The 12th "Chinese Bridge"-Chinese Proficiency Competition for College Students Registration Form for Preliminary Competition in Czech Republic and Slovak Republic ^iÄ^/Name (in Chinese, if applicable):_ ^{l^/PassportNo.: _ i^fiSffl^/Passport Name: ^/Family Name: _& /Given Name: _ Etii§/Tel: _#Ä/Fax:_£?fiP#/E-mail: _ &AfflfitJfett (313t) /MailingAddress (inEnglish) :_ gl Tftg^ffflfpgJgW/Please Fill in the Blanks in Chinese: Ü£Bffi/Date of Birth: ^p/Year _R /Month_B/Day. fll£Jfe A/Place of Birth: II ^/Country:_$7j?/City:. Jf^MW ?<& WExpired date of passport: ^/year_H /month_B/day_ HII/Nationality:_J§/Male: □ ^/Female: □ B£g/Married: □ jfc&t/Single: □ %~in W/First Language:_ %—T§W/Second Language:_ SCMfi£w-^3tWS/Chinese Background of Family Members:_ R^I&W'ft^/Higher Education Background: Institutions Years Attended Fields of Study Certificates Obtained or to be obtained ^^$X@&t$f iWHow long have you been learning Chinese language?_ U WdztyiW- @ /Topic of prepared speech:_ 4115 2^B /Prepared performance of Chinese culture skills(Chinese songs, dance, opera, martial art, painting, paper cuts, music instrument, calligraphy, etc.):_ MW&fflMfy&iii' RT^±S#in 2013 S£ 7 ^Stffl^rWf*, /If you stand out in the preliminary competition, could you participate in the further competitions in China in July 2013? Bm/Yes: □ WWo □ ^/Instructor:_ j^^^X^^/Signature of the participant:_ B J$/Date: ^ i! B 1 *ť3HM6+-jí "mm" i!!:ifc*;*ífe+:fcn:» i£t^^Xft^«l, tWtóf 2013 7 M" ( Beautiful China )„ *ft %4 n A f # Ä#?*áM " ?Xi§#" * á t X ft#, -mm- **ftí#K« "MU Ť®" (Beautiful China) (-) Ehj-fpJ: 2013 ^ 5 ^] 9 H (H 0) 14:30-18:00 (-)Jfcá: fc£H^&7|tffl^t (Technická 6, Praha 6) (3)#^7f^: if##f^Ť2013^4^ 23 0 ifeJtSt Mllfe ^í^f #f M *g*f > ^iřM^Af, # H****. 2-3t Ts, (-) bh*Ň#: i> 7XififttÍ7; Jljfc, . c-) ÄŔÍ»Äe*#(3^#); 2,>iKf^(2^#); 3, (3 (-3 *jgfi -4f*2£, e|^3^; ffc#**ť*. (-) (-) *m&^%mmm%^frmxmmm%k £ t ft * a 9 f ft * $ H , #^fck#Je#1& H P5f 3£ ( M &#^^^ff >&;F. ( )> S HI ^ & ifr $j 2^ ( )„ it * #A Ms. TANG Yun Head of Education Office Embassy of the People's Republic of China in the Czech Republic Pelleova 18, 160 00Praha6 Tel: 00420 233 028 869 Fax: 00420 233 028 868 E-mail: 13:30 íMMŕf!], TfcäM* fcfc*Äff#*. >£^tk* 14:30 tM 14:45 tk*7f&, 4Hfc*f-Äft##R* 9^H*> &fé4 3&fc#: (1^#) 16:45 if^^é $LJk$L% ((2012 #• "yXif#" th*$:#JM» 17:00 é-V 17:20 ÉÉ2fc$t, 18:00 fé^jjí