3 33 33,333 'Sri: 33 '03:ti'0ri: 33,333 '03iti I '0ri: I '6auznd | '8ri: I 'hAndrad I n '83iti I '8ri: Arthur Smith, | a thick-set, healthy athlete | sees three thieves | throw a thong | round Thea's throat | and threaten to throttle her 'a:6a 'smi8 | 9 '8ikset 'hel0i 'ae8li:t | siiz '0ri: '0i:vz | '0rau a 'Gdq I raund '0iaz 'Graut | an '0retij ta '0rotl a | He throws one thug | to earth | with a thud | that shakes his teeth Both the other thieves run off) with a filthy oath | hi 'Grauz 'waii '0Ag | tu '3:0 | wid a 0Ad | dat 'Jeiks iz 'ti:0 'bau0 di 'A6a '0i:vz Vaii 'of I wi5 a 'fil0i 'au0 I Thea | thanks Arthur | for thrashing the three thugs | '0ia '0aegks 'a:0a | fa 'Braejirj 6a '0ri: '0Agz | 6i a hand a 'haend a map a 'maep a stamp a 'staemp a flag a 'flaeg a tank a 'taerjk a jazz band a 'd3aez ,baend a fat man | clapping | his hands | a 'fast 'maen | 'klaepin, | iz 'haendz a black cat | catching a fat rat | a 'blaek 'kaet | 'kaetfig a 'fast 'raet Anne | has plaits | and black slacks, j Harry | has a hacking jacket Harry and Anne | are standing | hand-in-hand | 'aen | haez 'plaets | an 'blaek 'slaeks ) 'haeri | (haez a 'haskirj ,d3aekit j 'haeri and 'aen | a 'staendirj | 'haend in 'haend | 18 Pet apat one man many men "Pet a'past 'wAn'maen 'mem'men Jack has a check Jack's Czech friend | Franz | Franz's French friend j cap I in his hand | is very expansive | is very expensive ] 'd3aek haez 3 'tjek d3aeks 'tjek 'frend | 'fraents | 'frasntsiz ( 'frentj | 'frend | 'k32p in iz'haend I iz'veri ik'spaensiv | iz'veri iks'pensiv | 19