Lesson 25 I -7h 1 r> Z K L # B^Vtt) an engagement ring ^ wedding ceremony — 21 — Lesson 25 (V) j means 'Japanese'. See the following words. mm mm in &<) Lo) Li) Li <) jo* - L) Japanese style Japanese clothes = ^r$9 Japanese style room Japanese books Japanese food Japanese sweets Japanese poetry with 5-7-5-7-7 syllables (3»))j means 'Western'. (J; -9 • &m u o • a*) L^) Western style < ) Western style clothes Lo) Western style room L i ) foreign books L i <) Western food • #f • L) a cake L*9>) foreign liquors «-> H^fS'O'ItiA,- L$>) Japanese liquors a foreign film <-» ?|5H ((5 -) ■ Japanese film fcffll* (A gift) A special envelope with a ceremonial red and white cord is used to make a monetary gift. You write r||l^ (feOfoO, a gift) j or r^f (Z. felicitations) j and your name on the envelope. You may use an envelope with a gold or a silver cord, but the left edge of the envelope must always be red. You should not use a similar kind of envelope which has a green or grey edge, as this is used to make an offering of money to departed spirits. People write rHMttl (^T tlO -if A/, to before the spirit of the departed)j on the envelope and offer it at funerals. — 22 — J.--y h 21- 2-1. m^owz-fi Lesson 25 1* fcfc connect 1 conclude (12) i k f r #n(t>"t~)^ to bind, to connect I^Oto • 3 A,) marriage ItiraOto • *>A,) aconciusion a result 4 wedding (11) k I if &*#0to • £ to get married lf«fT ( • - ^ • *9 j: • - n ) £i#J (CIA. • <)f ä to get engaged a honeymoon II separate (19) >- IT I* 1 n % sc SI ((i &) ft & to separate Slit ( 0 • - A,) 1" £ to divorce to part, to detach SÜÄK^o • J}) separation — 23 — Lesson 25 280 281 81* % seat -fe* (10) r f f % a seat Jh^S(L-Tv^^-|) a reserved seat (L* o • to attend ^($'--££) a seat defect lack fr- < (4) &(#*)lt& to be missing, to be short of ft,£,(tto • TAv) a fault £J$0to •-££)"t£ to be absent previous preparatory a (4) ■"?ae( & to decide ^jjfc (TP ■ Li () a set meal 7Eil("Cl^ • i/^/l) an admission limit ^eIKT^ • § ) a commuter's pass — 24 — Lesson 25 < ^ i: ^ *>3; (JBJ&) ocean occidental 37 (9) / / w / / /-*" m$ • X n) the West (t n ■ I i) the East, the Orient miill • & <) Western clothes J: "9 • Li <) Western food ceremony formula, style (6) a^(L^) a ceremony, a formula ^( It o • - A • L § ) a wedding &5£(£o • L§) a formula IEÄL£) & formal, official peace sum, Japanese (8) / f #n • b) peace * Li <) Japanese food %l(t>) harmony, sum, total ftlJIIiUto •-5» <) Japanese kimono vivid vigor * 7 / il "J -(9) > \ X 'S / / / ±rS(-£^ • life, living f£&0&»o • tfo) & active 1 ^(^>o • C) printed type r&Äj(5&*o • ) activity — 25 — Lesson 25 2-2. mfrwm 1. *£*g5t 2. ffiir*-£ 3. £JTf£ 4. fn^ 5. 6. ^ 7. 8. mast* 9- ^ io. wmm 2. Wli-^lii^^t^o 3. -i-n-i—B^tzh^m^z^i-^o 5. ^fi^-at^f), £BMfo£0 tA. It-; 7. ^^^^^iCt^-fo I'll have the fixed menu with grilled fish. 8 ^^^^SttiT^^L-C^Jto I live away from my father and mother. — 26 — Lesson. 25 2-3. mzmw 1. marriage 2. divorce 3. to attend 1"S (to L kp o (to 4. to be absent 5. Western food and Japanese food 6. the East and the West I 11 t L± < h L ± < i9=t9 -ti-l^ -el-0 — 28 — 3-~y h 3 Lesson 25 •C A1* 'J — • h >7°V > 2003^ 6^90 *#^f the usual first form of address in a Japanese letter, like 'Dear Sir' in English (Usually some seasonal greeting such as r£trV> "C-f fcoj , r=£ < Wti^ £1~faoj and so on follow.) £"C, Well; Now (The main topic of the letter starts after this conjunction.) ~Hov»T about ~; with regard to ~ ~ (sentence in plan form) i*SE"C"t*0 I'm planning to ~ a gift, a present ~ 0^o-3~§ etc. rV>)W£s-f rLTVf Jtaj etc. r^L^-tf^OHl/:^ t itz^ti. ^^"C-toj etc. (D*i : r$Tj rtZz^t:j^t"-V^i6X, £fltb-£(news), (question), (requesth fcftv* (thanks), &t>lf (apology), L «t "9 fcl'* (invitation) & k* r^@^^^^^^^L^^LTV^toj r£ «t -9 £bj etc. ®^&*&t>2>Z.ktf: r&Jlr Ot^Oj r^ T * 7 ) j etc. — 30 —