Lesson 30 I m3om I -v V 1 g6t - 5- (Radicals -5-) 3:. 5. 7. \ Uio.oool Ho 2. Jf § &5 Stf5 6. 8. -Xg? — 73 — Lesson 30 3--y h 2 2 - 1 . Jl^ffSlfr finger point out ' ■ - .........— 3-t (9) t Jt^tf) a finger • W) a thumb to point at ?h7eS ( L • "C l> • it § ) a reserved seat 336 - fold break £-£ -fey (7) t t ft _I to fold, to break £#f (■? •right turn #f(£)*)*ftOW paper folding £#f(£ • -£o) left turn 337 pay (5) t jLi&h) i to pay BiJtZXi x. • (£"o) ^ payment in advance ^IZ, (L • (i -9 • L «t) 1~ & to send a letter to the editor 7 ■ L)"t£ to invest ■ t*) a pitcher strike hit 1 - -o (5) *T(?)o to hit preliminary meeting IT ) a percussion instrument %(tz • L*) a batter deep &fr-tb%> (11) X J / A 'A $1 deep (^ ^) *6 £ to deepen i^l^T^)^ to become deep '/^ft ( L A- • ^) midnight wash (9) / / cjfc $t(hh)l to wash #fc#J(-£A, • $V) detergent rjfeffi^f* «6A • Cl) = fc#*jfc(X ■ & £>) ^ a washroom, a toilet Lesson 30 343 344 j)\L stream (10) N X % / / J / .-- ?jt£(^^)tl a stream flitfr ( 0 tf> O ' l) fashion ftl{%-t)i)tl2> to stream wftil (^ 9 • o 9 to circulate diminish erase if-t (10) V / -1 I > / M to disappear fBf (Li ^ to consume f£0t)"t to remove llH'XiL X l • fr)-fh to extinguish fire determine (7) / J to decide &^(tto • to determine ifckOto " L/v)~t~& to make up one's mind 345 2-2. BE*ltB 1. fro 2. &lf& 3. iff* 4. ft? 5. tfci — 76 — Lesson 30 6. mii> 7. fetz 8. mtih 9. 10. n. íí/ŕ i2. že iff i3. h. í« is. mmm 2. fôÄ7'-At:o^TÍŕFíicfé»L^o "v 5. $ri>^BfcíTifc£< £LT, fé^iK&o/jc — 77 — Lesson 30 2-3. S# i. n\zmM%%&ixti%z^a 1. to hit a nail 2. to throw a ball 3. to pay money 4. to bend one's fingers 5. to wash one's hands 6. a stream i x ft ft** 7. deep 8 to decide the plan 9 . to turn off the light 0. □ Kai^&jil^£A;fifc$v\3 1. payment 2. payment in advance 3. a preliminary meeting 4. to turn left=left turn 5. to turn right=right turn HZ> = 6. a reserved seat Lesson 30 7. to invest 8. to write a letter to the paper IZ L to L t 9 L J; a washroom 10 . midnight 11 . Black is in fashion. to a, i; ± < h V) 9 7 Z 9 o 12. the circulation of goods 13. to decide pnn<7) 1"* = Li 9 0^ 0 19) 9^9 It-3 TO 1. WBot, H^Mll)c 5. rr3 tfrh 5M^^^"LotH^W^^;^t^t, 6. It^WU^iiJtUt'HLi^oto 7. Zi*&fr 0^"Cli, -#A£v^£ r&j tv>v> it. %