fp"i£[j^Z> The Folkta,e Kasajizo (to live) fit (-rts) to uv4 i±F)t (->"i'?i'3) address (7) > \ \* T ft f* f£ -> 3 (right) £iEfl (#5" s New Yea* 1U> (/tAfLu) right (5) - T T ,T Jb (year) (n-y*>-K-f) third-year Student (7-i%>) next year (CfcL) this year jf- (tL) year (C) ' " f f= ^ (to sell) (-55) to sell •vVfi ('^7» stand; stall (7) - * * .* A ^ * (to buy) SI to buy R^'-fe (AHifew) shopping (12) i n n n w p (town) raj (*%) towrj ihJjBJ (3 fcJf> & f- 3 t>) Kitayama town aT"ft {-J- 3 0 -f- 3 mayor of a town (7) i n m m o r* wj H ■RLV.) (4-AUi) long -f-3^ (lon.i>) ■StJS Oa •> + >) one's first son (8) ' r r p Jl ^. £ ^ 2i At (way) jg. way: road #i£ (^3 K^7) calligraphy 3k$L VJo-^Y^) judo ibj&it (*7*-f K1)) Hokkaido M . - * f ft ft * f t 5t i| -try (snow) i g -y (to stand) ! IF («0 S) snow ftfrff (S< > -k -V) new snow i(ll) rF* rp- rcF* nP* ri^ i it-O (fco) to stand HAA^ (3? !) -y?4it9) national university | frjtS^c (') "V 3 >> n >>) private high school 15) ' H# (->':/>> oneself (^K^V^) automobile (^7->i^*-) bicycle (self) (© ' r ft ft n t 1 5 (night) j & night midnight 4^1 (3>^) tonight S.3 •f-3-y (morning) (8) /- r r # # «. ($>£) morning (It 5) tliis morning (f - a $ 5< 3 ?) breakfast I (to hold) (12) * 4 S I f |) |J] || tohold tt-jt^ o (tot <&) to bring f>t#on (va->*h>) belongings (9) t r r ^ ^ # # (In this chart, katakiM indicates the on'yomi and hiragana indicates the kun'yonu.)