Adam Geisler For reaction to the last lesson I want to mention that in case of integration of hunter-gatherer cultures to adapt into civilized society there are many similarities for adaptation of ex-nomadic cultures in Europe and western Asia. Such as gipsy communities (Romani people, Yeniche) and others. They have many problems with integration because of limiting their lifestyle (migration) by governments of many countries in Europe. That is a statement I have in this problems. As it was written in the handout (nearly at the and) _statements of today cultural anthropology: - What causes these great cultural differences? -Human living is far too comlplex to be single theory. That leads me to say that single human being is different to each other therefore theories which have been built on generalization can neither specify the identity of societies nor small comunities. Every time I figure about human world and people who live in there remains only one question WHY? And that question leads to many answers.