H 11*, ffiĚ l, ír laWTrŤ1 ťŤ1 Lat ea L\ H H l,-fra /=; & á§bLJ iFý -2 !-F e Practice the example, and then ask your partner if he/she has ever done the following things. Example: go toTokyo :ié&i Lr --žA : jF H l='frc Ť=C & á§ó t) tt h, "L\ B : í*Lr. ftat:; & á§bL) tt " & (t,í:ť{Pá\TVt=" / ,rr\ž,&rÉ;& á§ĎrJ tr*o" &ár.rra.-ý" 1. goto foreign countries 7. see alapanese festival 3. read Japanese comic books 9. write a haiku 5. climb a high mountain 11. (your own) 3Hlļ- ffiĚI. ru Etn7?Ť,흍1 Ll?t) L! iF H l:fic í:;t á§btJ ?Fý -2 !-F a Practice the example, and then ask your partner if he/she has ever done the following things. Example: go to Tokyo . ti*&a Lr A : jF H l=ftcŤ:z & á§óu) *thl"Lr B : í*L\. ftzt=z} áróq *Ť " l (ůl:#tPá\TLl=.,/ L\L\ž. haŤ:z& á§ó L) 3;1-/v" #áí.urcť. 2. ďo a bungee jump (lVž-ž+>J) 8. work part time 4. travel alone 10. see a UFO( a-7 /--) 6. cut classes 12. (your o!vn)