304) «11114 ;>0 -BUZZ: is E S S 0 N Looking for Friends "1 4 (hand) (X&frY letter Sft^ singer + (T) hand ^ii (i'lV) sign language Jt4-%" (">' 3 '> "<;J-') good at (4) " " ^ & (paper) ("CAW letter 1ft paper jfajf*; ('7^) Japanese paper m < * * t i $ r # # ** (favorite; lo like) *f (T§'S) to like if ift (33"f) good will (CMA) liking; taste (« i. i i r «j *f it %¥ \> (near) i.i< (*>'*>•><) nearby i£.P>T (-1r>v-i> neighborhood jRit (+M+>) recently + itA (fa^Vb1)) the Middle and Near East (7) ' f f- ft "ft ift it (bright) 9JJ5^ (*A>*1>) cheerful; bright Hfl H (h L fc) tomorrow t)LHfl (-fe 'V ^ -f ) explanation (8) 1 n H H B) Bfl HJJ HJf ft (ill; sick) (t'3 7(>) hospital ^sS. (t' a 'V-t) illness iklft (yi^t'j')) serious illness ( + i'Vt'a'7) sudden illness (w) ■ r f f f° ^ ^ BE A v (institution) 4ft P/t (fj')-fy) hospital *.^r5t graduate school A'&Itg (t' 3 <7 -f >) beauty parlor (ID t p f p' p- p* p£ gjj m TO (to reflect) B^iS (x i it) movie a&ilj£t (x^f >) movie theater (-)-;&) to be reflected (9) 1 n H H B' B" B» B& ft 77* (picture) (i -f #) movie iS'^. (# painter f+i® 0"f.*-#) pis 1 tz f] (to sing) (8) ifi I i ll i fe. song WHl (~')tz'>) to sing (* -> t- ) singer BR (3-y*) national anthem 5. "■ ■•■ « » ? | f f f" sfc (1-1) V5 (city) _ (place) .'l|OTfJ (W)('i;.y) Kawaguehi city TfJ'xF't (W^-Va) city hall #jb ('*'*•■ '» mayor "fp-# (uiili*) market (5) v, v,1*^ =i:3ff (V>;5^S5i^Hi5) various places 2&P^.aj neighborhood r£i^f (/-(t'C6) kitchen '±P)f (v^^a) address (8) f f' Ft (to make efforts) (strong) !irl5£l"5 (^>*3'7'r-S) to study ' J&<6 -5 to try hard Wbj&ti (*>^>*) diligent ~ 5 r S~ « • ? fL h & ?&®.-fi (riP* b ifrt^i to study ®V> (-}£(.>) strong Jliti (^^v a "7 4") obstinate 5 r y ^ ^ 5»" lar?£ mi i (to exist) 'J 3 (I ravel) ^fg^- (i^x-f4-) famous ^•fif (a.^ i) a toll; fee o (•» 5) to exist JlflT (Ho37) travel Illlt O 3*>) inn —A.*il rot'Jt-tf) traveling alone ; * y r r ft Hf (In this chart, hutukium indicates the on'yomi and hiragana indicates the kun'yomi.)