El Sound 1) Basic Sounds Which Are Shown in a Single Written Kana WRYMPBHNDTsChT J Z Sh S G K ; h h^ t li If Ü S tz tz * S ** *» Ž) A o ^vrftľiz t, t L £ £ v> I % vp L* «5s ií i» tó ^ "f t <• < 1 U ti i6 ^ ^ ^ Jřa "C "C -tf -ŕ tf tt x. E ^ «t t im a o if £ ý- Ýrcíi 0 There is one more sound which is shown by a single kana. It is Ay. Ay itself is pronounced through the nose, but it changes its sound in the combination of other kana. Ex.: \_As*i*As (newspaper) S/Clí (walk) í A/t>s (comic book) 2) Basic Sounds Which Are Shown by a Combination of Two Written Kana Ry My Py By Hy Ny Ch j Sh Gy Ky i 0 Ä V9 V V U t, t L £ 4 W f3 -^ ■ť ■P ■"ŕ" ^ -^ ■^ ■^ ■ť ■^ A 0 Ä U* íf í/ u- t> l! L U yp r$ yp yp ^ v3> # # yp tf> tf> 0- Ä ľf lf ÍA U t, Ü L * U J; J: X X I J: J: J: «t J; X System 111 ^^ PÍV -H: V p^V 9--tr c^O^ *^ «>s 0^ ^.-^T ^ ■■-vy- K* ( 9-r ^z ^ -fr Vfc ^ tí^cŕ-cr- (""H* &5 ^ r^r> i r+ ^ ^ suv u \ 5nV ř-vi o • ■•;' . . Q_ \\ v ^ m!~^ £í s3 3'^ŽS' »'& rr~~ < i £t % ■■+ i öJH> rx ■;< pC ^/-\ oO tf+ó4 tf* ;>» > J^v- ^ >- r\* #■+* rfc HI ^ ■ r-f- Ur k S fjc r j j f 4 Cv-T^ •—^ ^^-v fi*t--n ,.»■ f^r » - ■ v w^ trt ^< D. -t O č/*' <- a" 3 a-o Vi ft 3] o" —i O o — ft O Ä 3 P 0Q C/l o 3 £. < r*-O Ö <- H 3" v> O' 'i/r <- ft ET ft (6 "1 "? é ft O ' o p_ é O P 4 O' O) a. ft S* &*• ■n čo' o > S5 ft x o 0 r* ;> O ft* a. o rt 5" sľ s era ■< o Ol V") -i o-<-; s- ft ■a o' 3 c« ft ft Vi p 3 D. S-» »ti Ö S O 5' & O' é / p 3 a. s-""•ľ CK, ö ö 5' ( t ér é O' / 3-VI «T o 5' -í- rt c D. _. P 3 "< a <-»z o ft a-a* O •é / O <-O S; -i O í i. vJ"' Od R a- Er ~. rt ^ 3 f-*' O" o O' o cr n> 3' Er Črt* ju t« ty) » ^>» ^ •5^ ^ K^ ^^ -*Si KvJÍ •^vJÍ ^ kTT •§n •ýTT - f*- f? 3 Lesson 2 The bottom row is called HtzL^ and hiragana in this row will be followed by 7 . There are a few exceptions where it is followed by ti. Ex.: £Ť> -Ť. k 1 , ÍĹ1 , íOŤ, 11 Ť , t Ť , Ji Ť , ?)i exceptions; řifi^v» (big), ££v> (far), d Jo 0 (ice). You'll also have to learn how to pronounce Japanese words with double consonants. In these words, you write a small -o before the written kana. Ex.: £ -j „i; (ticket) -ŕol"^ (soap) 3) Hiragana Here are some very common words which will be used in this textbook. They are very practical. You can use them in your day-to-day contact with the Japanese community. Learn the words first. 4 Lesson 2 /= t, o -C £ GO O 1 tz i r t» r ^ < x. í-< 1ÍC L 4 t ä*Ä 5 £tt^ írřc tö /řa íO 3 v>te ía: 5 íOÄ t íO Writing System li U J» ^ (í li*Ä 2 ÍAd £ ni^i) / '/ á ť 3 J»te •^ ä-f 5 HA, 3 & Ltó^ta ť L €^s- 4 i6áfta 511 Lesson 2 ^yp X * ' ŽAO i *?± 2 ty$ O o «t* O • ľp í ŕz í í h o h ti h C- 2 0 /v 3 $ s 4 shA*'?') ?i>J 6^U( Writing System h£ L 1 61 1 < 2 IA^í/,ž «t Ä á-f c PRACTICE! Choose a partner, and practice these expressions using the words given on the pages 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9. ________ (word) -C--f 0 ________ (word) -el~*% livr», Ý 1 -Či"» ^V,*;Č, Ý,T t -f» £ Vr* "C "f c What is it ? It is ________ (word). (word) ? Is it Yes, it is. No, it's not. The small circle after the statement is a period. You don't use a question mark even for a question. Hiragana (pages 4-9) * v> 7 £. £ £> £ < It Z 1. hub rain 1. **$ umbrella 2. \it~f~ chair 2. Joi: ticket 3. 1 t, house, home 3. < Si car 4. *.£ station 4. it/,** fight 5. £> A/** < music 5. cii A, park 9 Lesson 2 "b L -f -tí- ý i. $ a* íe fish 2. l/Uv^ newspaper 3. i"v>*> watermelon 4. -Čot^ soap 5. *tf buckwheat noodle Ŕt^t í: i. tz í r egg 2. t,-f map 3. o< ž. desk 4. -r;** A letter 5. j; (t v» watch, clock ÍC í- te ta íO 1. i L pear 2. r-< meat 3. njía dog 4. fáz ■ cat 5. íOÄtíO drinks li ÍA ^ ^ u 1. (i í Ä scissors 2. VCiJ airplane 3. .i./fa ship, boat 4. ^Jf3 room 5. t^ book 10 Writing System í Ä h tb t 1. í č window 2. Ä-f water 3. tri loWta magnifying glass 4. tfj^jfa glasses 5. t t peach ^ rp X i. ^í mountain 2. #£ snow 3. J: s night h 0 h K h 1. b < ** £ graffiti 2. ox, r apple 3. il monkey 4. ^LV>Ý'Ť ^ refrigerator 5. ^U< candle 1- fc? L J; { Japanese food 2. LA^M JiÄá-fo I'm going to read a newspaper. 11 Lesson 2 4) A Complete Katakana Chart 7 7 7 7 —T -7 7\ 7" 7 /Tí 7 7 4 7 T —-p r i; "i ^ *» t b — f--ŕ V v * * 7 J3. .ľt. 7 7 7 7 7 7 •y x 7 7 7 7 ...t.. U V 7-TÍ ^ ž-* T ŕ -b /y i- > > v 3 3 í: * 7 7 í y y ľ2 Writing System ■v b -\* f" > * ^ 7\° /NT r +K 2T ^ JL b J3- JL 3. V 3. b° h* ■r V * 3 b 3 3 3 V 3 3 7° 7* y* X r b° ť ^ -Y V -V 'J ^ -< —* T -b* r b° 3- j. 7* v J3. -3L b° 3 t: 3 3 V 3 3 'J 3 # # K y* rŕ 5) The Usage of Katakana Katakana is used to describe the words that came to Japanese from other languages, including the name of countries and people. It is also used to describe the sounds around us, like the purring of a cat or the roar of a motor. In this book, however, katakana is used only for foreign words. In describing long vowel sounds in katakana, a dash is used after the kana. Ex.: 13 Lesson 2 If you write the words vertically, this dash becomes a vertical line. Ex. V r? y x a ] i >r 1 t h 1 K 1 V *" : 3-t- coffee J ' ý v* radio • : /-v notebook • l l/3-F a record, a disk # J X-5r-h.-K- K skateboard • : '<■*"*- banana J 14 ^| Iffion |p| ■gi counting une to len / Oio £ tŕoO 2 ^fco 7 Ť£t£^ ^ <&oO % ^oO ^ J:oo ? ZZát. S X 1 fl bo i One síep further if ť t ž> 0 a* í: i o -ŕAá-aXo "Good morning." "Hi !" "Good-bye." "Good night." (Greeting before the meal) (Greeting after the meal) "Thank you." "Excuse me." [ 16] Lesson Introducing Yourself Taro Japanese [ I? ] Lesson 5 When you want to say your name and your nationality, use this pattern. 11'* '•* name XÍT, If you want to say where you are from, add £ h which means person after the name of your country. í 3* { ii name of your country-|- £ /{, X~f0 (ľ { I (for boys' use only) fofz L I C1"01" girls' use, and for adult men's use in formal conversations) ti (A particle to show the topic or the subject. The sound of this particle isn't "ii," but "fc>.") X"~f~ arn> 's> are X Z> L ( ■"' Nice to meet you. (If you want to say more politely say lh L < íJfc*^>LÍ tO ^ /^ (A suffix which means person) ü tí í X. your name íŕ í ž. name If you want to ask someone's name, say "£>&■ á £ti" which is an abbreviated form of the expression "fift á i. ti tc /C "C~t jď*-" 18 Introducing Yourself Introducing Your Family KfrlbSA, Ufa*, i^ «-»t Ť ží ťíiŤH fii: v> ^ ^, «£ 1 H ti t** SA, till h S A, ti Z3) SA, ti^hSA, Íŕ5 řc Sr^ ^ /L. grandfather grandmother father mother elder brother elder sister younger brother younger sister 19 Lesson 5 Introducing Your Friend Kent < ^ Donna $ ^ \ A; (If you want to say someone's name politely, put the suffix $ /t to either the first name or the last name. Never use it with your own name.) { ^ ( Sometimes you can use the suffix < ^ instead of $ ^ with the name of boys who are of the same age as you or younger than you.) 20 Introducing Yourself ( • EXERCISE • ^ 1. Introducing yourself to your classmates. 2. Chain Drill Student 1 Student 2 ŕzhi -e-to ih L X < r£$ ^o Please listen. ^o L x i- ^o X < ŕzi ^o Please say it together. L* < ŕz^í fž IX < fz ŕ^o Please hand in your homework i-f>í; i-c'< y-ifK Please be quiet. • • • 1. - < \ÍL blackboard 7. ballpoint pen • • • • 2. chalk 8. o< a desk • • • • 3. Z < (iXít L chalk eraser 9. \,->-$- chair • • • 4. í ť window 10. ti* map • • • 5. 6. door notebook 11. 12. pencil book • • • • • [ 23 ] Lesson Do You Like II t I tt^o Choose a partner and ask each other about the foods lisiod below. Use the following expressions. GO • ^ O Do you like it ? Yes, I like it. Yes, I like it very much. No, I don't like it. No, not much. • • • 1. Ťz ä r egg 6. 5 *> & fish • • 2. A*>A orange 7. *ur buckwhciil ihii die • 3. ŤL sushi 8. beef sicak • • 4. £ L pear 9. c/CirA carrot • • 5. i-\,>j&> watermelon [ 24] K a Can You Do It ? "C 5s á "f #*o Can you do it ? 1" ^ L , ť J í 1"o " can ^° '* a litl;'e- -ŕX-ŕX, tj á *^ I can't do it at all. J 1. ______ skateboarding • 2. rollerskating • --------- I 3. ______ diving 4. ______ surfing 5. Ľ X Ť (Jf horseback riding 6. ______ skiing [ 25 ] H —■ U) — UJ — UJ — Cj c H r« > C/l > C/3 > C/i H r» > en l*T > C/) > c« 03 03 CO CO 03 CO CO 03 ^ Er CO 03 rr p Er 03 3-P o c re i (_, —. *< o o í Er í" en "i Er c« C/) o c o p 3 o \ , p í 3 D. O Er /? ľn' p 3 O. O Er ll Č/í' Ej \ 1 i\ IUI F "vr žA\ V\i !^y w fm ^1 v K) L*J K> M ^ !° C/J -ť-V) *" 3 H 2. 3 c o H 2. 2- > Cl P • ^ H 2- H 2- H 2- 1 > Š -- r7* > > > > > > 3" > Cd > 3- 3- 3- > 3" P P 3" P TT >< *< ~ o 3 O O C B- r, s. z. o C/l O. C o C/í TT C, TT C O o p 3^ Q. O P p 3 D-O C/) o Š 2 /^\ 1 * ^m V» V> -s, -s» ^» rrrrrrrrrrrrrr^Kr^iir '>" § ^ ^ -5 § •§ •§ • \T*" vT*" ^^ • J-r r í k r- t x j* •V» cyj tyj c\a ^ n o\ in ía tyj Pa i\a iv» ■^ fct) (— CM ľj K r 'ilr 11 vj* 9> yj+ ^ ?- ?- 0+ 't/r o< O' o< K »í Cf 9> O/ o< CM CT1" si si si si si si si si si si S Os si sn si si s^ «N3 Si * Si '* C »í r- CM r4 K IX 11 i i ^ ?- -i- § CT*" »> vT -^ rr ?- ?- rr rr í* ss. o< rr. rr rr rr S rr rr S ■S ^ rr ■5 5 •S § o« ■5 5 o< o< 5 o- o< O/ O/ o< o< o< 'Hr ^^ <>w. ^^ ^^^ >• ^^ o/^rr ^^ *♦! ^ O o e s CTQ 55 Lesson 9 2) Telling Time t YJ> 1 ^t t \ltPll-\l ^t,lr t yp 1 t (it, t Lfet %< t What time is it now ? ^í 5 t (t: t* ť t-1 ti-^) 28 Numbers 3) Asking Price 3. -tí-^^^ 4. rtA^ < *^ 5. r^-f < ž.^ 6. zr i: ŕ?> ^ ž. -C 7. ti>U^ 8. r*^ 9. v» t, x. X/ 8 9 How much is it ? í. j 11®*^ /\ 29 Lesson 9 4) Asking Age and Grade How old are you ? junior high school student /íř^-ds «2 í-í^ (Sk-Jsi AP tmiUi^ 17 t vpi t£ 4 í -Ki -tj-TT| 7 & 4' í ^ I Ljí^í -<ŕ^1 high school S ti o í v» /<2 t* Ť i-í ^ ■ elementary school student f g \Z rp ~) íí o "^ V*__' 19 t yp 1 $ vp 7 í v> student «2(9 l:t^í v» (íi/čt) 'i adult 30 Numbers 5) What Grade Are You In? &x,fc^-tí-^-c-r*»o Grade Japanese School 1 1 UŤ*f< ^tpiŕaXx-tf-^ ' 2 2 LiŤi^ (Cta/C-tf-^ 3 3 UŤ*f( ^ ^taX^^V'» L J: 7 ä* o - ■) 4 4 UŤ*f< lfciX,-tí-^ Elementary School 5 5 L i 1 ** < •r-te^-a-^ 6 6 L j: l i* < h < ^a/t-fr^> . 7 8 1 2 ty yp 1 *? < v > t, ía Xx-tí-^ > í:ía^-ö■vi ■ Junior High School 9 3 í> «J Ť ** < í/.fa/C-tí-^ , 10 11 1 2 > t? ta X,-tí ^ " ;ra/^-tí-v> High School 12 3 z j z ň i /t^a/t-tí-^ , Freshman 1 /=v>af< v »feta/C-tí-v* Sophomore 2 ŕz^i>*< í: *a/t-tív> tz^¥{ Junior 3 /=v>**< i /vfa/i-tív> College Senior 4 /=^**< «tířaXx-o-*'» • Cultural Note Japanese children start elementary school at the age of six and complete their compulsory education at the age of fifteen. At the ages of three, five, and seven, they have special celebrations called "shichi go san" on November 15th. They go to nearby shrines and are blessed by the priests. The parents buy them a long piece of candy that symbolizes long life. When they're twenty years old, they're legally recognized as adults. Adult Day is January 15th, and is one of the national holidays of Japan. 31 Lesson 9 Role Play (1) Student A 1. Ask B B's name. 3. Ask B what grade B is in. 5. Ask B how old B is. Role Play (2) Student A 1. Ask B if he is an elementary school student. 3. Ask B what grade B is in. Student B 2. Tell A your name. 4. Tell A you are in the 7th grade. 6. Tell A how old you are. Student B 2. Tell A that you aren't an elementary school student. Tell A that you are a junior high school student. 4. Tell A that you are in the 8th grade. 32 Lesson 71 Asking for Things 0®SK • • New Words grapes (a particle, see Explanation 1) give (something) to me [ 33 ] Lesson 10 I A-frA, (a kind of Japanese citrus i ruits) J I Ztl this one ; Zti that one : $>h that one over there • z*ti which one i *■ (a particle, see Explanation 3) : : t (a particle, see Explanation 4) : i ů' (a particle, see Explanation 5) : : i>*tŕz you • Ä-y- shop : v-n person l A-tí-íOlAč shopkeeper ; salesclerk I % ti fr h and then l i,1) i1 Hl ;'5^í Ltz0 "Thank you very much." • It L =tI* - eraser • ~zy pen : y-h notebook — Basic Expressions ---------- i. ztii < tz$^0 Please give me this one. 2. o^cra; íc L £ < /=s^„ Please give me an apple and a pear. 3. 2tťl i < /=$v,»0 Please give me some grapes too. ------iďWM'.mr.T.I---------------------------------------------------------- 1. Something ž < /£ $ v > When you want to ask for something, you will say something £ This particle £ is often left out in conversation. Ex.: IX, r ž < ŕjv>„ -----> 1A,Z\ Asking for Things -áďWMWJHMft- 2. ^tt, **t. .ft, if ft When you refer to something close to you, you say C ti-When you refer to something close to the person you are talking to, you say £ti. When you refer to something away from both of you, you say foti-ifti is a question word. Ex.: ZtlŽ<ŕz$^o ÝftŽ < fz$^o htiži ŕz$^o žíft-Cl"ä\, Please give me this one. Please give me that one. Please give me that one over there. Which one ? 35 Lesson 10 # One step further When you want to ask someone which one of the two you like, you say t^i? -t-ta>. i^feff^c Which Dne of the two ? PRACTICE! B Substitution Drill Ex.: Ztli < /=*v»0 i- Ztl #C^ž < t£$<<\ 2. ý ti 3>iti& Čtit1ri)\ 5. htl ' š>&hX'1ri\ 6. Z ti ^ZtiX"f-ö\ 7. ÝH ^Ýft-eth nvTi fi 3. The particle £ The particle £ means "anď . It is used between two or more nouns. £*■•• o /ir^ -tv»*» apples and watermelon *>&•*:£_ fcŕL you and 1 tí/t_£ /-b_^ " -i>y-hi: ^./ví/^í: 36 Asking for Things 3. *»$*: iA,i^ ^**$í; i/,.*:/, ž <ř:i^ 4. Ž^XiL \IL 3>$^&£ ti/t ž (/;^>. 5. sit^s ti^Ä #£ttv>£ {ííäž 0 practice! D Expansion Drill i- Už < /*$v,>. 2. 11 £ urs < /SSVv, 3. %, %» í: i/trs -tv»*»ž 4 LS < K* »a 1. /-h S < izü^ **> S < /£ í^o 2. i" L S < /=*w>. A "f S < /-:í^ 3. Jíif Ť S < /:^> 4 LS < /=Í5V»0 37 o\ t^ -r> OJ K> p n "0 31 (J> 4^ <> 5* ^ fr rr (i 3" > H ' 9-vi f" 0^ * H <— K 3- * ľf- 3 TO O H ft o b ^ ^ O' ^ <+*■ k o< n- ,> & n O * 3" S3 i w < rr -V o 4-O —v 4 CJ-' O' vT ■5 3" ft í 5' TO m -n liS- -4-o 3 TO n> vi H n 3 1 W ** O CA- ř- 4- 4- o< Ü- ts> o 3 <~ 4 O cj- •"V O o -4-o <-kŕ o O 3 r« 3 c/> O P Xl C O) Vi 5' 3 O o v: o c šc f» .O C o' 3 XS C lí 3-n> r» 3 D. o *"*! Er (T> n) 3 f? 3 o n r- S » S S* S » S » Q ov Q IV Q IV Q i*- p ry ^ rv ?* or ?* rr ?- 3 k í ^ K n * ix, ^t s: vr- r t ° ^ 4 ^ ^ 'S- <^ /^ ^ H ~4- -4 tt* ^% ^4 v4 £• 0- ° <*- ^ (X ;h. c*- c*- a- ?- 0 0 0"- 4 0 s*-O! •a- Sfi-2" », <**■ (X 0/ •N. ({ r* 'A; 3 TO 3 (to Lesson 10 ( • EXERCISE • ^ 1. Find the words for the following things in the chart. Then circle the words. Ex. ĹTL * CO Ä R ŕO * ■f v* fr y * * * 0 ^ c* tf> *. * tŕ c t ^ * ž. $ < ž i ť. * •o t * ť * * X ^ ^Í5 h * 40 Asking for Things ) « iMiiptotc the Japanese words in the squares across, in l/htfti. , Ex. 0 0 ^ - 1 8 2 • 3 fe 4 S 5 H 6 1 K.tiakatia writing exercise /i 1 r? :/ U -\ yo > "7 ~f U ^\ ^i v. n 3 U ~* > r?v rf 41 Lesson 10 y-h Zfj* - (1) Ask for the following things using £ < Ťi j v>o Write the word in hiragana in the boxes. £ S < /-ív. ;2) Ask for more things using the pictures on page 35. 42 Talking About Your Favorite Things • •New Words i_ \^ C* English i-fS/vd"' Japanese language (z" after the name of a country means language spoken in that country.) IHvi want ^ttíiftc flower arranging (í% ŕ v» dwarf tree planted in a pot £ *> ii% abacus £ o "C stamp -tí-/C-tf-v> teacher - [ 43 ] Lesson 1 11 I -fv>*.v> swimming * I ^j^íí^ Japanese fencing J • ttí Japanese wrestling • ! ž. ž. ti^;yes í t &t,^ of course • • -et, but J I ¥ (a particle, see Explanation 1 ) J • O — 7—X^—b roller skate • • x*-h*-K skateboard J • ^> b Kent í • **- ski J ------ Basic Expressions ----------------- i- tu: r mi *>>r** -e* it«, 2. Vr* t Ť £ H tXZi* Í" J -ČÍ*o 3. & íc t= u i-n^ r** -e j ä i-** 4. *► íc/= ti **»£** -r^-e-í-**«, 5. t3ľ< H v»ä** íl L^f-fo My younger brother can speak English. My younger sister likes cats. Can you speak Japanese ? No, I can't. Do you like fish ? No, 1 don't. 1 want a dog. Explanation 1. When you want to say that someone likes something or can do something, set up your sentence this way : someone ii something #*' -e £ ± 1\ This particle (i shows the subject or the topic of the sentence. This particle £f is used before -f £ tft and "C* £ 1 "ť t0 show what you like or can do. 44 Talking About Your Favorite Things PRACTICE! The following pictures show things people like or like to do. Following the pattern in the example below, make a complete sentence describing each picture. Ex.: *a- <$><& taili $**$:«* 1"£-el"c htzl tztex. i As -tin tfÄsťl -áJWMmiHlfc- 2. "C* c* ä "t" is a verb which means "can do," OR "is able to." "ť J í "f can mean different things. In a sentence about language, it means "can speak." In a sentence about tennis, it means "can play." In English you must use the specific verbs — "to speak," "to play," etc. When you want to say that you can't do something, you say ~C* J 45 Lesson II PRACTICE I A Substitution Drill Ex.: (í < tf **-**-?$ í-to 1. *%liX 2. t^;tv* 3. XŤ- 4. í-ti/t r' 5. ž. v »Z* practice! B €>íí-< ti *;?>fiX **-£•£ i to tr< (i t^x^i-'tí ä-f o €>ir< (i cti/ir^-eí í to ■i>ir< íí ^»r^-es í t» Answer the following questions with v»^»^.. Ex.: h t£ fz Ü X^-*''t\Mt «*„ v^X., -C^ ÍVAso 1. * 5ľ /= ti X ^r - r- *- K**"? .Mt4>. i /= u * 3 iix ** -e £ á 1- *\, íc /= ti iní ur**-e£ it**. £c/=íí x*-**-e* á-t** —_______^ "am," say t -et. "are." When ------c you You «rN-X o~ 3. -Ct means "is," not," "aren't," you á-tí-A for t .f íi> want may to say "isn't," also hear I; ^ "am PRACTICE | With a partner, take turns in asking and answering the following. Pretend that you don't like these things. 00 Ex.: h+itzli is-f$X-ti\ v^*., t £ t * ti^X'to 46 3. *$."/=_ 4*h& 4- h ti Ťz 11 ú*Š&&ij. 5- htitzli 6. h*itz\í ©I ---IS_____|- Talking About Your Favorite Things *st$Xtt>\ **-fí-ei-*«. 4. In order to say that you want something, you use the expression "(2 L^o" The sentence pattern will be : ii) something a* n L^-eto Ex.: htz LtifclC:** 11 l^"Cto ' want a cat. PRACTICE! Look at the pictures on p.24 and say that you want these things. Ex.: IT < (i fz $ r'*ä' lll^X-fo I want an egg. 47 Lesson II Let's learn the following dialogue. + >\- Zu. fz^ir^-^-fo tzhi < /Ui -fr-et**. ^ > Hi X^r- h jJí- K** t * t?"f o * > hí xt-K>- K** -e * ä -f» -et,, tzhiií -e* **/•„ Talking About Your Favorite Things C • EXERCISElT} 1. Choose the proper particle in the blanks, and put a circle around it. (D ir< ( ti, ** ) ox,r ( ž. *ř ) i-J-c-to (2) ;*t ( li, s ) 4:x,-ei- ( **, ** )o (3) t£ l ( S, (i ) < /=if v»„ (4) #5*>áE>*iC ( ti, s ) x*- ( **, ž ) -eJito (5) c:*i (ti, S ) 1-^*»-el"o (6) hŕz L ( (i, ** ) £ -3"C ( **, s ) iiLv>-et? 2. Find the expressions from B—group, and apply them to the A—group expressions. Find as many expressions possible and write their numbers. A—group B—group a. Zíllí '• Ý(Í*~C"fo b. ;iiž 2. < /£5^. c. ^r> h (i 3. X*-4* t\Mt. d- ^>/čLíí 4. í-t3^ i: x,-e-fo f. tzízt: 6. i^r*j t*Mt. g- irái" [ 50] Talking About Actions ' *" £ á "ŕ write T y Ann « : /=-*ii- eat ŕl/t* Tv : • «Ait drink Ť-7" tape ; cassettes • : Ait see ; watch ^r-* cake J : uít read y Hr* V h present a • *»^>á"t buy žf 1 Ý* "Please, (for offering)" • : * * i t listen if-) t "Thank you." J • ící: what It^CIŤ -et "No, thank you." • : ĺít do t rífe then J • 3-t- coffee U 3 - K record < j '<> bread ta (a particle, « : Kf- Donna see Explanation 4) J --------- Basic Expressions -------------- 1- &(:£ Lit*». What are you going to do ? 2. lľ< ii 9/ir£ Ä^át. I eat apples. OR, I'm going to eat an apple. 3. *»íe/= t, ŕz^i-fHo You'll eat it too, won't you ? 4. VU^, ŕc^í-tŕA/o No, I don't. Explanation 1. The verbs on the previous page take objects. The objects and verbs are connected by a particle. The particle in this case is always £ • Ex.: 0 Ay ^ & Ťz^í ~Ťo I/You/She is going to eat an apple. The i -f form of verbs indicates either "am going to" or something a person does as a habit. 2. To say that you don't do something, you change the suffix £ -jr to 51 Lesson 12 Ex.: 1 /v CT S 7c ^n j -j~o I'm going to eat an apple. 0 /í* C" § 7c "^^ijtfvvo I'm not going to eat an apple. PRACTICE I A Transformation Drill Ex.: $»£ i-f # *»£ á -tí-A, i- ř^Jt ^ 2- tfOÄát # 3- Ä á t ^ 4. «t Ä i "t š> 5. ^íít ^> 6. *»v»á-f •' ^> PRACTICE 1 B Answer the following question , either with /iř speaker // .yow answer Ex.: ÄfS «Äif^ li»»» v i Vi x. 1- -CWÍ: *»^ í 1"*% ti v» 2. /<>£. ŕz~\ Vi Vi ž. 3. ŤWťS Alti». ví Vi x. 4. [iL* Uit4>„ tiv» 5- ŕ-7°Ž ^í1"*\ ví Vi x. 6. Ŕí r S 4«v»it4s VH> X. 7. ^y £ **v>á1~*N, tivi s. Ac á r s fz-<ítů\ ÜVi 9. ííA.S: Uíf*-0 víví;č. io. t^í *»* i-f-*\, Vi Vi £. II. f- u f S Äit*>, tiw» v> or v>v^x.. Then... ii^, «ä á-to vívíš.n C0 52 Talking About Actions 12. Ä Í* Ž »Alt*1. Vi Vi £. —HOTfliHIMil--------------------------------------------------------------- 3. If you want to use a complete sentence to say that someone does something, set up your sentence this way ; someone a something verb ex.: ir< ti o/,rs tz^i-fo hrzUi Iv < /cv>£ Lite 52S*_£___ PRACTICEl Look at the pictures and the verbs in the boxes below. With a partner, take turns in asking and answering, following the pattern in the example. Question Answer Ex..- tzhiii tti-.z fc"tití>. tzhiii urs-Ŕ'íit, fz-hn ex. o ^ r Utzž. i ^ 1 3-h- ^r> b /r-jf. K -t (í^ -íi***> ^ /^ 4 X 4'Ä 5 ŕ U ť -tf/C-tf-vi r_J5? /n Ť-y &£l *L 7 "7V-ť> h íOÄÍt *«v>i-f *«ŕi-t fc-^ít Jíít Alt iAlt 53 Lesson 12 Explanation 4. The particle ;fa If you want to say, "isn't that so ?" of the sentence or the phrase. put the particle fa at the end Ex.: & /f fz (i - tli* -f $ -e-ffc. z tili 7°ť-ť> Y Xlrfci0 You like this, don't you ? This is a present, isn't it ? Let's learn the following dialogue. fzhô z.L\--t?\i0 h'-t zLKtilio if-5 ý*o ŤzhÔ €i i o Vi- =i-1- í coA.ítů\ tzhň ^>£, (to - Ť 'C'-fo K*- ir-f»*, i> r?-KS kMt^» /toť ii^, S £ i-t„ Vi- tzhi(L\i :ři4''tM'thD 54 Talking About Actions k-Hi ri/Uř< *ř -t ^ t:*-f o Ŕ^n #/•** < *ŕ -f £-e-t. k-f-ti 3-h-s «Ait. /ioŤu «soÄí-a-x,,, K-f- £ /= o Ť Ü IV 3 - K S £ £ Í "to C • EXERCISElŕ^ 1. Put the Japanese word in the blank. Ex.: n £ Ť í ^ ii Ä-f ž OÄäjfo drink (1 ) y > Mi tA ŕ, **£ £ ___________o write (2) fc*>*$/lli "f L Ž ______________o eat (3) -tfX-tf-Wi #/,**< ž ___________o listen to (4) 7>(i u(tv>Ž ___________0 look at (5)/!:%iíi tAsV-^il ítLrřAŽ ______________0 buy 2. Read the example below! Then fill in the blanks in the sentences with the form of the verb that means "doesn't." Ex.: K-Hi rř-t-g ŕOÄá-fo Ťzhlli «OÄÍ-B^o (i) rxi '*>& ŕz^íto niz^^Lii_________o (2) tar < u v a- k s s £ i -t« £ £ ť s /Ui_________o (3)^r>Hi ítLJ'AŽ *H>žf0 p-ý-{J ___________0 (4) /č o T (i V í, **£ £ *\Ut„ ^r > Mi ___________o (5) k/b L (Í ŕU ť£ Aít. J^**Ž> í /tíi ___________o 55 Lesson Describing or Defining Things i- y> b« 2. í:^^río 3. frrzKO W3^ 5. T / 'J ii < /č*v> homework • : Li(t meal 1 • 7"-A game • : ř-x tennis J • 7 -y •/ b racket • : -za,h telephone • l íi'X turn I I hxo£ a little • l t?X-?£ iot„ "Wait a minute !" J t v>í now • : íi^ <, ííjčd< o "Hurry up ! " • l Ť-X3-h tennis court . J ixLVvpi practice • J £v>jí* movie J ! r /■ v * America • : í-xb7']r Australia * I #/ 7 camera a • ío£>' *>^5 1 lŕz0 "ľm thirsty." • : i r < /i t, we (male form) * --------- Basic Expressions ------------------------- i- y> Y 11 fc*>7« íl t /-fíbt-to Kent is Taro's friend. 2. hŕzl 11 c: tí/i reo nx,& ľm going to read a X&í-fo Japanese book (OR a book written in Japanese). 3. hŕzl 11 í: ť £ J: ť CO **-> d Ť *f I like a school in To- tj-et. kyo. 4. ZCO / — kí /=nío-c-r**o Whose notebook is this'? 5. iWlt, 7->Hi ŕ-xž Kent plays tennis every L á to day. 57 Lesson 13 —ijmnmr.r.fc-------------------------------------------------------- 1. When you use the particle £) between two nouns, the first noun describes the second one. The first noun and £) act as an adjective for the second noun. Ex.: ÍÍ* < «O tt/ct, my friend IZliAyZ'CO l&As a Japanese book, OR a book written in Japanese í Ť ^ J; Ť W ^'-5^1 a school in Tokyo Question and Answer Drill 1st speaker 2nd speaker Ex.: Zftjj tzflCO i^X'-t^o K-f- K-f« *»£-?•?-<, ir< htzl 2. Z CO / — f- this notebook Z, £N h, if+<0 describe or go with the noun which follows them. ZO + noun -----> this + noun Ex.: Z CO 0 Ay Z* this apple ^■cO + noun -----> that + noun Ex.: ZCO*) ^ ZT that apple fcco + noun -----> that + noun over there Ex.: £>CO ") Äs Z* that apple over there C58\ Describing or Defining Things if O + noun -----> which + noun ? Ex.: if CO 0 Ay Z* which apple Go back to Lesson 10, and read page 35 again. Pay special attention to the difference between Z ft, -?-ft. &ft, if ft and Z CO, i CO, fo<0, if CO. Z CO, ico, foco, tĽ'co work just like "this" and "that" in phrases like "this boy" or "that girl." C ft, „ if*t-ei-**. 0Ä,r ZW & Z*X°j-0 l. w*iž0 £tlX-1-i»o Ť-~7° _________________ (Ýwř-ytt,) (*>»*' í t' to) 5. a*Lžíoi/C^x,-e+.) tl^U^j)•5l B Voir pom/ /o... And you say... Shopkeeper asks... Then you say... Ex.: II ^ j CPU A, i < ťJv>o žf/ — b-c*t** (toi/3- Kž < /=5vO (á»*t--C-to) 3. If you want to say, in a complete sentence, that someone is going to do something, you say : someone li something £ L í ~$~„ Ex.: tzhlM Ln> < fz^i Lit. Taro is going to do his homework. 4. There are other expressions in Japanese that use L í ~t■ L í ~ť is used mainly for sports and games. It's also used for actions like making a phone call, having a meal, etc. Ex.: Y—J»& Lít» ŕ-Xž L í "f. X'Askž Líto L i < t S Lite I'll play a game. I'll play tennis. I'll make a phone call. I'll have a meal. Question and answer drill 1st speaker Ex. t£ -ž ĺ *t**o tix L n> i ÍC '-S L it*', Y-U ÍC -ž L ith ŕ-x t£ :Uit*v t-tyLíľŤ ÍC -S L á-t**. X'Lh 2nd speaker tl^unLítc r—i» s L í to ŕ-xž L i to It-^ fcf-9 ž L á to -C*A,*?£ L ä to 60 Describing or Defining Things —^233EßE3EE^----------------------------------------------------------—■——~—i 5. Yy\ J^ *>*> ^ A.O ŕzílCD These expressions can be used by themselves. In English, we say, "It's mine." or "I think that's Kent's." In Japanese, these phrases work the same way. Ex. : ZCOfr^li Y y bíO"Cto This umbrella is Kent's. £c0-O< i.\i fotzVóDJoif;falÍ £>*"& ^ ^íO"C*to Those glasses over there are Mother's. Transformation Drill Ex.: dsftii Y> Y h«-Cto i. z trn tzhi ťostt^-eto 2. Ýsftli ÍS4»*>*/<,<í9v»fC*t<, 3. ÝHU htz L «tt L^A-Í'to 4. #>*ui -ŕ/l-tf-^co^-n^^-eto 5. fcsftli íí"< b Ťzhň >rv b t-.hi II < ti iOif*f *>*7* í l fco Ťzhi\í >r>Y h iL tzhilí ^>|;t,t ŕ^XíO tiX L «> Ť ž L Í "to 62 Describing or Defining Things C • EXERCISÉT+Hk 1. Write the following in Japanese. ( 1 ) my friend ( ) (2) Japanese book ( ) (3) a book written in English ( ) (4) school in Tokyo ( ) (5) Kent's father's car ( ) 2. Rewrite the following sentences as shown in the example. Ex.: Cirlii, ^ > b «9 ti/t"Cl"0 This is Kent's book. CíDií/Ui, ^> b«0"Cl"o This book is Kent's. (D Ztlll, tzhlŕo o /-h-etc (5) AjKIí, (I-<íO ^^7-^-fo ........____......____........._. (6) **ui, /=sh. b jot t - X b 7 'J T ji (3)^3_^£ u j - K c?> (5) ^r-^- O ^-f--f < /"f ý^0 j£ (6) T / 'J 3 ti T> íO ž. v»ý* t j-t'-fo ** «D j£ 63 Telling What You Want to Do * -? L magazine • í' Ýp 1 l-vp 1 milk J lil- flower • ŘA,^ cartoon ; comic book J fa 3 1/-I- chocolate • ^^í)^, L •ŕ*'» í -tí-o "Welcome!" • £ ;L '"Yes." \ #&**** tJU/:„ "I'm hungry." • ; > b mint ■ J /v- 7 vanilla • [ 64] Telling What You Want to Do --------- Basic Expressions -------------------------- I want to eat ice cream. ZCr> J'^LŽ lÄá-tf-Á,*\ Do you want to read this magazine ? ^v>;t Ui: < ft^-el~o No, I don't want to. 1. In order to say, "I means "want to." want to do...,' you change It to Ťz V». ŕz^ Ex. : tz^ ■et» Change the following verbs into the "want to" form. Ex. fz-<í.-f 1. WÄít 2. *> * í i- 3. J ^ í t 4. *^^í-f 5. J-Äíf 65 Lesson 14 Explanation 2. When you want to use a complete sentence to say what you want to do, set up the sentence this way : htzl II < ti something rz-< J: ä /=^-ei-c Ex.: htzl li ILJ.*L&_ XA-rz^^t-to • want to read the newspaper. Look at the pictures and say what you want to do. Ex. i. .. 4 ^ Ex.: hrzlll ŕHŕí Aŕc^-e-fo y ^ /^r n' /V 66 Telling What You Want to Do -----JJWMfttiMťfc--------------------------------------------------------------- 3. Remember, though, not to use the /:n form when you offer someone something. The ft*** form is used only to tell people what you want to do. When you offer something, say á-£/,#>. Ex.: 0 /Cr'S fz^í-tt&i* Won't you eat an apple? Transformation Drill Ask your classmate if he wants to do the following. Ex.: ŕ U f S Ä Í to ŤUťž ÄÍ-ŕ/C^o 1. 1/3-KÍ £ í í "to 2. (í A Ž Uíto 3. ^r-^Ž /č^á-fo 4. 3—h —Ž «OÄífo ti/uUfl-51 B Respond to the following offers using the expressions given below. 3. rU7')-iS /=•"**-a-x,*», 6. n —t —S: tf>A2-e^a\, 67 Lesson 14 --------éU!MMft»MU-----------------------------------------------------------— 4. To say that you don't want to do something, drop ^ from /čv» and add < t£ ^»• Ex.: tz^fz^ tz^tz + < ft\<> Tc^Tc < ft^ 1 don't want to eat... Remember, in Lesson 11 you learned that you said (ä L v» when you wanted to have something. To say that you don't want something, drop n from 11 L ^ tnen add < & v>. This is just like what you did to fz\<> form. tLfa[s®Z>\ Transformation Drill Ex tz^-tz^^ €> /i^/i < ft^ 1. A/=v» #Ä/:{ 4'V» 2. ^ £/č^ •i> J ^/c < ft*<> 3. J:ä/=^ €> UM ft*<> 4. **£/=^ *>£/č < tc v* 5. COÄ/c^ ■D íOÄ/h < ft v,* 6. i"v>tz ^ 3> *>^ŕc < ft v> 7. 11 l>» ■f> UL < ft^ 68 Telling What You Want to Do Let's learn the following dialogue. + >V fcfc**** t J í L fco -t*-5 ir< to /i-51 š.*., tz^ Yll T i X7 'J-A** -t^-ei-o >r> Mi, f33i/-rTU7'J-ií /č^íto fc^oti =>K '<-7ž fc^á-to t--hň ií'<(i í > b iL K-7Í fz-<ŕz^\ 69 Lesson 14 ( • EXERCISE * ) Fill in the blanks. co&it <5Äf:V «DA/: < &^ *>.*/=< *>» *^»it ŕz*<ŕz\>* * £ á t Ä/=v> J: A/= < í: v» 2. Look at the pictures and respond with nni. Use the < &v> form. £X/ £2^ ? v^*- U/:( fr^t-f, (Do you want to read ?) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (drink) (buy) (eat) 5 (write) (watch)1 VH>^. V>V> X. , ^^ /t . ^ ^ Ž. . <*■> \,\ ž_ 70 (6) (7) Telling What You Want to Do !<^>t> ^^ *., (want) Ice Cream Shop Cut out paper and make many kinds of ice cream cones. Take turns and carry on a conversation as a customer and a sales clerk. 71 Lesson Describing How Things Are ^ • • New Words big Í'Hk easy « small /č*>v» expensive J new \=i~^ cheap • old Ž> á ^ sweet ' difficu It *» ŕ, ^» salty, spicy J [ 72 ] Describing How Things Are • m<» good you touch or taste) • : h%>^ bad fj^ L ^ taste good \ • -^ mark, point L tt/L exam, test • ; Twtr-A TV game ži-c í, very • ! i particle, (see £X & what kind of \ Explanation 6) 7 i - IV Y field athletics • : Hi i%v» interesting 7 'Xl/f7 7 ; -5í í)íc^ boring -tf--3*6^ explanation • ; i>-3v> hot -fro£>^ L J: manual J : í t- v. cold (for climate) Žf Ť ?„ "Here you are." 1 J -5i6/cv> cold (for somethin g -------- Basic Expressions — 1- z*ui & t L?>v> Y- a-c--to This is an interesting g irne. 2. Z60 T V \ĺY-U\Í o á b ft ^ This TV g ame is surely bor- fti. ing. 3. ^co ^r -*n &/,* o řiv»L < This cake doesn't taste too íí^-e-to good. 4. ť A, ti r-A-ei"*>„ What kind of game is t ? -4iM.lMLfam.Ufc- 1. In Japanese, adjectives always end in v> Ex.: Hi I %,*> interesting boring hot cold (for climate) cold (for something you touch or taste) 2. Just as in English, Japanese adjectives come right before the noun they describe. 73 Lesson 15 Ex.: £t,l2>^ Ž-*'**)*' interesting movie ^j L^> Lli A, easytest b5v> XL bad mark 3. All adjectives in Japanese can also take a negative form. You simply drop ^ from the adjective, and add < &n. Ex.: te^lh ^ <-----► Ü í> L h + < *£ y» Go back to lesson 14 and read again Explanation 4 on page 68. This page explains the negative form of /č ^ and H l_v>. The negative form of adjectives follows the same rule. Ex.: fz- tz^-tzi t£^^ 11 L ^ *-----> 11 L < ft ^ There is one exception. ^v> ("good"), shown on page 73, comes from J>> ("good"). v>v> is used more in daily conversation. But the negative form of "good" is based on J>>. Ex.: (J>>)-> v,>^->J:*.. Ex.: zcrti^^m & t, L h ^X~Í~ *\ // .yow answer... Then... v>v>£, v»^*., fit L^) < ícv»-e-to i. cicožt^a^i ^í bft^-ei~**o v^>£, 2. CíO£v>afii i/^L^tt^ ti^ 3. díD;ě>»**li v,^»-C-t**. ^^ 4. Z(7)£^afti ^»Ž^-C*-f*% ^>*., 7. Ý CO < í í 15. í>/čb Lv»-e1-*\, ^>«., 8. ÝíOa^-TÍi ^$^"01" *\, v>^ž.. 74 Describing How Things Are 9. * «o ť u e ti ^*^>-c-t**0 ti v», io. ÝOÄ-ŕu ^>-e-ta\ v^»*., -----Él4ai1MlWMlÉ------------------------------------------------------------ 4. To describe things more politely, you have to add X"i~ 'after \,>, OR ( ii'vi, just like you do to the /č v> form. Go back to Lesson 14, and reread the Explanation 1. Ex.: fz^tz*^ /c-^/c^-e-f /=-*£< & ^ /=- (í L < £v»-C-t ^U<í:^ ^H( ftv>~e-f ) Owe step further t*"**** L < ÍC^-C-t = ť "f** L < Ž> 0 i* A, You might hear the expression < & *) ä-tíX instead of < íj>>"C"Ý. & 0 á *th is the negative form of $> •) í Ý. and has the same meaning and use as ti>*~C~f. J: < íř^-c-t = «t < * 0 l-ö^ Transformation Drill Ex.: ÍJf< íiľ^-C-to §H-<Žy*Ao 1. fco< íř^-C-to 3. htzhK ti^X-To 4. £*»< tü^X'-fo 75 Lesson 15 5. ti L < íc^-e-fo 6. Ťz--et* 2/irř speaker &t>l^ v>v-» 76 Describing How Things Are 6. J: a particle At the end of a saying : sentence, the Darticle X emphasizes what you are Ex.: ;í0 Y— U 11 ^íh »-el-«to This game is surely easy. žhli htz L^ttJ: o This is mine, you know. Emphasize the following statements by adding X at the end. Ex.: z*i\t V> t l%^l3X,iM-o =i> 3 ttti I^U^^IUttJ:, 3- cío*>*ti tr< ťo-e-f«, 5. -(O^-df-tj; Í^^L^-tľ-to 77 Lesson 15 Let's learn the following dialogue. &.<±<»Ut Z Hli $>ŕzhl*<*Y—X»X*1~£o &■>*• ý i tt^o t«»*, :tii (/-fi^o Describing How Things Are C * EXERCISER*) I. Draw a line to connect the adjectives with the opposite meaning ( l) fJ*J£^ -?H4v> (2) htz h L ^ t,v>* v> (3) tfffrl^ Ž>~^> (4) /č*»v> ižv» (5) &_£ ^ *o^ ( 6 ) £? § v> in» (7) £ t I 2>^ ^S l>> (8) í &v> i'í,^ (9) otó/cVN -^"f ^ 2. Look at the pictures on page 72 and write the correct adjective. end A_______ ^ft-c*1\ cfiti 2__......_____ utx,-e-t0 C*Ui 3......____ It LC'ttt. - tLti 4....... ___ < /jftťo-e-t. c^tíi 5.....____-c^-to 3. Put either fa^ X or £» in the blanks. This is surely an interesting book. (2) CfUifct, l^flA^tC )„ Is this an interesting book ? (3) Ztlila í, lh^HÄ,X-f( )o This is an interesting book, isn't it ? (4) z*uiir< cvx°1r( )o This is mine, isn't it ? 79 Lesson 15 (5) ;ť;i *v»-et( )0 Are you a high school student ? (6) t,» -9 $*< -r^f-f( )o I am a junior high school student, you know. (7) t?vn **'< -fr^f 1~( )o You are a junior high school student, aren't you ? Role Playing 1. You are at a shop. You want to buy a new game. The shopkeeper recommends one game. He says that it's a hard game. You say that you like a difficult game and decide to take it. 2. You ask at a-shop if that game is difficult. The shopkeeper says that it's very easy. You lose interest and say... 3. Your teacher says that you're going to have a test tomorrow. He says that it's going to be very easy. You disagree with him saying that his tests are always very hard. Your teacher asks you what sort of test you like. You tell him that you like easy ones of course. 4. When you're feeding your dog, your friend stops by. You have a Saint Bernard. Your friend is astonished with the size and appetite of your dog. He says that his dog doesn't eat that much. You ask your friend what sort of dog he has. Your friend says that he has a Chiwawa. 80 • • New Words ^(lz) particle £í + come (see Explanation D <. 1 ^1 airport -e particle, -f> *>"— b department store (see Explanation 2) A? right left $.■/,•? by what OR how txu train iotf straight /*4 7 motorcycle &*v-t?x 1 Asahi-cho ^*á + go (a place name) ^o"t < fzi ^o "Please go." 1LXLLrt> driver irZIOr return t 81 ] Lesson 16 l L/v-T 7 traffic light foů'1 í L ŕ: means "Your request J • foů* 1 í~f understand is understood and will be taken» • hi^ílň understood care of." • • In responding to the request, * li" near ; --------- Basic Expressions -------- htz Lii Zi x.^■^ v»£ í to I'm going to the park. (r< Ü *. £*^ ^y-t* I'm going to the station by v\Mt, taxi. if c-x ^£ i-fi\ Where are you going '? ž.$^ v>o"C$£-$"„ I'm going by taxi. /\"X~í ú*ž. 1 i~t0 I'm going home by bus. If Z 7 $ X* í1 í "To He's coming by plane. In order to ask what kind of transportation you use, you say &/,"£* What if you don't travel in any kind of vehicle ? Then use $, % v> X which means "on foot" or "walking." The words given on page 81 are vehicles. & & v>~C is the t_ form of the verb hh ^ i~t which means "will walk." You'll learn this form in Lesson 20, so for now just think of hh^X as "on foot." Look at the pictures on page 81 and ask each other how you are coming to school. Ex.: Question tf ^ Z ň ^ tiLX' £ í ~f *»„ /I rawer t "C /t L -f» "C .Mt. —HžfflMiťHMil-------------------------------------------------------—- 3. When you want to ask someone to go somewhere, use this pattern ^ v> „ Please go to the left. l^t(* ^o"t < ťÍK Please go straight. tl/uUiiö| Substitution Drill Ex.: *.£ 1. ( KŤ 2. 1 t, 3. **" -(3&1 f> I if C 13 and reread the Exp] means there, and & £ Z anation means 2 ovei on page there. 58. if Z 4. d d z z hi Go back to Lesson ; d means here, •?■ d is a question word. Point to the things you see in the classroom. Then ask each other where they are. Use the words if d, Cd, K, £> •?■ d. Ex.: h+£tz\ 1. -ti-z^-tr^CD IIA, 2. ifit^ 3. Student A CO ^.^L^°0 4. d < Uf/Ut L 5. Y T Z Z -e "t c 85 Lesson 16 Let's learn the following dialogue. h -*$ Vt, x 1^ ^^X < t: $v>„ ^> h - C-e-to ^ < hX-ft\ ÔAsXLlft 1,680 x. £ X to 86 Telling Where and How You Go Return and Come ( + EXERCISE * } Write a correct particle in the blank. &faž.$A,li 2. *r> Vil 3. tiiz\.*$A,li vC.....&—^ 4. Kt,^t,ii 5. fc/:L Ü rOi^3W ^ •v-c£3 6. j r < u ^ $ í to *'iiát. ^ ŕ á -t c Jít. v>£ á-tc **ž. 0 ít, 87 Lesson 16 Question and Answer Drill 1st speaker 2nd speaker Ex.: j>%tz0) 7 hli ŕ;tfý-0 Z IX. A, C^X.^íO ÝtJfei"» ŤV-f— h Game ; Taxi driver Each student draws two maps which are identical. The map you keep has a mark at your destination. Give one map to your partner. Pretend that your partner is the taxi driver and you are the passenger. Your partner will draw a line according to your direction. If he can take you where you want to go, you will get one point because you gave direction correctly. 88 Lesson Telling Where Things Are and Where You Do Things [ 89 ] I.ť.sxon 17 • The words for the picture on page 89. • I 1. X'&htf-y7X telephone box I • 2. < -f) + pharmacy • : 3. j- < ^ butcher J l 4. < /ft <75^ fruit shop • ; 5. /x-xio 1 (i* place to get on a bus J I 6. ^ x h y y restaurant * • \ 7. í^>Lř sweetshop • : 8. $&%*> fish store J • 9. ^ti^ green grocery • • 10. #7 IPX, ý «t < post office • : íi. ,iíx b mailbox I • i2. Ľt^Lf.^ bicycle shop • I 13. ýj ŕ ý ť camera shop J \ 14. J^CI bank • • 15. (i&^ florist • ! 16. /'f>-^ bakery * • 17. £<,*-) 5^■ policeman • • k>it there is... (see Explanation 1) J I h 0 ít there is... (see Explanation 1) I • **žf corner • : í ** •) í -t turn J i ^ (particle, see Explanation 4) • Í ž (particle, see Explanation 5) J I í í i -t ask I 90 Telling Where Things Are and Where Yon Do Things \ tetz*) ft go across l U-9Í: a little • hx-?£ -rÄi^ŕ^ Excuse me. : an o street I Äj*4^ on the right • íil next to l ä t, way ; road • hi» <) ÍMA, I don't know ; I don't understand • \ -?')T Maria ------- Basic Expressions ---------- 1- C ilíŕ^lz «áfcO SX,** There is a policeman in the ^i-fo police box. 2. < í í (i titPll^Hxil- The car is in the parking lot. &*) í-fo 3. z ť urx, -e KUto I'll ask at the police box. 4. Ý >] £ -f is used for non-living things, while ^^ ft is used for living things such as people, dogs, birds, etc. In the Japanese language, plants are considered to be non-living things. Sentence pattern is something ** * 0 í to ** v>i-f0 Ex.: Z TUX** h 0 í "to ti í h n í X,** ^í-f0 When used in a question in daily conversations, the particle i* is 91 Lesson 17 often left out. Ex.: fz h 1 < ^ (*ř) ^Íti\ Is Taro there ? ^Lh{¥) * 0 á 1"*\ Is there a telephone? Substitution Drill (1) *5*>L^ (2) ľj> •) tfX, £ J; < (3) $*«£■*• (4) "C/,*?#? 7X 2. Ex: Hth1) ^S Ay ÍJÍ*?») 5X,** ^i1"<> (1) AHříOÍAíí (2) /--2>7 (3) £ fcfc't, (4) -£/,*v» 3. Ex.: O < x. o(ž.4>' Zlít. (i) v>£i (2) ^r> b (3) < li (4) fcí feD ^ (5) d ŤtfA, (6) fc*»&^ Q (7) ;U^ . I Telling Where Things Are and Where You Do Things ■^JMIMHMLfc- 2. In order to show where people or things are, use this pattern : name of place K *1it. I'll be at home. It's at school. Tell where ti £> & í ^ or < Ž 1 is. Use this pattern shown below, place \z ^i "to Ex.: H HC v>lt. 2. tafe.t*7 7X 3. (_ < *> 4. /\->^ i. t,tíiUtn 3. **-3 C 1 4. H 93 Lesson 17 Explanation 3. When you want to use a complete sentence to say where things are set up the sentence this way. name of place j i; name of someone or something Ex.: Z ň líAsK n t h 0 í /,** ^ í to There is a policeman at the police box. There is a clock at school. Say the following in complete sentences. n^- ex. : z i rix • a í h o í ^ c ŤtiXí- üü^lIA*' ^ á to 2. ^ i WA, £ j; < • $oX 3. ?7 v-ŕo our • £ t>>^ 4. £o5-cx,-7Mx7V--a 5. -ZAshtfv 7X • tzhl Explanation 4. The particle X' means "at this place." In this lesson we have another use of this particle X- When used between a place-word and a verb, this particle means that that place is where the action happens. Ex.: Hf L J; < L* £ Líto I'll eat at home. X is used in two very different ways in Japanese. Go back to the preceding lesson (Lesson 16) and read Explanation 2. In that case, X means "by means of." Compare this meaning of X~ to the meaning 94 Telling Where Things Are and Where You Do Things of "at this place " which you have just learned. Ex. -ex, L *X \,> ^i-to *fo - iX ^< A.$ xi Lito Question and Answer Drill 1st speaker Ex.: ifCf KLtLŽ **w»i-f*» 1- ifZX Ľ L í S *»^í 1"*\, 3. žfz-e ä t, ž ^ £i-f*\, 4. if:ť rj-b-ž «Äít^„ 5. ŕ--c* U< tŽ Lái"*% Then ^^JI^^^B^- 5. The particle £ means "through," "along name of place í i)s 0 Í 1" turn at $>Z $ ít walk along ^ £ Í "ť S0 through ^ á t come along fc> /č 0 á Í" g° across In this case, the particle £ means that you're moving through or along a place. Ex.: Z&frifž í ** 1 í i"o I'll turn at that corner. CŤž.X/Sá5>S^áto l'm going to walk through the park. ři 1 ŕzAslí if 1 £ ibTc 0 í to ''ľ g° across the crosswalk. 95 Lesson 17 Let's learn the following dialogue. ä£***>ic wíc-f^** éoit^o f1)? **, & Z ň ** Ž, 0 á 1\ K?) T {^X £ J < ti 4* o Z1) (D íil ft. -7 'J T ti tí^Xh<^ ^Mto * /= í> L v» £ o "C £ *^»í-to ^t At,** ^*>0 á-ŕ/U -^'jrii ;: ■? ur-c-c-a t, £ KMto 96 Telling Where Things Are and Where You Do Things Question and Answer Drill ;/ you say... Ex.: ž>>r<9 -tf"PJöv> L j: felifi'. LU> 1. htzh L^V-A & 0 it*\ l±v* 2. tyyp3) l^ct x ň h") i-fir-o ^v* x. 3. X°A,h h 0 Žt*>o v» v» £. 4. s >^-> < ^ ^íťk li^ 5. /č%ť < ^ k>íth tiv» 6. v; rs^ ^á-t*». v»v» ž. 7. K-t^ ^ít*>. v»v> ž. C • EXERCISElT} 1. Look at the pictures on page 89. Answer the questions using £ftO ("next to"). ČZ\ZÍ3 0 Ít4». ^vPiWAsž x < ti -^&^<7)£ft 0 tz& 0 31", (D iO;č/U ) (2)£%?( )**ow7( )*S^-C( )^íá-to (3) «*>L-<ŕ*^( )*»if( )Ä?( ) ^o"t < ŕ£$V^ (4) Ť t,( )ŤUĽ( )AÍ^( )o (5) t-C/ti_«-( )^7 *./U )v»jjt. Pretend that you are at a police box. Carry on a conversation under the following circumstances. 1. You're visiting your friend's house for the first time. The only thing you have is your friend's address. The policeman doesn't know your friend's house, but he is kind enough to look it up on the map and tell you the way. 2. You're stopped by a Japanese person in your neighborhood. He doesn't speak much English, but he seems to be looking for a public telephone. Fortunately you're studying Japanese through Speak Japanese. Now can you help him out ? 98 Lesson Tj Suggesting Things U 10 4^ iz'^J^Z0^ >• New Words (Verbs on this page) 2. 3. 4. 5. ti^O it tit tai-f «£it íiLlít enter go out go to bed get up run 6. * 4 > í -t walk • 7. /btl-f stand J 8. 1-fc*) i-t sit • 9. JbiVi-f play ; 10. K±$i + swim t [ 99] Lesson 18 (Other words) t£l'-fr something fc*»?.^ light, bright I tfl IX why L í < ť l cafeteria • in today ÍC joV» smell J ti$* < ^ guest täX. ü Ť í- really • , J.fc») both of them *»b because J > ž>/.&^ Lai" to show someone tzťh therefore, so • around t:L a little • ; tit AC first v» v^> "C-ý" j&>0 "Is it all right?" : 1 3 > Ľ J. -9- computer ÍVM-fe every day • » 77X class íl -c í, very J ; ir*^^ upstairs ; ci«i (particle, Explanation >ee 2) --------- Basic Expressions ------ i- ^JHn. Let's go. 2. íeu** ŕz-<í l x i **■> Shall we have something to eat? 3. C Zi* 3>ťi-;-í0 This is the computer room. -^-CÝo 4. if T L "C ::;<- if—i)* Why do you like hamburgers tj-et*". here? 5. fcv»i>»*»í> i-^-e-to I like them because they are good. 100 Suggesting Things a suggestion to someone to The suffix á L j; Ť means " do Let's something, say ■ ■■" í Ixit* 1. If you want to make ILiŤORÍLn*". means "Shall we... ?" Ex.: Z l X. A,--. ^ MU Ťo Let's go the park. •I 1 x.A,'-» v MLi T*>o Shall we go to the park ? Change the following verbs i 1. Ex.: íz^f-f (1) "Čít (2) liv>>) it (3) *ai1- (4) «^á-r (5) ti L ») it ^> m/ifeit ^> (8) -t=b») ít ^> (9)Ž,ÝV'ít ^ 2. Ex. into "Let's" form. #/=-*í Ln /•(• í- 4:í-*» /-^Hn^ (i) í:u** ťOÄí Ln*\ (2) ítř-i» *»^l Lni'. (3) tciz^ äí L i Ť £>o (4) ít(-*> 4>íUn*"0 (5) tnzi> LUii *»o *.*., /h^i L «t Ť o ÍOI Lesson 18 mes after a noun sh ows the subject of 2. The particle £*' that co a sentence, and emphasises it Ex.: Z Z ý* 3 > t° j. — y — co^^Xto It's this place that is the com puter room. (not the other place • ) ta h*) ^a* k»it. It's a policeman w ho is here . (not another perso n.) No Emphasis on Subject ■§> Emphasis on Subject Ex.: zzii 3>h°jL — 7 — 3. >>-> Hi *>^i L/io €> 4. ZCOIÍA.IÍ titLZ^X'i-JLo ^> Q*T^i ŕ) 3. To tell the reason why, use ** b- Ex.: i^d>4>r,- Because it's hot... /b^/č^**ŕ>-" Because I want to eat... /č^/č < ft^**b" Because I don't want to eat... (i L^**b"- Because I want (it)... 102 Suggesting Things fafol>H>Ž>\ If you answer... Then... Ex.: ris f Y—J» ž Lá1"*\, (^>0 ^^£, Lí^. i. í:(í^río utx,*' fjtt^ (ut^) if Ť L t0 (-f 5 L^) 2- L j: < if 7 ^y><— if— ž Ťz~^;t) if^ L t„ («v» L < $>») 3. £ j; Ť , ŕ-X^;K/Cl^9Ž Líti". (ti^) if 7 L to («t» L^>) ČI L to (ill»'») 5. tmx7'J-í*& /i^á-tf-zt^o (^»x.) if Ť" L t0 (íi L < £H 6. o/trs a»^ä-iŕx,*\, (»^»x.) if "9 L to (tz^tz < &^) if 7 L to (?*?') ťz < *>>) ^ Ť L to (ŤiXS'LŔK) 9. i ť,-x *»£ 0 l-t*\> (ti*'») if-7 L to (ŕHíŽÄÄk») io. n-t-s «Äát*'. (^^ž.) if ^ L to (^Ž. ^ä/= < $>») 103 Lesson 18 Let's learn the following dialogue. -tř/C-tř^tŤ-to y>Mi, -r^ L (- íi L r *ä"-e^ i to ^r> Hi J,-/= 1Ž l./tl^Líto 1- tr>Y ŕiĽi6íc ŕCN^JíLn^» 104 Suggesting Things 2. >r^ r ŤzftfrěA, VŽtzěA, tzt&h-žh. 4-> h tztifrěA, t>J;o£ liv>0 á L J: 7 CC**- L J: < if "9 "C "t o (í~rrr?r£ í0ÄÍ-ŕA*>o (2) i* < ŕz^t* h o i-a-x,. (3) «í:*»** -f ŕ á L/=o (4) í7)£>- 4»;b£3 LŔ. (5) y,**,» <>>,&*£ Äŕc^-e-fo 2. Answer the following questions. (D ^> hŕO**od -9 «O *J£«» < SX,li fz*lX-f^„ (2) £ £ ^"< S/Ui L i Ť *fo C i c0-fr/C.-tí-^^-?:-i-*-o (3) if-j L t y> b** *X,$ľv»lá1-*\, (4) íiĽAr- ť<7)7 7XŽ Ä á "f*»«, (5) aZ/ĽjL —?—ťQ-x-^íi if 3 K* 0 ít*'o (6) 3>ľjl —^—ťO-^-^ři aíi'^tt^ (7) ^r> Hi áv>|:t, L j; < ťl "C £í-£ Ŕ^ltí«. (8) if 7 Lttf*>0 106 Suggesting Things ajjTjyjr/► ► - You have an exchange student from Japan who doesn't speak much English. That person's going spend a night at your house. Can you show him around your house ? The words which might be useful in the household are as follows; 1. living room \,^± (')ť>7;i<-A) 2. kitchen Ťi^ČZ-h (^-yf>) 3. bath ti„l.*h 4. shower v -ľ 7 — 5. bathroom fi "C & b ^ 6. entryway lt%*^ 7. bedroom I /C I -^ ("^-y K/W —A) Draw a house plan and tell where things are. Take turns being the exchange student and the host family. 107 Describing What You Did *™ and How Things Were 4M (April) Today is Wednesday the 30th. The picture above shows what you did or how things were during the month. If the picture has an X on it, pretend that you did not do it or that things were not that way. [ 'OS ] Describing What You Did and How Things Were • New Words I'-UXltf Sunday If ^ X l If Monday *» X 1 If Tuesday ~f^^Xl If Wednesday t < X i If Thursday $AsXlV Friday if Xilf Saturday \ — x 9 — Easter tzLtlllf birthday ^>-f &. holiday, vacation tí o ***<>£* Ť Hokkaido íl i i'V> church ý íO ť yesterday ü £ £ v> the day before yesterday **li% bag h-ftii. Itz forgot hirhíir forget if ť how A if 0 *p J; Ť ^ J bound for Midoricho /s*X«0 & *> on the bus /\*> f* band L£,v> game, tournament /■£$» ŕ, so, therefore ľ-t-5 luggage /i < í ^ a lot & t *> o /b was heavy ti t ^ heavy -tí- *i seat ■9 L h back, behind fi ^ ± l fz put (past form) tii^l-f Put £ L X and -f o £* 1 completely #>y,» L if. company 109 Lesson 19 l &Í5H blue • ; x*°—-y^--/ 7' sportsbag • I &a>Ä content J : .-K-/U ball l í &^/l£ Ť packed lunch J • h Ž>, Xi*^ŕz0 "What a relief!" 1 l L> U i address J ľ fitaä^Lát, "Please do (something) for me." • ; &•*• inside • 1. — Basic Expressions ----------------- £*>7, ^íiXS httií lrz0 I left my bag (somewhere) yesterday. 2. Z ň i/C-N. ^£ á-fr/HřL/1-:,, I didn't go to the park. 3. ^tfOŤ (i 'ii'4'o/:-Ct -e L /č **o Was it a rainy day yesterday ? ^»X., fotb Ľ ^ t£fr^ŕz~£lro No, it wasn't. 6. í L/bo He put his bag on the back seat. 1. To tell what you did, simply change the suffix í -f to the suffix 1 L/=. Ex. : $ x i ťo :ť-n ^Ht. I'm going to school today. $coi a*o z ť'x w>£ á i/=o I went to school yesterday. 110 Describing What You Did and How Things Were Xlh\j*P-o\ Transformation Drill Ex.: v>£í-ŕ0 ■f>^ Í l*o 1. /i^ito 2. h 0 í t„ 3. i^lífo 4. w»i-to 5. jb-ffti-to 6. Ž. if í to 7- Ä Ž to 8. fi «t ? í to 2. To say you did not do something, add -£- L /c to the í ^L form, "t* L ŕz is the past form of -C"j". £*•• v»^ 3-fr/Co ' won'1 8°- v>^ i^tLR. I didlťt S°- Transformation Drill i. fcÝt^á-ŕX,,, 2. (iL 0 á-fr/,«, 3. hi $ ^ Hž-X^o 4. u $ * -fr/,. 5. ^á^ř^o 6. -e *-a-x, „ 7. (iv»1 i-frX,. s. i*íř) í-frx,. and add fr^>tz- Ex.: H'V> H' + i^Ŕ Ít**"o/= (It's cold.) (It was cold.) Go back to lesson 15 and reread Explanation 3 on page 74. In that lesson you learned that the negative form of m<> (good) comes from J;v>. It's exactly the same for the negative form of adjectives in the past. The past tense of v>^> is also based on Jiv». Ex.: L^t^íO XLIÍ XfrotzX-fo My test result was good. The movie 1 watched yesterday was a good one ^COŤÍO lí>v>(i J; i,>o tz X'-f 0 We had a good game yesterday. Change the following adjectives into past form. Ex.: $&v> ■§>*&*> o i^ 1. Ž>ov> 2. KtUv. 3. o á bĺC^ 4. &tz h L ^ 5. ,i,Sv> 6- ^"f^l^ 7. f H^ 8. tzfr\,* Describing What You Did and How Thina.s Were 9. ^-fv» 10. bS^ 11. fr&ž^* 12. t,Ví-»$v> 13. ^>v> Explanation 4. To make adjectives negative past, drop the final v» from < £>> and add fr^tz- (It's not cold.) (It wasn't cold.) Remember in lesson 15 you learned that you could say < & 0 á -ti-A/ for < íŕ^*C*i". 'n this case you can also say < & *) á -tí- A "C* L /b for < tüfr^tzt-f. Ex.: H'(ŕj.'*^/-:tt = H'Ulá^-CLfc £x: fit Vh < ÍC^ 1. t,^í < f ^ 2. *í O £**< fJ-'^ 3. Ž) í 0 fc^L < fcw» 4. fcíl t" "f** L < £<<» #fcfc 1% < íŕ*>ofc 5. noun +-t*-f noun+ -^ L 7c č*--" ^ J: Ť ti Z>£>"C*i~o lťs a rainy day today. ^ CO 1 li Í>46"C* L /i o it was a rainy day yesterday. 113 Lesson 19 Ex.: $ x 1 ti *i6-e-to '• s .t ? u ^i-Ä-e-to 2- ^ j: Ť ti í-íb J: Ťtřft. 3. /cft^í/Ui -ä^Ýv»-C"ŕ0 4. Ŕ^ŤIi L j: 9 **< -tí-^^to í e> 7 ti **tLÄ 6. To make noun+-C~f negative past, the sentence pattern is as follows. noun+ £ ^ ftv^-f-f -f> noun+ t ^ ft*>o £-£*"f or noun+ IT ^ * 0 á -tí^ t^íř^-e-t0 It's not a rainy day today. Jwiii * «j ľ ^ if *> -3 /= -e-to It wasn't a rainy day yesterday. (1) í j: Ť (i fc -<, Ľ .t 7 ü* t <> ft w» "C-to (2) tfoj: ť mi ^-tÄ Ľ * ft v»-ei\ (3) -ŕ-Xŕo Uv» t^ft^-fto (4) /n-> KotiX L v?) ť Ľ-fíc^-C-to (5) t-HX^Cío L tt/l, t: -í* ícw»-e-ý-0 2. Ex.: tii Lh < ft *»^> fc X'-Ť o ^U^{*1H/!/-eLŔ, (D few» S < £*»->£-?-*-. 114 Describing M/in/ lil» htii iiitil Ifuw ltlitt%t tt#»# (2) Ž) í 0 /:*»< ft^o/i'Ct.. (3) Ž) í 0 fcw»L < ft^o/i^'f, (4) Ž) á 0 &T> L < ft *»o Ac -c*-f 7. í- ^ 5= á-f, hi-tii-t When you want to say you put something or left something at a certain place, you always use the particle (; after the name of the place. Set up your sentence this way. a^i-f (put) something name of place J: fo~Ťfoí ~f (leave) Question: *»{Í% £ if Z (1 V> $ í L tz i\ Answer: Ex.: >»\*X«9 ft *»í 1 £ £ í L /c0 (D 3>Ľa-?-«^ (2) Z l i.L —Oft*» (4) Ť L^íO-tí-^ (5) -eX^OÝtf (6) x U fíO^ l>ŕ> Say where you left your umbrella. Ex.: Backseat ^> ^ U«*^l: h~ŤftÍ Vtz0 ( 1) In the taxi (2) At the station (3) On the bus (4) At home 115 Lesson 19 Let's learn the following dialogue. ^í, 8 t ti/O f 1"o Ä if») t i T *J> JíO /s-XíO ÍC*»{- $ íl. '*> YKA,Iyp i H Ť-xco LŽ>^*J t, 0 á L/čo ^á, 4ľ -e"to ^> f (i ^N-xtfo *»^ ľ-h; ^á t 116 Describing What You Did and How Things Were AX(7) «x!:, *si%** * o i*/,-? l/=*»0 a^L*ro tft fc*»Ati íi.^-ei-*>o ^h *f o ^ Ť «O tí/^ Ü , Í^^h í>í>, l*»o/čo *^ľí>» t/1 c cíc & í ž. £ Uť Už Jofa*^ Líto ( • EXERCISĚ1D 1. Look at the picture on page 108. Choose the correct statement based on the condition given in English. (1) Today is April 30th. b- JWŤ, ta* < ti ^/7Ž 4H»Ufc, (2) Today is April 14th. a. $cDň , fcfc Ui ^ j: Ť *»w»-x v,^ i L fc0 b. J O Ť ti Ž>tó -CL/čo c ý CO Ť, b /= L ti Jn4«v>-sv»äiHULfc„ (3) Today is April 7th. a. HiĹiĹ^K lí'Oi tí o *^»if ll- k>ÍLŔ, b. U ü £ ^ tí" < ti £*o - Ť "í" Ť- X S LÍLfc. c JJSSK tr < ti 7Hŕ> h Ž Ž>tfáL/bo 117 Lesson 19 (4) Today is April 25th. a. 4k x 1 ti htbt+Jb 0 á-ä■^-C*L^o b. fc£ iív», fc/= Lli Í/7Í **v»i L/=„ 2. Read the story and the dialogue on the pages 116-17. Then answer the questions in complete sentences. $x 1 . l:^*f /: Hi *>(ÍX£ Ť L %«•«■£ l- ři*ÍL/=**„ ^r> \- ar*»ř- íeu*** •) í L Ťz *>o ^i 4 t-C-fo "ry h-o^tiXti € čiu*») á l/=*»o ^r> Hi 'txcot w»L-í»-e ŕi'i:ž *> HL/: *>o y> h«9*»ti\Ui žrytíř^tiTiC-e-í-*» o 118 Describing What You Did and How Things Were fJííTjyjr/ ►►^ 1. Look at the picture on page 116. Pretend that you are Kent and cany on a conversation with the man in the office. 2. Put on a skit based on the following plot. You ate at a hamburger shop with your friend. It was raining. When you came out, it had stopped raining so you forgot to pick up your umbrella. At the station you remembered that you had left your umbrella ať the shop. You hurried back, but you could not find it where you had put it. You asked one of the waitresses about your umbrella. She asked you what sort of umbrella it was. You told her what it was like. The waitress said that she had found it and took it out from behind the counter and gave it to you. 119 Asking Someone to Do Something • • New Words ••••••••••••••••••• ľíl I hat, cap ZoX {X form of £ 0 ä-f) íl ít get K -9 "C < /"£ í *<■> Please get it for me. CO one (see Explanation 2) Ť) í J' rabbit li*<^ if -9 ý* Here you are. [ 120 ] Asking Someone to Do Soinet/iing I A-tr-t (t form of A-tri t) I í Ä-ŕii- show • : t t, t- ĺ a little more J : v do ribbon • : 'Mo si * i- put ribbon on • : ĺ t (-C form of lát) I • ÝŤĽC Please do that • : & *>u good friend J í V* .t 1 $ ill, sick • J fi t tp^-^ toy shop • : {iÄi^íO 7°Hŕ> b gift to comfort a sick person J • i*;bv>v> cute • ; ňk>íu stuffed animal J 1--------- Basic Expressions ----------------- 1. ÝťO Iľi L ž íotUi^ Please get that hat for me. 2. L ^^60S Ä-ŕt < /;ív\ Please show me the white one. —UHrlHiWMil--------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Japanese has a special way for you to ask someone to do something for you. You put the verb in a certain form and add the expression < /: J n. This is called the X form. Before you study this lesson, go back to lesson 6 about "classroom expressions" on page 23. Reread Explanation 3 in lesson 16 on page 84 also. You already know that : X form of a verb+ { /"£ $ v> = Please do (something) for me. These are the X forms of the verbs you've already learned. Learn them well by heart. Lesson 6 ( 1 ) lit*lt (2)Alt (begin) (look, see) litibX At 12 K) to K) N> NJ K) NJ K) — — — ~ — — — — -J o\ 0*1 4^ OJ K) — O »O ex -j ON \J\ 4^ OJ K) w *— 1—' '—' N-*' r^ *—' """"^ *— ^-^ r~ '— w **-' w 1—' r^ ■—' ľ- ~~^ 1- U- v. ff U- ^ 2 M- 3- <>- í* '#■ <3- JJ* tr f CJ- 2 W- f6 c '# w- <- >* o CJ- 9*t ,> 'H<- Co O w- ř*. t* ú^ * <#■ to O vT O ~r w- 4 -o 4 3 ~=f ^ -J3 suv a -4- ^3 W- '^ -jy s w- a W- a 4 4- -4- CO 4 -4 H- •vi 4- 4 •4 Os 4 -t^ 4 u> -i TO TO (D TO (rq B r D. 3 n> O 3 O O c/> 3 -i O rr -n O C o -i O -n C/l ^ '—' C/l o. tO Z 5s w- 5» A f,r 14 (4 4 W W W cr c I §". I t ~ ^ O 3 o*> 4^ OJ r- w w '—' O í* í— '#• o M- <■ 'l* a 4- W- W- tVJ 4- 4- O. o 3 O C y. & u- A w- í íf- 'Hr r- <> ^ <- vi A vi vi vi A A a ^A A A r*' vi Ů4 * vi M 5 vi M w- **• k 5s S ;> * r í w vi vi ?> a ^ ;. z ^ vi Z ^ /^\ ^ ^ *~A *H A A A ít -J ON On -£> w hJ ~ £? ^ ít s*- M- íi f< Si (1 Ol o< s 3- S d S m r* ÍJ- O! ~SS S' 1 M, o< •a- •cs- fx 0 4" O <> ^ ^ w O* w- W f^- PÍV <3- W •a- '*■ vi K rl)/r ^3 <#■ ,v W- ^ W- w- í^ w -4- n*" or 4-o 4-o C5- 4-o W- i/ 4-o 4-o * * * * * * * OJ OJ On on """ ^ l> H 4- O C, * vi o a ^ X ^ 4- <*■ w- -4. 4- o -t TO 4- r ^ a A v. a* 4- r> &*• K ^> 3f- J* «^ 'aí ^ -j >* fit<- W- >* W- ^- »* saL \aL soL ^oL 00 -q in í. HT 5' 3 •< I I 5t ô* 4 r> 01 to VJ* ?f K ^ 5r vi *» « <- ^ vi A <-- c^ ^ A a a 2 Lesson 20 Explanation 2. l_ ?>v>tfO a white one Review the usage of the particle CO >rs Yco tXA,l •ŕ Kent's bicycle (Lesson 13, Explanation 1) £ l $ x l *!"o - 1 a school in Tokyo *>>r FO -etc It's Kent's (Lesson 13, Explanation 6) ^b/c l<0 f to It's mine. /c^co -C-t*% Whose is it ? L 2>V>íO A white one tô tô J HiD A big one ifci, L^O A new one Adjective+Í0 This CD replaces the noun mentioned before. It works as an English word one in the sentences like "Please give me a white one." OR "1 like the red one better." Ex.: Z CO L/CitA/li i.Sv»-e-f0 Ž>7c b l^COŽ ľ.^X < ŕz* ^0 This newspaper is old. Please get me a new one. Ex.: L^trŤLŽ 3. >ív> L A, .i: X, ž < ťÍK ■§> 4. */=í> L.V» hl % < & 5. v>v» ^/7Í *>-9-C{ /:ív>0 124 Asking Someone to Do Something 6. ti^ih^ £&**& Ä*-c * i_v> ha,ž j^-e< /=**>„ Let's learn the following dialogue. TV -tAÍ-tíXo *<0 < ^> 15? S ží-p-C < /:* w»0 TV ZKfrh iff) L^^íOt Ä*t„ .....ii-fzi tiažoví' h i *-*■*»„ 125 Lesson 20 T>H K^-ii íř**«t L-e-tc V'-ľli *>*, ^'nK't. Z:*»^ Ať>rŽ *H»íto K-f-ti Ä V» <• s Ä** -f £lM". T>ÍÍ ( • EXERCISÉID 1. Respond to the following statements. Complete each verb form in the "C form. Write the correct hiragana in the blanks. ex.: r/n^i^Hto t a* a s... *:x»__1L_ < *? í ^ write d) z*ui «u%k nx,-c-t. ý« (j^£.......___<*?s^. show (2) At,** h**i á^■^o - ť řjrXx-e________< /íí^„ ask (3)**, Kit**** "f ŕ ä L/čo -*i£_.............. í>í, *ij:?/=w»-e-t0 y-/i/-c-...... ......íO ÍC*»J: Hi tzflt-ffro (2) K-fti v>á, žfCU^ái-*»,, .....__________.....___.......____ (3) Č*> Lttt*>. (4) T>ii if C "f íiÄáv»<0 7pHŕ> b ž *«v»iL^*>o 126 Asking Someone to Do Something (5) ÍÍÄá^íO ^l/-b'>HÍ & X/"C*-*"*>„ (6) K^-ii, í!:iř tK'tK ___........... (7) TXi iT/LíC tóv>('Wí *»v»áL/:**0 1. You are at the following stores. One of you will be a customer and another one will be a shopkeeper. Do some shopping at each of the stores. (1) camera shop (2) bicycle shop (3) bookstore 2. Look at the picture on page 120. Pretend that you are the boy on the platform. What would you say to the Stationmaster in the following situations ? (1) You dropped your report card. (2) You dropped coins from your pocket. (3) Your shoe fell on the track. Words for this role play report card o ť t, V~ x 1 ¥10 coin \0ž.&ŕ£l ¥50 coin 50ž. A, ŕ£í ¥100 coin \00ž.A,fzl shoe < o 127 s < ^ ^ hth, iu'itzo What a relief! 19 í>fiv> blue 19 Jbi*Ž*> light, bright 18 h^lřhi. 1 Asahi-cho (a place name) 16 £> ý ^ over there 16 hílří-f play 18 htz h L ><> new 15 &^v> hot 15 hUtz you 10 #>í9 that+ (noun) over there 13 & 3 v> sweet 15 foth rain 2-(3) h >)**£ ■? ry^í LR. Thank you very much. 10 *0 it there is ... , (see Explanation 1) 17 Jb&^iX walking; on foot 16 hZ5-t-f walk 18 $,j?i that one over there 10 Ž>/,ÍC^l tito show someone around 18 h ^ í 0 not so much 7 v > v ■> good 15 v»v>i no 2-(3) No, it's not. 2-(3) ^v>t*1"*% Is it all right ? 18 k>Mt go 16 v» < i,ttK How much is it? 9-(3) v»It If ft flower arranging 11 <,*-f chair 2-(3); 6 *■> ŕz ŕ: z> í -f (greeting before the meal) 4 nt, one 9-(l) K^Ljľ- together 6 v>-3"t < ri»>,' Please go. 16 v->-3*C < /fí»-»«2 Please say. 6 v>o-3 five 3 v>*>a dog 2-(3) v» 3 now 9-(2) there is ... , (see Explanation 1) 17 k>ti Ť í younger sister 5 *<* t o L 'f »■> á -<ŕo Welcome! 14 Ť í Jf rabbit 20 Ť L % back, behind 19 Ť t, house, home 2-(3) Ť.C't/vlrt) driver 16 i^*5" movie 13 x>»Cľ English 11 *.£, li v» yes 11 t J station 2-(3) š^ yen 9-(3) LAsVi pencil 6 #*,-> L v> taste good 15 ti 1 ŕz A, lí t? i crosswalk 17 «Jijw big 15 ři*'Ž>i•^ mother 5 Joíii'L-^ sweet shop 17 Xžílfz past form of ti J J -f 19 ti^í-f1 get up 18 «í* í "f"2 put 19 ti$r < 5 A guest 18 íi t v»-» ^ /O grandfather 5 ti K 1 í ^ father 5 fc> £ Ť K younger brother 5 ti tĹ tĹ v > the day before yesterday 19 ütLti adult 9-(4) titib*¥i-$ i L/bo I'm hungry. 14 fiU»->5A elder brother 5 £5 fa *. 5 ^ elder sister 5 Please do (something) for me. 19 ti\it i ry^ät. Good morning. 4 íiíffc'5^ grandmother 5 ti~ heavy 19 ti t 4"o /; past form of íi t, v» 19 £> t L3>»-> interesting 15 ť t tj -i> ■<* toy shop 20 Ji^-fAft $ »•> Good night. 4 ««tíai" swim 18 fi/C*'*< music 2-(3) *■ (a particle, see Explanation 5) 10 i»v» L f company 19 jJ'^íi" buy 12 *'*. 0 Si" return 16 *> J J-ý- write 12 *»$ umbrella 2-(3) *> if corner 17 *>li% bag 19 ť XT If Tuesday 19 [ '29 ] ? < ^ ^ i' to because 18 *> !o \,> salty 15 #> fr v»ir> cute 20 i*i (a particle, .see Explanation 1) II ti*'2 (a particle, see Explanation 2) 18 if-3 C 7 school 13 Jv»X < ifin. Please listen. 6 b-ží-f1 listen 12 Jíá1"2 ask 17 JoJtA coffee shop 17 £ -5 "C stamp 11 5-*,„i: ticket 2-(3) J «0 7 yesterday 19 í í ~t come 16 J vp 7 nine 9-( I) J rp 1 L" * 1 ninety 9-( 1) £ j: i today IS $■ £ T !>>v> church 19 J ŕ, wf-fo 1 don't like it. 7 J/CJiŤy Friday 19 J' »-p t !: yp i milk 14 J* A ^ 7 bank 17 < =sj* i ( Ť Ci airport 16 ( -ý- n ^ pharmacy 17 < ří*> give (something) to me 10 < 7*5 t <0 <= fruit shop 17 < S á car 2-(3) {As (a suffix, see page 20) 5 It L 3*U eraser 10 It o C 7 -C*"ťo No, thank you. 12 It/C«' fight 2-(3) It A ži 7 Japanese fencing 11 Ifolllř Monday 19 :ii/l park 2-(3) ;i C Ť -třv> high school student 9-(4) ;i Si **'-? C i high school 9-(5) C i (i'X police box 17 C < l£ A, blackboard 6 C < liXIt L chalk eraser 6 C C here 16 Z Z nine 3 ZCO this + (noun) 13 Z ft this one 10 Z&r-t,li0 Hi ! 4 r1 five 9-(l) Z'2 language (see page 43) 11 r Ľ rt, 7 fifty 9-( I) rt.Ýiíí. (greeting after the meal) 4 í**fr fish 2-(3) í j^ÍC-y* fish store 17 ÍÍ'V> cold 15 ill fr b0 Good-bye. 4 í í monkey 2-(3) J/t1 (a suffix, see page 20) 5 $ A,2 three 9-( I) Í/IĽ*7 thirty 9-( I) Í^Ľ'^í-9.;:^ 30 minutes 9-(2) ťj'o L magazine 14 L ^IL L & *<> game, tournament 19 L It/v exam., test 4 5 Lfí'l: LtQ Please be quiet. 6 L t, seven 9-( 1) L tj C" í ^ (a celebration, iee Cultural Note p.3l) 9-(4) IX (X form of |_ á -f) 20 L í i" do 12 L rt> { rfir» homework 6 ; 13 Lii4>*( Hž-v» elementary school student 9-(4) Li Ť **'-3 Z i elementary school 9-(5) L x < Ľ' meal 13 Li < Či cafeteria 18 l A, Z" i traffic light 16 LX,,i-.X newspaper 2-(3) ttALf bicycle 13 L*X/lL^x= bicycle shop 17 L>í. then 12 Ľ yp i ten 9-( I) Ľ yp l v •> t, eleven 9-( I) Ľ rt> 7 í rt> 7 =í t «i i < Ľ rt> 7 < nineteen 9-( I) Ľ * 1 Z' fifteen 9-(l) ĽmiU thirteen 9-(l) Ľ rt> 7 L fourteen 9-( I) Ľ » 7 L t, seventeen 9-( I) L" m Ť Li address 19 Ľ n> 7 fr fr =* Ľ » Ť l t, L" i-u Ť í; twelve 9-(l) L* rp i lit, eighteen 9-( I) t yp l 1A, 4t*U Ľ n> 1 h < sixteen 9-(l) L" i i ti" horseback riding 8 Ľ'/I (a suffix) person 5 "ť v> ž. *<» swimming I I -fv>?>> watermelon 2-(3) "ř*<>J:ŤI/'* Wednesday 19 ■f 5-X-fo I like it. 7 fit a little 8; 18 -fob*") completely 19 -fAJ-tí-zC Excuse me. 4 130 ŕ < ^ ^ "f & 7 Japanese wrestling 1 I tfclít sit 18 -tí-J seat 19 Vili A, soap 2-(3) -ŕoAtv explanation 15 -tŕ-3<£>l<> L i manual 15 It A, thousand 9-( I) •fr/Hrv* teacher 11 -tf'A-tfX not at all 8 i 1 Lt \XA, abacus 1 I /•;*>(,» expensive 15 /: < ť^ a lot 19 ř;t,íf stand 18 /i-^ai" eat 12 /: á r egg 2-(3) tzL t'i 7 lř birthday 19 /i'v»** < college 9-(5) t~ \,\-f \ X'~f „ 1 like it very much. 7 fíi'h therefore 18 tz LX < t£ í v >„ Please hand in. 6 tih. who 13 t,Kjn small 15 tpi't^ subway, underground 16 fc-f map 2-(3);6 t>rt> Ť *f < -rv> junior high school student 9-(4) t> i* 7 ***-? C Ť junior high school 9-(5) U yp 1 L f t"x l parking lot 17 t, i o £ a little 13 t> J: -ačl-Aá-ŕ/U Excuse me. 17 tjioCiit. Wait a minute ! 13 o J* next, coming 13 o < £ desk 2-(3") ; 6 "^ á b fr ^ boring 15 Oft/;» cold (for something you touch) 15 t*JA letter 2-(3) X A, mark, point 15 XI (a particle, see Explanation 2) 16 X2 (a particle, see Explanation 4) 17 f Jit. I can do it. 8 X"t am, is, are 5 Xl-f go out 18 i but II A, L -ŕ train 16 Ayfo telephone 13 A,h^fi-v7X telephone booth 17 (a particle, see Explanation 3) 10 fj =* L* yp l ti i) street 17 ltv> watch, clock 2-(3) -?X (-C form of S 0 á I") 20 -5 t < /:ÍK„ Please get it for me. 20 X t very 15 fr i) next to 17 t /í t, friend 13 á t get 20 how 19 L "C why 18 -f»1 Please, (for offering) 12 Ý'„2 Here you are. 15 &„ Thank you. 12 H14fř:i„ Thank you. 4 ^ where 16 n which + (noun) 13 1 1 V Saturday 19 fl which one 10 Ay fr what kind of 15 i> inside 19 *> 1 L good friend 20 L pear 2-(3) fr ^>lh fr Ľ * 7 seventy 9-( 1) fr o seven 3 I; what 12 Izi' something 18 name 5 How old what time 9 9-(2) 9-(4) ^^> A. Ľ ^-f by what OR how 16 A,X'i-*>\ What is it ? 2-(3) ^ía^-^řv> what grade 9-(5) two 9-(l) řJt-> smell 18 jí>»v> upstairs 18 < meat 2-(3) < -v0 butcher 17 Ľ yp i twenty 9-( 1) t>toM> H>ii/cfe h lilf Sunday 19 llA,Z~ Japanese language 11 í, o luggage 19 n{-?A stuffed animal 20 (a particle, see Explanation 4) 12 131 * < ^ a. ta Z cat 2-(3) fa 3 -f go to bed 18 ------taX,-£v> —grade 9-(5) £0 one (see Explanation 2) 20 «9 £**•**'*>£ í L/i„ I'm thirsty. 13 «9 A 31" drink 12 O At» drink 2-(3) li (a particle, see page 18) 5 ii^ yes 2-(3) tiv^ Ý Ť "C-1. Yes, it is. 2-(3) tiv>, if i Ý'» Here you are. 20 liv> i)if enter 18 li í A scissors 2-(3) (ÍL 0ŽÝ run 18 tiĽtói: first 18 li Ľ *b 3 Li To Let's begin. 6 li /i fe 20 years old 9-(4) life eight 9-(l) life Ľ* 7 eighty 9-(I) fift flower 14 liít-^ florist 17 liJC< , tiJi» grapes 10 's (It) (a particle, see Explanation 1)16 -s-«r» room 2-(3) li L v> want 11 llo**V>if Ť Hokkaido (place name) 19 HA, book 2-(3) ; 6 HA.tlTlz really 18 (Í X^ -^ bookstore 17 IÍŤ L hat, cap 20 li* < I (for boy's use only) 5 !i*< /ife we 13 íi%í v> dwarf tree planted in a pot 1 1 3 W; fe every day 13 2**0 31" turn 17 3 -5-f <- straight 16 í ť window 2-(3) ; 6 á A, ><>fe3^ ten thousand 9-(l) 3/v*s cartoon, comic book 14 At'A, (a kind of Japanese citrus fruit) 10 A* right 16 ä**»**? on the right 17 A-f water 2-(3) A-tř shop 10 Ä-Ö-C ("C form of A-r31") 20 A-B-íOIAí; shopkeeper; salesclerk 10 A-Ö-J1" show 20 Afe way, road 17 A o o three 3 At < /f iv>„ Please look. 6 bound'for Midoricho 19 Ait see, watch 12 ť L worm, insect 2-(3) t-i. ibisi3 magnifying glass 2-(3) &•-***• L v> difficult 15 & o o six 3 <6*"fa glasses 2-(3) & (a particle, see Explanation 4) 10 t Ť , -f Z L a little more 20 U iŤf Thursday 19 t fe ?> ^ of course 11 t í, peach 2-(3) -t^ŕJ^ green grocery 17 jf" J L *<» easy 15 Jč='i"l'> cheap 15 ■fťA holiday, vacation 19 -v'o o eight 3 Jf> 3 mountain 2-(3) *P 1 XľL £ í < post office 17 tí> Ji snow 2-(3) vP $ tzí í snowman 2-(3) X (a particle, see Explanation 6) 15 Xr>l four 3 Ji A3 Ý read 12 X Í night 2-(3) X h L < o Nice to meet you. 5 i^U «ía*fv,L3+o Nice to meet you. 5 J^ four 9-(l) I/CĽr»! forty 9-(l) b < *>*£ graffiti 2-(3) 1/tr apple 2-(3) ilx^í*-) C refrigerator 2-(3) tiA,Lti> 7 practice 13 h 7 Ý < candle 2-(3) h < six 9-(l) 2> < Ľ* ") sixty 9-(l) *?*>*) ÍLŔ 132 í < ^ ^ (past form of fr*" 0 31") 16 hi'1) í-f understand hi'<) t*tL I don't know. ; I don't understand. 17 h L x i Japanese food 2-(3) h?tli Itz (past form of hi tit t) 19 h-ftlii- forget 19 hrzl 15 fc/i 1 31" go across 17 hZ^' bad 15 ž1 (a particle, see Explanation 1) 10 g2 (a particle, see Explanation 5) 17 T A X 7 ') — U ice cream 3 T / ') # America 13 T> Ann (a name of a person) 12 4— X? — Easter 19 t-Xr7')T Australia 13 i] ŕ 7 camera 13 ijŕý'ť camera shop 17 if U chewingum 3 7ýX class 18 y —Jf- cake 12 >T y \- Kent (a name of a person) 5 Y— U game 13 a-t- coffee 2-(5) ; 12 3 -y ť j. — 7 — computer 18 "f V VA "/Ť sandwich 3 X + — ski 11 X *r — b '+*— K skateboard 2-(5) X^-7''y/ sportbag 19 7 7 v — taxi 16 7 7 i/ —cO 1 ti" place to get a taxi 17 ■j- g 3 U — h chocolate 3 f- — ~f tape, cassettes 12 >" Ť r. X tennis 13 \^ 7^X3- b tennis court 13 ŕ V-ť TV 12 ŕl/ťy-i TV game 15 f/t- |* department store 16 y-j- Donna (a name of a person) 5 / — b notebook 2-(5) /\ >->■>*— tí— hamburger 3 /tA 9 motorcycle 16 /\'X bus 16 /n'XCOÍÍ.'*' on the bus 19 -"í X CO 1 ti* place to get on a bus 17 /•«-J--f- banana 2-(5) ->\*^-7 vanilla 14 /\'> K band 19 /->•> bread 12 t*~y4? bakery 17 7 -f - IV V T X U -f -j 7 field athletics 15 7*U-fe*> t- present 12 "í > pen 10 ,ií-rt, ball 19 ^Xť mailbox 17 -? ') T Maria 17 = y \ mint 14 *7 *r ••/ \- racket 13 7-/f radio 2-(5) ') **> ribbon 20 ')-+*> ž L 3 1" put ribbon on 20 1/3-F record, disk 2-(5) ; 12 U X Y ý > restaurant 17 n — y — X y — b roller skates 4 133