Vocabulary development – U18 1. to produce the opera, rehearsal and dress rehearsal, all stars cast, famous soloists, the main role is played by…, the names on posters, queue at the cash office, the director has the major share in the success, the conductor bows to the audience, enthusiastic audience, reward the performance with wild applause, applaud for five minutes, give the actress a bouquet, good actors performances, costumes and decorations, have very good reviews, talk about a great impression from the play, be very favourite for the audience, the taste of the theater visitors is different, playwright, humorous dialogue, funny situation, boring story, the play will be on the play list for the long time, the billet for upper circle, the curtain goes up, the lights went out 2. It is worth repeating. It needs ironing. This boy deserves to be hit ( He wants to be cared by someone. This room wants to be painted again. 3. Where did you have this dress sewed? Why did you have this homework done by your classmate? We had not our announcements printed. He had told his fortune. Translate 5 1. Inscenovat operu – produce the opera 2. Zkouška a generálka – rehearsal and dress rehearsal 3. Obsazení samými známými herci – all stars cast 4. Proslulí sólisté – well known soloists 5. V hlavní roli hraje….. – playing the lead by…. 6. Jména na plakátech – the name on the theatre bills 7. Fronta u pokladny – no queques at the box office 8. Režisér má hlavní podíl na úspěchu – the director has the major share in the success 9. Dirigent se uklání obecenstvu – the conductor acknowledge the audience 10. Nadšení diváci – enthusiastic audience 11. Odměnit herce bouřlivým potleskem – reward the performance with wild applause 12. Tleskat 5 minut – clap for five minute 13. Dát herečce kytici – give a bouquet for prime ballerina 14. Dobré herecké výkony – good actors performances 15. Kostýmy a dekorace – costumes and decoration 16. Mít velmi dobré kritiky – have a good reviews 17. Mluvit o hlubokém dojmu ze hry – talk about a great impression from the play 18. Být velmi oblíben u obecenstva – be very favourite for audience 19. Vkus divadelních návštěvníků se liší – one´s man meat is another man´s poison 20. Současný dramatik – contemporary playwright 21. Vtipní dialog – the dialogue is witty 22. Směšná situace – funny situation 23. Nudný příběh – boring story