Group A Group B Lesson 9 Martina Lucy Lesson 10 David Kamil Barbara Lesson 11 Vojtech Klaudia Viki Lesson 12 Simona Milica Klara Bianka Lesson 13 Dominika Bara 大维 瑞亚 Lesson 14 Lucy Aneta Lesson 15 Kristian Jan Zuzanna Kristina Instructions 1. The exercises should be in the form of a test with several sections of questions. 2. Some types of questions are listed below for reference. You could create your own as well. 1) multiple choice 2) true/false 3) matching 4) short answer / fill-in-the-blank 3. Please, as a group, submit your questions before 23:59 on 3rd May to my email with “Lesson X” as the subject. 4. Your questions should cover all content of one lesson.