SEMINAR 6 Travelling – Answer Key Task 1 The airport is your first stop before leaving on your dream vacation or trip. Generally speaking, you should arrive at the airport with plenty of time to spare. Don’t arrive 10 minutes before your plane departs. You can park your car in long-term parking if you are planning to be away for a few days, or you can ask someone to drop you off in the loading zone right in front of the airport terminal. In some cases, you can check your bags there at curb-side, or you might have to go to the check-in counter inside the airport. Many airports now allow you to check in at a computer kiosk, but you will still need to check your bags if you have any. Once you are checked in, you will have to pass through security where they will check your ID and your carry-on bags. You will also need to walk through a metal detector, which will check for illegal items. After you pass through security, you can walk to the gate where you can wait to board your flight. Just wait until they call your section to board. They usually seat first-class passengers and those who need assistance first. Enjoy your flight. Task 2 Začátek formuláře 1. The A. flight attendants will be serving food and beverages after the plane reaches its cruising altitude. 2. After the plane lands, you can pick up your luggage at the B. baggage claim area. 3. If the cabin loses pressure during flight, you should put on your C. oxygen mask so you can breathe comfortably. Task 3 1. Who is probably making the announcement? c) a ticket agent 2. What is the ultimate destination of the flight? c) Caracas 3. What change has been announced? b) the gate number 4. What are the current weather conditions outside? c) It’s hailing 5. What time will the plane depart? d) 8.45 p.m. Task 5 1) Power is often thought of as a dangerous concept. 2) It should be noted that economic union does not necessarily mean political union. OR The fact that economic union does not necessarily mean political union should be noted. 3) Examples of inequality within cities can be found in both rich and poor countries. OR Examples of inequality within cities in both rich and poor countries can be found. 4) The distinction between government policy and economic reality is made clear in this essay. OR There is a distinction between government policy and economic reality, which is made clear in this essay. 5) Social conditions as well as the economic situation should be taken into account. Task 6 1) Firstly, I (A) will consider the social and economic reasons why it is important to (B) focus on traditional subjects at university; this (C) will be followed by an analysis of why sufficient breadth in the university curriculum (D) cannot be provided by a narrow focus on subjects such as engineering. 2) This essay (A) examines the importance of science, medicine, and technology in today's globalized economy, and (B) discusses the extent to which universities (C) can be expected to reflect this reality, before moving on to (D) look at some of the long-term implications. Task 8 'Most tourists are unlikely to learn very much about the countries they visit.' In the 18^th and early 19^th centuries, tourism was centred on trips such as 'Grand Tours' of Europe for the rich elite. With the development of the industrial revolution in the 19^th century came mass-market tourism. For example, in the UK the workers in factories and mines would go in large numbers to newly-built, affordable resorts on the coast and lakes. From the 1960s onwards, with the arrival of jumbo jets, mass- market tourism became internationalized. Tourism has been a strong growth industry since that time, but only in the 21^st century has it begun its global domination. What was formerly an industry centred on the older industrialized continents of Europe and North America has steadily shifted as significant numbers of Asians visit Europe and North America. These developments have in turn accelerated the appreciation, and perhaps criticism, of other cultures. It seems likely that growing numbers of international tourists will continue to gain insights into new cultures, and these issues are consequently important for the understanding of today's globalized culture and economy. This essay investigates the extent to which a broad understanding of other countries is achieved, and in which specific areas, such as culture and history, it may be possible. The first part of the essay focuses on the globalized nature of tourism, before moving on to assess the degree to which the majority of tourists effectively learn about the countries they visit. Task 11 1 the connection between intelligence and experience 2 the relative importance of each type of intelligence 4 the different types of intelligence Task 12 The four features can be any of the following: 1 a reference to the title and the introduction, including the thesis statement 2 a reference to the main points in the body of the essay as expressed by the topic sentences 3 a summary of the key points of the essay 5 suggestions, comments, or recommendations for the future 6 a reference to research carried out 7 a reference to findings or results 8 a statement of any limitations (i.e. the focus) of the discussion Task 13 A-3; B-1; C-4; D-5; E-2