第 10 課・練習 V 追加アクティビティ 涼 すず しくなりましたね(会 かい 話 わ 練 れん 習 しゅう ) In pairs, talk using ~なる. Expand the conversation. Example: It has become cool. → A:涼 すず しくなりましたね。 B:そうですね。もう秋 あき ですね。 A: 私 わたし は季 き 節 せつ の中 なか で秋 あき がいちばん好 す きです。 B:そうですか。 1. The room has become clean. 2. Your partner’s hair has become short. 3. You and your partner have become busy. 4. Your partner was sick, but now he/she has become well. 5. The weather has become good. 6. John (your friend) went to his home country and you have become lonely. 7. Your partner’s Japanese has become good.