Carlos Quiles, Fernando Löpez-Menchero & others. Following the works of August Schleicher (1868), Hermann Hirt (1939), Winfred Lehman & Ladislav Zgusta (1979), Douglas Q. Adams (1997), Frederik Kortlandt (2007). Thanks to those who sent minor and anonymous corrections to the Indo-European Language Association. SCHLEICHER'S FABLE IN PROTO-INDO-EUROPEAN AND ITS MAIN PROTO-LANGUAGES (Version 8, 07/3/2008) « The Sheep and the Horses. • A sheep that had no wool • saw horses, • one pulling a heavy wagon, • one carrying a big load, • and one carrying a man quickly. • The sheep said to the horses: • "My heart pains me, • seeing a man driving horses". • The horses said: "Listen, sheep, • our hearts pain us when we see this: • a man, the master, makes the wool of the sheep • into a warm garment for himself. • And the sheep has no wool". • Having heard this, the sheep fled into the plain. » It is written here in the different reconstructible PIE dialects for comparison. The immediate parent dialect of each proto-language is enclosed in parentheses. Indo-Hittite (IE I), 3500 BC Common Anatolian (PAn), 2500 BC Europe's IE (IE Hlb), 2500 BC 1 H3owis h!ekwös-kwe. Howis ekwös-kwe. Owis ekwös-kwe. 1 2 H3owis, kwesjo wlhiiieha ne tuest, Howis, kwesjo wlneh ne est, Owis, kwesjo wlnä ne est, 2 3 huekwoms speket, ekwoms speket, ekwoms speket, 3 4 hiOinom crh3um woghom weghontm, oikom grrüm wogom wegontm, oinom gwrum woghom weghontm, 4 5 h!oinom-kwe megeh2m b^rom, oikom-kwe megehm borom, oinom-kwe megäm bhorom, 5 6 hiOinom-kwe dhh1ghmonm huohiku bherontm. oikom-kwe dgmonm oku berontm. oinom-kwe dhghmonm ökü bherontm. 6 7 H3owis nu h!ekwobhjos weukwet: Howis nu ekwobos wükwet: Owis nu ekwobhos weukwet: 7 8 "Krd h2eghnutoi h^moi, "Krd xegnutor moi, "Krd aghnutoi moi, 8 9 hiekwoms h2egontm wihirom widntei". ekwoms xegontm wirom widnte/'. ekwoms ägontm wirom widntei". 9 10 Hiekwös tu weukw6nt: "Kludhi, h3owi! Ekwös tu weukw6nt: "Kludi, howi! Ekwös tu weukw6nt: "Kludhi, owi! 10 11 krd h2eghnutoi nsmei widntbhjos: krd hegnutor nsm§ widntbos: krd aghnutoi nsmei widntbhjos: 11 12 h2ner, potis, h3owjom-r wlhinehairi hner, potis, howjom-r wlnehm ner, potis, owjom-r wlnäm 12 13 swebhi gwhermom westrom kwrneuti". swebi cermom westrom kwrnüdi". sebhi gwhermom westrom kwrneuti". 13 14 H3owjom-kwe wlhneh2 ne hiesti. Howjom-kwe wlneh ne esti. Owjom-kwe wlnä ne esti. 14 15 Tod kekluwos h3owis h2egrom bhuget. Tod kekluwos howis hegrom buget. Tod kekluwos owis agrom bhuget. 15 Proto-Indo-Iranian (IE lila), 2500 BC Proto-Greek (IE lila), 2500 BC Proto-Celtic (EIE), 1000 BC 1 Awis akwäs-ka. Owis ekwoi-kwe. Owis ekwoi-kwe. 1 2 Awis, kasja wfnä na äst, Owis, kweho wlnä ne est, Owis, kwesjo wlana ne est, 3 akwams spakät, ekwos speket, ekwos speket, 3 4 aikam grüm wagham wäghantm, oiwom kwhrum wokhom wekhontm, oinom barum woxom wexontam, 4 5 aikam-ka magham bharam, oiwom-kwe megäm phorom, oinom-kwe megam borom, 5 6 aikam-ka ghämanm äku bharantm. oiwom-kwe khth6monm öku pherontm. oinom-kwe dxoniom aku berontam. " 7 Awis nu äkwabhjas äwaukat: Owis nu ekwophos eweukwet: Owis nu ekwobos weukwet: 7 8 "Krd äghnutai mai, "Krd äkhnutoi moi, "Krid axnutor mai, 9 akwams agantam wiram widntai". ekwoms ägontm wirom widntei". ekwos agontom wirom widanti". 10 Äkwäs tu äwawkant: "Krudhi avi! Ekwoi tu ewewekwont: "Kluthi, owi! Ekwoi tu wewkw6nt: "Kludi, owi! 10 krd äghnutai nsmäi widntbhjas: krd ägnutoi nsmei widntphos: krid axnutor ansmei widantbjos: 11 12 nar, patis, awjam-r wfnäm aner, potis, owjom-r wlnäm ner, (potis, owjom-ar wlanam 12 13 swabhi gharmäm wastram krnauti". sephi kwhermöm westrom kwrneuti". sebi gwermom westrom kwarneuti". 13 14 Awjam-ka wfnä na asti. Owjom-kwe wlnä ne esti. Owjom-kwe wlana ne esti. 14 15 Tat käkruwas awis agram äbhugat. Tot kekluwos owis agrom ephuget. Tod keklowos owis agrom buget. 15 Proto-Italic (EIE), 1000 BC Pre-Proto-Germanic (EIE), 1000 BC Common Tocharian (PToch), 1000 BC 1 Owis ekwoi-kwe. Awiz exwaz-xwe. Owi jukwen-ke. 1 2 Owis, kwesjo wlänä ne est, Awiz, hwes wulnö ne est, Owi, kuse wlana ne es, 2 3 ekwos speket, ehwanz spexet, jukwes spakat, 3 4 oinom gräwum woxom wexontem, ainan karün wagan weganöun, enem karam wakm wakantam, 4 5 oinom-kwe megam cporom, ainan-xwe mekon baran, enem-ke makam parm, 5 6 oinom-kwe xomonem öku cperontem. ainan-xwe gümanan äxu beranöun. enem-ke tkamnam aka parantam. 6 7 Owis nu ekwocpos weukwet: Awiz nu exwamaz weuxweö: Owi na jukwebos wukat: 7 8 "Kord axnutor mei, "Hurt ägnuöai mei, "Kart agnatai me, 8 9 ekwos ägontom wirom widentei". exwanz äkanöun weran witanöi". jukwes akantan wirem witsante". 9 10 Ekwoi tu wewkw6nt: "Klubi, owi! Exwaz wewxwant: "Hludi, awi! Jukweii ta wukant: "Kluti, ow! 10 11 kord axnutor ensmei widentcpos: hurt äknuöai unsmi witunömaz: kart aknete ansme witantbe: 11 12 ner, potis, owjom-or wlänäm ner, fabiz, awjan-aur wulnön nar, pats, owjap-ar wlanam 12 13 secpi ghermom westrom kworneuti". sibi warmän westhran hwurneubi". sapi sarmam wastram karnuti". 13 14 Owjom-kwe wlänä ne esti. Awjan-xwe wulnö ne isti. Owjap-ke wlana na esti. 14 15 Tud kekluwos owis agrom cpugit. f>at hexluwaz awiz akran bukeb- Ta kaklewe owi akre bekat. 15 Proto-Armenian (?), 1 AD Proto-Slavic (EIE), 500 AD Proto-Baltic (EIE), 500 AD 1 Hovih eswuh-khe. Ovis esvü-ce. Avis asvai-ke. 1 2 Hovih, khehjo gälana ne es(th), Ovis, ceso vlina ne jazit, Avis, kaso vilno ne ast, 2 3 eswoh sp^k^Ct11), esva speset, asvus spekit, 3 4 enam erküm wojä wejonä, inü zarüö vozü vezöte, ainam garu vazam vezantim, 4 5 enam-khe mekä borä, inü-ce meza borü, ainam-ke megam baram, 5 6 enam-khe zmonä usu beronä. inü-ce zmonü asü beröte. ainam-ke zmonam uoku berantim. " 7 Hovih nu eswoboh egojkhe(th): Ovis nü esvomü vjucet: Avis nu äsvamas vjaukit: 8 "Sart egnuthe me, "Srid äznute me, "Sird ägnutai mai, 9 eswuh äkonthä garä gitanthi". esvü ägötü virü videti". asvai ägantim viram vidintei". 9 10 Eswoh thu egojkhö: "Ludi, hovi! Esva tu vjucöt: "Sludi, ove! Asvus tu vjaukant: "Sludi, avi! 10 11 Sart egnuthoi asmi gitan(th)bos: srid äznute esmi videtmü: sird ägnutai insmei vidintmas: 11 12 a(n)ir, phothis, owjä-ar gälanam ner, podis, övjemi-ri vlinö ner, pats, avjam-ir vilnom 12 13 (k)ibi jermä gesthrä kharnojthi". sebi germü vestrü crinjuti". sebi garmäm vestram kirnjauti". 13 14 Hovjä-khe gälana ne esthi. Övjemi-ce vlina ne jäziti. Avjam-ke vilno ne asti. 14 15 Da khekhlugah hovih akrä ebuke(th). To sesluvü ovis agrü bugit. Ta sesluvas avis agram bugit. 15 Copyright © 2007-2009 Indo-European Language Association | Licensed under dual GFDL and Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike 3.0 Carlos Quiles, Fernando Löpez-Menchero & others. Following the works of August Schleicher (1868), Hermann Hirt (1939), Winfred Lehman & Ladislav Zgusta (1979), Douglas Q. Adams (1997), Frederik Kortlandt (2007). Thanks to those who sent minor and anonymous corrections to the Indo-European Language Association. Please send any corrections to the latest version of this paper to the Indo-European Language Association using the contact form, or edit it directly in the Indo-European Wiki. Copyright © 2007-2009 Indo-European Language Association | Licensed under dual GFDL and Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike 3.0