Nisa: The Life and Words of a ǃKung Woman. Who am I ? • I´m Nisa , I´m 50 years old, but I don´t know it exactly. • I am a woman of the tribe -Žun/ twasi, Bushmen lived in desert Kalhari in the south Afrika. • We are traditionally hunter-gatherers. Earliest memories • About children • The first three years of his life in close contact with his mother -breastfeeding, wearing the leather bag. • The relationship of parents to their children is full of love and is in no way authoritative. • first words - give me and take. Family life • between children is the age difference about 4 years • Natural contraception- breastfeeding and herbal extracts • Young children- critical relationship to parents , but especially positiv to grand parents. Live in the bush • life on the edge of Kalahari very negative to living • extremely drought alternating with periods of rain • They know everithing about their environment • Hunting-only men, special rules • Live of men- 15- first hunt animal, 30- get maried, 60- teach crafts children Exploring sex • No privacy • children can watch their parents • Children do not have any obligation to 15 years –only playing games and imitation of adult. • Kungs children are no separated by sex • no competition in this society Marriage on the test • First marriage- the choice of parents • Incest tabu • women-15 years old, men- 25 to 30 years • very simple wedding ceremony • Can be quickly divorced Marriage • most important milestones in life: girls- first menstruation , boys- iniciation ceremony • „ kua“ • Very important – giving presents Wifes and the second wifes • First part of mariage- wife too young and unhappy. • Then understanding and harmony between the partners. • equal status between partners – sometimes dominancy of wife. • Second wife- many times sister, cousin or friend • Polygamie- only 5 % First Maternity • menstrual cycle acoording to the moon • a strong desire to have children and love them • pregnancy-natural thing – woman have no exceptions in work and everyday life • Childbirth- woman alone in bush • Every woman-4 to 5 childbirth in life only 54% live adult Motherhood and loss • Bushmen are very healthy and slim thanks to a healthy diet and plenty of movement. • They have a lot of problems with bacterial infections and viruses . • hard to cope with death- men and women cry for two and more days. • They believe in great God- good, small God- evil Change • Influenced by Herers and Tswans- shepherd of the sheep . • loss of traditions • extinction of ganther-hanters company • Kungs become a beggar on the periphery of pastoral settlements . Men and women • equal status in society • Women- big respect • parents avoid corporal punishment • They are not agresive at all. • Status of women increases with age and a number of children. • intricately system of giving presents. • predominance of men only in rytual dances and huntering. • Men- medical dances, women- drum dances The end • To the end of my presentation i want to tell the wish of author of this book. • She wish, that Bushmen shielded their culture , because of its stability and unique . • It is so much sophisticated as our culture and social system.