Lesson 24 | $24f£ | a -7 h 1 H - 4- J5*\f (to get up, to happen) (to stand up) (to turn, to be bent) fail (to begin) (to finish) ~£ Vt> (to wake, to cause (to set up something (to bend something-fatbh (to begin something/ (to finish something) — 12 — Lesson 24 - y h 2 2-1 . jI^CD*^ rise initiate jo-^t (10) á! |3(£)c*& to get up, to rise fe(.fc).I& to happen, to occur ^(ia)^*?" to cause, to wake someone up |£jl(§s • O"^1)"^"^ to stand up sleep (13) r r r to sleep ift^l (L^ ■ L-"^1) a bedroom SECfcO^'l" to put (a child)to sleep 3§L A• fiv*• L ^) a sleeping car \ play, fun . wander (12) > r $I(#>Ý).£ to play $E|Hitk($> 1 • k-h'%) an amusement park Hit If play, recreation 265 266 267 — 13 — Lesson 24 stand establish tz-i /tzh- })y : \ W \L{tz)-3 to stand Sj£(*I < • tyo) national ALt§j(tzh • tf) a standpoint &£(L-l9o) private 269 seat (10) r p M(tt>)2> to sit a seat JEM*("£^ ' i£)~tZ> to sit up straight; to sit in the formal Japanese style use (8) f 1^(07)0-9 to use, to employ 'Kffl ( L •<£-)) "t £ to use i$L(~Dfr)^^(j)*fz) way of using/directions for use ^^(/^ • L) an ambassador *6 begin start lii:-*.^ (8) i I- $p(!it)^ to start ■ L)1"£ to begin £nOi£)tf>£ to start something ^(L-ii^) the first tram — 14 — Lesson 24 end io-X.& (11) f f r 1fc(t$)t>& to end $■!!( t«> "9 ' "CA,) the last train $Kfc);i& to finish something $£,'&(L*'? ■ "CA,) the terminus lend rent (12) / i to lend, to rent (*> A, • v > v a > a rental LdtS (fz) L loaning out condomunium «■ borrow rent (10) } \ r it fW»)H to borrow ftffl#(L*< • <£ -9 * Li) an IOU fH^(L^o • £ A) a debt return back (7) r aS(3&»x.)1" to return i!fa(^A • LA)1~ & to reply (by letter) iS^^A, • D) an answer il'i^^A • $ to return, to pay back — 15 — Lesson 24 send (9) at &(fc <) h to send &BU£(-£9 • • m>) a farewell party ^Li&ifr * & O & to see someone off j^4(-?" 9 * 0 f), -B#|S&Kj££LT<£$V\, 7. i£J£rt*& < TJ^ftä^-^L/jT^, io-Ctt^MäL/:, 2-3. 1. to start (learning) Japanese 2. to finish one's work - 2£ . to lend a car 4 . to rent a room 5. to pay back i ( £3 6. to get up 7. to sleep 8. to stand 9. to sit on a chair ■2> fa 4 10. to play 11. to use chopsticks Uli 12. to send a package to 17 — Lesson 24 1. the last train 2. a sleeping car 3. a seat 4 . a reply 4$ LA, L- tg> -9 4. a national university 6. loaning out 7. to see someone off Cl< &£&§^50^.£&te&£T*li£^*tu£1-( Lesson 24 IZ7 h 3 1- <-B<7)£>£> Read the following interview script and fill in the chart below. ^yt'iT- r(2&, -^-Ct^o (tri a job) \tnm^thKX~tfr0i 'On'ar- fx\ im^^mt-r^oj %U j£A Civ^i a lover) fc^fci^U Itr^r ^ L"C (to idle one's time away) tJ£i""oj I I I I I I I II i I I I I I I 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 [mm] ± 2 ^ FEB. sa 14 " 45 (* 9 ] o 11 12 | ^ 3 4 5 h r H 9 1011121$ s-oo 1 U MON « U 10 ] 1 12 1 1 :i 4 5 6 7 & •* in Hi?. ■17 * 9 10 1112 1 I 3 4 S P " « 9 10 1112 re m l—' ^ b-00 T^X^ f | ^ 18,: H' * J,' 11 12 1 > ■ 1 ' f: 7 (* <* ic. 1) V2 l 9 FRI " Ic 1 1 1 LJ 1 1 -1 '• r, 7 8 1 1 12 20 *, It' I 1 1 .< -a J. ' h 7 H <* 10 I) \2 1 1 Sl-S^fi Useful words (Hn) =^§SClt getting up ( L *9> L A,) = ^S^Cli: going to bed meeting submission i££P § * <) return a training camp start finish