &) the government Kyoto Prefecture 224 %. prefecture (9) I n R H g j. f #■ * Ä(ttA) a prefecture ÜtJtU^ • *> «t •?) a prefectural office — 192 — Lesson 20 225 MT v>& island t>B hV (fr^ - t-)) a peninsula '(Lá • OO an island nation 226 ^ capital *3 V *4 (8) n H fr MM (t -9 • # J: -9 ) Tokyo 3ÍCÍ & (š J: ■? • t) Kyoto ±ä(Cj: 1 • § i "9)"ť& to go up to Tokyo 227 i appearance ^ Mr., Mrs., Miss (14) - ti i i ľ ť í ^ ** ^ # # # & H$(£ž) Mr./Mrs./Miss «*(£ Ž •£■';£)£ various filŤ( 3 ( Reading Exercises) I . Write the reading of the following Kanji in Hiragana. 1. TtT 2. E 3. BT 4. H 5. ^ 6. ffl4^ 7. KíjřifP 8. ^*Émo<íiHí 9. -&um io. iijpí^ l«lfí> * 11. ff«: 12. #J E . Write the reading of the following Kanji in Hiragana. 1. 0*{ál|rljt2iS43ifti;iE^$tĽrv>So is divided into— 2. 3|C3íCf|SKliŤftfflE, ^E&i*23CD|x í ti *9 3. B^íáw^cÄ<, 'Xů}o — 194 — Lesson 20 2 - 3. »§ ti A, L $ O (Writing Exercises) I. Fill in the blanks with an appropriate Kanji. 1. a village 2. a town 3. a city 4. award 5. Kyoto Pref. frf. **> L 6. Tokyo (metropolis) 7. Ibaraki Pref. %m t9 Ži? t 9. a peninsula OIÍ5 t !^ 10. Mr. Kimura fá^ i:-5 t Íf6 ží * i? fc A 8. Tsukuba City o<(£ L E. Fill in the blanks with an appropriate Kanji. 1. a mayor 2. a town headman 3. a village headman L *>±9 ^J;-9*.J:9 ^ *>£Ô 4. the governor of Tokyo 5. the governor of a prefecture £n £n £ *> V tfL % Ľ 195- Lessor i 20 6. a ward office 7. a city office 4/u 8. a town office 4/t* fe < ^< Li L ^< Li f 5 * < If 9. a village office 10. the Tokyo Metropolitan 11. a prefectural office Government office in* tr6 ^< tf Jt fr t ^n HA, *>i;7 12. Hiroshima Pref. 13. Japan is an island nation. 14. Java Island fi X>6 Lt ít^ "Čte v ^ 7 f^ L t < o$ Jí 18. downtown 19. Japanese government 20. the Izu Peninsula K LÄ *$ fc B A/ -fro A #1 o T íi A, t-5 21. appearance, a state of affairs 22. various divisions *T£ £? 1" Ž* áTÉ < ÄX — 196 — Lesson 20 JLZ. y h 3 -R#4fc <£Mf (*oto) V>mttřŤz> Go 12J-QD Í5Í>"C * ítM (^ "5 i: -9 ) an envelope ^jK(T*s*) a letter ^*É(v»líf>§)!i Ibaraki Prefecture -"^(^Tiä) boy's name fc í> T the surface ffi-^&^T) the receiver of a letter í±á to put, to paste E9Ä ( Lfr < ) a square m&.($> 7 &&)&■%■ postal code l h the back TÍS (ft*L *9> (.)~$~Z> to lodge, to take rooms ü.'ü QnJ uv Ca^ Dt aUjoig^ ~l5(frŤz) careof-, c/o~ ^ *^«^. 197 — llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll ^< Ltf> o llllllllllllllllllllllllll Review L. 16—20 K U (M) (&)tt (M)fó xm m(W)m &H *(T)á* &*? f f f ä Iř S I f E BI tt i « 7C^& :££* IMJ£ féf!)4 ^JM4 v : tHž A^ ^& 1^4 ^< $£& a* jt* #< ihiž Ä)< ÍS< tttf •©£ iřž ÍU1" Aíi-ž ih*i>-í> (58) I. &Rít|g(liA,fcv»r, opposite word) £»Š££v>0 Ex. ± ~ ( T ) 1. Ä <-> 2. ft <-» 3. m «-> 4. ft <-> 5. ü^ <-> 6. féflifc <-> 7. »& <-> 8. A& 9. fjlá 10. IÍJ< H. «< i2. #i^; 13. 111*1 ~ ( ?£s <-> ( /(/K íľ ** ( tL'Iv ~ ( © s& — 198 — Lesson 20 fro Ex. ^a^#šäi-0 if IX mrrn m M JŠ £t± *m mi # m k m mm — 199 — Lesson 20 ŔSjá (1) Word Structure \±m%&č\t\t*5lXfrtLi lo Vt^Vt^o (D Two Kanji of the opposite meaning '. D *-» D f§£(/iÁ,i;i) - H t £ (D Two kanji of the similar meaning '• D =% D $M*(l^á.) - & + # (3) The former Kanji explains the latter Kanji '. D -•• D #ŕí(LA,L*) -+ fŕt^m $km(šxiĽD) - »x.*gßg (M=«BS) © The former Kanji functions as the verb and the latter can be used with the particle r^j, ri-_u r£"_K etc. hj£K^-c^i-& - /ů^? m$z> im* m*bz> (D -5-OJtfe Others 1. : ] wé. ( 2. ; j ü^ ( 3. ( : ) £* ( 4. ( : ) ttßf ( 5. ( ) *m ( 6. ( ) ££ ( 7. ( ) mm ( 8. [ ) ^Ü 9. [ ) &x io. c ] nm ii. ( ] &m 12. í ) Sfcžg 13. ( ] um 14. [ 1 ^4 J p7Ls — 200 — Lesson 21 I ;2ii i 3--V h 1 -m^oíí -fáUlPI (-TäVerb) The following word rM5£j is used as a noun in the sentence. U (á Ä Š£ JO**ř § -C-r o '1 like studying.' But when r—1~&j is added, it can be used as a verb. &l±B*f§£M3É UU« 'I studied Japanese.' There are a number of words which can be used as both a noun and a verb. Look at the following examples and pay attention to the particles. <£PI> Noun Verb m a& B *IŠ<£>M5£ B*m*mŘ-th * -? the study of literature to study literature Some r—i~áj verbs, however, take different particles. LoU a question to the teacher to ask the teacher a question "9 v* d t$j < going to America for study to go to America for study (to ^A marriage with him to get married with him — 201 — Lesson 21 Some r— i~ &j verbs are usually used without any particle in a sentence because they include a meaning which corresponds to N + V constructions as follows. Tí All L^o^ <) i~& = b\<*1iZt>) -f%> ř] Choose the words which can be used as verbs with -~th. ]B#ft(^t^\ a watch) Y ]7Ľ%(lfÁ,š , healthy) / ] fiPir ( Ľ n9> 1 L £ , an address) C ] ¥Ha (Ä* < L »9> -9 , learning) ] m in (tfX >!*, language) ]3\fiL (.&•?-< , shortage) aJFpISUAčV, a problem) - ] HICK "C/-to, a telephone) y ] étt (žô^ L *? , a company) ] "ť it (*> ^ ■? L, stoppage) x ]^K(^«t 9V>Á,, a hospital) ]%M{tfA.&-o, sightseeing) j ] fl»tB (/$?v> L 4> o, going out) r )]il§S(§ ^ & <Á,J:^ t>3í (^<1~d) $ knead (fc-a) i^> (14) < ž ž. Ý f * rr^r^iíiiit WMitlÁ, • L^ ?)"ý"á to practice 229 f practice (11) 1 *] a 531 51s] 5J5] *a 5153 5$ f f !?(&£) 7 to learn ^ľ(ž$?< • L*9>?)1~& to learn IHíKL*-? • #SA) a habit, a custom 230 M endeavor (10) / n ť Z 0 & f Ä- fc «4 fófô HA • # J: ■?) 1"& to study — 203 — Lesson 21 ?1^ V»* <^J:^ *>35 OK-t-5) 231 5í force, ^ strong (11) -i -3 5 r 5A 5' 3** 5* f* $ & 5á(o«£)v> strong 3£19R(š i ? • *> i ^)Í"S to emphasize ÍS3É('^ 'li^tž to study 232 Í7f . grind sharpen (9) r í í í ľ íŕ íf iff fiJféuO^ * š i* ■?) ~f h to study, to research fiffflrOtA* • L*>"9)"ť& to study and train 233 ■A to carry to extremity (7) \ N I r^ i^ tfe f n. fJff^uĚfO^ • š *9> 1 • C i) a research institute ffl2E#0:^ • š *9>") • L^) a researcher 234 ffl stay detain fc-iö* (10) ' C Ŕ ŕ-7 ír; Í77 Ä 677 m Éx77 ffl WbI (frš - t&b) a registered letter @^ ( 0 U> -9 • ^ <) 1" S to study abroad — 204 Lesson 21 WŽ V»<& <*,«!:* t>3í UK-f^) 235 s s quality question ■>7 (15) / f ŕ fr *' *•/ fiŕ- ŕ* i t tf #f ^t Ä(Lo) quality 14Ä(-£v>- Lo) nature, character Kfp'KL.o • &Á,)-ý-á to ask a question 236 W inquire question t^ (11) i r r P P" n n pi n Pni w PiKtH^a (£>)&■£& to make inquiries UFp'Ktä-? ■ Í>A,)1"& to visit P9(tv») the question 237 II *5 title theme (18) 1 n Fl S 0. f * # ;L C c SL ^ g Ä Si s R fnlfKí^ • /i^) a question, a problem IřlKt? • fiv>) a topic itfKLi* < • /i<^) homework ä% (£V • £>l>) a title 238 S answer (12) ; h * M M~ /r* r ^ ^ £ & & &(£7t)x.& to answer iä&i^Á, ■ t 7)-f& to reply %?(ZLtz)ž. an answer — 205 — Lesson 21 ü^ V>& 3í (^< • fiv>) homework íi#(L*9>< • L*) a dormitory féľB (L tf> < • (ä O -f h to stay 2 — 2 . ^^il (Reading Exercises) I . Write the reading of the following Kanji in Hiragana. i. mfctz> 2. m?tth 3. wm-tz> 4. m^-th 5. nm-tz 6. gx.£ 7. W? 8. äfin 9. íIM 10. ^Jg íl . Write the reading of the following Kanji in Hiragana. 1. ^iiBBÍBíá^^ibBfeŽ-ua#-CB*Ig^^áLT^Žl-0 3. $mfz< ÍAíll^oT, ttL^-e-To — 206 — Lesson 21 6. 4*K>fyf&£§o-Cv>i1-3Ď»e>% ^Bř-7^M^-c^^LŽfc 7. á5<7)AláfĚ«^<-C, ^Sv»1ÉÄ-ci-e 8. B#"C(±, jE^íiUiľSUÍrofsľAOiSírUrKI-žSII^éOt-to ■tí läŤ *^ 2-3. S#l$li (Writing Exercises) I. Fill in the blanks with an appropriate Kanji. 1. a question 2. homework 3. to answer 4. to learn k.h 9 t A, £v> Li9>< £l> Ztz tah 5. to study 6. to practice 7. to research ■th ■fh -th ^A, f i "5 ti A- Ľ KD "5 it A É K» Ô 8. to study abroad 9. to ask a question 10. to learn 1** •t* -$h Dk»? jô*< LO £A **< LKf9 E. Fill in the blanks with an appropriate Kanji. 1. review 2. the title of the book 3. student dormitory m (D en .&>< L(9> 9 ííA ff o tóo #< -ŕl> L KD < L^ 207- Lesson 21 4. to learn English 5. to answer a question 6. nature i 7 K x.* tí- 7L\^ Z 4 6 L O &A, .fc •tiro LO 7. to practice Kanji 8. to study Japanese *-*4- j-»-» «J. 1~á £ "1* tiX L® -5 {^ r /s^ Éi9 9. to study biology 10. to stay 11. a custom £ •tfl> <5ío *s< (j^ f W> Ô -fh žů*5 I M» Lkd< l±< U KD 9 frh> Ol. Write the following sentences using kanji. e.g. frtili *>t9>-9£"<£> Äí<-tí:v> -ei"o 2. -£A,-£v><7) Hfzií: lío £A,LT, v^t^ír LoU^ L/i0 (sÄ) to visit 3. 7Öfv»;i< ĽA,*: ^;b£ 1"£ fcšíi, frŕiWC #£ ottŽLi^o 4.-a^<(r 0 *>?#?< LT, x.i^r£ ■?£< ^£Vf;o^T, ZA,¥"9 7H>ris áb£( •208- Lesson 21 7h3 -Bc<&^ f-U r20(7)fífôj One person in a group gives a quiz and others have to find out the answer within 20 questions. If they can get the right answer before using up 20 questions, they win. If they cannot, the one who gave the quiz wins. He must answer with 'Yes' or 'No' only. Now, read the following example questions and answers, then guess the answer. There are 5 persons; the teacher, Tanaka, Furukawa, Mori and Ali. Ali gives the quiz. ffl* TU £JH TU fflf 7'J TU TU TU ■ŕJii 7'J ffl* 7'J ffl# TU ffl«ť TU ztlít, ^ii/i-et^o 0 Ýílti^tA (bedclothes) "C^o fe£B# (when you sleep) o^^íf^o 209 — Lesson 21 T'; : ^v>x.0 t>; : íáv\ -ř-9-e-fo ET r«; ffl* 7'J *JII t>; TU TV ab * £ íi * üjW Š -C1-^o 5h^o£ !^^íá ( ) -etido [mm] i. ±<7>y-A£>gx.i±fä-ei-^o 2. EŤ£A> #JH£/^ I^A(7)f-A (team) l±v» «K L Kt> < f- S*y- A 3 < 7 P y ?ffl#ÄT (Block construction) > to ĽZl OŤ k$>z> r u y ? *m.fríixx, m^ 2 ^tic t ď) £fE o & $ Ex. S Si ffJcHJ •+*** m m s 5 @> m *^x.(á213^-vCDT^ T" b p7Eo> ikfäth + Pilfer : $!!(*>•-^) a book shop ší&i^y • V^ô) golden color filled + ^1%^ : ^PJŕ(if-va) a place "é"$ (*&>.£> • ^ y) a used book ■SJ^F (š o • 7°) a ticket fíf%<^ + tfec^ : ^¥(#o-T) a stamp &HU (& • ix.) a name #$č(T-7^) a letter 212 — Lesson 22 T#?V>Ž f o QeM = (-b'ŕ • 7*7) a living creature = (&í • &<£>) uncooked food Üilflt = (ť>Ť • v) a square piece of fancy paper (for writing a poem on) = (v*<5 • #*&) colored paper g T = (^t -y • #) at present = (#> • Lfc) one's inferiors, one's subordinates -SJ = U -v -^f) all = (ľ>t - i ti) a piece B^ppi-(i> f Q In (£? >T\ Japanese native wordsK Üln (7^/v>T.\ words of Chinese origin), ŽVJžsa (ri^^i^CT, words of foreign origin) tf^tytl"«, £*A,& SK(i&L) $Pl£(^-^>) 7^ 7, (rice) $(<££) ĚIft¥(v • K? • v+) Ä-(acar) m(tzľf) ířEÍŤC; 3 • 3-í;) bý^Ktravel) Hi íl (V» t> • lí) TUíKv • v 3 7) v-^r -y h (a market) ítM (* ť • ^) Ml (V a • * >) * Ť Ma hotel) £#(■? *t • t) «9 -xľfl»(v i • U 3 ^ • v 3) U v- h (a receipt) fäJR*('J a V • ->^.7 • v 3) *[7D7ýifi*iT^x.] 1. m^ 2. iä¥ 3. &H 4. KF«g * [20<7)MF«1<^x.] 1. TiM(Lv9> <£V) a homework 2. lôfä 213- Lesson 22 o. - 7h2 -||- + -^(D#(äAglí 2 - 1 . äl^ö)» SÄ ( Kanji Writings) 240 m& v>& <■*.** *^35 (*> • Ľ) politics ífeJÍF(-£v» • .5») the goverment fí©C (š* I *7 •-£v>) administration 241 govern ££-£ &/££>-1 f- (8) x x *» J ."A .\A. /a ?d (& fc) -f" to cure ľé (& $) tö h to govern fôté^ (-£ • C • fr) a politician 93íé(*í>i>» • C) name of an era 242 g „ control pass through (id v- t & í f l r r ^ # & SWž to pass through íUŽSOt^ • £V) economy H'g'Otv» • x.v»)i-^> to manage — 214 — Lesson 22 m* V><& < a, «t * t>sí (^ < -f ■?) 243 % finish save 1--tr ■^^/-■f'f -r-it (id N N * J N. cr / í* ifrlrí*^ SS(1-)tr to finish üll^Ot^ • £V • *f<) economics HŽ&i^A, • £n)i"£ to pay back 244 S career (14) J r r r f f w ^ ^F ;& # # f E M£0ftš • L) history «(tf?< • ti š) one's educational MMMity ' tiž • Li) one's personal history background 245 t history (5) ) n P-» f k £^(L • #*<) historical science U*$.(fc • {3^ • L) #ŕftííl(c^ • ril>> • L) modern history Japanese history 246 -3T n breed raise f/i-TS (8) \ -ir -z; I t f f W(^-/i)Tz to bring up tfeW(£ J: "9 • ^<) education 'ifcW(fcv> • V><) physical exercises 215 Lesson 22 && V><& <^* t>3í (^<-t-9) 247 K change ' -ization (»í-it 4) Ä (4) / . í V -in ít^ifr ' fr<) chemistry JCiti&A, • fr) culture Afťíbd^ • fiVi • fr) modernization j&ÍtiťŤi> to modernize 248 ?1 reason - ration, logic 'J (11) " T í í í1 jn JFI J9 Jf í¥ Jf •Küi'O physics ftlfíiv «tJ to cook IŮ(Í •*}) a reason OtWŽih ■ 0 • *!<) geography 249 *t branch division (9) y /■ í f * í' ŕ *- # fö^ifr • fr<) science ft#0f'5Ů*) surgery tfcíHl (š J: n • fr • L «t) a textbook 250 t number » some, several ^-5*-x. 4 (13) \ \/ V * # * t 1 1 f r «r «L ft GôvP) x. & to count ft(^T) number ft^(i~-9 • #?<) mathematics ftA ("£"■? • \Zk) several people — 216 — Lesson 22 v»& <^«i^ *>3~ (&<-$• 7) Ě. medical doctor 4 (7) — r ~£* fc= f K ^ HI^C^ • #?<) medical science EH^rCv1 • L^) a doctor ßßKV"1 • l^/v) a doctor's office 2 — 2. Sc<&HH ( Reading Exercises) I. Write the reading of the following Kanji in Hiragana. ■ 1. S£ 2. aW 3. «ŕ 4. ífcté 5. Í$C^ 6. m^ 7. ifr^ 8. M 9. ®¥ 10. #:W 11. « 12. Ífcí4# 13. I» íl. Write the reading of the following Kanji in Hiragana. 1. 3&{i*^ire%ä^£flF§£L-Cv>i1-o 2. í$li^*rAOŤf i)=SrWT-Cv^i-to 3. 5Um&X¥í:ttiXiHftúmmý3tff£^o — 217 — Lesson 22 7. ^0 9. mtž\rem%.i%3-tzti±'zěntA.o 2-3. S^SS (Writing Exercises) I. Fill in the blanks with an appropriate Kanji. 1. politics 2. economics 3. history 4. education I I I I I I I i I I ■tři* u i-n* sv n t t ži?i>< 5. culture 6. physics 7. chemistry 8. science 9. mathematics 10. medical science 11. physical training ------------------------1-------------------------1 '-------------------------1-------------------------1 i-------------------------1------------------------- — 218 — Lesson 22 E. Fill in the blanks with an appropriate Kanji. 1. geography 2. government 3. a doctor 4. a figure *> *) -tf-l^ Jr. I* L*? 1-9 U 5. the Meiji Era 6. to rule over the country 7. reason H#ft * 464 Ě #>i^ Ľ Ľ fcV < t: *? r) t$9 8. an academie career 9. to run a company 10. to change £ ITfá ÍĚ. -Ťh ifi< ti S *>0 L^ It O ž I > '^ Ä> EI. Write the following sentences using kanji. e.g. H(äÁ,<7) L^^v»t?(á% ^í< tL#3Ô? /:V>-ŕo/:( 1. ^co D i íá L£< -ÍTk£ -e/i-C^^íb, ŤZ^^HX tt^£V£ ^A^J:^ while bringing up her child 2. aó£ tCX^^frh CvotX fr-?ž.Xo close your eyes internal medicine surgical medicine 5. ri^dX r ž- %hl t šli. %oLii: 219 — Lesson 22 3--y h 3 -mfr® <* £ if L> -íUá^MíOŤ^EMIH (* t 19 T a sketch) "Cl-0 - tl/í^TO a.~k. (D* ŽR^iZftži-to *<7>ffi££&A,-C, £~(DŤzt£ (which shelf) KÍ>*tô\ 1.-17. 3. 2. 2=C ^ 1. w 5. £%=£ 6. ít ^ 7. %3S^ 8. X ^ 16 14 -x B na ¥ ^ 17 15 £ ÜC w it ^ A P 10. S Ö? 11. & té 12. s £ 13. Ü ? # a. b. Os^^r -y h/jí— )VCO)!/ — )]/j c. rKM7l#ÍVŽAP^j d. r/f V n > Basic ^ÍV^j e. r^L^Ť^j f. rfŕtv^l§ucWí0^aj g. r^ t g^j h. rvx^^XtfT^F^j i. rAnalytical Chemistryj j. rAtomic Energyj k. rTrends in American Politicsj tzftv)^ — 220 — Lesson 22 &oTl*$1"# Vttttř f(Li^l) books stationery new books magazines AJtfr^C/t^A^^O humanities tt##^ (L * ^v>^ä* < ) social science tt#^(L*riM,vdf<) ffcW(§i:^<) Ě &#^ (L-třX jW < ) natural science gn^ («ľ#f < ) * ŽÍÄ (Ľ-"C /v) languages • dictionaries L £g(.£/Ufv>) : (il J: "9 <£ "9 ) literary arts • culture — 221 f J* ff* Hr* «111» I C3081 P2400E ■ř .# Ä« 2.400R (*# 2,330R)