English Quiz Version A Word Matching 1. objective = aim 2. credible = believable 3. diligent = hardworking 4. trivial = unimportant 5. consent = agreement 6. conscious = aware 7. hero = protagonist 8. plot = storyline 9. conceal = hide 10. seize = take Sentence Completion 1. talk 2. useful 3. expect 4. convenience 5. exist 6. contact 7. decays 8. narrator 9. draft 10. captured Grammar Usage 1. …. hear… 2. ….ends. 3. ….working 4. ….as a school teacher 5. … inaccurate. 6. …. documentary … 7. …. information … 8. …. English. 9. …..entered … 10. …..is/was/got married to a historian OR she married a historian English Quiz Version B Word Matching 1. persuasive = convincing 2. focus on = emphasize 3. seek = look for 4. vary = differ 5. dissent = disagreement 6. unaware = unconscious 7. setting = time and place 8. associated = connected 9. revolt = uprising 10. famous = well-known Sentence Completion 1. importace 2. embarrassing 3. graduate 4. experience 5. illiterate 6. disasters 7. fiction 8. imagery 9. negotiate 10. revenge Grammar Usage 1. …. if you have .. 2. … writing …. 3. …. I implemented … 4. …. hearing … 5. ….. listen to the radio…. 6. ….. imprecise … 7. ….. truth…. 8. ….. reserved… 9. ….. they appeared … 10. ….. known … Correcting Mistakes 1. such as credit card fraud OR like credit card fraud (omit „such“ before like) 2. information 3. better known 4. when we hear ….. 5. that/which is played 6. should have studied/should study 7. … did it happen? 8. such a famous artist 9. as a social Wolker 10. on February 2nd 1946 11. if I get 12. very few people 13. something that you must know OR something you must know 14. is sold 15. such beautiful weather (omit „a“) 16. were you born 17. better paid 18. something that many …OR something many ….. (the relative pronoun can be omitted) 19. can´t have said/couldn´t have said 20. much TV news 21. you know 22. We will announce the outcome OR The outcome will be announced 23. he welcomed 24. , whose houses