ABSTRACTS 1. What are abstracts and why do we write them? 2. Abstracts are very common in academic writing, and they have a fairly standard form. Which essential parts should an abstract consist of? 3. Read the abstract and identify its parts. (1) The present study was conducted to determine the prevalence of Listeria monocytogenes in smoked fish in Sokoto, Nigeria. (2) A total of 115 different species of smoked fish from the various retail outlets and market places within the metropolis were analysed for the presence of L. monocytogenes using ISO culture method. (3) Out of the 115 samples analysed, 29 (25%) were positive for L. monocytogenes. (4) Other Listeria species isolated in this study are L. grayi 13 (11%), L. innocua 10 (9%) and L. ivanovi 15 (13%). (5) The remaining 48 (42%) of the sample were negative for Listeria species. (6) The study shows that L. monocytogenes and other Listeria species are common contaminant of smoked fish, and this may pose serious public health implications. (Salihu et al., 2008) (Adapted from: Štěpánek, L., deHaaf, J., Hradilová, A.(2011): p.172;) 4. Read the abstracts above again and identify words or groups of words in each sentence that determine the sentence function. 5. Read the two paragraphs below and decide which of them follow the necessary conventions of an abstract. a) The paper will attempt to find out by way of a survey and assessment of how the half-tone process (a technique used in printing to reproduce the full range of tones in a photograph or other illustration) was used in popular journals by women photographers such as Margaret Steel, Joyce Monroe, Cecilia Beeley, Jane Allen-Banks, Ida Heloc, and Mable Star, among others. The paper tries to explain how the photographers had to master and understand the way in which the process affected a disintegration and lightening of tonal areas of the photograph when printed, and how they had to, then, consider this when developing the photograph print prior to processing. The paper may apply Feminist theory and see weather in fact women were better able to adjust to the demands of the new technology than men or not. I will use a great many high-resolution images of half-tone prints to make my points clearer. b) This publication examines how Western publishing houses have entered the Chinese magazine market. Based on the industrial economics approach, the aim is to identify a successful market entry strategy into an emerging media market regarding entry timing, entry mode, entry process, and product choice. Applying a qualitative, exploratory approach, comparative case studies are used as primary research method and the market entries of four Western publishing houses are analyzed. Findings reveal that an early entry with cooperative entry modes and choosing a successful cooperation partner are important factors in the entry strategy. Further, an incremental expansion process and choosing a global brand that has already been successful world-wide facilitates the market entry. Obtaining general experience in internationalization and near-market experience could be identified as crucial issues for entering an emerging media market. (Strube, 2010) c) Let us first explain that interest in the relationship between health behaviours and academic achievement has recently intensifyed in the face of an epidemic of childhood and adolescent obesity and converging school reforms in the United States and other nations with advanced economies, such UK, France, Germany, Canada, Italy or Australia. Epidemiologic research has demonstrated that poor diet and luck of adequate physical activity place childrens at risk for being overwaight and obese and thus influence future health status. Additional research has also shown that childrens and adolescents whose diets are nutritious and whose participation in physical activity is high tend to perform better on various measures of cognitive performance and academic achievement. We tried to analyse cross-sectional survey data from some 5000 or 6000 Icelandic school childrens. Our idea and finally the goal of the research was to explore the relationship between selected health behaviours and academic achievement. Body mass index, diet and physical activity explained up to 24% of the variance in academic achievement when controlling for gender, parental education, family structure, absenteeism and some other things. If we added depressed mood and self-esteem to the model, variance explained might increase to 27%, but we are not really sure about the role of physical activity. Although not really excellent, these findings are consistent with some previous work and affirm the complexity of the relationship of health to academic achievement. 6. Suggest changes that will reduce the length of this abstract (176 words) to the requested maximum of 170 words: What binds the Western Balkans to the Caucasus is, among other issues, certainly an extremely challenging legacy of the past. Dissolution of two respective multinational states – the Soviet Union and Socialist Yugoslavia in the beginning of 1990s – introduced ethno-nationalist conflicts on a large scale. While the Yugoslav crisis ended in 1999 after FRY was bombed by NATO during its Kosovo campaign, the Caucasus still remains a conflict-ridden region where Russian and Western influences keep colliding. In that respect, the point of this article is to present an analytical comparison of the three respective regional conflicts - Kosovo, Abkhazia and South Ossetia – by enumerating and analyzing similarities and differences among them as this proves to be one of the current and more intriguing issues of the contemporary international political scene. In that respect, this article is aimed at providing answers to two different issues: Did Kosovo’s independence influence the establishment of a specific political pattern applicable to other disputed regions, and, on the other hand, to what degree are the cases in question comparable to each other? (Dordevic, 2010)